Resolution Manual/Mission Submission

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Resolution Manual


Resolution Manual

1: Expectations
2: Sim Format
3: Below Sims
4: General Tips
  • B: the Posting
1: Ship 101
2: The Borderlands
3: The Crew
  • C: Operating Procedures
1: Missions
2: Shoreleave
3: Mission Submission
4: Staff
  • D: Advanced Topics
1: Promotions
2: Secondary Characters
3: Department Heads
4: Mentors
5: OOC Activities
6: Player Achievements

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Mission Submission

Anyone can submit a mission for the Resolution to embark on, and we encourage you to do so! All of our missions have been submitted by someone on the crew, ranging from an Ensign to a Captain and all have a chance of making it onto the schedule.

We know submitting a mission can be challenging, and has some daunting aspects, so we've added some frequently asked questions below.

How long until my mission makes it onto the schedule?
'It depends' is the best answer we can give. The staff works hard to balance the schedule between different types of missions, ranging from purely scientific and exploration to 'pew pew' missions with lots af action and shooting. To that end your submission might be the next mission on the schedule, or it might take a little time to come up in the roster.
How detailed does my misson plan need to be?
No very. There are things the staff looks for in a plan, but they will work with you to find out the questions to those answers if they need them after they get the submission.
What types of missions work best?
Missions that involve the entire crew tend to work best and get on the scheduled more easily as they are more fun and can be more easily scheduled.

The best advice the staff can give you is, if you have an idea for a mission, go ahead and submit it via the form below, we'd love to hear it and work with you to see where it goes!

Mission Submission Form

REV SD 239707.19