Helen Beal

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Helen Beal

DS9style-lt teal.png
  • Race: Terran
  • Gender: Female
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Position: Counsellor

Lt.JG Helen Beal is currently a Counselor aboard Starbase 118. She is the classic innocent little French girl. Most of the time.


  • Full Name: Helen Beal
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 235712.31
  • Place of Birth: Normandy, France
  • Gender: Female


  • Height: 5'6
  • Weight: 124 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Black/Brown
  • Style of Hair: Shoulder-length, loose curls; typically worn "pinned up"
  • Eye Color: Black/Brown, "Doe-eyed"
  • Skin Tone: Golden undertones, tans well
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Build: Lean and muscular, though in that sinewy way that makes a woman seem deceptively dainty
  • Face: Classically beautiful, somewhat ageless
  • Carriage: Very calculated movements, particularly from the waist up, excellent posture; delicate, thin fingers
  • Taste in Clothing: Even in her Starfleet uniform, she manages to seem fashionable. When not in uniform, she remains a step beyond most. She has an excellent eye for clothes, decor, and aesthetics in general.
  • Voice: Low, but not quite sultry; retains a slight French accent. This is actually done on purpose, however, since she has lived so long outside of the country. It is part of the persona she has unconsciously created: the little French girl, which she of course is... but it is a little odd that an American accent she slips in to when caught off-guard.
  • Handedness: Right-handed, but her left is not totally useless


  • Quarters: From the start, she has refused to use any sort of replicators to decorate. Everything in her room is something she has purchased, made, or been given. More importantly, however, is that aside from the bed, you would easily mistake the room for an art studio. It is also usually quite messy and tends to be dimly lit when she is not painting.
  • Talents: Has an almost startling ability to pick up on the tiniest details, Sherlock Holmes-style, particularly emotional revelations. Gifted artist - realist.
  • Habits: Tends to sum a person up almost instantly, and is usually correct, for better or for worse. Sometimes Helen considers this a curse. She is also totally unable to flirt or detect flirtation, most likely a residual effect of her failed marriage. She also lacks the ability to "make small talk," and frequently delves into personal information or brings up inflammatory topics before testing the waters.
  • Mannerisms: Very easily distracted. In conversation, her eyes tend to wander. She also fidgets quite a bit and has a very difficult time standing in one place, though her energy is far from manic and actually quite low at times. That said, she never misses a detail and is constantly paying attention, though perhaps too much. It's difficult to conceal a brain that is moving a 1000 miles-per-minute.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Catholic (Practicing)
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Painting. She also very much enjoys parties.
  • Likes: Holodecks -- Feels secure in the "fakeness" of it all. Tea. Gourmet dining. Realist art. Darkened rooms. Napping.
  • Dislikes: The actual outdoors, due to some remaining agoraphobia. Abstract and Pop art. Also, photography, which she considers boring. Bright lights.
  • Ambitions and Goals: Mostly survival, followed by the rediscovery of herself. Since recovering from panic disorder, Helen prefers to coast though life a little, which may eventually catch up to her.
  • Disappointments in Life: Romance has utterly failed her.
  • Temperament: When comfortable, genuinely sweet and playful, if not a little giddy. When uncomfortable, Helen tends to bite her tongue, or hide in the background, which may have the effect of making her seem snobbish or a little brusque, which is the furthest thing from the truth. She is simply trying to keep from "making a fool of herself," as she believes her panics have done. Helen feels somewhat ruined as a person and is extremely self-conscious, hence the need to create a persona. And this inevitably leads to frustrations that end in odd outbursts of anger and self-assertion.
  • Mental State: Recovered panic disorder sufferer, but still has occasional bouts of anxiety. Has a distrust of teacher-student relationships. Actively fights against her natural romantic idealism. And she thinks she's more of a mess than she really is.
  • Other Personality Traits: An extremely private person, but not reclusive. She simply does not answer questions she does not wish to answer. Keeps a smile pasted on her face, not only as a mask, but as a means to keep herself positive. This works very well for her and projects quite a sunny disposition.


  • Marital Status: Divorced
    • Ex-Spouse: David Lithgow
  • Children: None
  • Father: Marcus Beal
  • Mother: Brigitte Beal (Moreau)
  • Siblings: None

Personal History

  • 2357: In the span of a single year, Marcus Beal and Brigitte Moreau meet, marry, and welcome a daughter: he an American-born artist, teaching abroad in France, and she an art student in Paris. Helen Beal, who would be their only child, is born in Normandy and remains in France until the age of twelve, when the family moves to California, USA, where Marcus continues to teach and Brigitte pursues a career in art therapy.
  • 2362 - 2374: First in France, then in America, Helen attends primary and secondary schooling, excelling in art, literature and composition, and the game of lacrosse.
  • 237405.20: Helen Beal marries her high school sweetheart, David Lithgow, days before their graduation ceremony. She takes on his surname. David is the son of Ronald Lithgow, owner of over twenty restaurants on the West Coast. He enters the family business.
  • 2375 - 2376: Helen studies fine art, under the direction of Samuel Nathans, a friend of her father. When Samuel professes his love, Helen spurns him and leaves, but tells no one.
  • 2377: Proving herself to be her mother's daughter, Helen takes up the study of psychology.
  • 237808.12: David is discovered to be having an affair with a co-worker. Helen returns to the home of her parents and files for divorce six months later. She also legally returns to her maiden name.
  • 2380: Helen Beal, now with a licence in psychology, applies and is accepted by Starfleet Academy, where she continues this study. She specializes in anxiety and stress management.
  • 2384: Helen takes a year off from the Academy for health reasons. [Privately, she suffers a nervous breakdown, seemingly over the end of her marriage. This manages to stay off her Starfleet record and is only mentioned as a leave of absence.]
  • 238605.31: Helen graduates from the Academy, and is assigned to Starbase 118 Ops as a Counselor.

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: 238605.30
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Current Assignment: Starbase 118
  • Duty Post: Counselor

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