Hidden Hand (Atlantis)

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  • Duration - 238207.03-238210.04
  • Mission Name - Hidden Hand
  • Mission Tag - Two Away missions put ATLANTIS crew in peril, and the death of a local dignitary leaves ATLANTIS as the prime suspect.

Mission Brief

Using information supplied by Mr. Dorlan, ATLANTIS is to travel to the busy trade world of Aelann in search of the Paaran. Commander Greene's Away team is to investigate the planet's surface, Lieutenant Commander Jamar's Away team is to investigate orbiting Urlista Station, and Commander Varaan is to lead a diplomatic envoy to establish friendly relations with the Freeworlds Council (see the Freeworlds Region).

Mission Summary

While on the surface of the planet, Commander Greene and her team met with an informant who supplied them with regional military uniforms as well as information. Disguised as high-ranking local militia, Greene's team acted on a lead that the Paaran was hiding in a local military base. Once inside, however, they quickly learned that they had been set up (most likely by the Paaran himself) and a firefight ensued. Luck and training won out, and the team was able to escape, but not before the Paaran's son (or a look alike) was killed. Greene's team returned to Atlantis.

Simultaneously, Jamar's team was exploring Urlista Station, incognito. Disguised as merchants and tourists, they split up to search for the Paaran. One by one, however, they were incapacitated and captured. Apparently, they had also been set up.

Meanwhile, Commander Varaan and his team arrived at Lord Horatio Sonaris' personal apartments for a diplomatic dinner. During pre-diner conversation with Sonaris' family, however, political similarities between the Federation and the Caraadians of the Par'tha Expanse caused the evening to sour. Varaan's team was asked to leave, which they did.

Not long after, an explosion rocked Urlista Station. Lord Sonaris' apartments had been vapourized. His son, Hanar, had been absent at the time, and blamed ATLANTIS' crew for the death of his family. It was realized that Jamar's team was missing, and Commander Greene took it upon herself to mount a rescue mission, which was successful.

An Illaran Investigation team from the Freeworlds government arrived on ATLANTIS to find incriminating or disincriminating proof of the crew's involvement in Lord Sonaris' death. Sensor information apparently turned the guilt towards the Paaran's organization, especially after Dorlan was found to be missing, and turned up dead on the station.

A diplomatic team from the Federation, aboard the USS Nowak, arrived in the Freeworlds Region to try to calm the situation and salvage any hope of diplomatic ties between the two governments. Consequently, ATLANTIS was ordered to return to Starbase 118 for reassignment.

Par'tha Sector Status Report 001

  • Filing Date: 238210.03
  • Transmission Date: 238210.04
  • From: Krieger, J.R. (Admiral, Deep Space 26)
  • To:
    • - Wolfe, T.S. (Admiral, SB118)
    • - Goran, H. (Admiral, Starfleet Tactical Command, SFHQ)
    • - Yrusha (Admiral, Starfleet Diplomatic Corps, SFHQ)
    • - Finnell, C.E.J. (Ambassador, Ministry of External Affairs, Federation Council, Earth)
  • CC:
  • Subject: Sociopolitical Situation Report, Par'tha Expanse Sector
  • Subject: Sociopolitical Situation Report, Freeworlds Region

Pertaining to current relation status between the United Federation of Planets and the indigenous inhabitants of the Par'tha Expanse region of space, Alpha Quadrant: At this time, First Contact still has not been established, due to the location of the Expanse proper. Access to the sector is accomplished via the Jenatris Corridor, through the Jenatris Cloud, located near Starbase 118. The egress point of the Corridor emerges into a semi-independent area of the Par'tha Expanse known as the Freeworlds Region. The governments of this region had been under the control of the Expanse proper until fairly recently in their history. They now operate as a federated entity, separate from the Expanse proper in many realms of government. Once a favorable political situation has been secured with the Freeworlds Region, a First Contact effort will be put forth to the government of the Expanse proper.

Pertaining to current relation status between the United Federation of Planets and the indigenous inhabitants of the Freeworlds Region region of space, Alpha Quadrant: The USS Atlantis (Starfleet, NCC-74682, Intrepid Class) was on an unassociated mission which led them to the discovery of the Par'tha Expanse (specifically the Freeworlds Region, due to spatial geography). They proceeded to the Aelann system, the nearest inhabited system to the egress point of the Jenatris Corridor. They established First Contact protocols with the government of the system. Though favorable at first, the natural course of negotiations soon led to a philosophical dilemma on the part of the head of the system government, a Lord Horatio Sonaris.

After negotiations had broken off, a tragic event caused the death of Lord Sonaris and his family, except for his son, Hanar. The Atlantis crew were initially blamed for the explosion that ripped apart the personal residence of Lord Sonaris. An investigation team from the regional government eventually determined that Atlantis was framed for the incident, however there was a strong anti-Federation sentiment already established. To aid in furthering diplomatic negotiations between the Federation and the Freeworlds Region, Starfleet Command has reassigned Atlantis out of the sector.

Renovations of an ancient abandoned outpost at the edge of the Jenatris Cloud, redesignated Deep Space 26, are underway, allowing the Federation to maintain a foothold in the Region without being obviously intrusive. The USS Nowak (Starfleet, NCC-51482, Niagara Class) has also been reassigned to this region in a strictly diplomatic capacity. Federation Ambassador T'mani has arrived at DS26 as lead negotiator, and has already been approached by the Freeworlds Region Council through their representative, Ambassador Peytar. Ambassador T'mani is optimistic that the diplomatic situation between the Federation and the Freeworlds can be resolved quickly, and with a positive outcome.

Jacob Russell Krieger,
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 26

Par'tha Sector Status Report 002

  • Filing Date: 238301.30
  • Transmission Date: 238301.31
  • From: Krieger, J.R. (Admiral, Deep Space 26)
  • To:
    • - Wolfe, T.S. (Admiral, SB118)
    • - Goran, H. (Admiral, Starfleet Tactical Command, SFHQ)
    • - Yrusha (Admiral, Starfleet Diplomatic Corps, SFHQ)
    • - Finnell, C.E.J. (Ambassador, Ministry of External Affairs, Federation Council, Earth)
  • CC:
  • Subject: Sociopolitical Situation Report, Par'tha Expanse Sector
  • Subject: Sociopolitical Situation Report, Freeworlds Region

Pertaining to current relation status between the United Federation of Planets and the indigenous inhabitants of the Par'tha Expanse region of space, Alpha Quadrant: At this time, no further progress has been made, nor attempted, since the filing of the previous Sociopolitical Situation Report.

Pertaining to current relation status between the United Federation of Planets and the indigenous inhabitants of the Freeworlds Region region of space, Alpha Quadrant: Renovations of the ancient abandoned space station (officially recognized by Starfleet as Deep Space 26) are almost complete, with only minor upgrade, modifications, or additions left. DS26 is now fully operational as of stardate 238301.28 and prepared to take on the full responsibilities of a Starfleet Deep Space Station. The USS Nowak (Starfleet, NCC-51482, Niagara Class) has failed to cause any further diplomatic disturbances in this region, and has even been allowed to ferry local ambassadors and government representatives to and from DS26. Federation Ambassador T'mani has been making great progress in diplomatically "wiping the slate clean" of what has been termed by the Aelann regional government as the "Atlantis Incident." Ambassador Peytar, the representative of the Freeworlds Council and a member of the local Naylar race, has also been a great ally in this endeavour. I believe that with his help, the Federation will soon be officially welcomed to the Freeworlds Region as a neighbour in good standing, with possible scientific, academic and military exchanges and trade negotiations not far in the future.

Jacob Russell Krieger,
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 26