Drawoh-Hilzarie, Rocar
Crew of the USS Victory |
Rocar Drawoh |
Professional · Personal · Medical Notable Relationships Walter Brunsig · Gwen Hilzarie. · Cyrus Webb
Captain Rocar Drawoh-Hilzarie is currently the Federation Ambassador to Duronis II. He is based in the new Federation Embassy complex in Lokesh on Duronis II where he commands a dedicated staff of Starfleet Officers and Diplomats.
- Full Name: Rocar Drawoh-Hilzarie (commonly addressed as Rocar)
- Race: Ktarian
- Date of Birth: 234508.13
- Place of Birth: Ktaria VII
- Age: 37
- Sex: Male
- Telepathic status: 0
- Current Rank: Captain, Federation Ambassador to Duronis II
- Current Assignment: Federation Embassy to Duronis II
- Position: Commanding Officer and Ambassador
- Height: 7'1"
- Weight: 159 kg (350 lb)
- Hair Color: Black with hints of grey
- Length of Hair: Long,
- Eye Color: Green, Feline (Catlike)
- Skin Tone: Tanned
- Birthmarks, Scars: Slight nip scar on back of neck where a Corbarian punuishment chip was once implanted.
- Build: Muscular
- Face: Ridges on forehead, fun loving and caring face.
- Handedness: Omni-dextrous
Pictures of Rocar
A young junior officer Rocar:
An older, Captain Rocar:
An artists rendition of Rocar:
Professional History
- 2363 09.07 Enters Vulcan Science Academy and studys medicine
- 2367 06.22 Graduates MB BS. Doctor at Hospital on Vulcan
- 2368 - 2371 Ktarian Diplomat to the Federation. (till Ktarian Entry)
- 2372 09.14 Joins Starfleet Academy; already a qualified medical doctor he studdies to become an officer, and...
- 2372 06.20 Does a PhD in Xenobiology with specialised research into interspecies breeding at Starfleet medical with fellow Ktarian, Dr. Mizan, a specialist on interspecies mating practices. (Whilst at Starfleet Academy)
- During thhis time, Cadet Rocar was drafted as a Field Medic in the Dominion Wars late 2373 - late 2375. With a group of other doctors, Rocar tries turning telepaths in penal colonies into a weapon against the Dominion. This has dire results.
- 2376 Graduated Starfleet Academy.
- 2376 - 2379Disenchanted with what he saw as a Cadet, Rocar refuses mainstream active service and joins Starfleet Diplomatic Corps
- 2379 06.18 Ready to change back to mainstream Starfleet, Rocar is posted to STARBASE 118 (Assistant Medical Officer)
- 2379 12.02 Temporarily assigned to the U.S.S. DOMINANCE as Chief Medical Officer
- 2380 02.05 Returns to his duties as a Medical Officer on Starbase 118. Researching the newly discovered Jytzell fluid which comes from an insectoid race in the Delta quadrent.
- 2380 03.16 Promoted to full Lt.
- 2380 04.12 Once again returns to the USS DOMINANCE as Chief Medical Officer during a three month exploratory and diplomatic mission through a wormhole to the Delta quadrent.
- 2380 06.01 Following Prof.Hilzarie�?´s funeral on Betazed, the USS BRAVEHEART transports Rocar and Gwen Hilzarie to the USS CONSTITUTION where they help to complete the mission on Daris II.
- 238007.30 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander by Fleet Captain Hebron and made Chief Science Officer onboard the USS CONSTITUTION.
- 238009.09 With Captain Y'Shirad being called back to Starfleet Command; Rocar is made First Officer of the USS CONSTITUTION.
- 238102.10 Promoted to Full Commander.
- 238112.27 Made Federation Ambassador to Duronis II, given command USS RESOLUTION
- 238203.21 Promoted to Captain
- 238212.25 Awarded the James T. Kirk Cross
- 238310.09 Reassigned. Given command of the the USS CONSTITUTION.
- See: PERSONAL HISTORY for specific events which took place during these dates.
In addition to his regular Starfleet duties on the USS CONSTITUTION and then DURONIS II; Rocar has also served as First Officer and Commanding Officer in holodeck cadet training programmes on Starbase 118`s Academy facilities for graduating cadets on their final training assignment.
Career Prior to Starfleet Academy
Vulcan Science Academy
- Medical Studies at the Vulcan Science Academy
At the Vulcan Science Academy
Rocar majored in Medicine and took the following courses:
- Biology (or Xenobiology: (specialty))
- Biochemistry (or Xenobiochemistry: (specialty))
- Diagnosis: (Terran)
- Diagnosis: (native or non-Terran)
- Diagnosis: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
- Diplomacy
- Electronics Operations: Life Support
- Electronics Operations: Medical
- Electronics Operations: Sensors
- Physician: (Terran)
- Physician: (native or non-Terran)
- Physician: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
- Physiology: (Terran)
- Physiology: (native or non-Terran)
- Psychology: (Terran)
- Psychology: (native or non-Terran)
- Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
- Xenophysiology: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
Post-Doctoral Work
- Medical Resident at a Hospial on Vulcan.
Ktarian Diplomatic Corps
- Diplomatic Aide for three years with the Ktarian Diplomatic Corps until Ktaria VII becomes a member of the Federation.
After the Ktariansjoin the Federation, Rocar turns down a civilian post. Instead choosing to join Starfleet and study the Sciences.
Starfleet Academy
Already a trained physician, Rocar studied Science and Diplomacy majors though studies were interupted by the Dominion War.
Major Courses taken:
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Xenobiochemistry: (specialty
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Comparative Archaeology: (race)
- Ecology
- Xenogenetics: (specialty)
- Geology
- Physics
- Subspace Mechanics
- Zoology
Minor Courses Taken:
- Administration
- Diplomacy
- History: Federation
- Law: Federation: (general)
- Law: Federation: Administrative
- Law: Federation: Contracts
- Law: Federation: Interplanetary
- Law: (non-Federation)
- Psychology
Before becoming a Department Head, Rocar attended Command School and took the following Courses:
- Administration
- Astrogation: Warp Drive
- Computer Operations
- Computer Programming
- Diplomacy
- Electronics Operations: Sensors
- General Services: (specialty)
- History: Federation
- Law: Federation
- Leadership
- Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
- Strategy: Space
- Tactics: Small Units
- Tactics: Space
- Teaching
- Xenology: (Romulan or Borg)
NB: The Dominion War interupts Rocar's study atthe Academy. Though studying Science and Diplomacy, Rocar is already a trainned physician. He andhis fellow Cadets are drafted into service where he works as a field medic.
Starfleet Service Record
- Graduated from the Academy on Stardate: 237606.14
- Current Assignment: Federation Embassy to Duronis II
- Rank: Captain
- Position: Commanding Officer and Ambassador
Starfleet Career
Rank at Time | Assignment | Post Held |
File:Cadet.jpg Cadet | Dominion War | Field Medic 2376-2379 |
Ensign | Starfleet Diplomatic Corps | Junior Diplomat 237606.14 - 237906.18 |
Ensign | StarBase 118 Ops | Medical Officer 237906.18 - 237909.29 |
Lieutenant JG | StarBase 118 Ops | Medical Officer 237909.29 - 238003.16 |
Lieutenant | USS DOMINANCE Prometheus Class | Chief Medical Officer 238003.16 - 238007.30 |
Lt. Commander | USS Constitution-B Galaxy Class | Chief Science Officer Officer 238007.30 - 238009.09 |
Lt. Commander | USS Constitution-B Galaxy Class | First Officer 238009.09 - 238112.26 |
Commander | USS DOMINANCE Prometheus Class | First Officer 238112.26 - 238102.10 |
Commander | USS DOMINANCE Prometheus Class | Acting CO 238102.10 - 238105.16 |
Commander | USS Constitution-B Galaxy Class | First Officer 238105.16 to 238108.26 |
Commander | USS RESOLUTION Nova Class | Acting CO 238108.26 - 238111.13 |
Commander | USS Constitution-B Galaxy Class | First Officer 238111.13 to 238112.28 |
Commander | Federation Embassy to Duronis II | Ambassador & Commanding Officer 238112.28 ���?? 238203.21 |
Captain | Federation Embassy to Duronis II | Ambassador & Commanding Officer 238112.28 - 238310.09 |
Captain | USS Constitution-B | Commanding Officer 238310.09 - present day |
Awards & Commendations
Decoration | Award | Awarded for |
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Neelix Award | For extra, out of character, simming devotion. This includes, helping fellow officers who are in need of simming aid, running OOC sims, upkeep of web pages, etc. awarded in 2380
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Strange Medallion | Duty Post Award, First Officer: Awarded to executive officers who perform above the call of duty. awarded in 2380
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TOSMA 1 | This award is given to members of the UFOP who show great dedication to both their actions on the ship, and simming abilities. A candidate for TOSMA I regularly contributes good, solid ideas to the plot and character development. They also take the time to edit and proof-read their sims to ensure quality in their writing. awarded in 2381
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The James T Kirk Cross | This award is given to a new captain who shows outstanding potential in the field of commanding. For the Ceremony see: http://www.starbase118.net/members/events/awards/ceremonies/2005.php
Previous Assignments
Medical Record
- Captain Rocar is well-built and in sound health for his age, though prescribed a diet to curb his Ktarian appetite.
Medical History
- Tall, Strong and well built, Rocar is physically fit for a Ktarian of his age and build, despite his gluttonous gastronomy. Is regular workouts in both the gym and Holodecks ensure that he maintains is physique and strength. Despite this, he is slowly starting to show his age as his hair begins to grey and wrinkles begin to appear.
- Omni-dextrous
- Near Total Insomniac (though sleeps more than he used to), however his body has adapted and copes.
- Suffered from the Naeveus Virus in 2379, shortly after arriving on Starbase 118. Cured.
- A Corbarian Punishment Chip was inserted to Rocar's neck in 2380. This connected itself to his spinal chord and enforces 2 hours worth of painful images each day. However, due to treatment from neurosurgeons on Betazed (who inserted a second device,) Rocar can control when he wants to take the dosage of punishment each day. The Chip also prevents its victim from practising Medicine.
- The Corbarian Punishment Chip de-activated itself in early 2381 following an incident when Rocar's mind was removed from his body (by telepathic beings,) and his biological-self was detected as having died by the small chip. The Corbarians would be keen to reactivate the chip, should they catch up with Rocar.
Psychological Profile
Rocar is an unusual case. On the one hand he has many deep rooted psychological issues, ranging from unexplained insomnia to a distrust of combining machinery with biological life. Spanning from this is a fear of the Borg. It is suspected that the young Rocar developed these issues after witnessing his mother treat the victims of Wolf 359.
Another issue is Rocar's transporter psychosis. Though a few officers are aware of Rocar having this condition he tries not to let it hinder his duties. Although he prefers to walk through airlocks and use shuttles, when necessary he will succumb to using a transporter, which he manages to do without too many people noticing his discomfort. However he will always tenses up before the beam and takes a moment to adjust in the new location as he overcomes the initial panic. This phobia is explainable since Rocar has researched and is well informed of the dangers of having your atoms scattered when the transporter malfunctions.
In addition, the Corbarian punishment chip means that Rocar is tortured by painful and difficult images each night for two hours when off duty. Although they just resemble vivid nightmares, these are still difficult things to cope with. Though this is no longer an issue following the incident in which his mind became the starship. This incident also wizened the Ktarian as his mind came away with lots of knowledge acquired from being one with the ship's library computer.
Despite these deep rooted problems, on the other hand Rocar is of very strong and sound mind. Having grown up on Vulcan he received training on basic mind control. When faced with a problem his thinking can be structured and logical and his problem solving skills are very fine tuned. He also has the ability to hide his true emotions, which he uses to his own advantage when necessary rather than constantly as a Vulcan would. Instead Rocar prefers to be an optimist, constantly laughing and appearing to be jolly. An intellectual with a background in both the sciences and the arts. Rocar's relationship with Counsellor Gwen Hilzarie has helped him overcome and further control many of his psychological problems and he is fit for duty.
Telepathic Status
As a Ktarian, Rocar is neither an empath capable or reading others' emotions nor a telepath capable of reading others'thoughts. However, following some mind control training on Vulcan Rocar can manage to block his mind from certain telepaths, placing him somewhere between 0 (Extra Sensory Perception) and -1 (Non-readable entity.) Although not married, Gwendalyn Hilzarie has referred to Rocar as her Imzadi, as a Betazoid she is able to sense all his thoughts and feelings and Rocar in turn can hear the thoughts that she chooses to project into his mind (thus allowing them to communicate without speaking if necessary.)
Points of Note
In early 2381, Rocar came into contact with a set of telepathic beings which fed off the souls of other sentient beings. He was rescued from consummation by two betazoids (Gwen Hilzarie and Cura Assanti,) and continued with his journeys. However, having only been half consumed the Ktarian then fell under the control of the telepathic beings. Attracted to dilithium energy, the ship's engineering staff trapped the telepathic beings inside the warp core reactor, but the creatures escaped this prison and spread throughout the ship by taking the memories of the ship's bio-neural gel packs. They then ceased the Ktarian's mind, his body was trapped in the command chair and died as his psychological self and mind became one with the USS DOMINANCE. Controlling all ship's systems with a single thought, the Ktarian was at one with the starship and his presence was everywhere, yet his actions were under the control of the telepathic beings. Rocar managed to break free by sacrificing himself to save Ensign Yladro, taking energy creature form to save her from a phaser blast his psyche was then knocked into the bulkhead and by random chance re-entered his biological corpse.
Personal History
Full article: Rocar Drawoh's Personal History
Time Line
- 2345: Born on Ktaria VII
- 2358: Moves to Cardassia
- 2360: Moves to Vulcan
- 2363: Studies Medicine at the Vulcan Science Academy
- 2367: Sees survivors of Wolf 359; Decides to Join Starfleet. Becomes an insomniac.
- 2368: Moves to Earth. Works as a Junior Diplomat for the Ktarians
- 2371: Parents divorce, Mother leaves for Ktaria and Father for Vulcan. Now members of the Federation, Rocar returns to medicine and joins Starfleet Academy.
- 2373-2375: Still a cadet, Rocar serves as a Field medic in the Dominion Wars.
- 2376: First meets his Antican Fiancee who dies latter that year. Graduates from the Academy.
- 2377: Ensign Rocar is assigned to the Diplomatic Corps where he works as a Starfleet Diplomat for the next two years.
- 2379: Posted to STARBASE 118 and becomes romantically involved with Gwen Hilzarie.
- 2380: re-assigned to the USS CONSTITUTION. Gets engaged to Gwen Hilzarie.
- 2381: Posted to the USS DOMINANCE, whilst the CONSTITUTION undergoes major repairs following her neigh total destruction. Gwen announces she is pregnant with Rocar���?�s twins and on 238107.02 they get married on Betazed. Xan and Cheliz born.
- 2382: Rocar is promoted to Captain and once again reassigned to the Diplomatic Corps -this time heading up a Starfleet staff at the Duronis II Embassy.
Family is something that Rocar, like many Ktarians takes very seriously.
Family Tree
Family Members
- Marital Status: Married
File:Gwenhilzarie.jpg Wife: Lt.Cmdr. Gwen Hilzarie Betazoid -Embassy Counsellor
- Place of Marriage: Betazed
- Children: Xan Hilzarie and Cheliz Hilzarie (twins) born on stardate: ????
- Parents
- Father: Ambassador Drawoh Trebla Ktarian Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets and council member. Reknowned for negotiating Federation appeasement after the ���?Ktraian Game��? incident of 2368
- Mother: Doctor Uocap Seluj, medical practitioner and surgeon, now resident on Ktaria VII.
- Siblings: Kapalar Drawoh (24) Ettol Drawoh (18) Nosli Drawoh (27)Eduj Uocap (26)Narf Uocap (24)Rehpo Drawoh (19)Ettolrahc Uocap (15)Nawro Uocap (13)Tirch Drawoh (11)
- In Laws
- Father in Law : Altigan Hilzarie President University of Betazed Deceased
- Mother in Law: Namoi Hilzarie Head of Phycology at University of Betazed Currently Regent of the 7th House.
- Sisters in Law: Kayleigh Hilzarie age 18. Nondi Hilzarie age 9 (Kayleigh is an artist)
Hobbies and Interests
- Using Transporter Beams (= Phobia)
- Combining Technology with Biological beings
- The Borg.
- When people refuse to enjoy themselves or laugh.
Passtimes/ Hobbies
One of Roar���?�s main hobbies is Cooking. His speciality being Ktarian Chocolate Puff with 17 different varieties of Chocolate. A corner of his personal quarters has been converted into a kitchen area, and Rocar tends to avoid using the replicator, enjoying a trip to the Starbases promenade to purchase genuine food ingredients from the many alien traders.
He also enjoys all forms of Skiing, is an avid rock climber and is a brilliant concert pianist. He had a Ktarian grand piano in his quarters on Starbase 118 and has won many prizes at Ktarian music festivals, though he never boasts of his musical ability. Playing the Ktarian Grand Piano is difficult since it has brown keys inserted between the black and white keys to play demi-semitones. He also interprets Bob Dylan songs on a Folk Guitar from Ktaria VII (with 9 Strings), something he started during his days as a medical student.
Before joining Starfleet Rocar was a leading bio-medical scientist on both Earth (under Dr. Mirzan) and at the Vulcan Science academy under Prof. Solvak. Rocar���?�s research interests line in inter-species compatibility and more recently in the failed Genesis Project which he one day hopes to relaunch as the Genesis Device Mark 2.
Working Style
Rocar is usually an optimist despite having a dread of certain situations. Rocar often tends to chuckle aloud to everything he finds amusing, no matter how grave the situation and his full blown laugh can echo out louder than even a Klingon. Being on duty does not stop him from being jovial. This usually raises a few eyebrows but fellow officers soon get used to it. Rocar is far from being a "by-the-book" officer, and has occasionally gotten himself into trouble with being to lax with protocol. The Ktarian prefers to get a job done properly, efficiently and quickly rather than doing things by sticking to the rules and he will ���?forget��? regulations and directives if they block him from doing something that he judges as being important.
When Rocar was a medical officer and then latter a science officer he was often found working in his own department in just his blue �?« under tunic �?» with his sleeves rolled up and his grey uniform jacket hung up nearby, rather than sticking to full uniform. He was one of the few Starfleet officers to be seen walking round the corridors in just the blue top and com badge, but he always made an effort to put the jacket on before entering a command area (such as an Ops centre or the bridge of a starship,) or joining an away team. He has a particular dislike for dress uniforms and prefers to address people by name rather than by rank or by title. In actual fact, the Ktarian hates wearing white and is adamant heâ�?��?�s never worn a dress uniform that has fitted properly. Those who work in the Ktarian�?´s department found him an easy leader to get along with, however he was often a thorn in the side of the command staff during staff meetings where he is unafraid to offer a differing opinion.
Then of course Rocar became a command staff. As such he kept his usual jovial character, stuck to first names and was easy going with the other officers despite having high expectations. Keeping his firm dislike of dress uniform; he wore full uniform on duty; though where others are often seen to pull down on their uniform top, Rocar is characterised by the way he unconsciously strokes his uniform collar when he thinks. Perhaps suggesting he is still not used to wearing the jacket!
Whilst on difficult away missions when things go wrong, it is not unusual for Rocar to end up being beamed back to the ship wearing just his red under top with sleeves rolled up indicating that the jacket usually gets lost when on away missions where he���?�s not on show. After extreme combat situations the Ktarian often ends up coming back to the starship in just his grey under vest.
Becoming a Federation Ambassador, Captain Rocar now spends a lot more time in Dress Whites. however, when he is just on day duty without an important meeting he'll wear a relaxed red waistcoat reserved for command officer or once again work in his office with just his red shirt and no jacket -the priviledges of his own command having brought his choice of clothing full circle to when he was an Ensign working alone in a lab.
Rocar's Office
'See: Ambassador's Office'
Clothing | When worn |
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Nowadays, This is very Occasionally worn by Rocar when meeting with visiting Flag Officers/ receiving orders. Previously, Rocar wore this uniform as First Officer of the Constitution when in staff meetings or on Bridge duty with his captain. |
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Formal Dress. Worn by Rocar for promotion ceremonys or diplomatic functions. He hates this uniform, but on Duronis II has to wear it fairly regularly when meeting Laundean officials or other diplomats. |
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As a First Officer, Rocar was seen dressed in this way most of his time on duty inc on bridge when his shift was in command. |
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This is how Rocar is usually dressed when working alone in office/ quarters or when off duty. (with sleeves rolled up.) [This is also how he worked in Labs as a science officer -but in blue!] |
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On difficult Away missions or in combat situations; Rocar was and would still be often found wearing just this layer. |
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Since his promotion to Captain, this is the Uniform Rocar usually wears on duty, in command of the Embassy or a starship. More often than not, the crew would see him in this (as they don't usually see him in his office) |
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This is how Rocar was usually seen dressed as a junior officer from Ensign and Lt in Medical on Starbase 118. |
File:Science.jpg | This was how Rocar dressed as a Lt.Cmdr -Chief Science Officer. |
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This was Rocar's uniform at Starfleet Academy. |
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During his time at the Academy, medical cadets including Rocar served as field medics in the Dominion war and wore this combat outfit. |