USS Oumuamua Crew Awards

Revision as of 14:10, 15 June 2023 by Toxin Arlill (talk | contribs) (Added Promotions for 2400006 Awards Ceremony)
Oumuamuaicon.jpg       “Huli ke alo i ka paia” -- “Turn the face to the wall (for there is nothing to fear)"
- Hawaiian Proverb

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons & Badges
USS 'Oumuamua-logo.png USS 'OUMUAMUA • NCC-81226 • COMMISSIONED

“Huli ke alo i ka paia” -- “Turn the face to the wall (for there is nothing to fear)”

Starfleet instructor.png Service Ribbons Starfleet instructor.png

Starfleet instructor.png Promotions Starfleet instructor.png

Starfleet instructor.png OOC Awards Starfleet instructor.png

Starfleet instructor.png Badges Starfleet instructor.png