Highlighted Locations
Deck 1
The USS Eagle has some minor modifications, including:
Deck 2
Deck 3
- Captain's Quarters
- Diplomatic Office
- Officers' Quarters and VIP Quarters (14)
- Equipment Storage
- Testing Isolation Chamber
- Turbolift Maintenance
- Emergency Transporter Room 1
- Airlock (Upper Hull Access)
- Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
- Public Head (x6) (port centerline, aft)
Deck 4
- Officers' Quarters (12)
- Transporter Rooms 1 & 2
- Crew Lounge/Rec Center with Head (x3) (x2, port/starboard)
- Dorsal Phaser Maintenance
- Forward Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Control Suite Beta
- Escape Pod Access
- Emergency Life Support (Decks 3,4)
- Battery Access
- Aft Torpedo Launch Bay
- Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
- EPS Distribution Node Control (Primary Hull)
- Holodeck Support Systems
- Cargo Bay 1
Deck 5
- Sickbay Complex
- Chief Medical Officer's Office
- Morgue
- Medical Lab
- Medical Supplies/Storage
- Counsellor's Suite
- Crew quarters (48)
- Gymnasium
- Holodecks 1 & 2 (Upper Section)
- Sensor Gear
- Escape Pod Access
- Emergency Life Support (Decks 5,6)
- Water Storage
- Forward Tactical Sensor Subsystems / Sensor Control Suite Alpha
- Public Head (x2) (port/starboard forward)
Deck 6
- Crew quarters (60)
- Chief Science Officer's Office (port)
- Chief of Operations's Office (starboard)
- Aux Deflector Control
- Aux Computer Core (Upper Level)
- Escape Pod Access
- Deuterium (Matter) Processing
- Consumables Resupply Connectors
- Holodecks 1 & 2 (Main Level - Entrances)
- Replicator Controls 1 & 2
- Waste De-assembler Bays 1 & 2
- Aft Torpedo Loading Port Bays 1 & 2
- Umbilical Connection Bay (Primary and Secondary Hull Connection)
- Public Head (x2) (port/starboard forward)
- Public Head (x3) (port/starboard midship)
Deck 7
- Aux Computer Core (Main Level)
- Science Labs 3 & 4 (with offices)
- Science Lab 5 (Aquatics, including Cetacean Tank)
- Escape Pod Access
- Deuterium Tanks (Upper Section)
- Crew quarters (44)
- Main Battery Compartment
- Main Horizontal Jefferies Tube Network
- Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
- Umbilical Connection Bay (Primary and Secondary Hull Connection)
- Public Head (x5) (port/starboard midship fore)
- Public Head (x7) (port/starboard midship aft)
- Cargo Bay 2
Deck 8
- Deuterium Processing
- Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
- RCS Tankage, Fueling Systems & Maintenance Access
- Ventral Phaser Maintenance
- Maneuvering Thrusters' Fueling Systems & Maintenance Access
- Airlock and Docking Ports (x3) (forward/port/starboard)
- Cargo Bay 3 (Upper Level)
- Hazardous Cargo Holds 1 & 2
- Deuterium Tanks (Main Section)
- Aft Work Pod (Workbee) Storage
- Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
- Warp Core Deuterium Injector Access
- Main Life Support Control
- Emergency Life Support (Decks 7, 8, 9A)
- Structural Integrity Field Generator Control
- Antigrav Landing Thruster Control
- Transporter Transceiver Control
- Docking Ports (port & starboard)
Deck 9A
- Security Complex
- Brig & Monitoring Room (x3)
- Security Office
- Armory
- Training Holodeck
- Briefing Room
- Locker Room
- Cargo Bay 3 (Main Level)
- Ventral Forward Observation Lounge
- External Ventral Hull Access
- AeroShuttle Docking Bay
- Cargo Conveyor Hatch Access Bay
- AeroShuttle Docking Control
- Public Head (x2) (starboard forward)
Deck 9B
- Shuttlebays 1 & 2 (Upper Level)
- Shuttlebay Systems & Operations Control
- Forward Torpedo Loading Port Bays
- Umbilical Trunk & Distribution Bay
- Replicator Raw Material Storage
- Science Lab 7
Deck 10
- Shuttlebay 1 (Main Level)
- Shuttlebay 2 (Main Level)
- Aft EV Access Airlock
- Engineering (Upper Level)
- Forward Torpedo Launch Bays
- Reserve Warp Core Storage (Upper Section)
- Astrometrics (port)
- Stellar Cartography Lab (starboard)
- Emergency Life Support (Decks 9B, 10)
- Main Computer Core (Upper Section)
- Petty Officer Mess & Lounge with Head (x2) (starboard)
- Enlisted Mess & Lounge with Head (x2) (port)
- Public Head (x4) (port/starboard forward)
- Warp Core
Deck 11
- Warp Core (Matter / Antimatter Reaction Assembly)
- Main Engineering (Main Level)
- Chief Engineer's Office
- Reserve Warp Core Storage (Mid Section)
- Main Computer Core (Mid Section)
- Emergency Life Support (Decks 11, 12)
- Shuttle Parking Bay
- Cryogenic Fluid Storage (Upper Section)
- Ventral Fantail Phaser Maintenance
- Warp Nacelles
- Public Head (x8) (port/starboard forward)
- Public Head (x3) (starboard aft)
Deck 12
- Warp Core
- Environmental Systems Control
- Antimatter Containment Bay
- Main Deflector Control Systems
- Cryogenic Fluid Storage (Main Level)
- Cryogenic Cooling Systems Control
- Engineering Substation
- EPS Distribution Node (Secondary Hull)
- Navigational Systems Control
- Warp Plasma Distribution Control
- Public Head (x5) (port/starboard forward)
Deck 13
- Warp Core Coolant Storage
- Main Deflector Control
- Tractor Beam Access
- Environmental Controls
Deck 14
- Antimatter Processing
- Engineering Labs 1 & 2
- Offices (4)
- Crew Lounges (4)
- Deflector Screen / Force field Generator Control
- Damage Control Command
- Transporter Rooms 3 & 4
- Escape Pod Access
- Access to Landing Strut Ladder
- Warp Core Antimatter Injector Access
- Emergency Life Support (Decks 13, 14, 15)
- Public Head (x1) (port/starboard midship fore)
Deck 15
- Antimatter Generator Bay
- Ventral Midship Phaser Maintenance
- Forward & Aft Tractor Beam Emitters
- Tractor Beam Subsystems
- Plasma Relay Control
- Landing Struts
- Warp Core Ejection Hatch
- Reserve Warp Core Storage (Lower Section) & Ejection Hatch
- Battery Access
- Transporter Pattern Buffer Access
- Escape Pod Access