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{{Indy-A Crew}}

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Latest revision as of 19:40, 15 November 2017


Ensign Li'Tam Valae is currently the General Envoy aboard Starbase 118.


  • Height: 1.57 m
  • Weight: 54kg
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Shortish
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Skin Tone: Light/Olive
  • Birthmarks, Scars: No visible marks
  • Build: Slim, athletic
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): Stands with great posture. Unless conciously trying otherwise, something is always moving. This usually manifests itself in twitchy fingers (as though typing).
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Casual, light clothing. Never too revealing
  • Handedness: Left


  • Quarters: Neat, lots of plants
  • Favorite Room: Outside generally, but when confined prefers something like an arboretum
  • Habits/Mannerisms : Fingers move when her mind is wandering, as though she were playing a keyboard. Prefers to be active so when she sits, she is constantly fidgeting and adjusting her position.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Plays keyboards and the Risian Lute. Likes to do almost anything active, but prefers running and climbing. She also enjoys learning about different species (especially their physiology).
  • Temperament: Restless. Doesn't like to have a lot of down-time. She's inwardly very calm, but this doesn't manifest itself physically very often.
  • Mental limitations (complexes and phobias) : Shy and self-concious about her need for motion. She doubts herself because of her inability to develop any control over her empathic talents.


Valae's Parents
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Family:
    • Mother: Ki'ran Valae (Risan) b.232910.01 is a musician on Risa. She tried to distract Li'Tam from her love of exploration and keep her on Risa by introducing her to music at a very early age. They have only spoken a handful of times since Li'Tam left for Starfleet Academy.
    • Father: Tam Valae (Betazoid) b. 232512.31 (d.235906.06) was a Starfleet Tactical Officer during the Cardassian Wars. His ship was destroyed by the Maquis.


Early Life on Risa
Stardate Age
235906.06 Tam (her father) dies aboard USS Montreal while fighting Cardassians and Maquis.
235908.07 Born near Temtibi Lagoon on Planet Risa
236602.17 6 Ki’Ran takes her to a gig and introduces her to music in an effort to guide her away from Starfleet. It inspires much of her adolescence, but is largely unsuccessful.
236708.07 8 By age eight, she has learned five different instruments including the Risan lute and keyboards. For her birthday, Ki’Ran gives her a harp carved in the shape of a Risan squirrel, her favourite animal. She learns it almost immediately.
236901.14 9 Li’Tam has her first empathic experience. It is so strong and sudden, it frightens her. She does not tell Ki’ran.
236911.22 10 Ki’Ran allows her to play with the band at a festival. The response is so great, she begins to think she might want to be a musician like her mother. That night, her mother had a dream about her father’s death. The emotion coming from Ki’Ran was strong enough to invade Li’Tam’s own dreams. She is ill for a week.
Stardate Age
237404.30 14 Li’Tam forms her own band and begins playing around the town. They call themselves “The Stargazers”. The band name bothers her mother and they begin a long series of fights about the meaning behind it.
237407.19 14 Jess Miller (age 15) moves to Risa with her parents and two brothers. She sees “The Stargazers” perform. After the show, the two strike up a conversation and become friends. They soon fall in love.
237409.02 15 Jess mentions dreams of joining Starfleet when she's old enough. This renews Li’Tam’s interest. She decides to apply when she is old enough, too.
237501.08 15 Jess moves back to Earth. It is rough on Li’Tam and the emotional stress off it drives a wedge between her and her mother. Ki’Ran continues to try to change Li’Tam’s mind about Starfleet. Her attempts are fruitless. She bans all communications from Jess.
237608.06 16 The day before her 17th birthday, Li’Tam secretly applies to Starfleet Academy.
237608.07 17 Ki’Ran gives Li’Tam the lute that was her wedding present from Tam for her 17th birthday. Li’Tam is conflicted about her application.
237612.22 17 Li’Tam is accepted to Starfleet Academy in Marseilles, France on Earth. She doesn’t tell her mother.
237704.13 17 Li’Tam leaves in the middle of the night to catch the shuttle to the Academy. She leaves a note for her mother under the harp she got for her eighth birthday. She takes some clothes, a picture of her parents taken the day before he left for his final mission, and the Risan lute. They barely speak for nearly five years.
Starfleet Academy
Stardate Age
237707.20 17 Li’Tam begins as a Sciences Major at the Academy. When she takes her first xenobiology classes, she falls in love with it. At the end of her first year, she switches her major to Medicine. Because she has no previous training, she is granted a conditional status, helped in no small part by her exceptional marks. There is no record of Jess Miller at the Marseilles or San Francisco campuses.
237810.31 19 In the middle of her second year, she begins taking extra classes concurrent to her major curriculum in order to catch up to her classmates who had a medical education prior to Academy. This leaves her with little free time. She withdraws from her friends and she gains a reputation as a loner.
238108.07 22 Li’Tam receives a message from her mother for her birthday. The two begin talking more regularly. Ki’Ran has forgiven her for running away.
238306.20 23 Following a dispute with a professor over her ability to graduate on time, Li'Tam transfers to the Academy station on Starbase 118 for her final two years.
238606.20 26 Li’Tam graduates from Starfleet Academy with a major in Medicine with a specialty in Mixed Specie Physiology. She is among the youngest to graduate with that major. Her mother is present at the ceremony.
USS Independence-A
Stardate Age
238606.21 26 Li’Tam is assigned to USS Independence-A in the Ithassa region.
238607.08 26 After an empathic episode causes her to risk hurting a patient (her first patient aboard the Independence-A), Li'Tam decided it's time to seek training to control her mental abilities. She consults Lt. Karynn Ehlanii, Counselor aboard the Indpendence-A.
Starbase 118
Stardate Age
238609.29 27 Li’Tam is assigned to Starbase 118 in the Trinity Sector.


Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
001-Cadet4th-White.png Cadet, 4th Class 237707.20– 237806.20 (18) Starfleet Academy,
Marseilles, France,
Major: Science
002-Cadet3rd-White.png Cadet, 3rd Class 237807.20 – 237906.20 (19) Student
Major: Medicine
Specialization: Mixed Specie Physiology
(Concurrently took Medical classes to keep up)
003-Cadet2nd-White.png Cadet, 2nd Class 237907.20 – 238006.20 (20)
004-Cadet1st-White.png Cadet, 1st Class 238007.20 – 238306.20 (21-24)
004-Cadet1st-White.png 238307.20 – 238506.20 (25) Starbase 118
004-Cadet1st-Blue.png 238507.20 – 238606.20 (26) USS Centris-A Counselor
01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign 238606.21 – 268609.29 USS Independence-A Assistant Chief Medical Officer
01-Ens-Red.png 268609.29 – Present Starbase 118 General Envoy


  • Coming Soon...

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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