Starfleet officers aboard Veritas wear uniforms displaying the color of their division:
- Red: Command Division - CO, XO, Intelligence, Diplomacy, Helm
- Gold: Operations Division - Ops, Engineering, Security/Tactical
- Teal: Sciences Division - Science, Medical, Counseling
The combadge incorporates Starfleet's current insignia.
The Crew
Learn more about your new shipmates. Click on an officer's name on the left to display their brief bio on the right. You can click on their names/pictures on the right to access their full biographies.
Command Division:
Sciences Division:
Operations Division:
- Rank: Captain
- Duty Post: Commanding Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 45-year-old Kriosian female empathic metamorph
- Birthplace: Moselina IV
Born away from the Kriosian homeworld, Roshanara's birth parents gave her up for adoption, and a human couple took her in, named her, and raised her back in Lahore, Earth. Often mistaken for a Trill due to her Kriosian spots, she joined Starfleet because of her interest in starship design, an interest that has not come without a cost as she was gravely injured early in her career from a major accident that required lengthy rehabilitation. She exhibits a dry and perhaps even cruel sense of humor. Previously a chief engineer, she employs a rather direct and assertive style of command and is working on her anger management.
- Rank: Lt. Commander
- Duty Post: First Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Mei'konda male
- Birthplace: Terra Nova
Born to a scientist mother and a Starfleet father who later disappeared during the Battle of Wolf 359, Mei'konda grew up with stories of his father's heroism and worked hard to make it into Starfleet. He became an ambitious young officer who rose quickly through the ranks, becoming a department head on a large starship by the age of twenty-five. Mei'konda is completely devoted to Starfleet's ideals of peace and exploration, though he can be a little too rigid in his interpretation of regulations. His occasional lack of flexibility has been overlooked by more liberal commanding officers in the past due to his work ethic and intellect.
- Rank: Ensign
- Duty Post: Science Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 36-year-old Vulcan/Human male
- Birthplace: Vulcana Regar, Vulcan
Sepek was born on Vulcan and never quite fit in right. Like most Vulcans, he learned to supress emotions and stick to logic, but unlike most Vulcans he was half human. He got tired of seeing the same desert landscape everyday. He yearned for the colors and uniqueness of alien worlds, so he joined Starfleet.
- Rank: Ensign
- Duty Post: Science Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 32-year-old Human male
- Birthplace: Earth
Born on Earth, Wolfe had a fairy standard childhood. Wolfe's father captained an ore freighter, and he joined him on runs to learn about the ship once he was old enough. His fifth run ended in disaster. the ship suffered a warp-core breach, and a nearby Starfleet ship came to the rescue. It arrived too late, however. Wolfe was the only survivor, shoved into an escape pod by his father before the ship went up. This inspired him to be the person on that Starfleet ship, so that next time, there wouldn't be just one survivor. He went to the academy at 18, graduated 12th in his class, and completed his cadet cruise before being assigned to Starbase 118's academy for final training.
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Duty Post: Chief Medical Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Human female
- Birthplace: Chicago, Earth
The daughter of a civilian doctor killed by the Breen during the Dominion War, Nikki wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps while also honoring her memory and that of the Starfleet officers who sacrificed their lives to save Nikki on that same day. She became a doctor and joined Starfleet, only to later - due to personal reasons - decide to take a break from medicine to pursue a career as an engineer. After serving as chief engineer of the USS Syracuse, she returned to medicine to serve as chief medical officer of the Veritas.
Lieutenant Chythar Skyfire
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Duty Post: Medical Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 39-year-old Human Male
- Birthplace: Washington, Earth
Chythar was born in Seattle, Washington and graduated from University of Washington as a Medical Doctor. Upon entering Starfleet Academy, he took several xenobiology courses and graduated with a science degree in xenobiology. Through most of his career he has held various positions in the medical department, both before and after his time in the red shirt.
- Rank: Ensign
- Duty Post: Counselor
- Age/Species/Sex: 33-year-old Bajoran Female
- Birthplace:
Lesko was born on Bajor and raised by her Father Eran. Her mother Eisae was often away singing and preforming. Her Father wanted more for her than simple farming life so ensured she attended the best education possible. She quickly showed an aptitude for social interaction and a great desire to meet new species, With this in mind Star Fleet seemed like a perfect fit. Often optimistic and practical she approaches most problems with a smile, her door is always open to anyone that needs to talk. In her spare time she practises martial arts from different cultures to keep fit.
Lt. Commander Raissa Moonsong
- Rank: Lt. Commander
- Duty Post: Ship's Counselor
- Age/Species/Sex: 36-year-old Human/Betazoid female
- Birthplace: Leech Lake, North America, Earth
Raissa grew up on Earth and due to her Betazoid grandmother was a touch empath. She originally desired to be a medical doctor, but the pain experienced by her patients became too much for her. She switched her focus to psychology and psychiatry. Unaware of certain quirk of her genetics, Raissa played host to several hundred minds of the Community. Her telepathic/empathic abilities spiked to T6. However, once they had left her body, her ability did not return to its normal range, and she remains a T/E 6. She now limits her interaction with others to block out other thoughts as well as to avoid reading people inadvertently. Despite this change, she remains a skilled counselor and always easy to talk to.
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Duty Post: Operations Officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 36-year-old Human/Vulcan male
- Birthplace: Albany, New York, Earth
Born to a single mother on Earth, Evan had a troubled childhood made worse by unpredictable and sometimes violent mood swings. Under the guidance of a Vulcan mentor, Evan eventually found a functional, but imperfect balance between his aversion to Vulcan ideology, and the necessity of controlling his emotions. That, and a desire to prove himself, was enough to get Evan through the Academy. His first two years in Starfleet earned him a sterling record, and Evan quickly advanced to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and was well respected among his peers until Evan attacked an unarmed prisoner. After pleading guilty at his court martial, Evan eventually requested and was granted an indefinite leave of absence from Starfleet before heading off to the Shoals in pursuit of the Reya-Laialara. He returned to Starfleet in 2394 to join the Veritas crew.
- Rank: Lt. Commander
- Duty Post: Chief Engineer
- Age/Species/Sex: 44-year-old Romulan/Human female
- Birthplace: Romulus
Lluneh (Luna) was born on Romulus but raised on Earth after her human ambassador father convinced her Romulan mother to defect. Not knowing this, she enjoyed a happy childhood until her father was murdered by the Tal Shiar. Frustrated at her brother's inability to prove the truth, she took it on herself to trick, sneak, or break in to do so. Caught one too many times, she joined Starfleet as an engineer, where her ability to creatively look at a problem was put to more positive outlets. While outgoing, friendly, and a bit of a prankster normally, she feels personally responsible for any discovered problems around her.
Lieutenant Lael Rosek-Skyfire
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Duty Post: Engineer
- Age/Species/Sex: 35-year-old Al-Leyan/Human female
- Birthplace: Cedar Springs, Michigian, Earth
An expert in her field, Lael recently graduated from the Daystrom Institute of Technology with a Doctorate of Engineering, Biomechanical specialization. During her Starfleet career, she has served as both an engineer and an HCO officer. A brief of her dissertation on spinal injury, genetronics and nanotechnology was recently published in the Starfleet Medical Journal. In her spare time, she enjoys active pursuits and is a Jiu-Jitsu coral belt. She also practices Mukhol, an Al-Leyan martial art.
- Rank: Commander
- Duty Post: SCE Liaison
- Age/Species/Sex: 39-year-old Human Male
- Birthplace: Earth
Alex Blair grew up in the industry of technology so he could one day take over Blair Industries. Rather than go through with the corporate grooming, he enlisted in the SFMC when he turned 18. Since then, he has graduated from Starfleet Academy as an engineer and has risen through the ranks to Commander, holding the positions of engineer, assistant chief engineer, chief engineer, mission specialist, and first officer.
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Duty Post: Chief of Security
- Age/Species/Sex: 33-year-old Bolian male
- Birthplace: Bolarus IX
Hanar had a normal family life and childhood, and when he became of age, he joined his parents on their freighter for a number of years before choosing to break from tradition and join Starfleet, selecting security/tactical as his major. His favorite hobby is the culinary arts, having studied this on the side, and he soon became quite the accomplished chef, creating many recipes, both pure and mixed, from different worlds. This also served to satisfy a related love - eating, hence his slightly portly appearance. Despite this, he is remarkably fit and agile, necessary for security duties. His only shortfall is he lacks a significant other, which he would like to remedy, sooner than later.
- Rank: Ensign
- Duty Post: Tactical and Security officer
- Age/Species/Sex: 29-year-old Human female
- Birthplace: Galway, Ireland, Earth
The eldest child of a Starfleet deserter, many would expect Taryn to be a model officer seeking redemption. That could not be further from the truth, as her Academy record marred by minor infractions would attest. Despite that, she is very dedicated to her job, both as a Security/Tactical officer and as a Starfleet Officer. Bold, practical and observant, she would never hesitate to place herself in the line of fire for her shipmates and is always ready to offer a helping hand or a drink or two to a friend in need.
Son of a Betazoid Starfleet counselor and an Angosian war veteran, Marcus Dickens lived on Betazed after the death of his father and developed his empathic skills before joining Starfleet to honor his father and explore galaxy. Having served on many ships and with many captains, he’s a versatile person who loves science and is an easy going person, but when there’s work to be done, he’s the first to get onto it, which may be the reason why his wife asked for divorce. Now he’s starting a new life, carrying an ancient consciousness known as Kelrod within him.
Lieutenant Commander Sky Blake
- Rank: Lieutenant Commander
- Duty Post: Ranger
- Age/Species/Sex: 38-year-old Brekkian/Betazoid female
- Birthplace: Brekka
A widow and mother of two children, Sky Blake was found residing on the Ornaran homeworld, working with law enforcement to rid her area of residence of further crime incited by black market drug trade. She was located in a bar winding down from a days work by Commander Zhou Tai-Sheng, and was assigned to the Veritas, initially as it's strategic operations officer. In 2394, Blake took a job with the Starfleet Rangers, and works as a regional support officer with an intimate knowledge of CCMS operations and piracy around Shadow's Edge. Now, as the ship moves away from the area, Blake is heading into unfamiliar waters.
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