Attack on Paldor II (Chin'toka): Difference between revisions

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===Main Computer Core===
===Main Computer Core===
Weapons fire and another transport was registered in the main computer core and Serala orders T'Ama to investigate whether it was damaged or not while Security scrambles a response. T'Ama and T'Khio'ri arrive at the computer core shortly after Security does, only to discover two crewmen are missing and there's one suspicious smudge on the ground. T'Khio'ri discovers they stole Serala's program to detect cloaked ships in the Expanse, and the latest transporter updates regarding Changelings. Then she decided to sniff the smudge on the ground to determine that it was a male human, likely the missing Gallahad, must to the deep unamusement of the department chiefs. Two more transports of Vulcanoids were reported from T'Khio'ri's quarters, throwing her into suspicion. She is escorted to Commander Sherlock's office by security officers Telli and Doyle, while Mac and T'Ama stay to put together their initial report to Serala.
Weapons fire and another transport was registered in the main computer core and Serala orders T'Ama to investigate whether it was damaged or not while Security scrambles a response. T'Ama and T'Khio'ri arrive at the computer core shortly after Security does, only to discover two crewmen are missing and there's one suspicious smudge on the ground. T'Khio'ri discovers they stole Serala's program to detect cloaked ships in the Expanse, and the latest transporter updates regarding Changelings. Then she decided to sniff the smudge on the ground to determine that it was a male human, likely the missing Gallahad, much to the deep unamusement of the department chiefs. Two more transports of Vulcanoids were reported from T'Khio'ri's quarters, throwing her into suspicion. She is escorted to Commander Sherlock's office by security officers Telli and Doyle, while Mac and T'Ama stay to put together their initial report to Serala.

Latest revision as of 15:17, 9 February 2025

Attack on Paldor II: Stardate 240111.03 - 240112.15

The USS Chin'toka, en route back from Earth to their home port of DS26, receives a distress call from the lunar base on Paldor reporting a Valcarian attack.

Act One: First Responders

The Bridge Crew

The Bridge

Once the Chin'toka arrives in the Paldor system, the crew breaks up into teams and Captain Serala remains on the bridge with Lt JG Ghee’looth Xiron, Ensign T'Khio'ri, and is joined by Counselor Brodie. They speculate on the motivations of the attack and the possible involvement of multiple Romulan factions on both sides of the Valcarian civil war while trying to raise the local authorities. Ensign T'Khio'ri implements a program Captain Serala had previously written to detect cloaked ships in the Expanse and discovers five of them waiting some distance away, laying in wait. The bridge establishes contact with the governor of the Paldor, High Prefect Ariele Rolus, and with the commander of the lunar base forces, Commander Janesh Odelle. The Chin'toka raises shields, cutting off transporter support to the away teams, and moves to engage the Valcarian battlecruiser either in combat or diplomacy.

Search & Rescue Away Team

Deep Space 26

Commander Sherlock's hand picked team beams aboard the heavily damaged Deep Space 26 and start heading away from the collapsed section that blocks one direction on high alert with Mac taking point and Sherlock bringing up the rear. After several interruptions for status reports from the other teams, they finally find their first survivor - an unconscious Caraadian buried under a pile of debris. After digging them out and tagging them for transport to the triage area, Mac is spooked by something with a tail. It moves off into the station, but the fear factor ramps up again when they find a rotting body - which T'Ama doesn't think makes a whole lot of sense given the timeline of the attack.

In a science lab full of floating bodies due to a damaged gravity generator, the search and rescue team find a little Caraadian girl called Dedanna who survived the attack by hiding in a locker after her father Yuldor hid her there. The team beams her to a hopefully safer location on the Lunar base. The team then discovers a hidden safe room and opens it up where they are confronted by two armed Caraadians, but before they can resolve that situation the something-with-a-tail is back and attacks! It pins Mac and almost does him in but he is saved by Commander Sherlock shooting it dead. T'Ama organizes the 48 survivors in the safe room while the rest of the team examine the corpse of the animal, and the survivors are then transported to the triage team.

Shortly afterwards the search and rescue team run into Subcommander Oni Tarn, the commander of DS26 and they take him with them as they are now cut off from transporters. They find an elevator bank and Tarn mentions there was a ship docked at the station before the attack that contained a number of dangerous wild animals intended for a "hunt" that are now likely loose on the station. The team crams into the elevator and before they can make it all the way up to the command level the lift breaks down. T'Ama helps everyone out of the top of the car and they start climbing up the elevator shaft. Mac shoots the cables holding the car and it plummets to the bottom of the shaft after a large, aggressive insectoid claws its way in to the car. Sherlock directs T'Ama, Mac, and Tarn to continue on to the command center and turn on what they can, and Sherlock and Kim will stay a level below to deal with the creatures.

Triage Away Team

Paldor II Lunar Base

Dr. Kel and Dr. Edrei meet Lt JG Is'Kah in transporter room 1 and are quickly joined by two new officers, Lt Commander Starlyn and Ensign Shepherd. They beam down to an unpopulated area of the Paldor II Lunar Base and find it was unpopulated for good reason. Before they can even get the radiation leak fixed and their triage area set up, the ceiling collapses without warning, trapping Ensign Shepherd. The rest of the team makes their way around and digs her out before finally getting to work on the set up. Lt JG Is'Kah gets a nasty electrical burn to her hand fixing the radiation leak but powers through the inability to feel or use her hand.

Dr. Kel finally manages to herd his team of cats into staying in the room and setting up the triage area and they start receiving patients via transporter and walk in. The first patient received from the search and rescue team was unfortunately Dr. Edrei's first death, which the junior offices take hard, especially Ensign Shepherd who punches the walls twice in anger. But they all quickly move on to treating the influx of people seeking medical attention, and Dr. Kel makes the alarming discovery of maggot like creatures on a patient, much the same as the maggots on the rotting bodies the search and rescue team encountered. Ensign Shepherd discovers that the maggots are actually a genetically modified bioweapon, and the symptoms of infection seem to primary cause multiple organ failure. Lt. JG Is'Kah quickly programs the portable transporters to filter out the maggots as the doctors continue to treat patients.

Act Two: Things Go Boom

The Bridge Crew

The Bridge

Attempts at diplomacy fail and the Valcarian Commander Bre'zart orders his ship to advance on the Chin'toka and self-destruct. The Chin'toka survives the blast and manages to save Bre'zart and a few more crew on the battlecruiser's bridge. He is brought to the bridge briefly before being sent to the brig with the rest.

Search & Rescue Away Team: Command Level

DS26: Command Level

T'Ama, Mac, and Oni Tarn are sent up the command level of the station to attempt to bring anything back online. Most systems are too damaged, though Tarn manages to get he sensors working and discovers that the station's reactor core is in danger of overheating. T'Ama informs the other away team who head towards it. Mac senses the presence of another survivor in the rubble. She appears to be a Caraadian named Sheri who immediately tries to throw suspicion on Oni Tarn as someone responsible for the attack. When T'Ama doesn't immediately buy her story she attacks Mac, revealing herself to be a Romulan operative in deep cover. T'Ama stuns her before she can break too many of Mac's ribs and then downloads as much as she can of the station's logs before they are beamed off. Sheri is captured and put in the brig.

Search & Rescue Away Team: Reactor Level

DS26: Reactor Level

Sherlock and Stapledon, who got out of the lift shaft a level below the command level, are informed that the station's reactor is in danger of overheating so they head down to try to stop that. Or at least to buy time. Large aggressive creatures are still roaming the corridors of the station, including down in the reactor level. Despite Stapledon's best attempts, the reactor continues to overheat and the teams are both beamed off shortly before it explodes and destroyed Deep Space 26.

Triage Away Team: Scouts

Paldor II Lunar Base: Scouting Team

With the makeshift medical triage filling up with patients and quickly running out of space, Lt. Commander Starlyn take Is'Kah and Shepherd to scout for a suitable area to expand the triage.

Triage Away Team: Medical

Paldor II Lunar Base: Medical Team

With the others gone to look for space to expand to, Dr. Kel and Dr. Edrei finally have a moment to try to process Dr. Edrei's first patient loss.

Act Three: Infestation

A Note on Act 3: Shore Leave
This mission had a "soft close" officially at the end of Act 2, and the planned Act 3 scenes happened during the subsequent shore leave. For documentation purposes, the parts of shore leave that belong to Act 3 are included here, but the mission end date is recorded as what it was officially declared.
Science Team

Science Team

T'Ama, Kim Stapledon, Skye Shepherd, and Dr. Edrei head to the science lab in order to research the maggots found on the station. They discover they are paired with a bacteria that is able to evolve new mutations faster and inject them into the maggot's DNA, thus enabling the maggots to evolve faster. They also discover that the bioweapon has been targeted to affect Caraadians and Vulcanoids, specifically Romulans. Is'Kah is found to possess a small percentage of Romulan genes, accounting for how rapidly she succumbed to infection, thought Dr. Edrei does not divulge this to the group. The transporters are updated to filter out the maggots, and a different treatment is developed to treat the Caraadians since they do not possess teleporter technology.



Serala and Mac go to the brig to interrogate the prisoners. Serala lets Mac take the lead and he chooses to interrogate "Sheri" first. She provides no useful information and instead tries to flirt shamelessly with Mac and bait Serala into losing her temper. The power suddenly goes out across the ship and Sheri is unexpectedly beamed out of the brig by a Romulan transporter.

Main Computer Core

Main Computer Core

Weapons fire and another transport was registered in the main computer core and Serala orders T'Ama to investigate whether it was damaged or not while Security scrambles a response. T'Ama and T'Khio'ri arrive at the computer core shortly after Security does, only to discover two crewmen are missing and there's one suspicious smudge on the ground. T'Khio'ri discovers they stole Serala's program to detect cloaked ships in the Expanse, and the latest transporter updates regarding Changelings. Then she decided to sniff the smudge on the ground to determine that it was a male human, likely the missing Gallahad, much to the deep unamusement of the department chiefs. Two more transports of Vulcanoids were reported from T'Khio'ri's quarters, throwing her into suspicion. She is escorted to Commander Sherlock's office by security officers Telli and Doyle, while Mac and T'Ama stay to put together their initial report to Serala.

Dramatis personae

Player Characters
Name Position Notes
Serala Commanding Officer
Aine Sherlock First Officer
V'Len Kel Acting Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer
Nysira Starlyn Mission Specialist LOA end of Act 2
T'Ama Chief of Operations
Kimberly Stapledon Chief Science Officer
Ghee’looth Xiron Acting Chief Engineering Officer
Alexander Brodie Counselor LOA mid mission
Daniel McGillian Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Is'Kah Engineering Officer
Leenaya Edrei Medical Officer
T'Khio'ri Helm Officer
Skye Shepherd Science Officer
Notable NPCs
Name Position/Info Type Written by
High Prefect Arielle Rolus Governor of the Paldor MSNPC Nysira Starlyn
Commander Janesh Odelle Commander of the Caraadian forces on Paldor II MSNPC T'Ama
Subcommander Oni Tarn Commander of Deep Space 26 MSNPC V'Len Kel
Corporal En-Dagri Reiborian Tracker-Scout/Covert Operations PNPC Serala
"Sheri" Romulan Spy MSNPC T'Ama
Commander Bre'zart Commander of the Valcarian battlecruiser MSNPC Serala
Lieutenant Jaban Operations Officer/Romulan Spy NPC Daniel McGillian

Notable Sims

Notable Sims
Date Sim Summary
240111.03 [MISSION START] Commander Serala: Attack on Paldor II The bridge receives a distress call and prepares.
240112.03 Commander Serala: Cloaked Peril The Valcarian battle cruiser tries to suicide bomb the Chin'toka.
240112.15 [End Mission] Commander Serala: Regrouping De-briefing.
240112.15 [Start Shore Leave] Commander Serala: Now, Where to Begin... Captain's Log & continuation into shore leave
240112.17 MSNPC "Sheri" - You Ain't Hnaev The interrogation of "Sheri".
240112.23 NPC Jaban - Meanwhile on Deck 12... Jaban hacks the computer core and kills a man and escapes.