Previous ships called Independence

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USS Independence

US Navy. 10 gun sloop. Served in American War of Independence.

USS Independence

First US Navy ship of the line.

USS Independence - SP-3676

US Navy. Freighter.

USS Independence - CVL-22

"The difficult we do immediately; ....the impossible takes a little longer"

The lead ship of the US Navys' Independence class Aircraft Carrier. Earnt 8 Battle Stars during Earths' World War II

SS Independence

Ocean Liner

USS Independence - CV-62

"Freedom's Flagship"
USS Independence CVA-62.jpg

The second aircraft carrier of Earth's US Navy to bear the name. A Forrestal Class ship, she was launched at the New York Navy Yard on 6th June 1958 and commissioned on the 10th January the following year. The carrier served in both the Vietnam War and the Gulf War.

USS Independence - LCS-2

US Navy. Prototype for the Independence class Littoral Combat ship.

USS Independence - NCC 01776

"A little revolution is good every now and then."

A New Orleans class Starfleet vessel, this Independence was commissioned in 2366 and saw service in the Dominion War. Having survived the war, it underwent a scheduled refit in 2379. The vessel then saw action in the Ithassa Region. The vessel was destroyed in the Gorn Conflict of 2383, being rammed into a Gorn vessel in the climactic Battle of Deep Space 17.