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(9 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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'''Lieutenant JG Tulosten''' is currently serving as an '''Engineering Officer''' aboard the {{USS|Gorkon}}
|NAME = Harry Kim
|NAME = Tulosten
|SHIP = USS Voyager
|SHIP = {{USS|Gorkon}}
|RANK = Ensign
|RANK = Lieutenant Junior Grade
|PIPSTYLE = Default
|POST = Operations Officer
|POST = Engineer
|COLOR = Gold
|COLOR = Gold
|SPECIES = Human
|SPECIES = Klingon
|GENDER = Male
|GENDER = Male
|BIRTHPLACE = South Carolina, Earth
|BIRTHPLACE = N’Kav Colony, Klingon Empire
|IMAGE = Tulosten.jpg
|AUTHOR = <!--Replace this comment with your writer ID number if you want to display it.-->
|AUTHOR = V239107TZ0
{{Ribbons Rack|LABEL=Service Ribbons
|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
{{Ribbons Rack|LABEL=Awards
|1-year Member}}
{{Badge Rack
:''Creating a basic bio is quick and easy to do! Wherever you see brackets below, just add in the text you need, replacing things like 'your name' or 'your ship' with the relevant information inside the coding provided, or follow the instructions given - then delete the brackets and any instructions inside them! Once you're done, you'll have a bare bones bio that you can build on using the FBC tutorials, getting tips from other people's bios or adding your own ideas! Click "edit" to get started! Good luck and enjoy!''

<!--Let's start with your sidebar! Take out Harry Kim's info above and put in your own character's information. Valid colors are Red, Gold, Blue, Teal, Violet, Black, Silver, and Green. Remember those colors as we'll be using them for the section headers in the rest of this bio.
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Personal Profile|200|COLOR=darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
* '''Height''': 1.87 Metres
* '''Weight''': 89kg
* '''Hair''': Black, currently shoulder length and worn in a tight pony tail or loose.
* '''Facial Hair''': Black neat trimmed bread and moustache
* '''Eyes''': Brown
* '''Build''': Muscular
* '''Handed''': Right
* '''Distinguishing Features''': Scar running above left eyebrow.  

Not all ranks are available in all colors. Use full rank names (except for Lieutenant JG and Lt. Commander, and Lt. Colonel). Pipstyle can be changed from Default to DS9 or Slanted. See the table later in this bio for examples of each. There is also an extra STO pip set, but it works best in the table rather than in the sidebar.
* '''Klingon House''': None
* '''Family''': Teenage daughter, living on Vulcan with her mother.

For date of birth, add a leading zero for single digit months and dates. The sidebar will automatically calculate your character's age as well.
* Highly suspicious of strangers, believing that trust needs to be earned. 
* Has a strong belief in comradery and believes that alcohol & music should be in abundance to improve it.
* Takes delight his shipmates laugh, though his humour can be too brash and vulgar for some.
* Uses meditation as tool for self-reflection and guidance from Kahless.
* Always gives his superior officers a loud salute and since meaning Lt. [[Sera zh'Aella]], gives the same honour to his Starfleet allies.  

If you have an image for your character, add the file name for it such as EnsignSmith.jpg in the last field.
* His background and lack of a house caused him to become fixated on gaining glory for himself and proving himself as a warrior.
* Occasionally finds it difficult to balance his lust for glory with the honour of duty.
* His lack of a house also caused him to draw his ideals from the high standards set by legendary Klingon warriors and officers.
* Since meeting the Starfleet Exchange officer, he slightly more open to alternative paths of personal honour. And has even done some, very discrete, reading on the accolades on the Klingons who have served in Starfleet. 
* He has some resentment towards Klingons from Great Houses.
* Wants to ensure that his daughters live was better than his, which is why he keeps her at a distance while serving with the KDF. While he wishes she would learn more Klingon ways, he is incredible proud of her.
*Whenever Tulosten is granted leave, he takes it on Vulcan to visit his daughter.

Do NOT put [[ or ]] or File: in the name. The template will automatically resize your image to fit the sidebar.

If you don't have an image for your character, just leave that field blank and a placeholder will show up instead. You can use the "EXTRA" field if you want to add something else to the bottom of your sidebar such as another image, a badge such as the Featured Bio Contest winner badge or links to subpages such as an academy transcript or a medical record. If you don't want to add anything, just leave it blank as well.
Tulosten is not a member of a great house and his family’s history is unremarkable as he was born on a poor colony very little infrastructure on the outskirts of the Klingon Empire. The N’Kav colony it was considered worthless to all but the farmers who inhabited it. Despite this, his family had called poor colony their home for generations as both farmers and hunters.  

You can also display your OOC writer ID number in your character's sidebar if you want by adding AUTHOR= to the list of variables. If you leave it blank, this field will disappear.
As a child he was taught the skills of bow hunting and excelled, thriving on the challenge of tracking pray over a long distance and the thrill of the final encounter. He was also learned the principles of farming, but he did so with much less enthusiasm and these instructions were often hindered by his constant complaining. The nights he spent reading old books which had been passed down from his grandparents and while the pages of the books were tattered, the stories of the Klingon greats that they contained inspired Tulosten and fuelled his dreams of glory and duty to the empire.

Once you're done, we'll move onto the introductory sentence/paragraph for your character below!-->
Knowing that he wanted more glory than that a hunter or farmer,  Tulosten left the colony as soon as he reached adulthood and began applying for service on KDF ships but without a house or patronage Tulosten’s applications was rejected each time. While he continued to apply to KDF ships, Tulosten was only able to get work menial work on the system’s decrepit space port. Despite hating that he was reduced to tasks which not fit for an aspiring Klingon warrior, he forced himself to learn the basics of system maintenance while to worked on the dilapidated station hoping that the knowledge would improve his chances of joining the KDF. His luck seemed to have changed when the IKS '''Gre’Thor''' docked on the station after returning from a mission against the Tholian. Having sustained heavy casualties during the mission his application to join the crew as and the KDF was accepted.

('''Your rank and name''') is currently serving as a ('''your duty post''') aboard the ({{USS|Your Ship}}). (A table of contents will be automatically generated below this line - you won't see it in the edit window but it'll be right there once you save the page!)
===KDF Career===

[[File:Klingon Empire.png|100px|link=Klingon Empire]]
* '''Height''': (Add your stats after each bullet point)
[[File:Brel.jpg|160px|link=B'rel class]]
* '''Weight''':
* '''{{c|B'rel}}''' • IKS Gre'Thor
* '''Hair''':
* '''Eyes''':
* '''Build''':

However his first mission aboard the warship was not one that he expected. Instead of receiving duties fit for a young and over eager warrior he was assigned as the honour guard to a visiting low level Federation diplomat, a Vulcan named '''T’Liana'''. Initially his duty amounted to standing in silence outside of the Vulcan’s sleeping compartment or in a corner of the room she occupied during the day while the Vulcan did some task on her personal terminal. He spent the first week of this duty in relative silence and utter boredom which only changed after watching her play chess against, and beat, the ship’s computer. Intrigued by the strategy game he politely inquired to the rules and instead of a brief explanation, he proceeded to receive extensive instruction on the rules and strategy of the game. Apparently '''T’Liana''' had been as bored as him and threw herself into the task of teaching an eager student the game. Slowly their relationship developed into a mentor student dynamic regarding not only chess, but classical literature and historic battles. The latter of which caused them to stay up late each night with Tulosten asking questions of long dead Starfleet Captains and Admirals battle plans. No longer were his hours with the Vulcan boring, instead he was receiving an introduction to in subjects that interested him and ideas that challenged him.
Whom does your character get on with or not get on with? For now, pick one member of your current crew and enter their name below, then describe the nature of your character's relationship with them.

* [[(Name of character)]]
It was near the end of '''T’Liana'''’s stay that she came down with a fever. Initially Tulosten feared that she had indeed been victim of an assassination attempt by poising but was assured by her that it was Pon Farr, though many months earlier than she had anticipated. After being advised that there was no Holodeck on the '''Gre’Thor''', she discreetly asked for Tulosten’s assistance in the matter. After having what was involved in the ‘assistance’ explained to him, Tulosten nervously agreed. No romantic relationship followed but they share a teenage daughter as a result of the event and have continued correspondence, with Tulosten asking guidance from her at various stages of his career.
(Description Here)

Tulosten’s following missions were of more standard duties he quickly rose to the position of Sergeant after demonstrating his bravery and cunning during a boarding action on a Gorn cruiser. Unfortunately his progression halted at this rank for many years as he was unable to catch the eye of his superiors. He only broke into the Officer ranks after a disastrous away mission on a Talarian outpost were many of his fellow warriors died without inflicting many casualties in return, upon returning to the '''Gre’Thor''' he public challenged his superior officer to a duel after announcing that the officer was guilty of dereliction of duty. Despite taking an early D'ktahg slash to his face Tulosten was victorious in the duel, Tulosten has since kept the scar which he gained during the duel.

{{Heading|(Background/Personality/Career History)|Gold}}
Despite his some lingering suspicion of the Empire’s main ally, and his dislike for the officer, he served under Starfleet exchange officer Lieutenant [[Sera zh'Aella]] and participated in the rescue of Starfleet personal from Orion Pirates. He was able to distinguish himself in the subsequent battle which arose from the retaliation strike by the remaining Orions. The mission has left a lasting hatred for the Orion’s in Tulosten’s mind and a grudging respect for Starfleet. Before Lieutenant [[Sera zh'Aella]]’s departure from the '''Gre’Thor''', Tulosten was able to expressed this to her and even enquired into the possibility of mating with the Andorian, to his surprise that offer was declined.
In the coding above, delete two of the headings so that only one remains. You can then type here as if you were writing on notepad to drop in some information about your character. If you want to use bullets, copy and paste the star above. You can also look on the forums and the wiki for tutorials on how to use more adventurous coding. Want to include sections for Background, Personality AND Career History? Just copy the code for the title bar above, then paste it in type in the title you want - you can add extra sections in too!

{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}
Tulosten was promoted to the '''Gre’Thor'''’s senior staff after the Starfleet rescue and received additional training in Engineering as this was the area where the '''Gre’Thor''' had suffered exceptionally high losses. He has grown to enjoy his engineering role but still longs for combat.
:''Below you'll see a table which contains images for rank pips - you can change the word 'Gold' for 'Red' or 'Teal' or one of the other colors listed earlier to match your duty post. Again, not all ranks are available in all colors and/or pipstyles. You can change pips from the default to a different style such as [[Template:DS9Pips|DS9]], [[Template:STOPips|STO]], or [[Template:SlantedPips|Slanted]] by adding DS9, STO, or Slanted after the color.''
===Officer Exchange Program===
{{Logo and Ship|USS Gorkon|Sovereign}}
On Stardate 239703.23 Tulosten was assigned to the USS Gorkon, as part of the KDF – Starfleet [[ma:Officer Exchange Program|Officer Exchange Program]].
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service History|200|COLOR=darkgoldenrod}}</h3>

{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
{| style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='2' cellspacing='0'
Line 66: Line 100:
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assignment
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Cadet First Class|Gold}}
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:Warrior-Klingon.png]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Cadet First Class
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Warrior
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you completed your Academy Class)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |237903.09 - 237906.02
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Graduated Starfleet Academy
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |IKS '''Gre’Thor'''
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Duty Post you Graduated as)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Honour Guard
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Gold|Slanted}}
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:Warrior-Klingon.png]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Ensign
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Warrior
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your first ship) - (When you left)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |237906.02 - 238105.13
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your first ship}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |IKS '''Gre’Thor'''
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assault Warrior
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Gold|DS9}}
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:Sergeant-Klingon.png]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant JG
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Sergeant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your second ship) - (When you left)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |238105.13 - 239010.20
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your second ship}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |IKS '''Gre’Thor'''
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Assault Leader
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant|Gold|STO}}
! style="background:#000;" |[[Image:Lieutenant-Klingon.png]]
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Stardate you were placed on your current ship) - Present
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239010.20 - 239703.23
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Your current ship}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |IKS '''Gre’Thor'''
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |(Your duty post)
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer
! style="background:#000;" |{{Pips|Lieutenant JG|Gold|DS9}}
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |Lieutenant Junior Grade
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |239703.23 - Present
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |{{USS|Gorkon}}
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Engineering Officer

{{Heading|Awards & Service Ribbons|Gold}}
* (''We've gone ahead and filled in your first service ribbon: the Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon. As you complete missions and continue to serve with the fleet, you'll earn additional [[awards]] and [[service ribbons]] that you can post here, with the date you got them! For full instructions on how to add more awards and service ribbons, check out [[Template:Ribbons Display]].'')

<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Awards & Service Ribbons|200|COLOR=darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Ribbons Display}}
{{Awards Header}}
{{No Citations}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Service Ribbons Header}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|Year or Stardate|Starfleet Academy|Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Citation|Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon|239406.06|Starfleet Academy|Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}
{{Ribbons Display End}}

{{Heading|SIM Archive|Gold}}
<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|SIM Archive|200|COLOR=darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
:''Replace the links below with links to your own SIMs that you find memorable or are important to your character - you may want to add more as your time with the fleet goes on! You can find a complete archive of sims here [http://sims.starbase118.net/ at the SIM Archive].''
* [http://sims.starbase118.net/posts/POSTNUMBER Title of First SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
* [http://sims.starbase118.net/posts/POSTNUMBER Title of Second SIM] - (Stardate and brief description of what happens)
:''To end your bio, we're going to drop in some code here for your ship's crew template, which should appear at the bottom of your bio and will help members of the fleet easily browse other bios of your shipmates. Change the name of the ship below to whatever the name of your character's ship is, unless of course you've been assigned to the USS Gemini! Don't forget the letter suffix for your ship if yours has one (such as the USS Darwin-A).''
{{Crewnav|USS Apollo-A}}

:''Lastly, don't forget including the proper categories! Find your character's species category listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by species]]; your duty post listed here: [[:Category:Individuals by duty post]]; and your ship characters category here: [[:Category:Characters by ship]].
{{Crewnav|USS Gorkon}}

[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:Starfleet personnel]]
[[Category:(Your ship's characters category)]]
[[Category: Engineers]]
[[Category:(Your duty post category)]]
[[Category: Gorkon Characters]]
[[Category:(Your species category)]]

Latest revision as of 00:24, 27 March 2020

Lieutenant JG Tulosten is currently serving as an Engineering Officer aboard the USS Gorkon

USS Gorkon
DS9style-ltjg gold.png
DS9style-blank gold.png
Position Engineer
Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade
Species Klingon
Gender Male
DOB 236012.11
Age 41
Birthplace N’Kav Colony, Klingon Empire
Writer ID V239107TZ0
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

Awards General 1Year.jpg

1-year Member

Badge 1.png

Personal Profile


  • Height: 1.87 Metres
  • Weight: 89kg
  • Hair: Black, currently shoulder length and worn in a tight pony tail or loose.
  • Facial Hair: Black neat trimmed bread and moustache
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Build: Muscular
  • Handed: Right
  • Distinguishing Features: Scar running above left eyebrow.


  • Klingon House: None
  • Family: Teenage daughter, living on Vulcan with her mother.


  • Highly suspicious of strangers, believing that trust needs to be earned.
  • Has a strong belief in comradery and believes that alcohol & music should be in abundance to improve it.
  • Takes delight his shipmates laugh, though his humour can be too brash and vulgar for some.
  • Uses meditation as tool for self-reflection and guidance from Kahless.
  • Always gives his superior officers a loud salute and since meaning Lt. Sera zh'Aella, gives the same honour to his Starfleet allies.


  • His background and lack of a house caused him to become fixated on gaining glory for himself and proving himself as a warrior.
  • Occasionally finds it difficult to balance his lust for glory with the honour of duty.
  • His lack of a house also caused him to draw his ideals from the high standards set by legendary Klingon warriors and officers.
  • Since meeting the Starfleet Exchange officer, he slightly more open to alternative paths of personal honour. And has even done some, very discrete, reading on the accolades on the Klingons who have served in Starfleet.
  • He has some resentment towards Klingons from Great Houses.
  • Wants to ensure that his daughters live was better than his, which is why he keeps her at a distance while serving with the KDF. While he wishes she would learn more Klingon ways, he is incredible proud of her.
  • Whenever Tulosten is granted leave, he takes it on Vulcan to visit his daughter.


Tulosten is not a member of a great house and his family’s history is unremarkable as he was born on a poor colony very little infrastructure on the outskirts of the Klingon Empire. The N’Kav colony it was considered worthless to all but the farmers who inhabited it. Despite this, his family had called poor colony their home for generations as both farmers and hunters.

As a child he was taught the skills of bow hunting and excelled, thriving on the challenge of tracking pray over a long distance and the thrill of the final encounter. He was also learned the principles of farming, but he did so with much less enthusiasm and these instructions were often hindered by his constant complaining. The nights he spent reading old books which had been passed down from his grandparents and while the pages of the books were tattered, the stories of the Klingon greats that they contained inspired Tulosten and fuelled his dreams of glory and duty to the empire.

Knowing that he wanted more glory than that a hunter or farmer, Tulosten left the colony as soon as he reached adulthood and began applying for service on KDF ships but without a house or patronage Tulosten’s applications was rejected each time. While he continued to apply to KDF ships, Tulosten was only able to get work menial work on the system’s decrepit space port. Despite hating that he was reduced to tasks which not fit for an aspiring Klingon warrior, he forced himself to learn the basics of system maintenance while to worked on the dilapidated station hoping that the knowledge would improve his chances of joining the KDF. His luck seemed to have changed when the IKS Gre’Thor docked on the station after returning from a mission against the Tholian. Having sustained heavy casualties during the mission his application to join the crew as and the KDF was accepted.

KDF Career

Klingon Empire.png Brel.jpg

However his first mission aboard the warship was not one that he expected. Instead of receiving duties fit for a young and over eager warrior he was assigned as the honour guard to a visiting low level Federation diplomat, a Vulcan named T’Liana. Initially his duty amounted to standing in silence outside of the Vulcan’s sleeping compartment or in a corner of the room she occupied during the day while the Vulcan did some task on her personal terminal. He spent the first week of this duty in relative silence and utter boredom which only changed after watching her play chess against, and beat, the ship’s computer. Intrigued by the strategy game he politely inquired to the rules and instead of a brief explanation, he proceeded to receive extensive instruction on the rules and strategy of the game. Apparently T’Liana had been as bored as him and threw herself into the task of teaching an eager student the game. Slowly their relationship developed into a mentor student dynamic regarding not only chess, but classical literature and historic battles. The latter of which caused them to stay up late each night with Tulosten asking questions of long dead Starfleet Captains and Admirals battle plans. No longer were his hours with the Vulcan boring, instead he was receiving an introduction to in subjects that interested him and ideas that challenged him.

It was near the end of T’Liana’s stay that she came down with a fever. Initially Tulosten feared that she had indeed been victim of an assassination attempt by poising but was assured by her that it was Pon Farr, though many months earlier than she had anticipated. After being advised that there was no Holodeck on the Gre’Thor, she discreetly asked for Tulosten’s assistance in the matter. After having what was involved in the ‘assistance’ explained to him, Tulosten nervously agreed. No romantic relationship followed but they share a teenage daughter as a result of the event and have continued correspondence, with Tulosten asking guidance from her at various stages of his career.

Tulosten’s following missions were of more standard duties he quickly rose to the position of Sergeant after demonstrating his bravery and cunning during a boarding action on a Gorn cruiser. Unfortunately his progression halted at this rank for many years as he was unable to catch the eye of his superiors. He only broke into the Officer ranks after a disastrous away mission on a Talarian outpost were many of his fellow warriors died without inflicting many casualties in return, upon returning to the Gre’Thor he public challenged his superior officer to a duel after announcing that the officer was guilty of dereliction of duty. Despite taking an early D'ktahg slash to his face Tulosten was victorious in the duel, Tulosten has since kept the scar which he gained during the duel.

Despite his some lingering suspicion of the Empire’s main ally, and his dislike for the officer, he served under Starfleet exchange officer Lieutenant Sera zh'Aella and participated in the rescue of Starfleet personal from Orion Pirates. He was able to distinguish himself in the subsequent battle which arose from the retaliation strike by the remaining Orions. The mission has left a lasting hatred for the Orion’s in Tulosten’s mind and a grudging respect for Starfleet. Before Lieutenant Sera zh'Aella’s departure from the Gre’Thor, Tulosten was able to expressed this to her and even enquired into the possibility of mating with the Andorian, to his surprise that offer was declined.

Tulosten was promoted to the Gre’Thor’s senior staff after the Starfleet rescue and received additional training in Engineering as this was the area where the Gre’Thor had suffered exceptionally high losses. He has grown to enjoy his engineering role but still longs for combat.

Officer Exchange Program

USS Gorkon-logo.png Sovereign-scale.png
USS GorkonSovereign class

On Stardate 239703.23 Tulosten was assigned to the USS Gorkon, as part of the KDF – Starfleet Officer Exchange Program.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Warrior-Klingon.png Warrior 237903.09 - 237906.02 IKS Gre’Thor Honour Guard
Warrior-Klingon.png Warrior 237906.02 - 238105.13 IKS Gre’Thor Assault Warrior
Sergeant-Klingon.png Sergeant 238105.13 - 239010.20 IKS Gre’Thor Assault Leader
Lieutenant-Klingon.png Lieutenant 239010.20 - 239703.23 IKS Gre’Thor Engineering Officer
DS9style-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239703.23 - Present USS Gorkon Engineering Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239406.06
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

SIM Archive

NPC Listing   ·   USS Gorkon Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Quinn Reynolds PIC Uniform.png
Quinn Reynolds
2O & Ops. Chief
Jo Marshall
Vylaa zh'Tisav.png
Chief Engineer
Vylaa zh'Tisav
Doz Finch 2402.png
Asst. Chief Engineer
Doz Finch
Sec/Tac Officer
Kestra Nin
USS Gorkon-logo.png
Samira neathler xo.png
First Officer
Samira Neathler
Mission Specialist
Ayiana Sevo
Nera Ay Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Nera Ay
Russell Standish Ensign.png
Medical Officer
Russell Standish
Tahna Meru LCDR.png
Chief of Science
Tahna Meru
Taelon AO2.jpg
Science Officer
Vesela Pace Ensign.png
Science Officer
Vesela Pace
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