Starfleet Medical Directory

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Revision as of 18:25, 8 August 2024 by Quentin Beck (talk | contribs)
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The following shows the list of current active Medical Officers, their assignments, their specialties (if applicable), and current projects or interests (if applicable). To add a new entry, simply add another row with the requested information.

Starfleet Medical Directory
Name Current Assignment Specialty Current Project / Interests
Alix Harford Denali Station Trauma Surgery Shared Subconsciousness
Gila Sadar USS Artemis-A Crisis Care and Trauma Surgery Olfactory medical technology
Sevantha Saa USS Astraeus Neuroscience Telepathic/Empathic Species Neurobiology & Development
Sylvie Doucet USS Chin'toka Internal Medicine Holistic Medicine
Quentin Beck USS Ronin Neurochemistry Shared Subconsciousness, Tholian Neurology and Physiology, Medical Holodrones
Alyndra Syrex USS Ronin Paediatrics N/A
Talia Ohnari USS Khitomer Epidemiology Prosthetics
Leenaya Edrei USS Chin'toka N/A N/A