Frontier Day (Fleet Blockbuster) (Chin'toka)

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Frontier Day: Phase 2

On orders from Captains Mei'konda Delano, Roshanara Rahman, and Addison MacKenzie, Commander Serala and her hand-picked crew used the duplicated command codes of Admiral Tristan Wolf to board and commandeer the recently repaired USS Chin'toka in hopes of evening the odds against the Borg cube headed for Sector 001 (aka, Earth).

Hour One: Committing crimes to save Earth since 2401

Mei'konda Delano gave the order to Esa Kiax & 101 and 000 to hack Starfleet and gain access to Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf's command authorization codes and then told Serala and Sylvie Doucet to go steal the USS Chin'toka, a freshly fixed Akira-class that Cpt. Delano once commanded. With no idea how ready the ship actually is, given that it's still floating in drydock and wasn't actually supposed to be launching anytime soon, Serala brings together a small group with a variety of talents to bring over and Doucet puts together a box of medical supplies in case the ship has none. On the flight over, Serala is challenged by none other than the reason she has mandated anger management sessions: Daniel Perkins, now a Commander but still sporting the broken nose and attitude. Since she can't punch him over the screen (sadly), Serala bluffs her way into command of the Chin'toka with the help of forged orders with equally forged authentication codes.

The Heist Team

Once on board, a motley assortment of Starfleet officers under the firm belief that their transfer orders were legit take stock of the situation and then meet up in a Conference Room where Serala summarizes the situation for everyone and hands out assignments: Lt. Commander Aine Sherlock as her FO, Lt. Commander V'Len Kel as Chief Medical Officer and Second Officer with LtJG Doucet as Assistant CMO, Commander Tai Ilsam as Mission Specialist, Lieutenant JG T'Ama as acting Chief of Operations, LtJG Ghee’looth Xiron as acting Chief Engineer with Ensign Is’Kah helping her out, Ensign Daniel McGillian as the senior Sec/Tac on board, LtJG Kimberly Stapledon as Chief Science Officer (much to Stapledon's surprise, considering she was an engineer before), and Lt. Commander Alexander Brodie as Counselor.

Before everyone leaves to start working, Serala breaks the news: They were here under entirely false pretenses, using forged credentials. This is shocking news to everyone, of course, but they all pledge to stay here for the bigger goal of saving Earth and the Federation from whatever the Borg and Changelings are plotting.

oO No torpedoes? What in the … ? Oo

She turned to Perkins, irritation beginning to give way to anger.

Serala: Let me guess. Thursday.

On the Bridge, after the senior officers scattered to the four winds, Commander Serala takes stock of the situation. She manages to avoid punching Perkins as they find out that the ship is woefully understocked with supplies and ill-prepared to do anything except leisurely float in space and move around. No tractor beam, no torpedoes, minimal supplies? No problem. They'll figure it out. But first: shenanigans.

In the middle of launching the ship and Admiral Shelby's speech, the Borg's signal is broadcast and the newly assimilated portion of the crew announce themselves in unison before plunging everything into chaos. Among them is T'Ama, the surprisingly well-armed Chief of Operations. The half-Vulcan takes the dubious honor of attempting to assassinate her new commanding officer. Sherlock's Security training and experience kick in with the goal of protecting the ship's Captain. Serala shoots out T'Ama's eye, finishing off the job that a random piece of hail started. McGillian, meanwhile, is fighting off a headache and assimilation, succeeding in the latter but not the former. He forces a path to the captain and retreats with her to the Ready Room, freeing Sherlock from getting completely beaten down by the Borg in the process.

T'Ama, having taken the Bridge, attempts to install the Fleet Formation software but Serala is quick to react by locking out the consoles in the Bridge as well as T'Ama's own authorization codes.

Meanwhile in Sickbay, Kel gets himself and Doucet lost twice on the way there because the shipyard did not put the ship together the same way. There's very little in the way of supplies, they find, and Doucet is assimilated. Quick thinking gets her and Stapledon, now assimilated, locked in Sickbay with anesthetic gas pouring in.

She dialed the setting of the type 2 phaser they had so foolishly beamed her into the cell with all the way up past level 8, which would vaporize a person, to the levels that would destroy walls. She aimed it at the edge of the door frame, where the force field emitters were and fired.

The wall between the two brig cells and their associated doorways both exploded and vaporized leaving a gaping, steaming hole and ruining two of the brig cells. The force fields fell, and so did Turnbull. In the smoky, fiery aftermath he lay, terribly burned, on top of Neshala.

Three of Twelve allowed herself a self-satisfied smirk before stepping over the smoking debris and leading her unit out of the brig and towards the adjacent armory. They were about to become a whole lot deadlier.

Stapledon, before getting locked in there, had brutally put down at least one crewman and was on her way to sabotage the ship when she ran into Brodie. The two fight and it's Kel's quick thinking that ends that fight after Brodie pushes her into Sickbay. While Kel and Brodie discuss how to deal with this, Stapledon and Doucet plot a way back out by using a laser scalpel to cut through the bulkhead and force the ship's own fail safes to open the door and bring down the force field. They gain their freedom of movement to find that Brodie, Kel, and Nurse Rox escaped elsewhere and take the opportunity to use another laser scalpel to sabotage the deflector dish and a couple of unfortunate Security crewmen on their way to Engineering.

Engineering is in chaos. The Borgified crew there force the unassimilated there to either die or flee, but Xiron, Is'Kah, and Ilsam figure out a way to secure the most critical parts of the section with creative usage of force fields and a tactical retreat to where Is'Kah gets the idea to violate several health and safety regulations to force the warp core to start up ASAP. Perkins, having moved there from the Bridge to assist, watches the Vulcan hybrid start doing this in a combination of horror and utter fascination.

Serala & co. get T'Ama and the others on the Bridge beamed down to the Brig, where they're secured behind strong force fields. They breath a sigh of temporary relief, then panic once they realize the unassimilated Orion helmswoman, Neshala, is stuck there. She's beamed out but not quite before getting severely injured and T'Ama finds out they didn't take her Type 2 phaser away from her. The Brig blows up as a result, burying poor Turnbull alive, and the Borg happily go to fetch more weapons from the Armory.

Hour Two

The Bridge Crew

The Bridge

Serala leads the few surviving Bridge crew back onto the Bridge proper, ordering Aine Sherlock and McGillian to battle stations after locking down access to the ship's systems to core personnel deemed free of Borg influence. The intent is explicitly made clear: Whatever else happens, the Chin'toka and its crew were going to fight to the very last minute. As they arrive on the scene to the USS Astraeus attempting to beam people off the beleaguered Spacedock, Captain Mei'konda Delano reaches out to Serala and offers both encouraging words, a plan of attack, and hope in the form of shield settings that seem to interfere with the Borg's signal. Finally, there seemed to be a way to bring their affected crew out without more deaths.

Before the results of those changes could be verified, they see that the Enterprise-F is making a direct line for them and the Astraeus and Sherlock suggests they take her head on, much to McGillian's consternation. They're outgunned, undermanned, and didn't even have a full complement of torpedoes on board. Serala is faced with the difficult choice of how to best direct the ship in its first fight since its refit. The ship is saved from having to engage the Odyssey-class by the arrival of the USS Narendra and three other ships that have come to investigate just what the heck is going on. Orders are given to face off against the USS Minor and USS Iniaeu with the assistance of the USS Aegis.

The Borg Crew

Security Complex

In the ship's Security Complex, Three of Twelve (T'Ama) was leading the Borg gathered there in an assault on the Armory and the defenders there find themselves flanked by Sylvie Doucet and Kim Stapledon. One Security Petty Officer takes charge of the ragtag group of officers and, acting upon orders given by Aine Sherlock, coordinates a fighting retreat into the ship's Armory. In the middle of the battle, they find that all the ship's sidearms have been remotely deactivated by Serala's command, leaving T'Ama the sole person on the deck with a working phaser. With the ship's weaponry rendered useless, T'Ama partially fries the control panel to the Armory, locking the human survivors within and leaves for Engineering. Kim Stapledon follows. Sylvie Doucet, having suffered a head injury via a pistol being slammed into her face, is temporarily out of action. When she gets back on her feet, Sylvie speaks with her dead father in the process of finally being able to combat the Borg's utter control over her mind and body. Convinced that something was going on with her brain, she ends up injecting herself with a stimulant from a surprisingly well-stocked medkit in the hopes of disrupting her own central nervous system to shed the Borg's control once and for all.

The Engineering Crew

Main Engineering

Is’Kah: If you stay a Borg, I’ll have to whisk Quentin off his feet and run away with him. If you’d like that, then do nothing. Fight for him if you don’t want me to steal him away because I will tell him I love him. Is that something you want me to do?

She barely had time to brace herself when her face was slapped into the next week. Is’Kah spun halfway around as stars flashed in her eyes, fighting to stay conscious. Her hand came up and wiggled her jaw. The moment she touched it, pain shot through her jawbone. Pushing through it, she felt it go into place, but pain shot up the side of her face from a pinch of flesh between joints. A couple of her teeth on the impact site screamed from being fractured. Trying to turn back to T’Ama, she stumbled a little, almost falling over.

oO That hurt! I expected something, but not that fragging hard. Wait, did she dislocate my jaw? She did! How dare she?! Then again, I asked for it. Oo'

Ghee’looth Xiron, Is'Kah, and Tai Ilsam are hard at work keeping the ship's critical systems out of the reach of the Borg. Commander Perkins, having made his way down there to help out, is utterly aghast at how many safety and health regulations are being broken and rankles under the lower-ranked Engineering officers' brusque demeanors and orders. The potential conflict between them is resolved by Ilsam asserting his authority and talking the reluctant senior officer into helping out. Xiron and Is'Kah use their unique telepathic bond to coordinate their actions and carefully toe the line between disaster and success to get the warp core up and roaring to action from a cold start by gaslighting the ship's systems into thinking it was totally already going full-bore. To finish the process, Is'Kah jumps down a few decks to the lower part of the warp core and finds herself face to face with the invading Borg, led by T'Ama. Xiron gets busy helping Alexander Brodie restore the deflector screen and tinker with the shields, leaving Ilsam to be the one reinforcing the Vulcan/Trill hybrid.

T'Ama gets bitten in the attack. Due to Xiron and Brodie's tinkering informed by the data from the Astraeus, Stapledon's dream world is shattered and she comes back to a very pain-filled reality. In spite of all that was wrong with her in the moment, she calls out to T'Ama an in attempt to distract the Borg, giving Is'Kah an idea. Is'Kah taunts the assimilated T'Ama to try to get her to snap out of it and resist and earns a resounding slap across the face that dislocates her jaw. Ilsam resorts to a Vulcan nerve pinch, more or less, to knock T'Ama out and tells Is'Kah to stop biting people before taking T'Ama to Sickbay on his way to reporting to the Bridge.

The Sickbay Crew


A fighter pilot, Lieutenant Jelanna Zarax, has fought her way to Sickbay on Deck 10 and comes upon a seriously injured crewman. Leenaya Edrei, one of the ship's newest medics, runs into the scene and begins treatment. They attempt to move the patient to Sickbay, a risky move without the use of transporters, only to find Sickbay locked and sealed. Edrei contacts Alexander Brodie to get his help to get inside. Ilsam's arrival gets them inside and Brodie comes back to Sickbay to help out following the successful implementation of shielding against the Borg signal. Doucet comes back to work following a hit of Tricordrazine, followed shortly by a very injured Stapledon. The work begins on getting the crew patched up enough to continue their work. All assimilated crew are now unassimilated thanks to the blocking of the Borg signal.

Hour Three

The Sickbay Crew


After a turbulent two hours, the Borg threat on the Chin'toka is temporarily pacified for the moment due to the efforts of the unassimilated crew. Now free of the Collective, Sylvie Doucet, T'Ama, and Kim Stapledon all make their way to Sickbay. Doucet introduces themself to Leenaya Edrei as the Asst. CMO after assuring Alexander Brodie that they weren't here to kill anyone. Brodie plays the role of managing triage and nursing assistant to the two doctors as Edrei takes care of T'Ama and Doucet heals Stapledon's injuries and resets her hip. As Stapledon is needed on the Bridge, the engineer-turned-scientist leaves once takes up her post there. In the meantime, Doucet turns their attention to Brodie calling for help with T'Ama as Edrei focuses on the Vulcan hybrid's burns and missing eye. The scene takes a turn for the absurd as their patient breaks out in song. The doctors briefly join in until they get T'Ama calmed down with a mild sedative.

The Bridge Crew

The Bridge

On the Bridge, Serala commands the ship in battle against the Minor with the help of the Aegis as the Narendra takes on the Enterprise-F. They use a series of very short, precise warp jumps to run interference for the Astraeus while combating the Borgified fleet. McGillian disables the Minor and Serala orders him to steal as many of the other ship's torpedoes as he can. Stapledon and Tai Ilsam focus on balancing keeping the shields up and redistributing power from as many other systems as possible to keep the Chin'toka in the fight. At the same time that Is'Kah down in Engineering thinks of it, Serala realizes they can use command codes to temporarily disable the other ships and issues orders to that effect.

The Engineering Crew

Main Engineering

Down in Engineering, Ghee'looth Xiron and Is'kah are running the warp core ragged and putting out the fires, both metaphorical and real, as they pop up.

Hour Four

The Bridge Crew

The Bridge

On the Bridge, Serala and Sherlock coordinate the ship's attacks against the Inaieu, Passchendaele, and Ypres after taking the Minor out of the fight. With a mixture of prefix codes, high mobility tactics such as the Picard Maneuver suggested by Ensign Kel Amir, copious usage of explosives in the form of discarded warp cores and torpedoes shamelessly stolen from pretty much anywhere Ensign McGillian can find them, and support from fighters and the Aegis. The Inaieu is the first of this wave of opponents to be knocked out, allowing the Chin'toka to focus on the Passchendaele. Kim Stapledon makes a finding about the Borg signal: it's interacting with subspace piggybacking off tetrion frequencies. She suggests launching a shuttle to fire bursts of tetrion particles to disrupt the signal, causing a temporary loss in local Borg command and control. The suggestion is approved and shuttle launch, just in time for Stapledon to announce a new arrival to the brawl - the Vimy Ridge. The ship also receives, belatedly enough, the SOS and warning broadcast sent out by President Anton Chekov and Serala issues new orders to find his pod somewhere in the battlefield. The shuttlepod that was modified for tetrion bursts intercepts the Belleau Wood and fires, proving that Stapledon's idea works as the other ship stops in its tracks. After that, McGillian announces good news: The President's escape pod has been found and retrieved.

The Engineering Crew

Main Engineering

Down in Engineering, Is'Kah and Ghee'looth continue their battle to keep the ship's power systems from failing as the ship keeps taking hits and the grid hits its limit in several spots. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and they're forced to redirect coolant from some of the ship's computers as well as vent plasma into space to keep the ship in the fight.

The Sickbay Crew


In Sickbay, Sylvie Doucet, Leenaya Edrei, and Alexander Brodie barely have a chance to relax after sedating T'Ama before the next crisis unfolds. One of the hits that the ship takes has the knock-on effect of setting Sickbay's primarily entrance on fire via a plasma leak. The automated fire suppression systems aren't responding, so the doctors scramble to find an extinguisher. T'Ama ends up finding it as Doucet orders medical staff to move patients from the patient ward that the door leads into the other wards further down the hall. Respirators and supplemental oxygen ensure that minimal damage is done to the lungs of everyone present, but Edrei still manages to get several burns in the process of finally putting out the blaze. With Ward 1 and the main entrance temporarily condemned until repairs finish, everyone regroups in Ward 2 to tend to new injuries, radiation poisoning, and burns on top of the chaos already present.

Dramatis personae

Player Characters
Name Position Notes
Serala Commanding Officer
Aine Sherlock First Officer
V'Len Kel Chief Medical Officer/Second Officer LOA
Tai Ilsam Mission Specialist
T'Ama Acting Chief of Operations
Kimberly Stapledon Acting Chief Science Officer
Ghee’looth Xiron Acting Chief Engineering Officer
Sylvie Doucet Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Alexander Brodie Counselor
Daniel McGillian Security/Tactical Officer
Is'Kah Engineering Officer
Leenaya Edrei Medical Officer
Kel Amir HCO Officer
Notable NPCs
Name Position/Info Type Written by
Neshala HCO Officer PNPC Serala
Ravesa Engineering Technician PNPC Tai Ilsam
Isabelle Deveaux Engineering Officer PNPC Serala
Jelanna Zarax Fighter Pilot PNPC Serala
Commander Daniel Perkins Engineering Officer NPC
President Anton Chekov President of the United Federation of Planets MSNPC T'Ama

Notable Sims

Notable Sims
Date Sim Summary
240107.13 Commander Serala: Home Sweet Home] Captain Serala and a contingent of crew from the USS Astraeus steal the Chin'toka. Mission start.
240107.13 Commander Serala: Clear and Present Danger] Mission briefing. Captain Serala hands out command assignments to the senior officers.
240107.13 Commander Serala: Before you go...] Captain Serala informs the senior officers that they are actually stealing the Chin'toka.
240107.13 Lieutenant JG T'Ama - Brain Dump Lieutenant JG T'Ama tries to get Lt. Commander Tai Ilsam and Lt. Commander Alexander Brodie up to speed on what happened on the Artemis earlier that day.
240107.15 Lieutenant JG T'Ama - Eliminate The Unassimilated Lieutenant JG T'Ama is assimilated and shoots Captain Serala
240107.17 JP: Borg Kim and Lt. Cmdr. Alexander Brodie - Fight Night: Main Event Alexander Brodie has a harrowing fight with the assimilated Kimberly Stapledon.
240107.18 Commander Serala: Oh No She Didn't! Captain Serala shoots T'Ama's eye out and retreats to the ready room.
240107.20 Lieutenant JG T'Ama - So Anyway, I Started Blasting Three of Twelve destroys the Brig.
240107.25 Commander Serala: Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends The Astraeus sends the Chin'toka the specs for a Borg blocking shield modification to de-assimilate the crew.
240107.27 JP Commodore Taybrim, Cmdr Serala & LtCdr Sherlock: Reinforcements Captain Serala and Commodore Sal Taybrim talk tactics for the ongoing space battle.
240108.07 Commander Serala: Never Give Up. Never Surrender! The Bridge hears President Chekov's transmission and realizes he's likely in an escape pod. Captain Serala orders him found and retrieved.
240108.09 Ensign Leenaya Edrei - Baptism of Fire Dr. Leenaya Edrei extinguishes the plasma fire trapping them in Sickbay.
240108.10 Ensign Daniel McGillian Jr: We got him! Ensign Daniel McGillian rescues President Chekov's escape pod.
240108.11 MSNPC President Anton Chekov - Hope Is Never Lost President Chekov's introduction and what he's been doing since his transmission.
240108.12 Lt. Jg. Kim Stapledon - Gamble Lt.JG. Kim Stapledon figures out a way to spoof the hub controller of the Fleet Formation Software and issue orders to the affected vessels.
240108.17 [MISSION END] Commander Serala: The Final Countdown Official end of mission, includes the Captain and President's speeches.
240108.18 Lt. Cmdr. Alex Brodie “MIS-0017-AWB-COU-CHIN’TOKA” Technically from shore leave, a mission report from the perspective of Lt. Commander Alexander Brodie.