USS Independence-A

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The USS Independence-A is an Prometheus Class vessel commissioned and under the command of Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi, which arrived at Deep Space 17 on stardate 238401.15 following the wake of a parting Biomechanoid leaving the system.

This is the second Starfleet vessel to continue the name, a newly built replacement for the loss of the USS Independence during the Gorn Invasion toward the end of 2383, proud to carry on the tradition of those fine ships whom have borne the name before it.

Ops-icon.gif StarBase 118 Ops Amity-icon.gif Amity Outpost Denali Station.png Denali Station
Luna-icon.gif USS Artemis-A Galaxy-icon3.gif USS Astraeus Akira-icon2.gif USS Chin'toka
Galaxy-icon1.gif USS Constitution-B Sovereign-icon2.gif USS Gorkon Khitomer Small Icon.png USS Khitomer
Stargazer-icon1.gif USS Octavia E Butler Akira-icon1.gif USS Ronin Excelsior-icon1.gif Starfleet Vessel Register
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StarBase 118 Fleet