SB118Ops Mission Logs/Kalianna Nicholotti

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Starbase 118: Ops Mission Archive Database

The following serves as a record of Starbase 118's missions under the command of Kalianna Nicholotti.

Heavy Metal


"I don't know how it happened but eventually people both in intelligence and in Reikara wanted to sabotage Starfleet."
~ Sahmson

Mission Began: 238902.05
Mission Complete: 238905.17

When a defect in the Victory's sub-processors is discovered almost on accident during shore leave, the crew begins the process of repair before the source of the problem is really defined. What they don't know is that the defect was not only deliberate, but put into play by a rogue faction of Romulans, one of many vying for control of the Empire in the wake of the Hobus disaster, whose goal is to bring chaos to the Trinity sector. The group, believing their plan was infallible in light of the difficulty anyone would have finding the narrow frequency gap caused by the sabotage of the sub-processors, puts into motion a deadly plot just after Commander Nicholotti assumes command of Starbase 118.

Now, in the dark and without reliable communication, the crew must find a way to stop a now unseen threat hurtling through the darkness of space directly towards them.

Heavy Metal Full Report


The Mask of Sanity



Mission Began: 238906.10
Mission Complete: In Progress

During a routine survey mission of a nebula the USS Avicenna locates a Starfleet vessel believed to be lost four years earlier. Even more surprising than the discovery of the ship is two crewmen who have apparently been living on board the ship since the accident that caused them to be lost. Lt Samuel King, explains that the ship was attacked by an unknown alien foe and taken to the nebula were the crew were systematically killed with only himself and Ensign Freo surviving.

Unable to fully repair the Calgary or investigate the problem, the Avicenna tows the ship the the nearest Starbase, SB118. The crew of SB118 Ops begin to investigate the ship and establish what happened while also treating the traumatised two crewmen.

Suspicions are raised when examinations of the Calgary contradict Lt King's account and when a Starfleet security officer turns up dead and Dr Deron is attacked just before an attempt to communicate telepathically with Freo, Commander Nicholotti and her crew begin to fear for the safety of the station.

The Mask of Sanity Full Report
