The Battle Of New Year's Day (Columbia)

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Season One

USS Columbia Mission History
Season One
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Act One

The passage of a new year into 2396 on the Earth calendar would have gone unchecked except for an unprovoked attack upon the USS Columbia. While the ship was completing a visit to Dehner Base on Delta Vega I, an unknown assailant appeared near the second planet and quickly fired upon the starship. Quick responses from the crew threw the ship into a heavy space battle. The ship's impulse engines were quickly disabled. The crew implemented a plan by Ensign ch'Ranni to fire an ionized nadion pulse from the main deflector at the assailant to disrupt their sensors. Lieutenant JG Duyzer suggested a plan to launch a probe to boost the Columbia's own sensors while providing for communication with the enemy vessel. After the failure of the ship's shields, boarding parties beam to the Columbia. Lieutenant Commander Solis and Ensign ch'Ranni encountered a group of hostiles in Deflector Control while another group attacked Main Engineering.

Meanwhile, members of the crew from the attacking ship, the Eildyr, beamed to Dehner Base. They had been covertly observing the construction of the new base and were searching for mysterious artifacts recovered from a nearby archeological dig. The discovery of these artifacts by Professor Olivia Sellard's team was intentionally hidden from the Columbia's crew. Will the pirates obtain the powerful relics, or will the Columbia stop the pirates?



Nelis Duyzer, Petty Officer 2nd Class - played by Pholin Duyzer

Danni James, Lieutenant JG, Engineer - played by Rune Jolara

Kalianna Nicholotti, Fleet Captain, Ambassador - played by Ash MacKenna


Olivia Sellards, Professor - played by Theo Whittaker

Tarius Kaironn, Captain of the Eildyr - played by Anath G'Renn

Davill, Crewwoman of the Eildyr

Lucky, Crewman of the Eildyr, Explosives Specialist

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