Wiki Ops, Publicity Team, & (Image) Collective Member James T. Kolk
- Commander (OOC)/Lieutenant J.G. (IC) James Tiberius Kolk:
Member of UFoP from February 8, 2007 to Present
- Wiki Ops, Publicity Team, & (Image) Collective Member
Welcome to my user page. My real name is Jackford R.M.B. Kolk. I joined UFoP: Starbase 118 on Stardate 238402.08 (February 8th, 2007), and played Commander Jackford B. Kolk, former First Officer aboard the USS Ronin, until stardate 238706.27 (June 26th, 2010) when he was abducted by the Vaadwaur. I mucked about with a few characters here and there for a while (Syrol, civilian Stellar Cartographer, USS Independence-A; Commander Valis, Chief Diplomatic Officer, USS Drake; and Ensign "Kit" Kizito, Science Officer, USS Columbia), before I realized the unparalleled joy of making the "Evil" alternate version of Jack my primary character by giving him a reformed life and a new name (the best name ever, actually: James Tiberius Kolk!), who reported for duty aboard the Columbia on 239109.14 (September 14, 2014), which incidentally, is exactly 8 years, to the day, after he first reported for duty as an Ensign aboard Deep Space 17 in an alternate universe.