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{{SR Dates|SD 2397005.15 - 240105.20}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239705.15 - 239805.14}}
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{{SR Posting|[[Starfleet Academy]]|AcademyLogo2390.png|73px|ROWS=4}}
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{{SR Assignment|Science Masters in Biology|Blue|ROWS=4}}
{{SR Insignia|Cadet Third Class|Blue|STYLE=PIC}}
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Revision as of 19:05, 29 July 2024

USS Astraeus

Gwen'ora Tasen Ensign.png

Ensign Gwen'ora Tasen

“In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.”

Ansel Adams
USS Astraeus-logo.png
• Basic Profile

Personal Basics

  • Full Name: Gwen'ora Tasen
  • Nickname: Gwen
  • Sex: Female (She/Her)
  • DOB: 224905.01
  • Age: 152
  • Looks: 25


  • Height: 5'6"
  • Build: Slender Athletic
  • Hair: Red
  • Hair Style: Mid Back Length Wavy
  • Eyes: Green
  • Skin Tone: Healthy Lightly Tanned Tone
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • PB: Katherine McNamara

Professional Experience

  • Bachelors: Bachelors of Science in Biology
  • Masters: Masters in Xenobiology with a focus in Xenobotany and Xenoecology
  • Current Research:
• Personal Information
Quarters ⮟

Gwen'ora Tasen and Sevantha Saa share a interior room on Deck 10. On Gwen's side, it on initial inspection is littered with plants. There are some herbs that are on a shelf near Gwen's bed which include mint and 3 different Ba'ku herbs. There is a larger pot with a now growing Ba'ku bush that Gwen swears will eventually produce an orange colored berry one day. A pot sits on the stand beside her bed that has a beautiful Tea's Blueberry Butterfly African Violet. A small but growing Singing Plant sits on a desk in the room.

Additional Information Loading . . . Plant information overload . . .

Interests ⮟
  • Botany: Loves learning and studying various plants. Also has far to many plants that she either has cultivated seeds for or has already planted and began turning her shared room into a mini greenhouse. This extends to planting and growing and everything else in between.
  • Reading: Back on Ba'ku she left a stash of actual books that she had acquired home but has slowly either scanned those during her trips home. So when she can she's a book worm, especially ones about various plants and other studies that interest her. Though the guilty pleasure of a romance book from various plants definitely live on her personal list of books she's read through.
  • Sketching: This is something that Gwen has been doing for years...literally. This was the art that Gwen took up as a child and continued throughout her over a century on Ba'ku. So if you ever need a sketch, this would be the woman to bug.
  • Cooking: Something that Gwen isn't amazing at but if you give her fresh produce and a stove with fresh herbs, she will love you forever but also happily cook for anyone in the room.
  • Cooking: Something that Gwen isn't amazing at but if you give her fresh produce and a stove with fresh herbs, she will love you forever but also happily cook for anyone in the room.
  • FOR SCIENCE: If there is a way to test, poke or mess with something in a safe and scientific manner...this woman would have a lot of fun doing it. Give her something to study and she'll give it a go!
• Relationships
Family ⮟
Mother, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Always supportive and loving, Wila was an original Ba'ku on the planet. She was a woman who shifted partners a few times before finally getting with Nav who never left being her dear friend. Since the two have been a pair for several centuries.

As Gwen grew, she saw how much her mother worked for the village as a healer who made several of her own salves with various plants. To Gwen, Wila shared the love of plants and the use of them beyond consumption.

When the Son'a tried to use Starfleet to relocate the Ba'ku and Gwen met those of the Enterprise, Wila backed her Daughter and pushed her to do what she wanted. A people was meant to change and if this was a sign of the Ba'ku's need to be apart of the universe around them, then Wila was glad her daughter was going for Starfleet instead of chasing the murderous Son'a.

Wila supported her daughter whole heartedly and was glad every time she hears from her daughter.

Father, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Nav was one of the original Ba'ku who moved from the Ba'ku's original planet and moved to settle on the planet now known as Ba'ku. He has always been fond of Gwen'ora's Mother and have been a pair for several centuries.

Gwen'ora for the longest time was best friends with her father. He was for a century her biggest hero, role model, and supporter. Nav had always been in the farming sector of the Ba'ku village. One of the many who worked the farm that was on his land and spread the work to his children. Gwen took it up naturally with her love for plants and various odds and ends of Ba'ku.

It was not until Starfleet came to rescue the Ba'ku that Gwen caught the space bug of youth, wanting to explore beyond their home. Gwen's father never came around to being okay with Gwen leaving and told her that she shouldn't go or she'll end up like the Son'a. She shouldn't hold weapons or push for the unreachable. Everything she needed was on Ba'ku.

Instead Gwen'ora left.

On her short trips back to Ba'ku between an Earth univeristy and Starfleet Academy, Gwen did spend time with her father but it was always with a cautious tone and tip toeing.

Older Sister, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Being the eldest of the Tasen sibilings, Ena is now nearing her second century of life. She was a fantastic older sister to Gwen and was always ready to drag her along to activities and once Gwen hit adult hood, also join her in Gwen's adventures.

She is the type of Ba'ku to want to stay on the planet even after everything.

Younger Brother, Ba'ku, Briar Patch

Risor is just now hitting his half a century of life. Being nearly 50 years old, he is still within his apprenticeships and has promised to not leave Ba'ku or think of it till he has completed these. Though when Gwen communicates home, its Risor that she tells all the crazy stories to. He's excited about finding his place in the stars and might join starfleet.

Friends ⮟
Sevantha Saa Ensign.png
Dear Friend - Roommate, USS Astraeus

Sevantha and Gwen had gotten transferred to Starbase 118 together for their final evaluation before placement. Since then and over time especially since arriving at the USS Astraeus, the two have become quick friends. Gwen being who she is, appreciates the ins and outs of the Betazoid woman. Gwen has gotten very used to hearing Sevan communicate via telepathy while they are alone and has gotten used to when she is near her roommate to just think aloud assuming her friend would hear. Honestly Gwen has become to see Sevan as a dear friend and is excited that she's had someone from academy with her this whole time. If there is anyone in the ship the woman would trust with anything, it would be Sevan no matter what it was.

Character Page: Sevantha Saa

Ex Partner, Friend, Unknown Location

Faren was a man that Gwen grew up with back on Ba'ku. The two had been friends growing up due to their parents being close friends and because of shared classes and apprenticeships. It took fifty years of friendship before it started to slowly change to something more. The two enjoyed it while they both were on Ba'ku. Faren had always gone on Gwen's adventures and exploring of areas around their village as well as further away into the reaches that the natives did not go often due to distance. He was her partner in any adventure she wanted to do. The two officially started seeing each other in the normal method Ba'ku do and began working through the idea of if she would move further with it. For them, there was no rush. They had however long their lives were and that wasn't something her people worried about. However, after the Son'a tried to relocate her people he pulled back and in a way so did she. They realized that they both wanted change and adventure elsewhere, so they broke off their long term relationship and tried to remain just friends. He wanted to see what the stars had to offer on his own, saying he would not change and would remain Faren, but Gwen was worried by how he acted and changed from the attack till he left that it would be different.

He departed Ba'ku and Gwen has rarely heard from him besides odd bits of communication. Last she heard he had been gone from Ba'ku for 10 years and had yet to be back. Gwen hopes to one day hear from him again and see that he hadn't lost himself to the negative notions of the stars.

Colleagues ⮟
USS Astraeus
HCO Officer, USS Astraeus

Gwen had gotten to meet Chris the same way as several officers on the ship, through the Power Rangers planning with Charlie, Cadfael, Sevan and co. Though something about Chris she noticed between then and the several times she saw him across the ship over the next few weeks was that he was a passionate man who wasn't afraid to speak his mind. That Gwen admired and honestly tugged her to want to get to know him more. Another person she was excited to get to know more through their odd holodeck adventure.

Character Page: Christopher Caldwell

Charles Matthews LtJG.png
Security Chief, USS Astraeus

When Gwen met the man he was just another lower deck security officer being of Lieutenant JG. Her first run in with him had been when she had gotten invited to become a Power Ranger with Charlie, Chris, and Cadfael with Sevan. The main note from that was he seemed chipper and definitely had a good smile. He quickly during the next few weeks of crazy between the end of shoreleave and the start of the Federation Day activities to be a person she felt like she could go to if she needed someone. Maybe it was the fact he had caught her eye or just the fact he was a general nice guy. But overall she's glad to possibly have a friend in him once she gets to know him.

Character Page: Charles Matthews

LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Science Bean!, USS Astraeus

Tim was one of the first scientists she got to work with on a major project for a mission. While the whole time there was uncertainty about a group that mattered a lot to Gwen, he wasn't foreceful and taught her a lot as they worked. From the work end of things, Gwen will continue to be glad to have his wealth of knowledge she can learn from. From a less professional standpoint, she's curious of the person beneath the scientist exterior and wonders if she'll get to know him better either through their time on the ship or through the Power Ranger activity that Commander Peters seemed to have handed over to him.

Character Page: Timothy Alentonis

Rosek LtCmdrRedBkgdV2.png
Mission Specialist, USS Astraeus

The new Mission Specialist turned First Officer was someone Gwen had barely met at the start of the insanity that was Frontier Day and even that meeting was through the professional lens of being apart of the rescue crew for her and the others in Strategic Operations and then the several situations afterwards in the bridge and so on. During a brief pause where everyone had tried to act normal, she had joined Gwen, Tim, Sevan and Divya for a goofy moment in the Lounge. It caused Gwen to value the woman for wanting to get to know them in the middle of the disaster that was that day.

Gwen honestly hopes to get to know the woman more in the future, to learn from her but to also get to know her off duty, especially since she had seen that side of her during the brief moment in the lounge.

Character Page: Lael Rosek-Skyfire

Divya Tam Ensign.png
Security Officer, USS Astraeus

Divya Tam was another one of the many ensigns Gwen got to know when she first started on the Astraeus. She knew the woman was in security and often was added to the bridge crew as Gwen had been as of late. Divya had joined her and others at the Lounge during the frontier day activities during a brief few hours to breath and Gwen couldn't have been happier. Though not long after the woman had been turned into Borg in the bridge and caused Gwen to freeze up instead of aiming at the woman.

With everything bad that had happened, Gwen hopes to eventually talk with her and get to know her more. Besides lower deckers need to stick together.

Character Page: Divya Tam

Anjar Thoran wm.png
Ex Security Chief

Gwen's first day on the Astraeus was spent getting past the various measures of entering a starship and getting incredibly lost while attempting to find the science chief's office. Instead of getting onto her, Gwen got welcomed and instructed the best way to go for getting to where she needed to go. Plus the good guidance of to not try and get somewhere as an adventure if she needed to meet a deadline or would be late to shift. [1]

Character Page: Anjar Thoran

LtCPeters Gold 2399.png
Ex Engineering Chief

Joining a new crew without relationships to anyone was spooky. But during one of Gwen and Sevan's adventure to the Pagrati Lounge, the pair happened upon the Lieutenant Commander planning a Power Rangers holodeck program. Without a care of how new they were, Gwen and Sevan got invited. This spurred the two into meeting several other officers such as Lieutenant JG Charles Matthews and Lieutenant JG Christopher Caldwell, both of which, Gwen is excited to get to know better over time. But it wouldn't have happened had it not been the Engineers willingness to invite two random individuals.[2]

Character Page: Cadfael Peters

Alora deveau2.png
Academy Exam FO

Gwen had been a fresh faced cadet from academy who had transferred to SB118 for the final bit of the semester as well as her final exam. It had been a fun endeavor and Gwen had enjoyed it immensely. Both the CO and FO had been extremely helpful and instructive in their exam, though Gwen was glad to have gotten to meet Lieutenant Commander Alora DeVeau due to their shared love for plants and the fact that she gave Gwen someone to look to in regards to where years down the line she could be. A gift post academy was given to Gwen from this instructor, it being a Tea's Blueberry Butterfly African Violet that Gwen has kept with her since and done her best to keep it alive and prospering in her quarters.

Character Page: Alora DeVeau

• Chronological History
Before Starfleet ⮟

Gwen'ora, or Gwen for short, was born on 224908.01 to Wila and Nav Tasen, two Ba'ku who worked one of the large fields for the colony. Gwen was raised on Ba'ku, a planet located within the Briar Patch. With their planet's metaphasic radiation extending slowing their age, the Ba'ku can live centuries.

From a young age, Gwen started helping her parents among the fields. Taking a huge enjoyment in plants and what all they can do for their society. As she grew up, Gwen continued to take an interest in botany and quickly added it to her list of items she wanted to focus on. Eventually when Gwen hit 20, she signed up for various apprenticeships she wanted to follow within the colony. These included botany, artwork with a focus in sketching, and dancing.

For the next 106 years, Gwen focused on herself. Eventually moving out of her parents house and began operating her own farm, focusing on herbal remedies and various unique plants that had not been typically cultivated by other members of the farming community within Ba'ku. She had some of the stranger plants but she had them growing and was developing uses for them within her community.

One of the major things Gwen did during this time was take trips with friends and family that would come with her to document other plants and animals within Ba'ku. While much of this had already been scanned by their systems, Gwen documented and collected on a first hand basis and added the documentation to the Ba'ku systems. Gwen also during this time period started seeing another Ba'ku male named Faren Blek who was a few years older than her. They did not take the relationship too quickly, especially as they had centuries of life to go.

The year Gwen turned 126 was the year that Starfleet initiated first contact with her people. She was there for the situation and the aftermath that happened. At first the just helped and focused on making sure to bring her research and enough seeds to start again if needed. Then helped with anything else.

However, ever since that day, Gwen had her eyes elsewhere than the roaming planes of the planet she had lived on for over a century. Now her gaze was on the stars. After the ship that helped her people and do the same to countless others.

So she started the endeavor to figure out what her heart wanted. This started with slowly breaking ties with Faren Blek who was also already planning to travel the Alpha Quadrant on his own. So she decided that was fine. For years she argued within herself about leaving home but eventually decided by 2380 to apply to a bachelors program on Terra for Xenobiology.

Soon after being accepted to the esteemed program, Gwen left her homeworld for the first time and loved every moment of it. Sure it meant she was no longer affected by the Briar Patch's unique effects. However, overall she was glad to be out and about in the stars.

After Gwen graduated, initially, Gwen returned home and began integrating herself back into her homeworld. Bringing her knowledge back with her. However, it became clear that her wants of adventure would no longer be taken care of via her home.

Gwen stayed home for several years, taking trips off the world to see other nearby planets. However, eventually she realized where her heart was and applied to Starfleet in 2397.

Starfleet Academy ⮟

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USS Astraeus ⮟

Information Loading . . .

Frontier Day ⮟

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• References
  1. Directionally Challenged, Ensign Gwen Tasen, USS Astraeus, 240105.21
  2. Surprise Holodeck Planning, Ensign Gwen Tasen, USS Astraeus, 240105.23
• Service History
Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
PICstyle-cadet1 blue.png
Cadet SD 239705.15 - 239805.14 Starfleet Academy
Science Masters in Biology
PICstyle-cadet2 blue.png
SD 239805.15 - 239905.14
PICstyle-cadet3 blue.png
SD 239905.15 - 240005.14
PICstyle-cadet4 blue.png
SD 240005.15 - 240105.19
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Ensign SD 240105.20 - Present USS Astraeus
Science Officer
• Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240105.20
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Meikonda 2022 Icon.png
Commanding Ofc.
Lael Rosek LtCdr.png
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Mission Specialst
C. Caldwell
HCO Officer
Dazra Kol
Esa Kiax LCDR.png
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Divya Tam Ensign.png
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Wyatt RalLT.jpg
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Senior Science Ofc.
Timothy Alentonis
Sulok Art.png
Science Officer
Alix Astraeus JG.png
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Medical Officer
August Winslett
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