Khitomer Mission Archive

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Her refit complete, the relaunch of the New Orleans II class USS Khitomer goes awry when she's pressed into a search and recovery mission of the USS Arrow, which had been stolen from the dock of DS33!

Season 1 (2401 - Present)

Ghost in the Machine Title Card.png
Ghost in the Machine
  • Episode 03: Stardate 240111.05 - 240201.12
    • USS Khitomer investigates a mysterious transponder signal in the middle of a spatial void, only to find an old Constellation-class starship that turns out to be a lot more than meets the eye.
Siege of DS33 Title.png
Siege of Deep Space 33
  • Episode 02: Stardate 240108.03 - 240109.16
Broken Bow Title Text.png
Broken Bow
  • Episode 01: Stardate 240104.28 - 240106.30
    • Confusion ensues when someone steals the USS Arrow from the dock of DS33! The crew relocate the USS Khitomer to pursue their vessel, and find out who has stolen the old Starfleet vessel... and why.