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''See also: [[Lael_Rosek/Biography]]''
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!  colspan="3" style="background:black; color:white; padding:0.5em 0em; border-radius: 0px 20px 0px 0px;"|<font color=#ffffff>'''STARFLEET SERVICE RECORD'''</font>
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2366'''
{| border='0' cellspacing='0'
|valign=top|'''Born on Earth:''' Lael was born on stardate 236610.24 in Cedar Springs, Michigan.
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2370'''
|valign=top|'''Jiu-Jitsu:''' On stardate 237011.04, Lael enrolled in Jiu-Jitsu training to learn how to defend herself against a bully at school who tormented her because of her alien heritage.
!  colspan="5" style="background:#000; height:1px;" |
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2380'''
|valign=top|'''FFE:''' Lael joined her school's FFE club because of her interest in animals and nature. She took home several first and second place ribbons from competitions. She was most respected for her expertise in plant hybridization.
!  colspan="5" style="background:#212F3D; height:1px;" |
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2381'''
|valign=top|'''Finishing School:''' On stardate, 238102.15, Lael's mother enrolled her in finishing school with Lael's knowledge, threatening to sell Lael's favorite horse if she didn't attend the classes and take them seriously.
! style="background:#212F3D; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[File:SFA-Engineering.png|Starfleet Academy Engineering|100px]]
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2382'''
! colspan="3" style="background:#212F3D;" |239002.10 &mdash; 239002.17<br>Starfleet Academy Cadet<br><sub>'''Major:''' ''Engineering, Helm/Communications/Operations'' &bull;  '''Minor:''' ''Physics''<br> &mdash; {{whitelink|Lael_Rosek/AcademyTranscript|Academy Transcript}} &mdash;
|valign=top|'''Top Marks:''' Shortly after the start of her sophomore year of high school (238208.30), Lael is initiated into her school's National Honor Society. During her time with NHS, she worked with such cause-based organizations as The Association for Conflict Resolution and The Peace Education Foundation.  
! style="background:#212F3D; width:120px;" |[[File:UFP.png|115px]]
!  colspan="5" style="background:#212F3D; height:1px;" |
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2385'''
|valign=top|'''Almost A Queen:''' Lael's charming personality earned her the admiration of many and, in her senior year, earned her a nomination for homecoming queen. The weeks leading up to the final vote were difficult. She endured a great deal of bullying from the other candidate, Mallory Haines, in an attempt to pressure Lael to drop out of the race. In the end, when the votes were announced on stardate 238505.05, Lael lost to Mallory by only one vote.
'''High School Graduate:''' On stardate 238505.25, Lael graduated from high school Magna Cum Laude and was asked to give the graduation speech when the valedictorian became violently ill the day before graduation.
'''Starfleet Academy:''' On stardate 238507.07, Lael learned that she'd been accepted into Starfleet Academy. Caving to pressure from her mother, she selected the Command Track with the hope of having her own ship someday.
'''Friends From The Start:''' While wandering around on the first day of classes lost, Lael bumped into Ivina Genestra. The two became fast friends and within a month of beginning her Starfleet training (stardate 238509.16), Ivina introduced Lael to her friends Michael Zola and Aidia Carter.
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2386'''
|valign=top|'''Crushed Dreams:''' During the spring of her first year at the Academy (stardate 238603.14), Lael was required to attend a mandatory psychological evaluation after her instructors and peers expressed concerns over her erratic behavior. The evaluation revealed that she was experiencing psychological trauma due to viewing and reading about torture. She was immediately dropped from the Command Track and nearly kicked out of the Academy.
'''A Change of Plans:''' Lael was allowed to continue at the Academy on stardate 238608.17, but had to select another major and attend counseling sessions each week as well as regular physicals to determine her fitness for duty. Her passion for fixing things and for science lead her to an Engineering and Helm/Comm/Operations dual major with a minor in Physics.
!  colspan="5" style="background:#212F3D; height:1px;" |
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2387'''
|valign=top|'''Another Boulder:''' After breaking up with girlfriend Ivina, Lael was devastated. Her close friends coerced her into a rock climbing trip up Mount Whitney. However, the trip ended in tragedy when her climbing partner, Michael, wanted to go up a dangerous face and didn't anchor the piton into the rock properly. It came loose and sent both plunging to their deaths. Lael survived by falling onto a ledge and was paralyzed from the waist down due to a serious fracture of her lower spine.
'''An Unusual Beginning:''' About a week after her accident (238706.14), Lael met [[Elina Kincade]], who was Lael's nurse at the time. The two gradually became friends and Elina continued to support Lael through her recovery.
'''New Hope:''' Told by her doctors that she'd never walk again with serious assistance due to the severity and location of her injury, Lael fell into a deep depression that not even those closest to her could pull her out of. It wasn't until she was approached by a civilian doctor that she saw a glimmer of hope for a future that didn't involve a wheelchair or other assistive device. She was the first Humanoid to receive a highly controversial nanotechnology spinal repair treatment (stardate 238707.09).
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2388'''
! style="background:#343434; width:160px;" |
|valign=top|'''Back In Action:''' On stardate 238801.17, Lael enters her third year at the Academy.
! style="background:#343434; width:210px;" |
! style="background:#343434; width:110px;" |
! style="background:#343434; width:140px;" |
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2389'''
|valign=top|'''An Opportunity of A Lifetime:''' Lael is selected for and begins her Engineering Apprenticeship with the Field Training program aboard Starbase 118 (238901.17).
'''Could It Be Love?:''' One night, Lael goes out for drinks with some colleagues and meets Jensar Berel, a Betazoid diplomat (238905.24).
'''Tying The Knot:''' After dating for six months, Lael and Jensar elope on Risa against the wishes of both their families (238911.03).
|valign=top width=80|&#9664; <font size=3>'''2390'''
|valign=top|'''An Ending:''' After only six months of marriage, Jensar is called home to replace his brother on the Betazed council and Lael is forced to choose between her husband and her career. She chooses her career and the two file for divorce (239004.08).
'''Not Ready:''' After the heartbreak of her divorce, Lael wasn't ready for another serious relationship, but also was lonely. She met Alva Tigan at a bar on Starbase 118. They hit it off and Lael was lonely, so the two entered a no strings attached arrangement (239007.25)
'''Another Sad Ending:''' Alva receives news that she's been selected as a host. She asks Lael to be her girlfriend, but Lael is still hurting over Jensar and says no. Alva, disappointed and hurt, ends their arrangement and leaves for Trill (239101.12).
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[[Category:Lael Rosek]]
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<div class="mw-customtoggle-LittleNav2" style="cursor:pointer">[[File:LittleNav.png|200px|link=|title=LittleNav]]<div style="clear:both"></div></div>
{{AwardDisplayTable|NAME=Lael Rosek|COLLAPSED=n
|{{AwardTable|TITLE=Service Awards|STARDATE=y
|{{AwardHeaderVariant|Academy Commandant Andrus Jaxx|Starfleet Academy}}
|{{AwardRow|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|239201.15}}
|{{AwardHeaderVariant|Captain Nugra|{{USS|Victory}}}}
|{{AwardRow|Prisoner of War Ribbon|2392|ROWSPAN=5}}
|{{AwardRow|Silver Lifesaving Ribbon}}
|{{AwardRow|Purple Heart|NUM=1|DISP=Purple Heart (1st Citation)}}
|{{AwardRow|Medical Science Ribbon|NUM=1|DISP=Medical Service Ribbon (1st Citation)}}
|{{AwardRow|Prometheus Ribbon|DISP=Prometheus Ribbon (Phase 1)}}
|{{AwardHeaderVariant|Captain Quinn Reynolds|{{USS|Gorkon}}}}
|{{AwardRow|Medical Science Ribbon|NUM=2|DISP=Medical Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)|239210.21|ROWSPAN=2}}
|{{AwardRow|Captain's Commendation}}
|{{AwardRow|Distinguished Service Ribbon|NUM=1|DISP=Distinguished Service Ribbon (1st Citation)|239305.10|ROWSPAN=2}}
|{{AwardRow|Joint Meritorious Unit Award}}
|{{AwardRow|Quantum Reality Service Ribbon|239310.12|ROWSPAN=5}}
|{{AwardRow|Extended Service Ribbon}}
|{{AwardRow|Distinguished Service Ribbon|NUM=2|DISP=Distinguished Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)}}
|{{AwardRow|Legion of Merit}}
|{{AwardRow|Purple Heart|NUM=2|DISP=Purple Heart (2nd Citation)}}
|{{AwardRow|War of Shadows Ribbon|239401.21|ROWSPAN=2}}
|{{AwardRow|Orion Syndicate Service Medal}}
|{{AwardHeaderVariant|Captain Roshanara Rahman|{{USS|Veritas}}}}
|{{AwardRow|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|239410.14|ROWSPAN=2}}
|{{AwardRow|Silver Star|NUM=1}}
|{{AwardRow|UFP Medal of Freedom|NUM=1}}
|{{PromotionRow|Ensign|Gold|Slanted|239201.15|Academy Commandant Andrus Jaxx|Graduation}}
|{{PromotionRow|Lieutenant Junior Grade|Red|Slanted|239305.22|Captain Nugra|[!searchin/sb118-victory/Rosek$20promotion$20Nugra%7Csort:relevance/sb118-victory/nmFpP031vzI/_J4k4fl1pLMJ '''''And There Are Pips To Hand Out!''''']}}
|{{PromotionRow|Lieutenant|Red|Slanted|239401.21|Captain Quinn Reynolds|[!searchin/sb118-gorkon/Lael$20Rosek$20Lieutenant$20promotion$20Reynolds%7Csort:date/sb118-gorkon/wjkAEK7b72Y/IbdguXtTAgAJ '''''Accolades''''']}}
|{{PositionChange|Engineering Officer|HCO Officer|239205.22|Captain Nugra|[[SIM:Lael Rosek - Switching_Departments_(Victory)| ''Switching Departments'']]}}
|{{PositionChange|HCO Officer|Engineering Officer|''239407.07''|Captain Roshanara Rahman|''[[SIM:Lael_Rosek_-_A_Fresh_Start_Part_III_(Veritas)|A Fresh Start Part III]]''}}
{{AwardDisplayTable|NAME=Lael Rosek|COLLAPSED=n
|{{AwardTable|TITLE=Service Awards|STARDATE=y
|{{AwardHeaderVariant|Academy Commandant Andrus Jaxx|Starfleet Academy}}
|{{AwardRow|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|239201.15}}
|{{PromotionRow|Cadet 4th|Red|Slanted|238508.12|Academy Commandant Andrus Jaxx|}}
|{{PromotionRow|Cadet 3rd|Gold|Slanted|238608.17|Commandant Andrus Jaxx|''Information Not Available''}}
|{{PromotionRow|Cadet 2nd|Gold|Slanted|238801.17|Commandant Andrus Jaxx|''Information Not Available''}}
|{{PromotionRow|Cadet 1st |Gold|Slanted|238901.17|''Information Not Available''|''Starbase 118 Ops -- Engineering Apprentice''}}
|{{PromotionRow|Cadet 1st|Gold|Slanted|239101.14|Alex Blair|''USS Centris-A'' -- Cadet Cruise}}
|{{PositionChangeShipHeader|Starfleet Academy}}
|{{PositionChange|Command Major|Engineering Major|238608.17|Academy Commandant Andrus Jaxx|''Information Not Available''}}
{| bgcolor="#000000" align="center" style="border:0px; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0.5em; padding-top:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em; color: white;"
!  colspan="3" style="background:black; color:white; padding:0em 0em; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" |<font color=#ffffff>  '''STARFLEET SERVICE RECORD'''</font>
{| border='0' cellspacing='0'
!  colspan="3" style="background:#212F3D; height:1px; width:660px" |
! style="background:#2F4F4F; padding: 0px 0px 0px px;" |[[File:SFA-Engineering.png|Starfleet Academy Engineering|120px]]
! colspan="3" style="background:#2F4F4F;" |238508.12 &mdash; 239202.24<br>Starfleet Academy Cadet<br><sub>'''Major:''' ''Engineering, Helm/Communications/Operations''  &bull;  '''Minor:''' ''Physics''<br> &mdash; {{whitelink|Lael Rosek/Academy Transcript|Academy Transcript}} &mdash;
! style="background:#2F4F4F; width:140px;" |[[File:UFP.png|140px]]
! style="background:#708090;" colspan=5;|Academy Career
{|class="collapsible collapsed" width=800px
! style="background:#B8860B;" colspan=5;|Academy Career
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px"|
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |Insignia
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |Insignia
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! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 4th Class
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 4th Class
! style="background:#010707;" |238508.12 - 238608.17  
! style="background:#010707;" |238508.12 - 238608.17  
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:SFA-Command.png|100px]]<br><sub>
! style="background:#010707;" padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:SFA-Command.png|100px]]<br><sub>
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starfleet Academy''<br><sub>''HCO''
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starfleet Academy''<br><sub>''HCO''
Line 48: Line 160:
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 3rd Class
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 3rd Class
! style="background:#010707;" |238608.17 - 238801.17  
! style="background:#010707;" |238608.17 - 238801.17  
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:SFA-Engineering.png|100px]]<br><sub>
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" rowspan="3" |[[Image:SFA-Engineering.png|100px]]<br><sub>
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starfleet Academy''<br><sub>''Engineering''
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starfleet Academy''<br><sub>''Engineering''
Line 54: Line 166:
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 2nd Class
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 2nd Class
! style="background:#010707;" |238801.17 - 238901.17  
! style="background:#010707;" |238801.17 - 238901.17  
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:SFA-Engineering.png|100px]]<br><sub>
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starfleet Academy''<br><sub>''Engineering''
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starfleet Academy''<br><sub>''Engineering''
! style="background:#010707;" |[[Image:004-Cadet1st-Gold.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="2"|[[Image:004-Cadet1st-Gold.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 1st Class
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="2" |Cadet, 1st Class
! style="background:#010707;" |238901.17 - 239101.14  
! style="background:#010707;" |238901.17 - 239101.14  
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:SFA-Engineering.png|100px]]<br><sub>
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starbase 118 Operations''<br><sub>''Engineering Apprentice''
! style="background:#010707;" |''Starbase 118 Operations''<br><sub>''Engineering Apprentice''
! style="background:#010707;" |[[Image:004-Cadet1st-Gold.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" |Cadet, 1st Class
! style="background:#010707;" |239101.14 - 239201.15  
! style="background:#010707;" |239101.14 - 239201.15  
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:Nova-icon1.gif]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Centris-A}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" |[[Image:Nova-icon1.gif]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Centris-A}}
! style="background:#010707;" |''Cadet Cruise''<br><sub>''Engineering''
! style="background:#010707;" |''Cadet Cruise''<br><sub>''Engineering''
{|class="collapsible collapsed" width=100%
{| class="collapsible collapsed" width=800px
! style="background:#708090;" colspan=5;|Early Career
!  colspan="5" style="background:#B8860B; height:1px;" | Early Career
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |Insignia
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |Insignia
Line 79: Line 188:
! style="background:#343434; width:110px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:110px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:140px;" |Duty Post
! style="background:#343434; width:140px;" |Duty Post
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:01-Ensign-Gold.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:01-Ensign-Gold.jpg|105px]]
Line 92: Line 199:
! style="background:#010707;" | 239305.22 - 239207.17
! style="background:#010707;" | 239305.22 - 239207.17
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="1"|''HCO Officer''
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="1"|''HCO Officer''
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:02-LieutenantJG-Red.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:02-LieutenantJG-Red.jpg|105px]]
Line 105: Line 210:
! style="background:#010707;" | 239401.21 - 239404.17
! style="background:#010707;" | 239401.21 - 239404.17
! style="background:#010707;" |''HCO Officer''
! style="background:#010707;" |''HCO Officer''
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:03-Lieutenant-Red.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:03-Lieutenant-Red.jpg|105px]]
Line 114: Line 217:
! style="background:#010707;" |''HCO Officer''
! style="background:#010707;" |''HCO Officer''
{|class="collapsible collapsed" width=100%
{| class="collapsible collapsed" width=800px
!  colspan="5" style="background:#B8860B; height:1px;" |Current Assignment
! style="background:#708090;" colspan=5;|Current Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |Insignia
! style="background:#343434; width:120px;" |Insignia
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! style="background:#343434; width:110px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:110px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:140px;" |Duty Post
! style="background:#343434; width:140px;" |Duty Post
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:03-Lieutenant-Gold.jpg|105px]]
! style="background:#010707;" | [[Image:03-Lieutenant-Gold.jpg|105px]]
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{| bgcolor="#000000" align="center" style="border:0px; border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 20px; padding:0.5em; padding-top:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em; color: white;"
!  colspan="3" style="background:black; color:white; padding:0.3 0em; border-radius: 0px 20px 0px 0px;"|<font color=#ffffff>'''AWARDS & COMMEMDATIONS'''</font>
{| bgcolor="#000000" align="center" style="border:0px; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0.5em; padding-top:0.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em; color: white;"
{| border='0' cellspacing='0'
!  colspan="5" style="background:#000; height:1px;" |
!  colspan="3" style="background:black; color:white; padding:0em 0em; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"; |<font color=#ffffff>'''AWARDS & COMMEMDATIONS'''</font>
{| border='0' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#343434; width:105px;" |Award
! colspan="3" style="background:#212F3D; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#343434; width:350px;" |Name
! style="background:#343434; width:100px;" |Stardate
! style="background:#343434; width:190px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#00191a; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | [[File:Awards_General_Tosma1_2011.jpg|TOSMA|100px]]
! style="background:#00191a;" | The Order of Starfleet<br>Merit & Achievement 1st Class<br><sub>(TOSMA)
! style="background:#00191a;" | 239012.25
! style="background:#00191a; padding:5px;" | [[File:Avandarlogo.png|USS Avandar|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Avandar}}
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
{| class="collapsible collapsed" width=800px style="margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto; border:none;"
!  colspan="4" style="background:#2F4F4F; height:1px; width:800px" color:#fff;" |For OOC Awards,[[User:Trekkie0587|<span style="color:darkblue;"> click here.</span>]]
! style="background:#00191a; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | [[File:Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg|B-Plot|100px]]
! style="background:#00191a;" | The B-Plot Award
! style="background:#00191a;" | 239306.29
! style="background:#00191a; padding:5px;" | [[File:InvictaLogo.png|USS Invicta|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Invicta}}
! style="background:#343434; width:105px;" |Service Ribbon
! style="background:#343434; width:105px;" |Service Ribbon
! style="background:#343434; width:350px;" |Name
! style="background:#343434; width:400px;" |Name
! style="background:#343434; width:100px;" |Stardate
! style="background:#343434; width:200px;" |Stardate
! style="background:#343434; width:190px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:200px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#000;" | Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
! style="background:#000;" | 238909.10
! style="background:#010707;" | 239202.24
! style="background:#000; padding:5px;"|[[File:Starfleetacademy.png|Starfleet Academy|100px]]<br><sub>Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#010707; padding:5px;"|[[File:Starfleetacademy.png|Starfleet Academy|100px]]<br><sub>Starfleet Academy
! colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Prisoner of War Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Prisoner of War Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="5" | 2392
! style="background:#010707; padding:5px;" rowspan="5"|[[File:Victorylogo.png|USS Victory|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Victory}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Silver Lifesaving Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | [[File:KlingonInvasion.jpg|Klingon Invasion Ribbon|100px]]
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Purple Heart|100|1r}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Klingon Campaign Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Purple Heart (1st Citation)
! style="background:#010707;" | 238910.31
! style="background:#010707; padding:5px;" rowspan="3"|[[File:Avandarlogo.png|USS Avandar|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Avandar}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Medical Science Ribbon|100|1r}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Explorer’s Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Medical Science Ribbon (1st Citation)
! style="background:#010707;" | 239007.13
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | [[File:Gateway.jpg|Gateway Ribbon|100px]]
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Prometheus Ribbon|100|1}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Gateway Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Prometheus Ribbon (Phase 1)
! style="background:#010707; padding:5px;" | 239011.15
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
!  colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#000; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon|100|2r}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Medical Science Ribbon|100|2}}
! style="background:#000;" | Explorer’s Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Medical Science Ribbon (2nd Citation)
! style="background:#000;" rowspan="3"| 239105.05
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="2"| 239210.21
! style="background:#000; padding:5px;" rowspan="3"|[[File:Excaliburlogo.png|USS Excalibur-A|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Excalibur-A}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" rowspan="11"| [[File:GorkonLogo.png|USS Gorkon|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Gorkon}}
! style="background:#000; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | [[File:Awards_ServiceRibbons_FirstContact_2011.jpg|First Contact Ribbon|100px]]
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Captain's Commendation|100}}
! style="background:#000;" | First Contact Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Captain's Commendation
! style="background:#000; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | [[File:Awards_ServiceRibbons_LifesavingSilver_2011.jpg|Silver Lifesaving Ribbon|100px]]
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Distinguished Service Ribbon|100|1}}
! style="background:#000;" | Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Distinguished Service Ribbon  
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="2"| 239305.10
! colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|100|1}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Joint Meritorious Unit Award (1st Citation)
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Prometheus Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Quantum Reality Service Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Prometheus Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="2"| 239207.05
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="5"| 239310.12
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;"  rowspan="2"| [[File:DoyleLogo.png|USS Doyle-A|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Doyle-A}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon |100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Extended Service Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon  
! style="background:#010707;" | Extended Service Ribbon  
! colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Distinguished Service Ribbon|100|2}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Distinguished Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)
! style="background:#000; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|First Contact Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Legion of Merit|100}}
! style="background:#000;" | First Contact Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Legion of Merit
! style="background:#000;" | 239212.20
! style="background:#000;" | [[File:ApolloApprovedLogo.png|USS Apollo-A|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Apollo-A}}
! colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Purple Heart|100|2}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Purple Heart (2nd Citation)
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|War of Shadows Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|War of Shadows Ribbon|100|1}}
! style="background:#010707;" | War of Shadows Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | War of Shadows
! style="background:#010707;" | 239306.07
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="2"| 239401.21 
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" rowspan="7"| [[File:InvictaLogo.png|USS Invicta|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Invicta}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Silver Star |100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Orion Syndicate Service Medal|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Silver Star
! style="background:#010707;" | Orion Syndicate Service Medal
! style="background:#010707;"  rowspan="6"| 239311.16
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon|100|3}}
! colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707;" | Explorer’s Ribbon
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|War of Shadows Ribbon|100|2}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Captain's Commendation|100|2}}
! style="background:#010707;" | War of Shadows Ribbon - 2
! style="background:#010707;" | Captain's Commendation (2nd Citation)
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="3"| 2394
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;"  rowspan="3"| [[File:ZaLogo.png|USS Za|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Za}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Federation Cross|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Explorer's Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Federation Cross
! style="background:#010707;" | Explorer's Ribbon
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon |100|2}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Purple Heart|100|3}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Purple Heart (3rd Citation)
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Peacekeeper Service Ribbon |100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Joint Meritorious Unit Award|100|2}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | Joint Meritorious Unit Award (2nd Citation)
! style="background:#010707;" rowspan="3"| 239410.14
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;"  rowspan="3"| [[File:VeritasLogo.png|USS Veritas|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Veritas}}
! colspan="5" style="background:#343434; height:1px;" |
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Silver Star|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Silver Star
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|Maiden Voyage Ribbon|100}}
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;" | {{Ribbons|UFP Medal of Freedom|100}}
! style="background:#010707;" | Maiden Voyage Ribbon
! style="background:#010707;" | UFP Medal of Freedom
! style="background:#010707;" | 239406.16
! style="background:#010707; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;" | [[File:VeritasLogo.png|USS Veritas|100px]]<br><sub>{{USSwhite|Veritas}}


Latest revision as of 16:02, 26 February 2019

Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
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Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
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Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons medicalscience 2013.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons ExtendedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons War of Shadows 2016.png
Orion Syndicate Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Awards ServiceRibbons FederationCross 2011.jpg
Maiden Voyage Ribbon.png
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Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon.png
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons WarWithBorg 2011.jpg
Frontier Day Ribbon.png
Starfleet Medal of Valor.png

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon
Purple Heart
Prometheus Ribbon
Prisoner of War Ribbon
Medical Science Ribbon
Captain's Commendation
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon
Extended Service Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Service Ribbon
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Explorer's Ribbon
War of Shadows Ribbon
Orion Syndicate Service Medal
Silver Star
UFP Medal of Freedom
Innovation Ribbon
Good Conduct Ribbon
Peacekeeper Service Ribbon
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal
Federation Cross
Maiden Voyage Ribbon
Diplomacy Ribbon
Department Chief Ribbon
First Contact Ribbon
Par'tha Expanse Colonization Ribbon
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon
Galactic War with the Borg Service Medal
Frontier Day Ribbon
Starfleet Medal of Valor

Lael Rosek LtCdr.png

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USS Astraeus-logo.png




See also: Lael_Rosek/Biography

2366 Born on Earth: Lael was born on stardate 236610.24 in Cedar Springs, Michigan.
2370 Jiu-Jitsu: On stardate 237011.04, Lael enrolled in Jiu-Jitsu training to learn how to defend herself against a bully at school who tormented her because of her alien heritage.
2380 FFE: Lael joined her school's FFE club because of her interest in animals and nature. She took home several first and second place ribbons from competitions. She was most respected for her expertise in plant hybridization.
2381 Finishing School: On stardate, 238102.15, Lael's mother enrolled her in finishing school with Lael's knowledge, threatening to sell Lael's favorite horse if she didn't attend the classes and take them seriously.
2382 Top Marks: Shortly after the start of her sophomore year of high school (238208.30), Lael is initiated into her school's National Honor Society. During her time with NHS, she worked with such cause-based organizations as The Association for Conflict Resolution and The Peace Education Foundation.
2385 Almost A Queen: Lael's charming personality earned her the admiration of many and, in her senior year, earned her a nomination for homecoming queen. The weeks leading up to the final vote were difficult. She endured a great deal of bullying from the other candidate, Mallory Haines, in an attempt to pressure Lael to drop out of the race. In the end, when the votes were announced on stardate 238505.05, Lael lost to Mallory by only one vote.

High School Graduate: On stardate 238505.25, Lael graduated from high school Magna Cum Laude and was asked to give the graduation speech when the valedictorian became violently ill the day before graduation.

Starfleet Academy: On stardate 238507.07, Lael learned that she'd been accepted into Starfleet Academy. Caving to pressure from her mother, she selected the Command Track with the hope of having her own ship someday.

Friends From The Start: While wandering around on the first day of classes lost, Lael bumped into Ivina Genestra. The two became fast friends and within a month of beginning her Starfleet training (stardate 238509.16), Ivina introduced Lael to her friends Michael Zola and Aidia Carter.

2386 Crushed Dreams: During the spring of her first year at the Academy (stardate 238603.14), Lael was required to attend a mandatory psychological evaluation after her instructors and peers expressed concerns over her erratic behavior. The evaluation revealed that she was experiencing psychological trauma due to viewing and reading about torture. She was immediately dropped from the Command Track and nearly kicked out of the Academy.

A Change of Plans: Lael was allowed to continue at the Academy on stardate 238608.17, but had to select another major and attend counseling sessions each week as well as regular physicals to determine her fitness for duty. Her passion for fixing things and for science lead her to an Engineering and Helm/Comm/Operations dual major with a minor in Physics.

2387 Another Boulder: After breaking up with girlfriend Ivina, Lael was devastated. Her close friends coerced her into a rock climbing trip up Mount Whitney. However, the trip ended in tragedy when her climbing partner, Michael, wanted to go up a dangerous face and didn't anchor the piton into the rock properly. It came loose and sent both plunging to their deaths. Lael survived by falling onto a ledge and was paralyzed from the waist down due to a serious fracture of her lower spine.

An Unusual Beginning: About a week after her accident (238706.14), Lael met Elina Kincade, who was Lael's nurse at the time. The two gradually became friends and Elina continued to support Lael through her recovery.

New Hope: Told by her doctors that she'd never walk again with serious assistance due to the severity and location of her injury, Lael fell into a deep depression that not even those closest to her could pull her out of. It wasn't until she was approached by a civilian doctor that she saw a glimmer of hope for a future that didn't involve a wheelchair or other assistive device. She was the first Humanoid to receive a highly controversial nanotechnology spinal repair treatment (stardate 238707.09).

2388 Back In Action: On stardate 238801.17, Lael enters her third year at the Academy.
2389 An Opportunity of A Lifetime: Lael is selected for and begins her Engineering Apprenticeship with the Field Training program aboard Starbase 118 (238901.17).

Could It Be Love?: One night, Lael goes out for drinks with some colleagues and meets Jensar Berel, a Betazoid diplomat (238905.24).

Tying The Knot: After dating for six months, Lael and Jensar elope on Risa against the wishes of both their families (238911.03).

2390 An Ending: After only six months of marriage, Jensar is called home to replace his brother on the Betazed council and Lael is forced to choose between her husband and her career. She chooses her career and the two file for divorce (239004.08).

Not Ready: After the heartbreak of her divorce, Lael wasn't ready for another serious relationship, but also was lonely. She met Alva Tigan at a bar on Starbase 118. They hit it off and Lael was lonely, so the two entered a no strings attached arrangement (239007.25)

Another Sad Ending: Alva receives news that she's been selected as a host. She asks Lael to be her girlfriend, but Lael is still hurting over Jensar and says no. Alva, disappointed and hurt, ends their arrangement and leaves for Trill (239101.12).

REV SD 239602.26


  Lael Rosek Awards History  

  Lael Rosek Awards History  

  238508.12 — 239202.24
Starfleet Academy Cadet
Major: Engineering, Helm/Communications/OperationsMinor: Physics
Academy Transcript

Player Achievements
[[File:Player Achievement-It takes two

VPA.png|It takes two VPA|x30px|link=]]


Lael Nav Achievement Rack

Player Achievements
For a full list of Lael's achievements, click here.

Post-Academy Service Record
  238508.12 — 239202.24
Starfleet Academy Cadet
Major: Engineering, Helm/Communications/OperationsMinor: Physics
Academy Transcript
Awards & Commendations
For OOC Awards, click here.
Service Ribbon Name Stardate Assignment
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239201.15  
Starfleet Academy
Prisoner of War Ribbon 2392  
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon Ribbon
Purple Heart
Medical Science Ribbon
Prometheus Incident Campaign Ribbon (1 Phase)
Medical Science Ribbon (2nd Citation) 239210.21  
Captain's Commendation
Distinguished Service Ribbon 239305.10
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon 239310.12
Extended Service Ribbon
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Service Ribbon (2nd Citation)
Purple Heart (2nd Citation)
War of Shadows Campaign Ribbon (1 Phase) 239401.21
Orion Syndicate Service Medal


  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Medical Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Quinn Reynolds
  • Stardates: 2394 - 239404.18



Notable Relationships

Full Timeline

Mission Logs

  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing


  • Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Duty Post: Medical Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Keelah Rhani
  • Stardates: 239404.18 - 239407.07



Notable Relationships

Full Timeline

  • 239404.18--Dassa arrives on the USS Za.

Mission Logs

  • Peace In Our Time


  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: Science Officer
  • Commanding Officer: Captain Roshanara Rahman
  • Stardates: 239407.07 - Present



Notable Relationships

Full Timeline

Mission Logs

  • Aftershock

Insignia Rank From To Position
USS Victory  
Engineering Division
Ensign 239202.24 239205.21 Engineering Officer
HCO Division
Lieutenant JG 239205.22 239207.16 Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
USS Gorkon  
HCO Division
Lieutenant JG 239207.16 239401.21 Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
Lieutenant 239401.21 239404.17 Helm/Comm/Ops Officer
HCO Division
Lieutenant 239404.18 Present Helm/Comm/Ops Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kaansi Desan
<div style="text-align: center"  

Current Posting: On LOA
Current Assignment: USS LOA
Species: Brekkian/Ornaran
Telepathic Status: T0+/E0+
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Height: 5’10
Weight: 129 lbs
Build: Thin, Athletic
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Short
Eye Color: Blue Grey
Place of Birth:Brekka (aka Delos IV)
Marital Status: Single

Service Ribbons

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon




USS Victory

USS Gorkon

  • Needing Someone to Talk To, Part I & Needing Someone to Talk To, Part II (SD 239212.20)--Lael's friendship with Jansen develops as she confides her secret and her fears.
  • Bruised Egos, Part I, Bruised Egos, Part II, & Bruised Egos, Part III (SD 239212.21)--Lael gets to know a couple of her fellows during a self-defense lesson turned sparring match.
  • Lover's Lodge, Part I & Lover's Lodge, Part II (SD 2392.12.22)--Lael experiences Jansen's first attempts at seduction.
  • Mistletoe Mishaps, Part I & Mistletoe Mishaps, Part II (SD 239212.24)--Jansen finally makes a move.
  • Alternate Universe? (SD 239302.04)--Lael's first day in Hell.
  • Meetings and Discussions (SD 239302.12)--Lael meets her AU counterpart.
  • Missing Home (SD 239303.??)--Lael fights depression.
  • Alone and Lonely (SD 239304.13)--A glimpse into a typical day in the alternate universe as well as tender snippets into Lael and Jansen's developing relationship.
  • What's Up With The Spinning? (SD 2393??)--Lael reinjures her spine during a firefight.
  • Lounge Conversations (SD 2393??)--Lael gets to know Eerie a bit better.
  • Social Graces, Part I & Social Graces, Part II (SD 2393??)--Lael gets to know Chythar better while offering to help with his social awkwardness.
  • Here's Hoping... (SD 2393??)--Lael and her fellows work on a way home.
  • Bumpy Ride (SD 2393??)--Lael reinjures her back...again.
  • Do You Wanna Talk About It? (SD 239309.05)--Lael gets some much needed counseling after her time in the alternate universe.
  • Surprise Reunion (SD 239309.17)--Lael unexpectedly runs into her ex-husband.
  • Dinner For Two (SD 239309.17)--Lael and Jansen have dinner together after returning home.
  • Homecoming Part II, Homecoming Part III & Homecoming Part IV (SD 239309.18)--Lael sees her family and friends for the first time in nearly a year.
  • A Bit of A Spat (SD 239309.18)--Jansen is upset because Lael didn't come see him for her mandatory debrief counseling. The two have an argument that drives Lael to the bars.
  • Drinking Buddy (SD 239309.19)--Lael and Anjar go to a bar for drinks and Lael gets drunk.
  • Whoa, What Was That? (SD 239309.20)--Lael and Jansen attend Lael's family reunion only to have Lael's ex show up and Jansen goes ballistic on him.
  • I'm Sorry (SD 239309.21)--Lael apologizes and Jansen proposes.
  • Guess What? (SD 239309.22)--Lael just can't keep the wonderful news to herself. She tells her best friend, Chythar.
  • Breakfast (SD 239209.22)--Lael and Jansen have breakfast. Lael jumps to conclusions, assumptions are made, and engagements and relationships are broken.
  • Somewhere on A Beach (SD 239309.22)--Devastated by the end of her and Jansen's relationship, Lael hides on a beach for two days with Anjar only to find out he has romantic feelings for her.
  • Patch Job (SD 239309.24)--Chythar makes a house call and Lael tells him everything.
  • Don't Want To Be Alone (SD 239312.26)--After a particularly rough away mission, Lael comforts Dassa.
  • Temporary Comfort (SD239312.26)--Feeling lonely, Lael has a one-night no-strings attached affair with Anjar.
  • Hot Tub Party Part I, Hot Tub Party Part II, & Hot Tub Party Part III (SD 239312.27)--Lael, Alex, Chythar, and Dassa all unwind after a rough mission with alcohol, Truth or Dare, and some time in the hot tub.
  • Late Night Part I & Late Night Part II (SD 239312.29)--With Chythar and Alex officially dating, Lael feels a bit neglected.
  • Lessons on the Bunny Slope Part I & Lessons on the Bunny Slope Part II (SD 239312.30)--Lael and Dassa teach Tobian how to ski.
  • Anything But A Simple First Date (SD 239401.02)--Lael goes on her first date since she and Jansen broke up.
  • Loss (SD 29401.21)--Lael struggles to come to terms with the end of her and Jansen's relationship and the implications.
  • Party Conversations (SD 239401.21)--Lael receives a promotion to full Lieutenant.
  • Father-Daughter Chat (SD 239401.23)--Lael has a heart to heart with her father.
  • Christmas Gifts and Deep Conversations Part I & Christmas Gifts and Deep Conversation Part II (SD 239401.30)--Lael and Jansen exchange Christmas gifts and conversation
  • Closure (SD 239401.31)--Lael talks with Janel's mother and brother after see learns of his passing.
  • Developments Part I & Developments Part II (SD 239401.31)--Lael and Chythar catch up.
  • Shocking News Part I & Shocking News Part II (SD 239401.31)--Lael and Ayiana grieve Janel's passing.
  • I Owe You An Apology (SD 239402.01)Lael apologizes after she and Dassa have a fight.
  • Depressive Rage Part I & Depressive Rage Part II (SD 239404.11)--Lael and Dassa comfort Chythar after he receives news of his demotion and Alex's transfer.
  • Newest Crewmember Part I, Newest Crewmember Part II, & Newest Crewmember Part III (SD 239404.12)'--Due to the untimely passing of Abigail's mother, Lael receives guardianship of her new ward sooner than she'd expected.
  • THAT Conversation Part I, THAT Conversation Part II, & THAT Conversation Part III (SD 239404.12)--Lael is presented with her options for her the spine replacement surgery and the risks.
  • I Have Something to Tell You Part I & I Have Something to Tell You Part II (SD 239404.12)--Lael breaks the news to Jansen.
  • A Family Reunion of Sorts Part I & A Family Reunion of Sorts Part II (SD 239404.13)--Lael's family and friends get together the night before the surgery and Lael is forced to confront her growing feelings for Chythar on top of her anxiety regarding her surgery.
  • The Surgery Part I & The Surgery Part II (SD 239404.14)--Lael undergoes her spinal replacement surgery.
  • Awake...Finally Part I & Awake...Finally Part II (SD 239404.17)--At long last, Lael wakes up from her three day post-surgery coma only to find that she, Chythar and Dassa have also been transferred to the same ship as Alex.
  • I'm Sorry Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It Part I & I'm Sorry Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It Part II (SD 239404.17)--Chythar and Lael talk about what happened the night before the surgery.


  • Meeting the Captain (SD 239404.19): Lael and Dassa meet their new captain.
  • Complicated Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It Part I & Complicated Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It Part II (SD 239404.23)--Chythar and Lael enjoy a dinner as friends, but the complicated nature of Lael's growing feelings for Chythar gets in the way.
  • Care To Let Me In On The Secret? Part I, Care To Let Me In On The Secret? Part II & Care To Let Me In On The Secret? Part III (SD 239404.24)--The four friends get together fro a relaxing good time, but the newest complication between Lael and Chythar ruins it.
  • First Contact (SD 239406.30)--Lael is on the bridge when the Za is contacted by a new species, the Hocktin.
  • You Need An Engineer? (SD 239406.30)--Lael beam aboard the Hocktin vessel, the UHS Pathfinder to help set up a ship-to-ship network so the two groups can exchange information more easily.
  • What Was That? (SD 239407.01)--Lael is bitten by a flea-like creature and is exposed to the deadly Hocktin virus.
  • Trouble A-Foot (SD 239407.01)--When the Hocktin, Cjnur, tries to take them captive Lael has other ideas.
  • Home Free (SD239407.01)--When the virus catches up to Alex Blair during their attempt to rescue the Captain, Lael is there to help.

USS Veritas

  • After the Hocktin Part I, After the Hocktin Part II, & After the Hocktin Part III (SD 239407.06)--Lael and her friends relax and talk while enroute to their new assignment, the USS Veritas.
  • A Fresh Start Part I, A Fresh Start Part II, & A Fresh Start Part III (SD 239407.06)--Alex, Lael, and Chythar report to the Captain for duty.