Stone, Cura

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Not assigned


Cura Sakara Assanti

  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Inactive
  • Rank: Captain (resigned)
  • Race: Betazoid/Argelian
  • Partner: John Stone (divorced)
  • Children: John Stone, Jr.

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Post: First Officer

Species: Betazoid/Argelian

Gender: Female

Born: 236006.28.12:01 PM

Place of Birth: Argelius II, Acura City

Hair: Auburn, long, curly

Eyes: One Black, One Blue

Height: 5 feet, 7.5 inc

Lt. Cmdr Cura A Stone was born on Argelius II in the city of Acura. She was one of twins. Her brother, Kole Assanti was born a minute before her. Cura was raised in the luxuries of Argelian life-style for 5 years before their family moved to Betazed. Cura and her brother were taught by governesses until they both entered Betazed University. Cura excelled in the arts and sciences, while her bother excelled in security and defence tactics. Upon graduation from Betazed Univeristy, Cura entered Star Fleet. She graduated from the Academy and was stationed aboard the USS Constitution as Assistant to the Helm/Com/Ops Chief. After serving in that capasity for a few months, it became apparent to her Captain, Xan Hebron, that she would serve better in the science department. She was named Chief of Science and upranked to Lt. jg. She was again upranked to Full Lieutenant a few months after. After several missions, she was upranked to Lt. Commander. She then took on a different Counselor of the Constitution crew. She was then re-assigned to Starbase 118 Ops as Chief of Operations. After a few missions she was re-assigned to the USS Victory as Chief Science Officer. After a few missions she was again re-assigned to the Starbase 118 Ops as Second Officer. The USS Victory was decommissioned. At the "meet and greet" party aboard Starbase 118 Ops in the Gala Hall Beta, terrorists opened fire on the crew, hitting Lt. Cmdr Stone and Commander Diamond. Commander Diamond went into a coma and Lt. Cmdr Cura Assanti Stone became First Officer.

While stationed aboard the USS Constitution, she married Commander John E Stone who was First Officer. Unfortunately after their reassinment to the Starbase the first time, they were separated due to an assignment by Starfleet Intelligence to Commander John Stone. The newly married couple didn't know it, but their separation would last a long while. Cura fortunately, met up with John Stone on Deep Space Nine where they had a few hours to reunite. After checking with the Victory's CMO, Cura found that she was pregnant with John Stone's baby. She was able to keep this secret from other members of the crew during the Victory's decommissioning.

Lt. Cmdr Cura A Stone, unknown to many, is also Queen of Argelius II, a position that she secretly still holds. Despite efforts to keep this underwraps, there are a few who know of her status. Senators and Dignitaries from Argelius do keep in contact with Cura from time to time. At the moment, Cura's brother, Kole Assanti is acting King in her stead, but few hardly follow proper protocol, which would be to contact her brother with matters of state. Instead, many seek her advice and imput on Argelian matters to this date. A frequent visitor to the Starbase will be one, Senator Daffazi, who is a member of the Imperial Senate of Argelius II. Another frequent visitor would be Ashely, the Queen's clone, who acts as the Commander in times of great need. To date, there has not been a need for the Queen and clone to switch places as of yet. However, the possiblity does exist.

Lt. Cmdr Assanti-Stone also has an adopted son named Mulan. He is Cardassain and is 5 years old now. He was a young baby when she rescued him from a mining camp in Cardassian space when she was on a mission with the USS Constitution. On this mission, Cura was captured, beaten, and raped by a Klingon from the Mirror Universe. When she saw Mulan after being rescued by Paul Diamond, it brought her out of the darkness she had sunken into. So she kept the boy as her own child. She also saved Naomi, also a Cardassain female, and hired her as his nanny. Where ever Lt. Cmdr Assanti-Stone lived in her tour of duty with Star Fleet, the two Cardassians were not far from her, residing on bases and moving place to place.

While stationed on the USS Victory, Cura met up with her husband on DS9 in a holodeck, where they conceived a child. Lt. Cmdr Cura Assanti-Stone is now pregant with her husband child. However, afte transferring to Starbase 118 again, she met up with Lt. Cmdr Tash Zubowskivich, Chief of Security. After a mission that took Commander Zubowskivich to the future where he saw that Cura had his child, he looked at his new First Officer differntly. Lt. Fanel, who had also witnessed this future, tried to keep Lt. Cmdr Zubowskivich from pursuing Lt. Cmdr Assnti-Stone. However, despite his effort, Lt. Cmdr Assanti-Stone and Lt. Cmdr Zubowskivich ended up "together". Despite what others wish to think, Cura is fine with this. She realizes that what she's doing is wrong to others, but it feels right to her. Honestly, since she has not heard from John Stone, she believes the reports from Star Fleet Intellignece that list his as MIA are true. Perhaps, she will pursue divorce preceedings.

Introductory text goes here. For example: Ensign Joe Bloggs, a Terran, is currently the chief science officer aboard the USS Independence.


  • Full Name:
  • Race: Create a link to a species from the ILI, i.e.- Terran
  • Date of Birth:
  • Place of Birth:
  • Age:
  • Gender:
  • Telepathic status: T-4 E-6

See Telepathic/Empathic Scale


  • Height: In feet or meters.
  • Weight: In pounds or kilos.
  • Hair Color:
  • Length of Hair:
  • Eye Color:
  • Skin Tone:
  • Birthmarks, Scars: How many? Where?
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: How many? Where? What do they look like?
  • Build: Tall, short, overweight, skinny, etc.
  • Face: Round, long, etc.
  • Eyes: Set wide or narrow? Small, large? Eyebrows?
  • Mouth:
  • Arms:
  • Legs:
  • Carriage: Walks with purpose, saunters, moves slowly or quickly, etc.
  • Poses: Hands/gestures, feet/legs, torso/head)
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty):
  • Shoes:
  • Voice:
  • Handedness: Left, right, ambidextrous?


  • Quarters: Decorations, pictures, etc.
  • Favorite Room:
  • Mannerisms:
  • Physical Limitations:
  • Temperment:
  • Habits:
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion:


Introductory information about personality. This section should be the "writer's" assesment of the character's personality. There is also a section for StarFleet Personality Profile below.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • List 1
    • Item 1

Likes and Dislikes

  • List 1
    • Item 1

Ambitions and Goals

Information about ambitions and goals. What are they? When were they formed? What prompted them?

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

Information about what the character sees as their personal achievements and disappointments. What are they? When did they occur? Did they occur "publicly" or "privately"?


Introductory information about family.


  • Marital Status: Divorced, widowed, etc.
    • Spouse: If you put "single" above, remove this line.
    • Place of Marriage: If you put "single" above, remove this line.

Full information about spouse here.


Full information about children here.


Full information about mother and father here. Split into at least two paragraphs, one for each.


Full information about siblings here. Split into at least one paragraph for each.

Personal History

Full Article: CHARACTER NAME Personal History

Introductory text about the character's personal history. Should be at least 5-10 lines. You can give an abbreviated timeline below, if you so desire.


  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy:
  • Current Rank:
  • Current Assignment: Vessel/base/etc.
  • Duty Post:

Awards & Commendations

  • The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement 1: Date awarded.

StarFleet Assessments and Records

Full Article: CHARACTER NAME StarFleet Records

Introductory text about the character's StarFleet records. Should be at least 5-10 lines. You can give an abbreviated timeline below, if you so desire.


  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.

Working Areas

Detail the area that your character works in, including their personal office. Is it neat, or messy? Large, or small? etc.


Give information any subordinates your character might in charge of. If there are NPC profiles on the wiki, give links to them here.

SIM Archive

Introductory text about archive here. Archives should be broken up into logical groups of SIMs, like vessel missions. If using that scheme, name missions by the "official" vessel mission name, or by the how it relates to the character. Example links below.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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