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Things looked like they were easing down, and a day off was given. Vitor finished his work and meet Breks grandmother Ara. It was there they received the information a new XO was on the Station. And that they were having a beach party that night.
Things looked like they were easing down, and a day off was given. Vitor finished his work and meet Breks grandmother Ara. It was there they received the information a new XO was on the Station. And that they were having a beach party that night.
Curious they both went to the Hub to greet the new arrival and as they parted ways Vitor called on Thera to make their own preparations for the party.
Curious they both went to the Hub to greet the new arrival and as they parted ways Vitor called on Thera to make their own preparations for the party.
They mingled and had a good time at the party, and Vitor and Thera finished the night together in Vitor's place with hes left over Sangria in one passionate night that would had future consequences.
They mingled and had a good time at the party, and Vitor and Thera finished the night together in Vitor's place with his left over Sangria in one passionate night that would had future consequences.

Revision as of 14:51, 18 July 2013

USS Artemis

Sil-Picard Uniform.png

Vitor Stone Silveira


  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Chief Tactical Officer
  • Ship: USS Artemis-A
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Serial Number: SV - 783 - 184
  • Race: Human
  • Spouse None

  • DoB: 236609.23
  • Weight: 77 Kgs
  • Height: 1.78 Mtrs
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown

User Page
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Peacekeeper 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Commendation.jpg
Legacy Ribbon.png
Intelligence Star.png
Quantum Reality Service Ribbon.png
Operation Safe Harbor Service Medal.png
Denali Invitational Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons DepartmentChief.jpg
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Character Information

  • Full Name: Vitor Stone Silveira
  • Race: Human
  • DoB: 236609.23
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male


  • Father: Carlos Silveira
  • Mother: Jane Stone Silveira
  • Siblings: None


  • Height: 1.78 mt
  • Weight: 70 kg
  • Hair: Brown
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin: caucasian
  • Build: average

Early years:

Vitor is the only child of Carlos and Jane. His parents are traders and an odd couple that complete each other. Carlos is an adventurous man, with a big heart and careless at times from Portuguese origins. Jane was born in space, from parents of ancient English origin and has a sharp mind, careful personality and as the Ferengi say "lobes for business". Being an only child Vitor was pampered by both of them, and even more by his paternal grandparents, with whom he spent most of the time. From them he learned and grow passionate of History, and his Portuguese heritage. His maternal grandparents also went their way to spoil him and so he ended up being a stubborn, lazy, self centered and attention craving kid. It was from this mix of rural living on Earth, and the more cosmopolitan life of Risa that molded Vitor's character.

He ended up going to the Academy against all his family wishes. He wanted to serve, but his rebellious and attention craving spirit, joined with his laziness, almost made him drop out. He manage to stay due to his bright mind and the realization that some work was needed. He also learned that the spirit of Starfleet had much in common with what he perceived to be his ancestral roots.

"To boldly go where so many have gone before" was the motto he adopted for himself. He also enjoyed a good fight, and is an expert in Military History, which made him chose for a Tactical career.


Vitor has a sharp mind and his only weak point is math.

He was an average student mostly due to his laziness. If he worked a bit harder his scores were above average. This was reflected also in those subjects he enjoyed. He was brilliant in History.

Family History:

His mother's side of the family is from ancient english origin, mostly from London. His maternal grandparents, Jennifer and Robert Stone, are currently living in Risa. They were also born in "space". Robert in the Mars colony and Jennifer aboard the trade freighter Rosarium. Before they retire they worked as traders and travelled all around the Federation.

His father's side of the family are from Portugal, on the south east end of Europe. His grandfather, Jonas, was a teacher and is still an historian with some published works, mainly about portuguese and european history. He could trace the Silveira family tree back to the early 19th century. His grandmother, Luisa is a retired teacher also but of physics. The country farm, on which Vitor spent most of his hollidays, become their permanent residence after they retired from teaching.

Notable Relationships

Thera: Vitor meet Thera at the Academy. They were a pair of misfits that helped each other and bonded in such way that they began to call and treat each other as brother and sister. However Vitor began to realize he was feeling something more then just brotherly love for Thera. But although he is outspoken in excess, when it come to this important matter he got afraid and only a few days before graduation he talked to her. It turned out she always loved him as well, but that late revelation by Vitor overwhelmed her. She suffered quietly for all those years and the realization he also felt that way about her opened the wounds she thought close. Although she sent him away and they did not spoke for a while they talked at the 118 party after the Klingon invasion. Thera was assigned there when the Victory was away and they seem to be getting closer.

Captain Nicholotti: Vitor "attached" himself to the then Commander soon after he arrived. There was something in her, even if she was nearly burned out of exhaustion, that inspired confidence and what can be called as a commanding presence. Vitor began to grew fonder of his CO and was the first to literally jump and clapped when she was promoted. Although he regards all of the officers and crew mattes he meet at SB118 like family Captain Nicholotti is still the one he regards highest of them all.

Doc Johanna: The good Doctor is one of the first officers Vitor meet at the station. She was nice and welcome him in her warm way with that scottish accent Vitor always finds funny. But they bonded and got closer as the 118 party was dying down. Johanna surprised Vitor when he was singing alone in the karaoke and joined him. The shared a song and a few words and Vitor knew he got a closer friend in the good Doc.

Toys and stuff

Vitor has in his quarters his "Toy box". It's a wodden box big enough to carry the following:

An operational Beretta 92 S with two clips and ammo.

A portuguese traditional wodden mace.

A butterfly knife and a switchblade.

Two books. "The Art of War" and "Os Lusíadas"

A wooden pipe, with all the needed tools to clean it and light it. Two small pouches of tobacco.

Career History

Career Overview
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
01-Ensign-Gold.jpg Ensign 238907.02 - 238912.10 StarBase 118 Ops Tactical Officer
02-LieutenantJG-Gold.jpg Lieutenant Junior Grade 238912.10 - 238912.23 StarBase 118 Ops Tactical Officer
02-LieutenantJG-Gold.jpg Lieutenant Junior Grade 238912.23 - 239004.23 StarBase 118 Ops Chief Tactical Officer
03-Lieutenant-Gold.jpg Lieutenant 239004.23 - Present StarBase 118 Ops Chief Tactical Officer


Vitor arrived at SB 118 during what become known as the "Shadow Crisis". He "attached" himself to Commander Nicholotti since she looked too warned out. They went together with the "future Orman" to find some solution to the problem.

When they returned to sickbay Lieutenant Brek asked for Vitor's help. He asked him to talk and serve as escort to one of the survivors of the Calgary, Ensign Freo, a young Bajoran woman. Vitor talked to her and escorted her to the temple, even if he did lost himself along the way, and back to sickbay. Acording to Lieutenant Brek his interaction with Ensign Freo helped her deal with the Shadows.

The next morning Vitor made his proper presentation and firstly reported in to Lieutenant Orman. While there they were summoned for the arrival of three High Rank Officer's, including the former Captain of Starbase 118, Andrus Jaxx. There he meet Commander Cody who "recruited" him to help out in the preparations for the banquet. He instructed Vitor to set up a distillery to get some drinks for the evening. After finishing it he went to get his proper quarters. There he meet Stacy Eiden. He sensed something strange about the girl he couldn't quite get his finger on, but he carried on dropping his stuff in his new home and then going back to help the Commander in the kitchen.

The dinnner went well, and Vitor was the first to "congratulate" the now Captain Nicholotti in his own special way. In the next morning Vitor started work day by visiting Commander Breeman and finding Livingston there he shared his ideas to improve the stations shields and weapons. After that he visited sickbay to get his physical exam and meet the newly arrival Lieutenant Daniels. They went togheter to the briefing about the Klingon invasion on Thracia.

Besides the situation itself, another thing got Vitor's attention. The threat to Captain's life. With Daniels sugestion they offered themselves as "bodygards" to the Captain and has Daniels took the "first shift" Vitor traveled down to the Science labs were he found Commander MacKenna in a tipical "Silveira style" encounter.

After that he thought to follow his hunch and take a better look at Stacy. Vitor aproached her and followed her home. There he was ordered to back away by Commander Orman. Not very hapy at being ditched in his own "investigation" Vitor got himself into the Victory after he realized he lost half his shift following his hunch. He decided to board the Victory. It was there that he got the news the Captain was attacked and Lieutenant Daniels was hurt. Feeling a bit down he talked to the Captain and shared a meal with Marine Chief Jones before getting some rest.

The next morning did not start so well as Vitor confronted an unknown Ensign that was working togheter with Livingston. Cleared by the XO that "Ensign" was later revealed to be Fleet Captain Mar. In the briefing the Captain gave their orders and destinantion and the Victory launched followed by Captain's Mar ship the Achilles.

Traveling to Thracian space the Victory found an emissary from the Thracian Governement and redirected course. After the randevouz with the Apolo the Victory confronted the Klingon forces. They ended up being renegades, not santioned by the Klingon Empire, and led by Krax who has personal reasons to get Captain Nicholotti.

After trying to lure the Federation vessels into firing Krax manage to detonate his torpedos in the space bubble created by his warp jump. The shockwave hit the Victory even if the Apolo moved in front of it. Vitor just stumbled on the bridge and afterwards he managed to fix a problem on one of the aft torpedo tubes. As he was going back to the bridge he meet the Captain's "twin" Anya when he passed by the Chief Tactical office. He returned to the bridge, now under Commander's Walker command to his post until finishing his shift.

After docking Vitor began working on something for the party. Since his engineering skills are a bit to be desired he took some time to get it ready and he arrived after the party started. But before he could "set up shop" Sergeant Marquelle asked for his help. Being the usual good samaritan he helped her out, and convinced Lieutenant Benton to deal with his scars and face the crowd. They helped him set up his surprise. A karaoke machine, and he got the partiers attention when he made his own version of an earth classic music called "Kung-Fu Fighting". But he was in for some surprises as well. The Captain promoted him to Lieutenant Junior Grade and he found out someone very special to him was assigned to the 118 when they were out on the Victory.

Meeting Thera in the party was a special moment. They still have feelings for each other and Thera told him thing's would go at her own pace. After they parted Vitor stayed a bit longer and returned to the Karaoke for one last song. He was surprised by Doc MacLaren and the two ended up singing together. The next morning would have further surprises for Vitor.

In the staff meeting the discussion was around Anya, the twin clone the Captain and Commander Cody "created". There were also some reorganization of staff and Vitor was assigned as Chief Tactical Officer. Going on to his new office he took the time to familiarize himself with his new duties. He planned and implemented an overall sensor upgrade. Later that day Thera visited him and they shared their first kiss. On the next morning she joined him early in his office to gave him a surprise. It was then that the alarm sounded and they both rushed to the Hub only to find Commander Cody disappearing in front of them. Worried about the sensor upgrade Vitor relaxed when they found out that both Commander Cody and Anya were taken by a far powerful species. If this was related or not with the incidents on the Azure Nebula, were several ships were being literally ripped to shreds, it was something they would found out.

Boarding the USS Columbia the crew departed destined to the location of the attacks and following the hint of the gravity well that would lead them to Odissey station, were it was suspected Commander Cody and Anya were taken. Vitor was on bridge duty when they arrived, and moments later the Columbia was attacked by 4 large dragon-like creatures. Tearing their way trough the ship they attacked the crew. One of them made their way to the bridge, there Vitor faced the creature, which was still an infant and therefore still able to reason. Further communication with, the now called Puncdor, allowed the crew to understand better the creatures. As they manage to fend off most of them Vitor noticed, upon returning to his station, that Commander Walker beamed himself out of the ship with one of the "dragons".

Vitor saw his message and beamed him back inside. With things quieting down the Captain gave Vitor command of the Columbia in the brief hour before the staff meeting to figure out their next move. There Vitor was one of those that suggested the "Plan B", taking a runabout instead of the damaged Columbia. After the meeting and in the shuttle bay Vitor and Thera had their first "lovers quarrel". She volunteered for the mission to the Captain and Vitor reacted poorly. But inside the Captain cut some him some slack and as they departed Vitor feel to sleep due to the tiredness. As they travelled trough Odyssey station he had a strange dream and he wake up just as they arrived.

They were greeted by a Greeter and had to work their way around the station to find Anya and Commander Cody. As they were close Commander Walker began planning on a way to quickly beam them back and Vitor helped him in a more destructive plan. One that implied the use of sonic waves to shatter the crystals used by the Greeters. That was not needed since they recovered Anya and Commander Cody and made an uneventful return.

Things looked like they were easing down, and a day off was given. Vitor finished his work and meet Breks grandmother Ara. It was there they received the information a new XO was on the Station. And that they were having a beach party that night. Curious they both went to the Hub to greet the new arrival and as they parted ways Vitor called on Thera to make their own preparations for the party. They mingled and had a good time at the party, and Vitor and Thera finished the night together in Vitor's place with his left over Sangria in one passionate night that would had future consequences.

Missions on Starbase 118: Operations

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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