Challenger-A Weight Room/Gymnasium

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Some Starfleet personnel can find solace from the aggravations of day-to-day life in exercising their bodies. The Security department on each Sovereign class encourages constant use of this facility; tournaments and competitions are held regularly in this room.

The gymnasium is located on deck 5, next to the Holosuites. This gymnasium has full body building and exercise apparatuses available for your disposal; any kind of exercise can be performed here, be it Terran, Klingon, Vulcan (it isn't logical to let your body atrophy), Bajoran, Trill, or others.

There is also a wrestling mat in the weight room, which can be used for wrestling, martial arts, kick-boxing, or any other sort of hand-to-hand fighting. There are holo-diodes along the walls and ceiling which generate a holographic opponent (if you can't find someone to challenge), trained in the combat field of your choice. The computer stores your personal attack and defense patterns as it gains experience on your style of fighting, and adapts to defeat you. All personnel on the Sovereign class must go through a full physical fitness and hand-to-hand combat test every six months.

There are also racks of hand-to-hand combat weapons, for use in training. Ancient weapon proficiencies for Starfleet personnel are recommended by the ship's security division; phasers may not always be available for use in contingencies. Terran, Klingon, Betazoid, Vulcan, Bajoran, and other non-energy weapons are available for training.