Commonwealth Stations

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Unified Emblem of the
Allied Commonwealth of Worlds
Ithassa Region
Native Species
Fleet Organization
Commonwealth Political
Commonwealth Courts
Commonwealth Religious
Commonwealth Military
Stations and Ships
Commonwealth Stations
Commonwealth Holo Station
Commonwealth Ships
Commonwealth Fighter Craft
Personnel PNPC
Galvac Fraom
Omi Al'Torrak
Rellim Naro
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Capitol Station:


The Capitol is atop the station under a large dome. The grounds are lush and full of parks and gardens. There are many traditional looking buildings. The largest of these building is the House of Commons, followed by the Order of Fire Grand Temple. The Legacy has a small palace in the center of the dome. The Palace is flanked by the Office Building of the Legacy and the Private Chapel of Blue Fire. To the other side there is the Departments of the Commonwealth.


The Longest Building in the dome along the south lakes is the Court of the Commonwealth. A grand building 6 stories tall with falcon like bird shaped columns along the front that reach 80 feet tall.

The Order of Fire Grand Temple:

The Temple is a huge building with a 6 story tall grand hall sanctuary. There is a great many Chapels off the main sanctuary. One of the Chapels is the Tomb of the Dark Shadow. The only Shadow to have been captured is encased in the Chapel. You can find the Legacy here often in deep thought and meditation. There is the 9 Houses of the Order of Fire that house the Priest.

The Capitol Dome has the ability to detach from the station and land on a planet.

Technical Information:

The Commonwealth has become very powerful, now made up of 5 Mega Stations (Each is 70% larger than SB-118), 24 large Stations, 5 gateway stations, 1 research and Holo Station, 14 Command Ships, 100 Troopships, 59 Assault Gun Ships, 30 Scout Ships, 9 Medical Ships, 18 Cargo Ships, and 5 Spacecraft Carrier Ships.

Mega Stations:

Round donuts with wings and towers. 8000 Decks. 690,845 Population One of the mega stations is a little larger than the others, it is the capital. It has a larger docking ring to house it 40,000 Fighter Craft. The Grand Minister also has a grand Manor on the station.

Large Stations:

Looks like the Mega Stations but smaller: 3400 Desks, 222,324 Population Gateway Stations: Two Spheres One at the Top and One at the Bottom of a large round tank. and cargo hold. 300 deck. 1,700 Population

Research and Holo Station:

Sphere with a large Holodeck at the center. Used to house other species to study they want technologies from or to add to the Commonwealth.