Ragnarok (USS Thor)
USS Thor | ||
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The Federation loses communication with a floating scientific research outpost located on an ocean world in the Gamma Quadrant. The Thor is tasked to investigate and assist as necessary. It quickly becomes clear that pirates have attacked the station, however the situation quickly spirals out of control...
Mission Summary
The Okaea Research Outpost floats in the middle of the Perrini Ocean on the planet Okaea with the scientific mission of deep water scans. Crewed almost entirely by civilian scientists, they are wholly unprepared for the pirate raid that descends upon them. Blinded by the planet's atmosphere which blocks sensors and transporters, the scientists have little warning to the violence looming. Two scientists start to look into a missing sample when blaster fire is heard outside their lab. Renavook Sombi, lead researcher, quickly calls for the computer to lock the doors and he and his assistant, Adodar Broha, attempt to get out a distress signal. Pirates, however, blast their way in and destroy the console along with the hopes of reaching someone and take the researchers hostage.
Act 1
After contact with the Okaea Research Outpost is cut off, Starfleet sends the crew of the USS Thor to investigate. Commodore Kells personally leads an away team on a shuttle to the surface, an abundance of an isotope making transporter use nigh impossible. Major Greaves is placed in command of the Thor and is joined by Commander Brodie, Ensign Kessler and Ensign Ulasso on the bridge. In the science lab, Lieutenant Katsim joins forces with Ensign Basilia and Lieutenant Reid to see if they can find out what the researchers were working on and whether or not it was the cause of the sudden cut-off of communication.
Greaves is concerned about about possible trouble as well as the inability to transport due to the compound in the atmosphere, and calls for the bridge crew to try and find a way around it. Brodie suggests searching the archives in order to better map out some areas on the planet, but comments that the away team may just have to navigate visually. Greaves asks Ulasso if they could drop lower into the orbit or possibly the upper atmosphere of the planet. At Brodie's suggestion oh, they going to yellow alert and prepare to descend. Ulasso notices a strange force causing resistance and reduces the speed to prevent undue stress on the vessel. Kessler recommends launching a class three planetary probe to help assist gathering data and perhaps find a way to cut through the interference.
In the planetary science lab, Katsim is joined by Corelli and Reid. With the abundance of Krypton 78 in the atmosphere, the isotope makes communications more difficult, and transportation risky. The group seeks to find a way around that and try to connect to the database of the research station. Corelli suggested using a laser and attempt to use the atmospheric particles to their advantage. A gas plasma beam of sufficient energy could react with the isotope and thus form a laser though he did warned that it would be week, but indicated that it could be used to program the computer except data transmission even if only in text and the ship would have to remain in low orbit.
- Commanding Officer, Commodore Aron Kells
- Executive Officer, Major Wes Greaves
- Chief Counselor, Lt. Commander Alexander Brodie
- Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Peri Katsim
- Assistant Chief of Security, Lieutenant Anton Richards
- Acting Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant JGV'Len Kel
- Security Officer, Ensign Isabelle Basilia
- Tactical Officer, Ensign Jack Kessler
- Acting Chief Engineer, Lieutenant JG Kammus Corelli
- Science Officer, Lieutenant JG Kizanna Reid
- Medical Officer, Ensign Toz
- HCO Officer, Ensign Ulasso