CON:Captain's Council (Rewrite)
Do not make any changes to this area unless you are part of the Constitution Rewrite Committee.
Unauthorized changes will be reverted.
NOTE: These documents/proposed changes are drafts and are NOT in effect.
For the current Constitution that governs our group, visit UFOP Constitution.
Unauthorized changes will be reverted.
NOTE: These documents/proposed changes are drafts and are NOT in effect.
For the current Constitution that governs our group, visit UFOP Constitution.
IMPORANT: This page is part of the defunct Constitution Rewrite project from 2004. None of its provisions are in effect, but the contents are kept here for historical purposes and for reference as certain ideas are considered for implementation. The latest version of our constitution and its bylaws can be found here: UFOP Constitution. |
Please note: The modification "history" of this article was lost when the wiki was upgraded due to the apostrophe in the name of the page. The last version was recovered, however, and is below. Please check the history of this page for previous versions.
Constitution Rewrite series |
The Captain’s Council (CC) shall be composed at all times of the following officers in the following ways:
- DISCUSSION RIGHTS: The CC shall allow at all times all individuals who have been officially frocked with the rank of commander, access to all votes and debate of its deliberations on any matter but shall make clear to the assembled commanders that while they may feel free to comment or participate in any debate or discussion, they may not vote on any matter.
- VOTING RIGHTS. While all those gathered may view and deliberate in discussions, voting rights are bestowed in the following manner:
- To anyone actively commanding a vessel who has achieved the rank of captain (or above) goes 1 vote;
- To anyone with the rank of Commander who is recognised as the permanent Commanding Officer of a vessel goes 1 vote, except in votes of the following matters:
- Passing of Bylaws, Standard Rules or Procedures.
- Discipline of officers
- Matters which the Executive Council deems sanctioned for those of Captains rank or above.
- The following officers will officially have access to the Captain's Council discussion areas:
- Member of the Executive Council: 1 vote. Any officer who is officially recognized as a member of the Executive Council will have one vote on the council, which comes with full discussion rights, regardless of the rules below;
- Captains acting as Commanding Officer: 1 vote. Any officer who has been frocked as a captain by the Executive Council will have one vote on the council, which comes with full discussion rights;
- Captains: 1 vote. Any officer who is not acting as the Commanding Officer of a vessel, but has been officially recognized as a Captain, will have one vote on the council, which comes with full discussion rights. this is providing they have maintained their ACTIVE STATUS (see Article VII section 2 below);
- Commanders acting as Commanding Officers: 1 vote. Any officer who is acting in the official capacity of Commanding Officer of a vessel, as recognized by the Executive Council, will have one vote on the council, which comes with full discussion rights;
- Commanders: Discussion rights. Any officer who is not acting as the Commanding Officer of a vessel, but has officially been recognized as a Commander, has full discussion rights;
- Lieutenant Commanders acting as First Officers: Discussion rights. Any officer who is acting in the official capacity of First Officer of a vessel, as recognized by the ship's official Commanding Officer, has full discussion rights.
- Active status:
- For an officer to maintain their voting or discussion rights on the Captain's Council, they must be considered in "active status," which is defined as follows:
- Actively participating on a vessel, as defined by the vessel's Commanding Officer, OR;
- Actively participating on the Captain's Council by participating ("vote yes," "vote no," "vote abstain") in at least 60% of all votes proffered, AND responding to roll call when requested.
- If an officer is ineligible to vote, and is not actively participating on a vessel, he or she must place him or herself on LOA status until which point they are able to regain active status. If this officer fails to place him or herself on LOA status, actions will be taken per section III.
- Irregularities: Should an officer not adhere to the regulations above, he or she will be removed from the Captain's Council list and be placed on "retired" status. He or she will be subject to other bylaws and rules regarding return to active status, as necessary.
- All Captains with "active status" (as defined in article II) retain their right to vote. However, for a CC motion to pass, the required quorum will be 60% of the commanding officers currently running a sim site
- For an officer to maintain their voting or discussion rights on the Captain's Council, they must be considered in "active status," which is defined as follows:
- Reserved powers for the CC. These powers have been reserved specifically to the CC and may be exercised by majority vote as described above but be it known that an exercise of any of these granted powers may be vetoed by the CC if four fifths of the EC membership so desire as related heretofore:
- Creation of "official" alien races;
- Recognition of plants, races, concepts, weapons, scientific advances, religions, political movements or developments, philosophies or other things or ideas as being an official part of the group milieu once those ideas, concepts or things have been discussed in simulated plots;
- Serving as the first appellate forum for discipline of commanders and junior officers;
- Creation of new awards or discontinuance of old awards except those applicable to flag officers only;
- Creation, alteration or amendment of the requirements for advancement to the rank of full commander;
- Creation, or removal of specific ranks up to the rank of commander;
- To call upon the EC by majority resolution to act on any issue. If the EC shall not act within 30 days of the EC magistrate receiving word of the resolution from the CC magistrate, the right to act shall return to the CC who shall act subject to the other articles of this CONSTITUTION (including EC veto powers and discipline). If the CC does not act within 30 days of the resolution return, the resolution becomes null and void as if never passed.