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|NAME = Harry Kim
|NAME = Chip Warwick Foley
|SHIP = USS Voyager
|SHIP = USS Constitution
|RANK = Ensign
|RANK = Ensign
|PIPSTYLE = Default
|POST = Operations Officer
|POST = Engineering Officer
|COLOR = Gold
|COLOR = Gold
|SPECIES = Human
|SPECIES = Human
|GENDER = Male
|GENDER = Male
|BIRTHPLACE = South Carolina, Earth
|IMAGE =Chip Foley.png
|AUTHOR = <!--Replace this comment with your writer ID number if you want to display it.-->
|AUTHOR = C239704CF0
:''Creating a basic bio is quick and easy to do! Wherever you see brackets below, just add in the text you need, replacing things like 'your name' or 'your ship' with the relevant information inside the coding provided, or follow the instructions given - then delete the brackets and any instructions inside them! Once you're done, you'll have a bare bones bio that you can build on using the FBC tutorials, getting tips from other people's bios or adding your own ideas! Click "edit" to get started! Good luck and enjoy!''

<!--Let's start with your sidebar! Take out Harry Kim's info above and put in your own character's information. Valid colors are Red, Gold, Blue, Teal, Violet, Black, Silver, and Green. Remember those colors as we'll be using them for the section headers in the rest of this bio.
'''Ensign Chip Foley''' is currently serving as an '''Engineering Officer''' aboard the {{USS|Constitution-B}}

Not all ranks are available in all colors. Use full rank names (except for Lieutenant JG and Lt. Commander, and Lt. Colonel). Pipstyle can be changed from Default to DS9 or Slanted. See the table later in this bio for examples of each. There is also an extra STO pip set, but it works best in the table rather than in the sidebar.
* '''Height''': 1.91 m
* '''Weight''': 129.8 kg
* '''Hair''': None
* '''Eyes''': Silver-white luminance
* '''General Description''': Chip Foley is a large, thickset man, somewhat pale in appearance. He is completely hairless, eyebrows and eyelashes included, as a result of an unfortunate saturation with thallium salts. His left arm is a prosthetic from the elbow down, a custom design from his father's laboratory with extensive modifications; unlike more common biosynthetic replacements, Chip's is formed of brushed metal, bare and unsheathed. His ocular implants are similarly custom, without the plain white appearance more commonly seen. They instead produce a soft silver glow. He moves with an unusual fluidity of motion, belying his size, as a result of artificial augmentation of his neuromuscular system.
{{Heading|Cybernetic Augmentations|Gold}}
* '''Ocular prostheses''': Ocular implants have been somewhat common since at least the 22nd century; Chip and his father have modified a pair of complete replacements. The core design is from the Terran firm Sendai Cybernetics. His eyes do not provide a human-standard mode of vision; he tends to view the world in flat metallic graytones. His eyes do feature a heads-up display, feeding him information from external tricorders or his similarly-equipped prosthetic, as well as identifying things like distance and simple external measurements, ambient temperature, and identifiable heart rates in organisims with definable heartbeats. His ocular implants will identify the color of things he is looking at since he cannot directly perceive it. He does miss the color in the world he remembers from his youth - the exception is forcefields and projected holograms, which show up as exceptionally radiant and vibrantly colored in Chip's vision.

For date of birth, add a leading zero for single digit months and dates. The sidebar will automatically calculate your character's age as well.
* '''Prosthetic Lower Left Arm''': Chip's arm is a beryllium-titanium alloy, with an endoskeletal design similar to what was used internally on the Mudd-type android series. Over the years, working with his father and independently, he has built a series of three functional replacements. To exchange these, Chip requires some time in his quarters with the appropriate tools, or a properly equipped cybernetics lab:
** His day-to-day service hand, which incorporates a small suite of sensors from an engineering tricorder, allowing him to work more efficiently in his capacity as an engineer and feed sensor data directly to his HUD. He worked extensively on this one throughout his time at the Academy, and it is the one he most frequently wears, particularly when exploring the maintenance shafts and tubes of a vessel.
** An 'informational technology' hand, featuring the capacity to radially extend each of the jointed fingers out into multiple smaller metallic digits in order to more efficiently utilize control panel inputs. While so doing, he will generally feed the screen output of the console directly to his field of vision. This allows him to access, search and enter data with remarkable speed, although he can do little else in the meantime. He can even take this a step further, closing the hand back to its standard configuration and detaching it entirely at the wrist, utilizing it as the remote for dataport access to neurally interface directly with the computer. This act leaves him entirely comatose while engaged, and he finds it dangerously addictive, so he tries to limit that usage except in extreme exigencies.
** A repair prosthetic - this one cannot rightly be called a hand, since it's a control assembly he fits onto his elbow stump directly. It allows him to control a suite of microscopic waldo tools used for maintenance and repair of his own cybernetics. This sort of self-sufficiency goes back to his upbringing. Chip will almost always only work on his prosthetics only in his own quarters or when a properly equipped cybernetics lab is completely empty. He's not a shy man, but he does not like to be seen in his one-armed state.

If you have an image for your character, add the file name for it such as EnsignSmith.jpg in the last field.
* '''Biochemical Reactor''': As Chip and Dr. Michael Foley worked on his primary prostheses, they found that increasing amounts of power were required, particularly once sensors were incorporated into one version of his hand. Chip designed a small sugar-based fuel cell and his father surgically implanted it at his lower pancreas. This provides Chip with all the energy he needs, and occasionally causes him to be detected as a power source. However, he does require a great deal of glucose in his diet to keep his energy up. He takes in a lot of sugar, and has to bypass nutritional standards on most replicators. Without a steady intake of sweets, he can lose power quickly during periods of high usage of his cybernetic augmentations. This also led to an early series of dental problems, an issue that Chip solved himself rather inelegantly, via -

Do NOT put [[ or ]] or File: in the name. The template will automatically resize your image to fit the sidebar.
* '''Titanium Dental Implants''': Chip figured the easiest way to make sure his teeth stayed healthy was to have them all removed courtesy of a questionably ethical 24 hour surgeon in Vacaville and to instead install custom-fit metal teeth on a series of anchored bolts. These have no additional capacities beyond an immunity to degradation from a high-sugar diet and a dazzling dioxide-white smile.

If you don't have an image for your character, just leave that field blank and a placeholder will show up instead. You can use the "EXTRA" field if you want to add something else to the bottom of your sidebar such as another image, a badge such as the Featured Bio Contest winner badge or links to subpages such as an academy transcript or a medical record. If you don't want to add anything, just leave it blank as well.
* '''Intramuscular wire mesh and vertebral bracing''': As a young man experimenting with sustained gravitic vacuoles (as one does), Chip was victim of an implosion and was left in a coma for an extended period. His father designed and implanted these to assist with his recovery and help with the microfractures to his spine from the force of the implosion; the weave is a mesh of fine wires in his skeletomuscular system which keep his muscles active (and help prevent excess weight gain from his diet) and lend him an unusual fluidity of movement for a man his size. The bracing provides excellent posture, combating a childhood tendency to slouch over screens.

You can also display your OOC writer ID number in your character's sidebar if you want by adding AUTHOR= to the list of variables. If you leave it blank, this field will disappear.

Once you're done, we'll move onto the introductory sentence/paragraph for your character below!-->

('''Your rank and name''') is currently serving as a ('''your duty post''') aboard the ({{USS|Your Ship}}). (A table of contents will be automatically generated below this line - you won't see it in the edit window but it'll be right there once you save the page!)
* '''Curiosity''': Chip has an almost inherent need to learn about the world around him. As a result of his upbringing and education, this curiosity is primarily focused on technicalities, learning how different devices and systems function, but he shows an equally avid interest in learning about people.
* '''Positivity''': Chip Foley seems to live in an almost perpetual state of excitement; everything fascinates him and every answer he finds seems to delight him. This can make him difficult to deal with for people of a slightly less mercurial nature.
* '''Hyperconsciousness''': Chip's mind is constantly alight with questions and possibilities, and unlike more introverted thinkers he never lets any of those questions go without asking them aloud whenever posssible. This can lead to chains of questions one after the other which can make attempts at conversation frustrating, confusing, or at the very least time-consuming. But he does mean well. There's just so much thinking to be done.
* '''Intermittent Hyperactivity''': Since he can intake over 400g of sugar daily, and also favors extremely potent specialized caffeinated beverages (his hyperpressurized coffee requires specialized equipment to prepare), it can be hard to slow Chip down. Also he doesn't always remember to sleep.

* '''Height''': (Add your stats after each bullet point)
* '''Weight''':
* '''Hair''':
* '''Eyes''':
* '''Build''':

Whom does your character get on with or not get on with? For now, pick one member of your current crew and enter their name below, then describe the nature of your character's relationship with them.
**'''Father:''' Dr. Michael Rowe Foley, PhD
**'''Mother:''' an unidentified egg donor (biological mother) and the APHAEA (Automated Progenitor, Hospitaller, Administrator and Educational Aide) System (functional mother)
*'''Siblings''': Digit Collins Foley (brother)
Dr. Michael Rowe Foley is polymath, holding multiple doctorates, and a man of so many strange tics, affectations and antisocial tendencies that he was pushed further and further out of organized academia until he was left all alone, sponsored by a number of honorariums, grants and the sorts of donations given to mad scientists in a large laboratory complex on the outer edges of the large Marcos XII colony.
Eventually, he decided he should have offspring, but found the whole process of mating incredibly tedious. He opted instead to design a filter program to sort through the records of a vast number of fertility clinics across the galaxy and finally identified a suitable donor. Being practical by nature, he naturally decided to duplicate his work and divided the donor egg before having the siblings birthed and raised in the specialized APHAEA system he'd designed.

* [[(Name of character)]]
Chip and Digit were born. Dr. Foley was not notable for his creativity outside the realm of metasystems design, and went with the first two things he saw on his workbench; a solid-state memory chip full of schematics for particle cannons, and a small shockproof digital timer the Professor used to measure plasma bursts. Chip was a glance away from being named Tri-Phasic Emitter. Their middle names were selected from early pioneers in cybernetics, a particular passion of Dr. Foley's. The boys were raised primarily by the APHAEA system's AI and automated assistants, with the good doctor occasionally providing a pat on the head, an amusing holocube, or a series of formulae for designing Berthold ray shielding.
(Description Here)

Chip and his brother were born into a world of pure technological interaction. Dr. Foley had few visitors beyond the occasional academic contact and materials suppliers, but he encouraged his sons to entertain and educate themselves and each other. This largely unsupervised approach was not without consequence - Chip lost his eyes and his left hand while trying to design a better power infuser for the long-range range scouting drone. That was the longest close contact he had with his father - Dr. Foley was delighted by the chance to develop and improve a suite of new prosthetics.
Eventually, Digit Foley took his fascination with autonomous exploration craft to the Copernicus Shipyards under the employ of the Yoyodyne Division. Chip took his avid interest in maintaining a sense of order and his deep and abiding love of precision to Starfleet, an organization that he assumed was built entirely on order and precision. Only experimentation will prove that hypothesis, of course.

{{Heading|(Background/Personality/Career History)|Gold}}
In the coding above, delete two of the headings so that only one remains. You can then type here as if you were writing on notepad to drop in some information about your character. If you want to use bullets, copy and paste the star above. You can also look on the forums and the wiki for tutorials on how to use more adventurous coding. Want to include sections for Background, Personality AND Career History? Just copy the code for the title bar above, then paste it in type in the title you want - you can add extra sections in too!

{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}
{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}
:''Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. More instructions about how to use the service record template can be found at [[Template:Service Record]].''

{{Service Record}}
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
{{SR Insignia|Cadet|Gold}}
{{SR Rank|Cadet}}
{{SR Dates|2393 - 2397}}
{{SR Posting|[[Starfleet Academy]]|AcademyLogo2390.png|73px}}
{{SR Assignment|Cadet|Gold}}
{{SR Insignia|Ensign|Gold}}
!  colspan="100%" style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Service History
{{SR Rank|Ensign}}
{{SR Dates|SD 239704.09 - Present}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:120px" |Insignia
{{SR Posting|{{USS|Atlantis}}|Intrepid-icon1.gif}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8; width:200px;" |Rank
{{SR Assignment|Operations Officer|Gold}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:200px;" |Dates
{{Service Record End}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Posting
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Gold}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239704.21
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239704.28 - 239707.18
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Constitution-B}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Junior Grade
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239707.18 - Present
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Constitution-B}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer

{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|Gold}}
{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|Gold}}
* (''We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional [[awards]] and [[service ribbons]] that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out [[Template:Ribbons Display]].'')
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{Awards Header}}
Line 87: Line 115:
* [ Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
* [ Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)

:''To end your bio, we're going to drop in some code here for your ship's crew template, which should appear at the bottom of your bio and will help members of the fleet easily browse other bios of your shipmates. Change the name of the ship below to whatever the name of your character's ship is, unless of course you've been assigned to the USS Gemini! Don't forget the letter suffix for your ship if yours has one (such as the USS Darwin-A).''
{{Crewnav|USS Apollo-A}}
:''Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by species]]; your duty post listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by duty post]]; and your ship characters category here: [[:Category:Characters by ship]].

[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:(Your ship's characters category)]]
[[Category:USS Constitution]]
[[Category:(Your duty post category)]]
[[Category:(Your species category)]]

Latest revision as of 14:46, 29 March 2023

USS Constitution
Chip Foley.png
STO Ensign Yellow.jpg
STO Blank Yellow.jpg
Chip Warwick Foley
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 237010.10
Age 31
Birthplace Marcos XII
Writer ID C239704CF0

Ensign Chip Foley is currently serving as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Constitution-B


  • Height: 1.91 m
  • Weight: 129.8 kg
  • Hair: None
  • Eyes: Silver-white luminance
  • General Description: Chip Foley is a large, thickset man, somewhat pale in appearance. He is completely hairless, eyebrows and eyelashes included, as a result of an unfortunate saturation with thallium salts. His left arm is a prosthetic from the elbow down, a custom design from his father's laboratory with extensive modifications; unlike more common biosynthetic replacements, Chip's is formed of brushed metal, bare and unsheathed. His ocular implants are similarly custom, without the plain white appearance more commonly seen. They instead produce a soft silver glow. He moves with an unusual fluidity of motion, belying his size, as a result of artificial augmentation of his neuromuscular system.

Cybernetic Augmentations

  • Ocular prostheses: Ocular implants have been somewhat common since at least the 22nd century; Chip and his father have modified a pair of complete replacements. The core design is from the Terran firm Sendai Cybernetics. His eyes do not provide a human-standard mode of vision; he tends to view the world in flat metallic graytones. His eyes do feature a heads-up display, feeding him information from external tricorders or his similarly-equipped prosthetic, as well as identifying things like distance and simple external measurements, ambient temperature, and identifiable heart rates in organisims with definable heartbeats. His ocular implants will identify the color of things he is looking at since he cannot directly perceive it. He does miss the color in the world he remembers from his youth - the exception is forcefields and projected holograms, which show up as exceptionally radiant and vibrantly colored in Chip's vision.
  • Prosthetic Lower Left Arm: Chip's arm is a beryllium-titanium alloy, with an endoskeletal design similar to what was used internally on the Mudd-type android series. Over the years, working with his father and independently, he has built a series of three functional replacements. To exchange these, Chip requires some time in his quarters with the appropriate tools, or a properly equipped cybernetics lab:
    • His day-to-day service hand, which incorporates a small suite of sensors from an engineering tricorder, allowing him to work more efficiently in his capacity as an engineer and feed sensor data directly to his HUD. He worked extensively on this one throughout his time at the Academy, and it is the one he most frequently wears, particularly when exploring the maintenance shafts and tubes of a vessel.
    • An 'informational technology' hand, featuring the capacity to radially extend each of the jointed fingers out into multiple smaller metallic digits in order to more efficiently utilize control panel inputs. While so doing, he will generally feed the screen output of the console directly to his field of vision. This allows him to access, search and enter data with remarkable speed, although he can do little else in the meantime. He can even take this a step further, closing the hand back to its standard configuration and detaching it entirely at the wrist, utilizing it as the remote for dataport access to neurally interface directly with the computer. This act leaves him entirely comatose while engaged, and he finds it dangerously addictive, so he tries to limit that usage except in extreme exigencies.
    • A repair prosthetic - this one cannot rightly be called a hand, since it's a control assembly he fits onto his elbow stump directly. It allows him to control a suite of microscopic waldo tools used for maintenance and repair of his own cybernetics. This sort of self-sufficiency goes back to his upbringing. Chip will almost always only work on his prosthetics only in his own quarters or when a properly equipped cybernetics lab is completely empty. He's not a shy man, but he does not like to be seen in his one-armed state.
  • Biochemical Reactor: As Chip and Dr. Michael Foley worked on his primary prostheses, they found that increasing amounts of power were required, particularly once sensors were incorporated into one version of his hand. Chip designed a small sugar-based fuel cell and his father surgically implanted it at his lower pancreas. This provides Chip with all the energy he needs, and occasionally causes him to be detected as a power source. However, he does require a great deal of glucose in his diet to keep his energy up. He takes in a lot of sugar, and has to bypass nutritional standards on most replicators. Without a steady intake of sweets, he can lose power quickly during periods of high usage of his cybernetic augmentations. This also led to an early series of dental problems, an issue that Chip solved himself rather inelegantly, via -
  • Titanium Dental Implants: Chip figured the easiest way to make sure his teeth stayed healthy was to have them all removed courtesy of a questionably ethical 24 hour surgeon in Vacaville and to instead install custom-fit metal teeth on a series of anchored bolts. These have no additional capacities beyond an immunity to degradation from a high-sugar diet and a dazzling dioxide-white smile.
  • Intramuscular wire mesh and vertebral bracing: As a young man experimenting with sustained gravitic vacuoles (as one does), Chip was victim of an implosion and was left in a coma for an extended period. His father designed and implanted these to assist with his recovery and help with the microfractures to his spine from the force of the implosion; the weave is a mesh of fine wires in his skeletomuscular system which keep his muscles active (and help prevent excess weight gain from his diet) and lend him an unusual fluidity of movement for a man his size. The bracing provides excellent posture, combating a childhood tendency to slouch over screens.


  • Curiosity: Chip has an almost inherent need to learn about the world around him. As a result of his upbringing and education, this curiosity is primarily focused on technicalities, learning how different devices and systems function, but he shows an equally avid interest in learning about people.
  • Positivity: Chip Foley seems to live in an almost perpetual state of excitement; everything fascinates him and every answer he finds seems to delight him. This can make him difficult to deal with for people of a slightly less mercurial nature.
  • Hyperconsciousness: Chip's mind is constantly alight with questions and possibilities, and unlike more introverted thinkers he never lets any of those questions go without asking them aloud whenever posssible. This can lead to chains of questions one after the other which can make attempts at conversation frustrating, confusing, or at the very least time-consuming. But he does mean well. There's just so much thinking to be done.
  • Intermittent Hyperactivity: Since he can intake over 400g of sugar daily, and also favors extremely potent specialized caffeinated beverages (his hyperpressurized coffee requires specialized equipment to prepare), it can be hard to slow Chip down. Also he doesn't always remember to sleep.


  • Parents:
    • Father: Dr. Michael Rowe Foley, PhD
    • Mother: an unidentified egg donor (biological mother) and the APHAEA (Automated Progenitor, Hospitaller, Administrator and Educational Aide) System (functional mother)
  • Siblings: Digit Collins Foley (brother)


Dr. Michael Rowe Foley is polymath, holding multiple doctorates, and a man of so many strange tics, affectations and antisocial tendencies that he was pushed further and further out of organized academia until he was left all alone, sponsored by a number of honorariums, grants and the sorts of donations given to mad scientists in a large laboratory complex on the outer edges of the large Marcos XII colony.

Eventually, he decided he should have offspring, but found the whole process of mating incredibly tedious. He opted instead to design a filter program to sort through the records of a vast number of fertility clinics across the galaxy and finally identified a suitable donor. Being practical by nature, he naturally decided to duplicate his work and divided the donor egg before having the siblings birthed and raised in the specialized APHAEA system he'd designed.

Chip and Digit were born. Dr. Foley was not notable for his creativity outside the realm of metasystems design, and went with the first two things he saw on his workbench; a solid-state memory chip full of schematics for particle cannons, and a small shockproof digital timer the Professor used to measure plasma bursts. Chip was a glance away from being named Tri-Phasic Emitter. Their middle names were selected from early pioneers in cybernetics, a particular passion of Dr. Foley's. The boys were raised primarily by the APHAEA system's AI and automated assistants, with the good doctor occasionally providing a pat on the head, an amusing holocube, or a series of formulae for designing Berthold ray shielding.

Chip and his brother were born into a world of pure technological interaction. Dr. Foley had few visitors beyond the occasional academic contact and materials suppliers, but he encouraged his sons to entertain and educate themselves and each other. This largely unsupervised approach was not without consequence - Chip lost his eyes and his left hand while trying to design a better power infuser for the long-range range scouting drone. That was the longest close contact he had with his father - Dr. Foley was delighted by the chance to develop and improve a suite of new prosthetics.

Eventually, Digit Foley took his fascination with autonomous exploration craft to the Copernicus Shipyards under the employ of the Yoyodyne Division. Chip took his avid interest in maintaining a sense of order and his deep and abiding love of precision to Starfleet, an organization that he assumed was built entirely on order and precision. Only experimentation will prove that hypothesis, of course.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239704.21 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineering
STO Ensign Yellow.jpg
Ensign 239704.28 - 239707.18 USS Constitution-B Engineering Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Yellow.jpg
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239707.18 - Present USS Constitution-B Engineering Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Year or Stardate
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here at the SIM Archive.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Atan T'Seva.png
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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