Reporter Issue 5
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Submissions are welcome. Please submit by the 19th of each month to Fleet Captain Elinor. Captains, please submit plot outlines for your ships by the 19th of each month.
by Admiral Tristian Wolf
I am sad to report that we have lost four vessels to the Romulan War (called the Yolanda War).
They are:
The Excelsior class USS Yolanda, 435 hands lost
The Excelsior class USS Cosmo, 336 hands lost
The Ambassador class USS Trilok, 798 hands lost
The Wamdundu class USS Ok'lxt, 113 hands lost
We mourn the loss of our fellow officers.
The USS Ranger obtained the surrender of Prelate Shai'Tan of the Romulan Stellar Navy, commanding the Junia as well as her sister ship, the Maxinus. The Romulans had a Brigade sized unit inside an installation on the Vorn asteroid, five days at warp 9.3 from the Neutral Zone in Federation space. There was evidence that the Romulans had been there for at least six months, constructing the a facility, predating the war by a month. Apparently, the Romulans were attempting to install a weapon called the Mass Driver. It's a magnetic path created a few nanoseconds before a weapon discharge. It accelerates a large mass; a rock, a bomb, a torpedo, at the speed of light to the maximum range of the magnetic tunnel, creating a massive energy discharge. If the Romulans figure out how to mount this weapon on a vessel, it can be used to bombard a planet into the stone age. And with one shot, it can kill most ships. It is theorized that the Vorn asteroid was selected because it lies within the main flight path of convoys and military transports to the Nuetral Zone. This may not be the only Mass Driver in existence.
Centris team members have concluded that the Mass Driver is a modification of the cloaking technology magnetics and plasma inducer conduits. By adjusting the coil relays and feeding them negative ions and antimatter particles this produces a weapon which will cut right through shielding. Recharging such a weapon would take at least a few hours. It appears that the Romulans have found a way to use the negative ions and modify the stability of the antimatter particles. If a ship appeared to be destroyed by this weapon that may not be what happens at all. An antimatter explosion has been known to have effects in time distortion. Theoretically a ship which has appeared to be destroyed may have actually been placed somewhere else in time.
The USS Centris team reports that the Romulan complex housing this Mass Driver was made up of the exact materials of the planet itself. The naturally occuring Aliminum magnate offers a natural shield which makes it extremely difficult to pinpoint as a base from orbit. To most passing ships doing a normal scan and sweep the structure would appear to be hill or a naturally formed strucure. Only with a modified sensor sweep could this structure be detected. All ships are advised to beware of this trap.
The USS Nova has recovered a shapeshifter from an alien vessel, dubbed the Blue01, who they believe has been masquerading as the Praetor of Romulus. Now, as we all know, the Praetor and Admiral Farrand have been negogiating on the planet Toiudt near the neutral zone. The shapeshifter has posed as the Praetor for reasons still unknown. The USS Centris has been sent to investigate both the shapeshifter and the Blue01.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Maiken Bajim, Captain, ship to be commissioned.
- Galen Jennings, Lieutenant Commander, USS Centris
- Callium Treetus, Lieutenant, USS Nova
- Va'Al, Lieutenant, USS Ranger
- Jennifer Teminski, Lieutenant, junior grade, USS Centris
- Sybol, Lieutenant, junior grade, USS Nova
After dealing with the matter of the Romulan outpost (see above), we have been sent to the Garstein Cluster to investigate an alien vessel and shapeshifter we believe may be involved in the Yolanda Wars in some fashion.
We are currently engaged in war games, and in the transfer of some recruits to Captain Maiken's vessel.
This month I am interviewing Lieutenant junior grade Sheena Jo-Hanson, a 25 year old half-Betazoid, half-Terran female serving as Counselor aboard the USS Alliance.
How did you become interested in serving aboard Starfleet?
I first became interested in Starleet after the death of my husband (who was killed in shuttle accident). That is when I joined.
What caused the shuttle accident and how did that cause you to choose Starfleet?
The cause of the shuttle accident is still unknown. It was definitely a shuttle problem (was not attacked or anything). He was not in starfleet, he was only a passenger. I had considered starfleet before marriage, and chose that path when widowed to start my life anew.
What has been your greatest challenge since joining the Alliance?
My greatest challenge aboard the Alliance thus far would be the crew over-judging my telepathic ability. Since I am only half-Betazoid, my abilities are less than a full Betzoid.
How have you handled that with the crew, and with your responsbilities?
Once the crew saw I wasnt "a constant mindreader", they adjusted to my telepath abilities only being half strength. I strived to get the full benefit of what abilities I do have. I feel being half human does make me a better counselor.
What has been your favorite experience since joining Starfleet?
My favorite experiences would not be the missions, but the counseling that I have done with the crew. It is interesting to REALLY find out what is going on with them.
I have recently received several inquires on how promotions work here at UFOP. First, let me review the ranks in ascending order:
Lieutenant junior grade
Lieutenant Commander
Fleet Captain
You begin as an Ensign. At the discretion of your commanding officer, you can rise in rank to Lieutenant Commander.
To become a commander or captain, you must take both a written and a practical exam. You must also receive a recommendation that you are prepared for promotion. The written exam is administered by Fleet Captain Elinor, and the practical exam can be administered by her or your own commanding officer.
All ranks above captain are at the discretion of Admiral Tristain Wolf.
- Please write and tell me what you like or don't like about the Reporter. I would also appreciate suggestions re: what you would like to see in this newsletter.
- If you wish to be taken off our mailing list, please notify Fleet Captain Elinor