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{| style="background:#343434; font-size:x-small; color: white; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid;" align=center
{| style="background:#343434; font-size:x-small; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; color: white; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid;" align=center
| style="background:#343434" align="center"|[[{{{NPC PAGE}}}|<font color=#ffffff>NPC Listing</font>]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''[[{{{ROSTER PAGE}}}|<font size=2 color=#ffffff>{{{SHIP}}} Senior Staff</font>]]'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[{{{HISTORY PAGE}}}|<font color=#ffffff>Crew History</font>]]
| style="background:#343434" align="center"|{{#if:{{{NPC PAGE|}}}|[[{{{NPC PAGE}}}|<font color=#ffffff>NPC Listing</font>]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|}}'''[[{{{ROSTER PAGE}}}|<font size=2 color=#ffffff>{{{SHIP}}} Crew Manifest</font>]]'''{{#if:{{{HISTORY PAGE|}}}|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[{{{HISTORY PAGE}}}|<font color=#ffffff>Crew History</font>]]|}}
{|cellspacing="0"</includeonly><noinclude>:'''''Check out [[Template:Roster]] to make your own easy roster with images to go with your new crew nav!'''''
{|cellspacing="0" align=center
====Examples Using This Template====
Click on the individual ship crew nav to edit:
==How to Use==
|SHIP = Ship or Station's Name
|ROSTER PAGE = Ship or Station's Roster Page
|NPC PAGE = Ship or Station's NPCs Page
|HISTORY PAGE = Ship or Station's Crew History Page}}
|Commanding Officer
|Next Officer to the RIGHT of the previous
|Next Officer to the RIGHT of the previous, etc.
|Next Officer on SECOND row
|Next Officer on SECOND row to the RIGHT of the previous, etc.
{{Crewfooter|CREWNAV= Ship CrewNav w/o "Template:" prefix }}
==Full Example==
|SHIP = USS Syracuse
|ROSTER PAGE = Syracuse Master Crew List
|NPC PAGE = Syracuse NPCs
|HISTORY PAGE = Syracuse Crew History}}
|{{Tile Officer|Roshanara Rahman|Red|Commanding Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Pandora|Gold|Operations Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Nikki Ryan|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raj Blueheart|Teal|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Logotile|USS Syracuse}}
| align="center"|[[Template:Crew|<font color=#ffffff>Edit This Nav</font>]]
|{{Tile Officer|Niccolò del Vedova|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Hanar Tuk|Gold|Chief of Security}}
===Easy Crew Nav===
|{{Tile Officer|Raissa Moonsong|Teal|Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Alora DeVeau|Teal|Chief of Science}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Lea|Teal|H&A Specialist}}

|SHIP = USS Garuda
|SHIP = USS Syracuse
|ROSTER PAGE = Garuda Master Crew List
|ROSTER PAGE = Syracuse Master Crew List
|NPC PAGE = Garuda NPCs
|NPC PAGE = Syracuse NPCs
|HISTORY PAGE = Garuda Crew History
|HISTORY PAGE = Invicta Crew History}}
|{{Tile|Cassandra|Egan Manno|NICKNAME=C. Egan Manno|Red|Commanding Officer|Roster-eganmanno.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Roshanara Rahman|Red|Commanding Ofc.}}
|{{Tile|Roshanara|Rahman|Gold|Chief Engineer & 2O|Roster-rahman.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Pandora|Gold|Operations Ofc.}}
|{{Tile|Mei'konda||Gold|Chief of Operations|Roster-meikonda.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Nikki Ryan|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile|Leo|Handley-Page|Gold|Chief of Sec/Tac|Roster-handleypage.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raj Blueheart|Teal|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Tile|Quinn|Reynolds|Black|Dir. of Intelligence|Roster-reynolds.jpg}}
|{{Logotile|USS Syracuse}}
|{{Tile|Saveron||Teal|Chief Medical Officer|Roster-saveron.jpg}}
|{{Tile|Rune|Jolara|Teal|Head Counselor|Roster-jolara.jpg}}
|{{Tile|Alora|DeVeau|Blue|Science Officer|Roster-deveau.jpg}}
|{{Tile|Harrison|Ross|Red|Executive Officer|Roster-ross.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Niccolò del Vedova|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile|Kyle|Dracht|Gold|Engineering Officer|Roster-dracht.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Hanar Tuk|Gold|Chief of Security}}
|{{Tile|Evan|Delano|Gold|Helm/Com/Ops Ofc.|Roster-delano.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raissa Moonsong|Teal|Counselor}}
|{{Tile|Jade|Shryker|Gold|Asst. Sec/Tac Chief|Roster-jadematthews.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|Alora DeVeau|Teal|Chief of Science}}
|{{Tile|Trel'lis||Gold|Sec-Tac Liaison|Roster-trellis.jpg}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Lea|Teal|H&A Specialist}}
|{{Tile|Kotir Arith||Teal|Asst. Chief Med. Ofc.|Roster-kotir.jpg}}
|{{Tile|John|Mackellar|Silver|Civ. Med. Specialist|Roster-mackellar.jpg}}
==Detailed Instructions==
===Adding Officers===
* OFFICER NAMES are written in the following format:
<font size=4 color=red>'''Important:''' Make sure the officer you are listing has a [[:Category:ID subpages|character ID subpage]] set up for them such as [[Msafiri Bakari/ID]].</font>
<pre>{{Tile Officer|Msafiri Bakari|Red|First Officer}}</pre>
{{Tile Officer|Msafiri Bakari|Red|First Officer}}
===Adding a character who doesn't have an ID subpage===
If you're building a crew nav template for an NPC ship and you wish to add NPC characters that do NOT have ID subpages, [[Template:Crew/No ID subpage|click for instructions]].

===Support for Nicknames/Abbreviations===
If an officer's name is too long for the tile, add NICKNAME=
<pre>{{Tile Officer|Cassandra Egan Manno|Red|Mission Cmdr.|NICKNAME=C. Egan Manno}}</pre>
{{Tile Officer|Cassandra Egan Manno|Red|Mission Cmdr.|NICKNAME=C. Egan Manno}}
===Color Names===
Use these names when specifying UNIFORM COLOR:
'''<font color=maroon>Red</font>, <font color=darkgoldenrod>Gold</font>, <font color=steelblue>Blue</font>, <font color=teal>Teal</font>, <font color=purple>Violet</font>, <font color=black>Black</font>, <font color=dimgray>Silver</font>, <font color=darkgreen>Green</font>'''
===Ship placeholder image===
When you have an odd number of officers and more than 1 row, put a ship placeholder image with a link to your ship in the last row:
<pre>{{Shiptile|SHIP PAGE|PLACEHOLDER IMAGE}}</pre>
<pre>{{Shiptile|USS Mercury|Roster-oracle.jpg}}</pre>
{{Shiptile|USS Mercury|Roster-oracle.jpg}}
===Logo placeholder image===
You can also choose instead to put your ship's logo.
<pre>{{Logotile|USS Mercury}}</pre>
{{Logotile|USS Mercury}}
If your ship does not have a logo, a generic UFOP symbol will be displayed.
{{Logotile|USS Independence}}
===<font color=red>Abbreviations May Be Necessary</font>===
* You may need to abbreviate the officer's '''CURRENT POST''' as well if his or her title is too long. Common abbreviations include:
*Officer = Ofc.
*Security/Tactical = Tac/Sec
*Assistant = Asst.
*Director = Dir.
==Complete Example==
|SHIP = USS Invicta
|ROSTER PAGE = Invicta Master Crew List
|NPC PAGE = Invicta NPCs
|HISTORY PAGE = Invicta Crew History}}
|{{Tile Officer|Joseph Washington|Red|Commanding Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rune Jolara|Red|Intelligence Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ryan King|Red|Helmsman}}
|{{Tile Officer|Pandora|Gold|Operations Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Luna Walker|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raj Blueheart|Teal|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rosalee|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Umi Kaj|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Logotile|USS Invicta}}
|{{Tile Officer|Tristam Core|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ceilidh Riverview|Red|Diplomatic Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Hanar Tuk|Gold|Chief of Security}}
|{{Tile Officer|Kelrod|Gold|SAR Team Leader}}
|{{Tile Officer|Iris Macoy|Gold|Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raissa Moonsong|Teal|Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Alora DeVeau|Teal|Chief of Science}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Lea|Teal|H&A Specialist}}
|{{Tile Officer|Stiftany Harik|Teal|Science Officer}}
|SHIP = USS Invicta
|ROSTER PAGE = Invicta Master Crew List
|NPC PAGE = Invicta NPCs
|HISTORY PAGE = Invicta Crew History}}
|{{Tile Officer|Joseph Washington|Red|Commanding Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rune Jolara|Red|Intelligence Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ryan King|Red|Helmsman}}
|{{Tile Officer|Pandora|Gold|Operations Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Luna Walker|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raj Blueheart|Teal|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rosalee|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Umi Kaj|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Logotile|USS Invicta}}
|{{Tile Officer|Tristam Core|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ceilidh Riverview|Red|Diplomatic Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Hanar Tuk|Gold|Chief of Security}}
|{{Tile Officer|Kelrod|Gold|SAR Team Leader}}
|{{Tile Officer|Iris Macoy|Gold|Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raissa Moonsong|Teal|Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Alora DeVeau|Teal|Chief of Science}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Lea|Teal|H&A Specialist}}
|{{Tile Officer|Stiftany Harik|Teal|Science Officer}}
Send me a message. [[User:Rich|'''♫ Rich''' <small>(Cmdr. Roshanara Rahman)</small>]] • [[User_talk:Rich|<small>'''REPLY'''</small>]] • [[118Wiki:Operations|<small>Wiki Ops Team</small>]] • [[Department of Veterans Affairs|<small>Veterans Affairs</small>]]
[[Category:Navigation templates]]

Latest revision as of 08:34, 10 October 2017

Check out Template:Roster to make your own easy roster with images to go with your new crew nav!

Examples Using This Template

Click on the individual ship crew nav to edit:

How to Use

|SHIP = Ship or Station's Name
|ROSTER PAGE = Ship or Station's Roster Page
|NPC PAGE = Ship or Station's NPCs Page
|HISTORY PAGE = Ship or Station's Crew History Page}}
|Commanding Officer
|Next Officer to the RIGHT of the previous
|Next Officer to the RIGHT of the previous, etc.
|Next Officer on SECOND row
|Next Officer on SECOND row to the RIGHT of the previous, etc.
{{Crewfooter|CREWNAV= Ship CrewNav w/o "Template:" prefix }}

Full Example

|SHIP = USS Syracuse
|ROSTER PAGE = Syracuse Master Crew List
|NPC PAGE = Syracuse NPCs
|HISTORY PAGE = Syracuse Crew History}}
|{{Tile Officer|Roshanara Rahman|Red|Commanding Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Pandora|Gold|Operations Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Nikki Ryan|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raj Blueheart|Teal|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Logotile|USS Syracuse}}
|{{Tile Officer|Niccolò del Vedova|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Hanar Tuk|Gold|Chief of Security}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raissa Moonsong|Teal|Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Alora DeVeau|Teal|Chief of Science}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Lea|Teal|H&A Specialist}}

NPC Listing   ·   USS Syracuse Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
Operations Ofc.
Chief Engineer
Nikki Ryan
Capt Raj Blueheart1.png
Chief Medical Ofc.
Raj Blueheart
First Officer
Niccolò del Vedova
Chief of Security
Hanar Tuk
Raissa Moonsong
Alora deveau2.png
Chief of Science
Alora DeVeau
H&A Specialist
Edit This Nav

Detailed Instructions

Adding Officers

  • OFFICER NAMES are written in the following format:

Important: Make sure the officer you are listing has a character ID subpage set up for them such as Msafiri Bakari/ID.


{{Tile Officer|Msafiri Bakari|Red|First Officer}}

First Officer
Msafiri Bakari

Adding a character who doesn't have an ID subpage

If you're building a crew nav template for an NPC ship and you wish to add NPC characters that do NOT have ID subpages, click for instructions.

Support for Nicknames/Abbreviations

If an officer's name is too long for the tile, add NICKNAME=

{{Tile Officer|Cassandra Egan Manno|Red|Mission Cmdr.|NICKNAME=C. Egan Manno}}

Mission Cmdr.
C. Egan Manno

Color Names

Use these names when specifying UNIFORM COLOR: Red, Gold, Blue, Teal, Violet, Black, Silver, Green

Ship placeholder image

When you have an odd number of officers and more than 1 row, put a ship placeholder image with a link to your ship in the last row:



{{Shiptile|USS Mercury|Roster-oracle.jpg}}

Logo placeholder image

You can also choose instead to put your ship's logo.



{{Logotile|USS Mercury}}

If your ship does not have a logo, a generic UFOP symbol will be displayed.


Abbreviations May Be Necessary

  • You may need to abbreviate the officer's CURRENT POST as well if his or her title is too long. Common abbreviations include:
  • Officer = Ofc.
  • Security/Tactical = Tac/Sec
  • Assistant = Asst.
  • Director = Dir.

Complete Example

|SHIP = USS Invicta
|ROSTER PAGE = Invicta Master Crew List
|NPC PAGE = Invicta NPCs
|HISTORY PAGE = Invicta Crew History}}
|{{Tile Officer|Joseph Washington|Red|Commanding Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rune Jolara|Red|Intelligence Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ryan King|Red|Helmsman}}
|{{Tile Officer|Pandora|Gold|Operations Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Luna Walker|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raj Blueheart|Teal|Chief Medical Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Rosalee|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Umi Kaj|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Logotile|USS Invicta}}
|{{Tile Officer|Tristam Core|Red|First Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ceilidh Riverview|Red|Diplomatic Ofc.}}
|{{Tile Officer|Hanar Tuk|Gold|Chief of Security}}
|{{Tile Officer|Kelrod|Gold|SAR Team Leader}}
|{{Tile Officer|Iris Macoy|Gold|Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Raissa Moonsong|Teal|Counselor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Alora DeVeau|Teal|Chief of Science}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Lea|Teal|H&A Specialist}}
|{{Tile Officer|Stiftany Harik|Teal|Science Officer}}

NPC Listing   ·   USS Invicta Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Joseph Washington
Intelligence Ofc.
Rune Jolara
Ryan King
Operations Ofc.
Chief Engineer
Luna Walker
Capt Raj Blueheart1.png
Chief Medical Ofc.
Raj Blueheart
Medical Officer
Umi Kaj.png
Medical Officer
Umi Kaj
First Officer
Tristam Core
Diplomatic Ofc.
Ceilidh Riverview
Chief of Security
Hanar Tuk
Marcus Dickens.jpg
SAR Team Leader
Iris Macoy
Raissa Moonsong
Alora deveau2.png
Chief of Science
Alora DeVeau
H&A Specialist
Science Officer
Stiftany Harik
Edit This Nav


Send me a message. ♫ Rich (Cmdr. Roshanara Rahman)REPLYWiki Ops TeamVeterans Affairs