The number and types of medical conditions have increased almost exponentially since the 20th century. This database contains notes on some of the more interesting conditions that a 24th century Starfleet medic might encounter.
- Aging Sickness
- Altairian Encephalitis
- see Encephalitis, Altairian
- Anaprolean Fever
- Anchilles Fever
- Andronesian Encephalitis
- see Encelphalitis, Andronesian
- Aphasia Virus
- Arethian Flu
- Athelosclerosis
- Ba'ltmasor Syndrome
- Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome
- see Syndrome, Barclay's Protomorphosis
- Bendii Syndrome
- Blight, The
- Biomemetic Fluctuation
- Cardassian Virus
- Cartalian Fever
- Coleibric Hemorrhage
- Correllium Fever
- Cygnian Respiratory Disease
- Cytotoxic Shock
- Darnay's Disease
- Depressurization
- Dermal Dysplasia
- Dorek Syndrome
- Elogium
- Enantiodromia
- Eob's Disease
- Eosinophilia
- Fever, Anaprolean
- Fever, Anchilles
- Fever, Cartalian
- Fever, Correllium
- Fever, Rigelian
- Fever, Rigelian Kassaba
- Fever, Rugalan
- Fever, Zanthi
- Forrester-Trent Syndrome
- see Syndrome, Forrester-Trent
- Hemocythemia
- Hesperan Thumping Cough
- Holodiction
- Holotransference Dementia Syndrome
- see Syndrome, Holotransference Dementia
- see Syndrome, Holotransference Dementia
- Hyper-REM
- Hyperacceleration
- Hypoglycemia
- Iresine Syndrome
- Irumodic Syndrome
- Iverson's Disease
- Kalla-Nohra Syndrome
- see Syndrome, Kalla-Nohra
- Lacunar Amnesia
- Larosian Virus
- Lavodian Flu
- Mendakan Pox
- Metremia
- Microvirus
- Morphogenic Virus
- Mutagenic Retrovirus
- see Virus, Mutagenic Retrovirus
- Neural Depletion
- Neural Metaphasic Shock
- Orellius Infection
- Orket's Disease
- Parasitic Infection
- Parinisti measles
- Phage, The
- Phyrox Plague
- Plasma Plague
- Polycythemia
- Pottrik Syndrome
- Pon farr
- Psi 2000 Virus
- Quickening, The
- Redellian Brain Fever
- see Fever, Redellian Brain
- Replicative Fading
- Retrovirus
- see Virus, Taresian Retrovirus
- Rigelian Fever
- Rop'nGor
- Rudellian Plague
- Rugalan Fever
- Sakuro's Disease
- Somatophysical Failure
- Symbalene Blood Burn
- Synthococcus novae
- T'lokan Schism
- TE Virus
- Tellerian Death Syndrome
- see Syndrome, Tellerian Death
- Telurian Plague
- Temeklian Virus
- Temporal Narcosis
- Terrellian Plague
- Thelusian Flu
- Transporter Psychosis
- Transporter Psychosis Fear
- Transwarp Evolutionary Syndrome
- see Syndrome, Transwarp Evolutionary
- Tsiolkovsky Infection
- Tuvan Syndrome
- Urudelean Flu
- Varaxian LM-7
- Vegan Choriomenigitis
- Xanthi Fever
- Xenopolycvethemia
- Yarim Fel Syndrome
- Zanthi Fever