Darwin-A Deck Layout
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USS Darwin-A | ||
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The USS Darwin-A is a Horizon Class ship comprised of 13 decks. Decks 1-5 exist exclusively on the 'sphere' section of the ship, with deck 13 exclusively in the drive section. Decks 6-12 stretch across the entirety of the ship's length.
Deck 1
- Captain’s Ready Room
- Main Bridge
- Observation Lounge
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Escape Pod Access
- Auxiliary Computer Core
Deck 2
- Forward Photon Torpedo Launchers
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Astrometrics
- Stellar Cartography (Upper Level)
- Chief Science Officer’s Office
- Assistant Chief Science Officer’s Office
- Auxiliary Computer Core
- Intelligence Lab
Deck 3
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Stellar Cartography (Access)
- Hazardous Materials Labs 1 & 2
- Cargo Bay 1 & 2
Deck 4
- Forward Tractor Beam Emitter
- Main Deflector Control
- Main Science Labs 1 & 2
- Storage Room
Deck 5
- Chemistry Labs 1 & 2
- Hazmat transporters 1 & 2
Deck 6
Sphere Section
- Auxiliary Deflector Control
- Main phaser arrays
- Main Science Labs 3 & 4
Drive Section
- Captain’s quarters
- Senior Officers and VIP quarters
- Crew Lounge (The Evolution Bar)
- Secondary Bridge
- Containment Sphere Generators
Deck 7
Sphere Section
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Containment Sphere Micro Tractor Beams
- Cybernetics Labs 1 & 2
Drive Section
- Mess Hall
- Senior Officers and VIP quarters
- First Officer’s Office
- Holodecks 1 & 2
- Gymnasium
- Docking Port (Aft)
Deck 8
Sphere Section
- Forward Photon Torpedo Launchers
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Containment Sphere Micro Tractor Beams
- Storage Room
- Arboretum
Drive Section
- Main Engineering (Upper)
- Shuttlebay
- Crew Quarters
- Cargo Bays 3 & 4
Deck 9
Sphere Section
- Forward Containment Sphere Access Port
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Containment Sphere Micro Tractor Beams
- Main Science Labs 5 & 6
Drive Section
- Main Engineering
- Chief Engineer’s Office
- Warp Core
- Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
- Crew Quarters
Deck 10
Sphere Section
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Hydroponics
- Main Science Lab 7
- Storage Room
Drive Section
- Aft Torpedo Launchers
- Sickbay
- Counselling Suites 1 & 2
- Chief Medical Officer’s Office
- Surgical Suite
Deck 11
Sphere Section
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Main Science Lab 8
- Exobiology Labs 1 & 2
Drive Section
- Main Computer Core
- Chief of Tactical & Security’s Office
- Brig
Deck 12
Sphere Section
- Containment Sphere Generators
- Geology Lab
- Main Science Labs 9 & 10
Drive Section
- Aft Tractor Beam Emitter
- Main Computer Core (Primary Access)
- Environmental Control
- Quantum Slipstream Control
Deck 13
- Anti Matter Pods