Reporter Issue 4
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Submissions are welcome. Please submit by the 20th of each month. Captains, please submit plot outlines for your ships by the 19th of each month.
Secured Transmission from Federation High Counsel, Fleet Captain Sven Tray reporting: Reports from our operatives on Romulas, and from the personal reports of the USS Isannah, have confirmed that the Romulans have declared WAR on the Federation. Here are some details for your information. Romulans have created a new device, of which we are unaware. However, they have improved such technology as their cloaking devise, and have also improved the forward disruptors on their ship. We have captured one of the standard D'Deriex class Warbirds from the Romulans, and cleaned it inside and out. Most of the technology we already knew about, but reports show that they have been setting up attack plans for over three years. We are at war with the Romulans. That is all the information availible. Admiral Tristain Wolf has ordered a system wide yellow alert as a result of this situation. Please advise the Admiral of your wherabouts immediately.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Brian Kelly, Captain of the USS Ranger
- Alis Hege, Commander of the USS Ranger
- Jeff Pelletier, Commander of the USS Centris
- Payis Yarden, Lieutenant Commander of the USS Ranger
- Galen Jennings, Lieutenant of the USS Ranger
- Marko Anderson, Lieutenant of the USS Ranger
- Va'Al, Lieutenant junior grade of the USS Ranger
- Michael Davis, Lieutenant junior grade of the USS Ranger
- Sasha, Lieutenant junior grade of the USS Ranger
The Isannah is currently investigating a case of romulan espionage on the U.S.S. Yolanda which disappeared, but was then found captured by a Romulan Warbird. After a fierce battle in which the New Viper class runabout was used (Quite successfully), the Romulan warbird was captured along with it's captain, and three romulan attack cruisers were defeated. The Isannah is currently holding station with the Yolanda and the Romulan Warbird and awaiting a tow vessel to take the captured ships back to starbase. The spy aboard the Yolanda has been captured and has admited to sending classified starfleet documents including ship specs and defense capabilites to the romulan empire.
The new training vessel, the USS Nova (since the destruction of the Chicago) is going well. We have decided to do a survey of the Garstein Cluster, which many of you know already, is an asteroid/planetoid belt close to SB 118. Results forthcoming.
After a scientific refit at SB 118, we are again underway to chart star systems in the Gamma Quadrant, using the created wormhole we discovered previously. Unfortunately, an odd emission eminating from the vacinity of the destroyed planet, Eek'tara, has disabled our warp coils by changing our warp plasma to a liquid. We are investigating
On a joint mission with the Centris.
This month I am interviewing Lieutenant Commander Gaius Aldus, Chief Engineer of the USS Centris. An unmarried 28 year old Terran who has served aboard several Starfleet vessels.
Why did you choice a career in Starfleet?
I chose Starfleet because I belived it could provide a base for my life, give me a purpose (and it did). Also, because of the situation with my parents (they abandoned me as a child) I felt I needed support, and a crew to work with would provide just that.
You have served aboard a number of vessels. Have you developed an attachment to any one vessel in particular during your years of service?
I'd say the ship I was most connected to was the Freedom, because that was where I really got my start and also most of my experience. I also sort of bonded with it's crew, and became good friends with them (actually, I'm lucky enough to be serving with some of them currently).
Can you relate a favorite experience from your time on the Freedom?
Oh yes, for sure. After being promoted tom Lieutenant and moving to Tactical, there was a certain...recurring event which was pretty amusing. It seems whenever the ship was in some kind of conflict, or we faced an anomaly or something, I was always thrown over the Tac console (which is in a stupid place I have to say) and landed with pretty good force. I believe twice I was knocked unconscious for a brief period of time...but it wasn't so bad. Eventually, it almost became a ritual, and I expected it. I know, it isn't what one would expect a "favorite" experience, but it was memorable ::smiles::
Is that why you are interested in switching to engineering, tired of being thrown from the console?
::laughs:: Well, no, tactical would also be okay, but I just like the action of engineering, it's always been my favorite and the one I can do with the most ease. In fact, I wouldn't mind being thrown off the console again for old times' sake ::ducks:: Now, you are also trained as a nurse practitioner, and in fact, you took over the job of CMO when the USS Centris lost her doctor. Was that stint enjoyable for you? Yes, it was a good break from my usual, and it shows that if something goes wrong with my engineering career, I have the choice of another position I could work with. It was also fun because I got to use the information I've been storing so long for the first time in a while since the Academy.
What are your overall career objectives in Starfleet? Do you plan on becoming a captain?
Yes, I do plan to become a Captain. Of course I'll have been an Engineer for a long while if and when I even become a Commander, so I'll be looking for something new, possibly the First Officer position...::smiles slightly, and leaves it at that, with no further hinting::
And what do you do when you're not in uniform?
Some of my hobbies are reading old -Earth science-fiction, which is interesting because you get to see what they thought the future would be like. Some of them weren't far off at all (especially 1 ;). I also enjoy trying to change all of the technology wherever I am to see what I can come up with... Probably the most interesting was when I tried to allow a replicator to create something bigger than its allowed space and ended up turning the replicator into a small statue... Other than that, not much, since engineering takes up a lot of my time.
Request from Admiral Wolf: Do you have a web page? If so, UFOP would like to ask that you add the URL for our web pages onto them, if possible! The URL is- ''. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! The Star Wars Branch of UFOP will officially be closing down as of October 1st. Anyone who has signed up for this group should talk to Admiral Wolf to transfer to another ship, if needed. Steve Bullock has offered to create a Star Trek 'mug shot' of any person who wishes. All you need do is send Steve a scanned picture of your head, in .gif or .jpg form and he'll return it with your head in a Star Trek uniform! Also, anyone who wishes to, can send their pic to Admiral Wolf to have it added to the web pages!
- Please write and tell me what you like or don't like about the Reporter. I would also appreciate suggestions re: what you would like to see in this newsletter.
- If you wish to be taken off our mailing list, please notify Fleet Captain Elinor