Breevo Hinka

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USS Eagle
Breevo Hinka
Position Slanted
Rank Ensign
Species Bajoran / Ferengi
Gender Male
Writer ID E239602BH0

Ensign Breevo Hinka is a Bajoran Ferengi hybrid that served as a medical officer aboard the USS Eagle in 2396.


Hinkas parents met when her father's ship moved to scavenge what they thought was a derelict ship. It was a transport ship with a few survivors on-board. Her mother is an archeologist and her father was a Damon. Her father quickly feel in love and slowly won her mother over.

They married and soon wanted a child only to find they couldn't without the help of science. So her dad was soon relieved of his position Damon (He had made enemies who didn't want him to marry a Bajoran) and went to work on a freighter to earn money to pay for the procedure.

Within a year Hinka was born. Given a Ferengi first name and Bajoran last name. They settled on Bajor and found a little farm outside a small village. Her mother would sometimes travel but spent most of her time with her daughter, instilling the Bajoran culture and spiritual life in her.

Once old enough she showed interest in traveling the stars and one of the visiting Starfleet officers encouraged her to join. Once of age, she applied. She was denied and took a job with a botanist. A few years later she applied again and this time was accepted into their medical school.

She enjoyed her science and medical classes. She tried to make friends but few people were interested. So she involved herself in clubs and activities until she had made a small circle of friends.

Service history

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239602.27 Graduated Starfleet Academy (Duty Post you Graduated as)
Ensign 239602.27 - Present USS Eagle Medical

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Alora deveau2.png
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Drex LtJG.png
Science Ofc.
Noemi Uniform.png
Medical Ofc.
Noemi Lim
Elok Letek Ensign.png
Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
Jackson Tanner Ensign.png
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tholin ch'Clex.png
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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