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* '''Father''': Daniel “Danny” Jay Carter (deceased) - Daniel was a medical doctor at a local emergency and trauma center in Brooklyn. He attended Emory University in Georgia for both pre-medical and medical school. He had a rough marriage to Elizabeth Quinlan, which ended in divorce. He was kicked out of the house after learning about her affair. From there, he joined Starfleet as a civilian doctor in an attempt to help the war effort. He moved to Betazed where he was on the front lines while fighting for custody of Ravenna. He was killed in an act that was classified as a war crime before he won the custody battle. When Ravenna was little, he taught her the importance of learning, and even though she was very young, he enjoyed reading medical texts with her. Her love for learning helped her graduate from high school early and got her accepted to Emory as well, where she followed in Daniel’s footsteps. The love for learning he instilled in her saved her life in so many ways; it was one of the things that has always kept them tethered together. Daniel was survived by Elizabeth Quinlan (ex-wife), Ravenna Carter (daughter), Samantha Carter (younger sister), and Jonathan Carter (older brother).  
* '''Father''': [[Daniel Carter]] (deceased) - Daniel was a medical doctor at a local emergency and trauma center in Brooklyn. He attended Emory University in Georgia for both pre-medical and medical school. He had a rough marriage to Elizabeth Quinlan, which ended in divorce. He was kicked out of the house after learning about her affair. From there, he joined Starfleet as a civilian doctor in an attempt to help the war effort. He moved to Betazed where he was on the front lines while fighting for custody of Ravenna. He was killed in an act that was classified as a war crime before he won the custody battle. When Ravenna was little, he taught her the importance of learning, and even though she was very young, he enjoyed reading medical texts with her. Her love for learning helped her graduate from high school early and got her accepted to Emory as well, where she followed in Daniel’s footsteps. The love for learning he instilled in her saved her life in so many ways; it was one of the things that has always kept them tethered together. Daniel was survived by Elizabeth Quinlan (ex-wife), Ravenna Carter (daughter), Samantha Carter (younger sister), and Jonathan Carter (older brother).  

* '''Mother''': Elizabeth “Liza” Grace Quinlan- Elizabeth Quinlan is an American Archaeologist with a focus on metal artifacts. She was married to Daniel Carter until their divorce, which was caused by her affair with fellow archaeologist, Mason Moore. She never liked Ravenna as the little girl was very smart and closer to Daniel than she herself could ever hope to be. She was physically and emotionally abusive to Ravenna after her father was kicked out of the house. This resulted in bruises from being grabbed and a deep-seated fear of her mother in Ravenna. After Daniel’s funeral, Elizabeth left Ravenna with a nanny and moved to California, where she married Mason and had a son the same year. She was never present in any of Ravenna’s major life events. Starfleet dispatched her to the USS Constitution-B to assist in an artifact identification project. This resulted in a screaming match in the main shuttle bay. Ravenna has cut all ties with Elizabeth but works on her relationship with her half-brother, Sawyer.  
* '''Mother''': Elizabeth “Liza” Grace Quinlan- Elizabeth Quinlan is an American Archaeologist with a focus on metal artifacts. She was married to Daniel Carter until their divorce, which was caused by her affair with fellow archaeologist, Mason Moore. She never liked Ravenna as the little girl was very smart and closer to Daniel than she herself could ever hope to be. She was physically and emotionally abusive to Ravenna after her father was kicked out of the house. This resulted in bruises from being grabbed and a deep-seated fear of her mother in Ravenna. After Daniel’s funeral, Elizabeth left Ravenna with a nanny and moved to California, where she married Mason and had a son the same year. She was never present in any of Ravenna’s major life events. Starfleet dispatched her to the USS Constitution-B to assist in an artifact identification project. This resulted in a screaming match in the main shuttle bay. Ravenna has cut all ties with Elizabeth but works on her relationship with her half-brother, Sawyer.  

Revision as of 02:15, 18 February 2020

USS Constitution-B
Ravenna Carter.png
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg
STO Blank Teal.jpg
Ravenna Carter
Position Science Officer
Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade
Species Human
Gender Female
DOB 236804.04
Age 33
Birthplace New York City, New York, Earth
Writer ID C239607RC0

Academy Transcript

Ensign Ravenna Carter is currently serving as a Science Officer aboard the USS Constitution-B. She specializes in Anthropology/ Archaeology and has a background in Medicine and Psychology.


  • Height: 5’6”
  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Build: Slender build
  • Handedness: Right Hand Dominant
  • Distinguishing Marks: Minor scar on her forehead from early childhood (almost invisible now) and a small tattoo on the inside of her left ankle.
Ravenna's Tattoo
  • Personality: As a child, Ravenna struggled with anger issues that stemmed from her father's death, her mother abandoning her, and not fitting in as a child. This lead to several suspensions due to violent outbursts. It was a struggle for much of her youth. As an adult, Ravenna comes across as an outgoing individual who works well in a team. She does struggle with anxiety, however, it only gets really bad when she feels something is wrong; in which she is always right. She struggles with her feelings in romantic relationships based on the example set by her mother which led to her father's passing. She makes friends fairly easy, however, there are only a few that she feels secure confiding in. She cares very deeply about her friends and she would work non-stop if it meant helping them. She is notorious for her 21st-century pop culture references and her absolute love for physical books.
  • Hobbies: Her hobbies include reading from real books rather than her PADD and continuing her education as advancements occur. She has a special interest in Forensic Anthropology that is separate from her area of expertise. Her MD paired with Anthropology allows her to understand the area extensively, but it is not a part of her common practice so she considers it a hobby.


  • Father: Daniel Carter (deceased) - Daniel was a medical doctor at a local emergency and trauma center in Brooklyn. He attended Emory University in Georgia for both pre-medical and medical school. He had a rough marriage to Elizabeth Quinlan, which ended in divorce. He was kicked out of the house after learning about her affair. From there, he joined Starfleet as a civilian doctor in an attempt to help the war effort. He moved to Betazed where he was on the front lines while fighting for custody of Ravenna. He was killed in an act that was classified as a war crime before he won the custody battle. When Ravenna was little, he taught her the importance of learning, and even though she was very young, he enjoyed reading medical texts with her. Her love for learning helped her graduate from high school early and got her accepted to Emory as well, where she followed in Daniel’s footsteps. The love for learning he instilled in her saved her life in so many ways; it was one of the things that has always kept them tethered together. Daniel was survived by Elizabeth Quinlan (ex-wife), Ravenna Carter (daughter), Samantha Carter (younger sister), and Jonathan Carter (older brother).
  • Mother: Elizabeth “Liza” Grace Quinlan- Elizabeth Quinlan is an American Archaeologist with a focus on metal artifacts. She was married to Daniel Carter until their divorce, which was caused by her affair with fellow archaeologist, Mason Moore. She never liked Ravenna as the little girl was very smart and closer to Daniel than she herself could ever hope to be. She was physically and emotionally abusive to Ravenna after her father was kicked out of the house. This resulted in bruises from being grabbed and a deep-seated fear of her mother in Ravenna. After Daniel’s funeral, Elizabeth left Ravenna with a nanny and moved to California, where she married Mason and had a son the same year. She was never present in any of Ravenna’s major life events. Starfleet dispatched her to the USS Constitution-B to assist in an artifact identification project. This resulted in a screaming match in the main shuttle bay. Ravenna has cut all ties with Elizabeth but works on her relationship with her half-brother, Sawyer.
  • Siblings: Sawyer Moore (Half Brother)- Sawyer Moore is Ravenna’s younger, half-brother. He grew up with the dream of being in Starfleet; serving on the USS Constitution-B is that dream, realized. He serves as a security officer aboard the ship. He met Ravenna during the ordeal with their mother. He took the whole thing harder than Ravenna did, as he had never expected his mother could be that kind of person. Though it is hard for him, he asked his mother to give him space while he works on building a relationship with Ravenna. He immediately took up the role of an annoying baby brother and he is living for it.
  • Other Family: Paternal Uncle Jonathan and Paternal Aunt Samantha (Both of which she maintains a close relationship with)
  • Significant Other/Spouse: Brommel Fortune (Fiance)
  • Children: N/A
  • Friends: See list below
Ravenna's mother

Ghant Xerix: Ravenna met Ghant on her first day at Starfleet Academy. They were in the same Federation History class. After a few short weeks of getting to know each other, Ravenna accompanied Ghant to his family's cottage on Risa for a fun vacation. On their first night there, Ghant was poisoned and held for ransom. The kidnappers were going to kill Ravenna until she pointed out that Ghant would die if she didn't help him. After ensuring that he was out of danger, she fought off the would-be killers. After the whole ordeal, the two were close friends for the remainder of their academy days. Ghant graduated the year before Ravenna, but they have remained friends despite being posted to different ships. They have made a deal to communicate regularly and frequently chat via video calls. Because of her role in saving Ghant on Risa, she was awarded the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon. Her first actions after receiving it was to call Ghant.

Ravenna's father (younger)

Corliss Fortune: Corliss (also called C or Wiggy by Ravenna) was one of Ravenna's two best friends in the academy, the other being Ghant Xerix. Corliss and Ravenna frequently studied in the library together despite having separate courses. Their studying often became loud resulting in stern looks from the librarian. Corliss helped bring Ravenna out of her shell and gave her someone closer to her age that she could relate to. Corliss graduated the year before Ravenna and had a huge ball in celebration. There, she insisted on teaching Ravenna how to dance and proceeded to set her up with her brother, whom she knew Ravenna had a crush on.

Lazarus Davis: Lazarus, also known as Laz or Juice, is Ravenna's fellow science officer and closest friend aboard the USS Constitution-B. They quickly clicked as friends, having shared interests and a love for learning new things. They work well together and almost immediately identified the other as a confidant. During an allergic reaction to anti-anxiety medication, Lazarus rushed Ravenna to the Sickbay on Starbase 104 and later went with her to purchase her pet tribble, Delilah. Laz was with Ravenna during the blowup with her mother and Ravenna was grateful to him for staying and standing by her and helping her find out what happened to her father.

Brommel Fortune: Brommel is Corliss' older brother and Ravenna's Fiance. They maintain a strong long-distance relationship that would be considered open, though Ravenna herself doesn't partake in any outside physical relations. He is a Ranger with Starfleet that takes him to nondisclosed parts of space and he often doesn't have the ability to visit. Notably, Brommel left a picture of the two of them at Corliss' Ball dancing as a bookmark in Ravenna's poetry journal marking a poem about being madly in love with the person you are with. He is currently visiting on the Constitution during their mutual shore leave.

Personal History

Ravenna was born and raised in New York City, New York, Earth. She is the only child of Daniel Carter and Elizabeth Quinlan. Daniel, for the first few years of Ravenna life, worked at the local hospital in the Emergency and Trauma Center; however when Ravenna was five, he was forced to take a position as a Civilian Doctor with Starfleet for reasons unknown to her. Elizabeth is a semi-well-known Archaeologist with a specialty in metallurgy; she often was out of the home by design as she did not like her home life. This lead Ravenna and Daniel to have a very strong bond that made is death, coupled with the physical abuse and neglect from her mother, particularly hard.

At age six, Ravenna was sent to Dr. Corin Fortune, a Counsellor with Starfleet dealing with children of officers, to help her deal with her father's passing. Though her mother took her to the appointment, it was evident that Ravenna felt very detached from her mother. She continued to see Dr. Fortune until she turned eighteen and no longer fit the criteria to be a patient of hers. Ravenna believes that her time with Dr. Fortune is the only reason she has made it as far in life as she has.

Ravenna maintains a strong relationship with her father's siblings, Jonathan and Samantha. Her mother attempted to prevent contact, but after she left, Ravenna's nanny thought it best that she have the familial support in her life. Jonathan and Samantha both reside in Queens near the cemetery that Daniel was laid to rest in. Ravenna takes the opportunity to visit often. Much of her childhood was clouded by pain and mental health struggles that alienated her from the majority of her peers. Her early upbringing by her father had helped her get far academically but failed her socially; she was often bullied for being a know it all. To help her cope and to give her a companion outside of the limited adults in her life, her nanny, Claudia, got Ravenna a little grey and white Pitbull Puppy named Daisy. Ravenna named her after her favorite flowers.

Ravenna had always desired to be a Medical Doctor like her father, so upon graduating high school a few years early, she attended Emory University in Georgia; having been accepted as Pre-med and the into the Medical program. She did her fellowship at the same hospital her father had worked in during her youth. Once she completed the Fellowship, she was offered a fulltime position as in the Emergency and Trauma Center, right where her father had worked. Growing tensions between her and her mother, who had never attended any of her graduations, lead her to pursue her degrees in Anthropology and Archaeology; going straight into a doctoral program. She graduated with her doctorate but was sad to see that they shared interests with her mother had had the opposite effect.

She joined Starfleet in the hopes of finding answers about her father and expanding her knowledge of the Universe. While in the academy, she made friends with Ghant Xerix and Corliss Fortune, both a year ahead of her. Ghant led to many a misadventure, but none so emotionally charged as their attempted kidnapping on Risa. Ghant had been poisoned and Ravenna was on the chopping block. She managed to convince the would-be kidnappers that Ghant would die without medical intervention. After ensuring he would make it, Ravenna was forced to fight the attackers of single-handedly. After besting one of the assailants, Ravenna found herself incapacitated, however, Ghant had come to and took the other guy out before he could fatally stab Ravenna.

Her friendship with Corliss Fortune, daughter of her former counselor, was more relaxed and was rooted in activities like studying and shopping; where the only risk was a headache and sleep deprivation. As a graduation gift for Corliss, her parents threw her a ball. Corliss and Ravenna went dress shopping and the plan was that Corliss would teach Ravenna how to dance. However in the night of, in a joint setup from Corin, Dixin, and Corliss; Ravenna found herself dancing with Brommel Fortune, her crush. That night, they admitted their mutual feelings for each other rather awkwardly and began their relationship. That night also saw the start of her newest nickname, Gracie Bird. He gave her a paper flower that she still has with her in her keepsake box.

During her final year of the academy, Brommel would visit on his rare shore leaves, as he is a Starfleet Ranger. One such time, the pair found themselves stuck inside due to rainstorms. the two spent the night curled up on a couch reading together and at some point, he placed a picture of them from the ball in her poetry collection journal as a bookmark on his favorite poem. During her training simulation on the holodeck, Ravenna served as the Science Officer on the USS Centris-A. She was tasked with confirming the victims of an attack were fit for transport to medical when one of the Lieutenants aboard grabbed her.

So far into her tenure on the USS Constitution-B, Ravenna has made fast friends with her fellow Science Officer. They are currently in the midst of her first mission as a part of the crew.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
STO Cadet1st Teal.jpg
Cadet First Class 239607.15 Graduated Starfleet Academy Science Officer
STO Ensign Teal.jpg
Ensign 239607.16 - Present USS Constitution-B Science Officer
STO Lieutenant-JG Teal.jpg
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239611.13 - Present USS Constitution-B Science Officer

Awards & Service Decorations

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2396
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingSilver 2011.jpg
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 2396
USS Constitution
"It might not have been on duty, but you saved someone's life. For saving the life of another Starfleet member you have rightfully been awarded the Silver Lifesaving Ribbon." ~Jalana Rajel
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Explorer's Ribbon 239611.13
USS Constitution-B
Discovery of a new species, the Dream Weavers.
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
First Contact Ribbon 239611.13
USS Constitution-B
First contact with the Dream Weavers.
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Captain's Commendation 239611.13
USS Constitution-B
Initial discovery of the Dream Weaver Incident, and subsequent organization and mobilization of rescue efforts.

ID Cards


Pen To Paper
Badge 1.png

NPC Listing   ·   USS Constitution-B Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Jalana Rajel-patch.png
Commanding Officer
Jalana Rajel
First Officer
Diz'mim Ch'Nilmani
Atan T'Seva.png
Chief Tactical Offr
Atan T'Seva
Daniel Cain.png
Security Officer
Daniel Cain
Tac/Sec Officer
Ellie Park.png
Asst CMO
Eleanor Park
2O/Mission Spec.
Laria Herren
Mingxing Shimisi.png
Asst Chief Engineer
Mingxing Shimisi
Engineering Officer
Leran Perax
Azura Ada.png
Chief of Science
Azura Ada
Indrid Yirah1.png
Asst CSO
Indrid Yirah
Science Officer
Gdoh Sbek
Yito Seja.png
Intel Officer
Yito Seja
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