Eagle Manual/Department Heads

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Eagle Manual


Eagle Manual

1: Expectations
2: Sim Format
3: Below Sims
4: General Tips
  • B: the Posting
1: Ship 101
2: The Atrian Reaches
3: The Crew
  • C: Operating Procedures
1: Missions
2: Shoreleave
3: Mission Submission
4: Staff
  • D: Advanced Topics
1: Promotions
2: Secondary Characters
3: Department Heads
4: Mentors
5: OOC Activities
6: Player Achievements

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Department Heads

Department Heads (e.g. Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, and others) are special positions aboard the ship which are often highly sought out, help direct action in character, and have some responsibilities out of character (OOC).

  • They are expected to help include new players, either transfers or new Ensigns, in their departments. Examples can include tagging a new player, tasking them with activities, gathering their input in an OOC task or soliciting their opinion.
  • They should set good examples by simming full time and simming well.
  • They should expect to participate OOC as mentors, both for players in their department and on the ship at large.

REV SD 239512.12