Fighter Guide/Specific Federation Tactical Craft

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ShuttlecraftRunaboutsScout ShipsFighters

CobraCrossbowLancerPeregrineValkyrieValkyrie MKIISpecific Federation Tactical Craft

Combat Scales

Dedicated fans of the original versions of some of these craft will note some differences from the data they know. This is because in the course of 'tinkering,' there are disconnects and differences between versions that ignore development design history and capabilities, as well as mission profile. These versions now fit in a definable timeline and there is logical technological progression and variation based on mission.

Also, each tactical spacecraft entry is fairly self-explanatory. A word, however, is necessary regarding 'combat ratings.' Two scales are given.

The first is a number which matches the system used on the Daystrom Site (DITL), with the GALAXY class capital ship supplying the normative 'baseline,' the number 1000. Ships that are less than that are less powerful, and those that are more are more powerful. Ex: while a regular unmodified NEBULA, if memory serves, has a rating of around 1000 or so, a modified NEBULA stealth destroyer like RANGER-A had a rating of around 2000. A PROMETHEUS attack cruiser has a rating around 2400, and a SOVEREIGN has a rating of around 2900. At the other end of the spectrum, the old DEADALUS class had a rating of like 0045. You get the idea.

Now, he gets into variables that add up to the ship rating, such as maneuvering, beam power, torpedo power, hull strength, armor, etc. Frankly, we're not sure anyone uses those smaller subdivisions in simming, though we commend the level of detail (we love that site, can you tell?).

The point here is that we give each fighter a DITL rating for those interesting in the consistency of that system. We like it, because it provides for detailed comparisons instead of very general, very gross ones.

And speaking of gross, general comparisons, there's another scale to rate relative combat ability of ships: the UFOP one. We call it 'the old one.' Now, some officers love this scale because it's simple. Unfortunately, we think it's too simple, even for comparison of capital ships (saying a PROMETHEUS is a '5' essentially means she's as bad as there is, and frankly, she isn't. Just ask a Borg cube. What's a Borg cube? A really big 5? Anyway, you get the beef here).

Now, bad enough the old scale is, but when you get into shuttles, then you really have a problem. See, the old CENTRIS, for example, a capital ship, was a 2 on the scale, if memory served. Now, since the old scale only has five numbers, and they're arithmetical, not cubic, one assumes all shuttles are a 1, for certainly a shuttle with a phaser can't beat even an old class like CENTRIS. She's a capital ship, for gosh sakes. Yet there you are. No other option, cause no other number.

So we give you the 'old scale' number for all these ships in relation to the best use of that scale we can manage (happy, Tekra?). But for our money, use the DITL scale.

The DITL scale is given first, the old scale second, in parenthesis.

Also, as we mentioned above, we know simmers (especially engineering and science officer simmers) just love to not leave well enough alone. There hasn't been a ship in UFOP which hasn't had an officer somehow discover fire tripping over her own rear end in a firefight. This is without the benefit of the facilities, time, staff, funding and peace and quiet of the R&D people who devised the thing she's improving with chewing gun and hairpins. Be that as it may. We know you people (you know who you are) will mess with our beloved fighters. So instead of pretending you won't, we're going to make sure you don't muck it up. To do that we're going to give you a very simple, easy to follow rule of thumb for improvements and alterations, and we're going to explain it, to make doubly sure you don't conveniently forget it.

Modifying These Specs

Alright, so you're thinking, "hey, they talked about biplanes with bigger engines, didn't they? So how come I can't make a bigger, better faster nastier FA-150 while I'm in the lounge of my starship?"

Well, you can, you genius, but there's a limit. Here is why.

Let's go back to those biplanes. Yes, it was possible, using the biplane design, to improve speed and handling, but only to a point. When that point was reached, i.e., the airframe of the plane, the materials tolerances, etc, further improvement was only possible if the design changed too. Which is how we got fixed wings. And when propellers just couldn't be coaxed to get any faster, we got jets. And when 'T' wing configurations for those jets got to an upper limit of speed, they changed to swept wings. And so on.

Now, how is this reflected with starships and their smaller cousins? Easy; you take the DITL number and you add 25%. That new number is the best rating you're going to coax from variations on that design. This reflects the limits of the space frame, the computer core, the materials, the warp geometry, the power plant, etc. And that does not, by the way, mean that once you've added your 25% to the rating of your FA-150 that you have a new ship you can also add to. It's still a FA-150, and you're at the limit of that design period. You want something with a higher rating, you build a new ship.

Now, like we said, this works just as well for starships as for fighters, but that's a debate for the CC and EC of the UFOP-RPG, and we're not here to make policy, no matter how much we endorse it, hint hint. The only exception to the 25% rule, by the way, was the NEBULA, because it has those neat modules. NEBULA's could be modified up to 100% in terms of combat rating, or thereabouts. Anyway, that's the rule for fighters, people. Senior officers, keep them honest.

Specific Tactical Craft

StarFleet Marine Corps FA-150 Fast Attack Space Superiority Gunship (MAUL)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
  • RATINGS: 199 (2). See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Medium short range warp gunship.
  • INSERVICE DATE: 2380. Successor to FA-120 series.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1copilot, can carry up to 8 additional marines or passengers.
  • POWER PLANT: Two 22k millicochrane warp engines, twenty DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters & two 10k impulse engines positioned to the far left and right of the Aft section, for optimum turning velocity.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 13m; beam 7m; height 4m.
  • MASS: 9.2m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Warp 9.4 for 36 hours.
    • Four type XV phaser cannons;
    • Two type VIII phaser emitters (stern), for a total phaser output 5,600 Terra-watts;
    • Two bow-mounted Micro-Quantum torpedo launchers.
  • SHIELDS: Type 10 generators capable of deflecting 2.4 x 10 to the 5th kW.
  • SENSORS: Standard shuttle sensor package with "TAC-LINK" secure channel to host-starship (can accept tactical and other data from host Starship's CIC on a secure subspace short-range channel).
  • SPACE FRAME: Utilizing cutting edge technology in space-frame design the FA-150 is capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding a massive 41g without compromising the enhanced Structural Integrity Field. A Single Duranium-Tritanium Hull with a high-level SIF and 2cm of ablative armor.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: Originally intended as a heavy assault version of the earlier FA-120 space superiority fighter, the FA-150 has become the lander, 'drop ship' and assault gunship of choice for the marine corps. The fleet has also commissioned many of these for planetary defense. A wing of 'Mauls' will easily handle a small capital ship without breaking a sweat, pose a capable match for a medium capital ship, and put up a good fight even against a large one. Mauls are still not as common as other tactical craft. The SFDI has also ordered them for landing operations.
    • Beam Weapons: 112
    • Torpedoes: 100
    • Weapon Range/Accuracy: 60
    • Shields: 89
    • Hull/Armor: 400
    • Speed: 920
    • Combat Agility: 19,000
    • Total Strength: 199

FA-150R VARIANT: Fast Recon Craft (MONGOOSE)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
  • RATINGS: 127(1). See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Medium short range warp reconnaissance fighter.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1 copilot.
  • POWER PLANT: Two 30k millicochrane warp engines, twenty-five DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters & two 10k impulse engines positioned to the far left and right of the Aft section, for optimum turning velocity.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 13m; beam 7m; height 4m.
  • MASS: 9.9m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Warp 9.9 for 36 hours.
  • ARMAMENT: One type V phaser emitter (stern) for a total phaser output 500 Terra-watts.
  • SHIELDS: Type 8 generator capable of deflecting 1.9 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Crew compartment swapped out for high-performance, long range passive and active sensor package including GAD, TSS and jammers (see USS Titan specs for these sensor packages).
  • SPACE FRAME: Same as the Maul, except that the Mongoose leaves off the armor standard to the former and reduces the SIF to standard levels in exchange for higher speed.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: The Mongoose uses the same EM-deadening tiling and stealth systems which is used on certain capital ships such as PROMETHEUS, SOVEREIGN and NEBULA stealth destroyers. The Mongoose's function is purely to be unseen and to see everything else, not to fight.
    • Beam Weapons: 10
    • Torpedoes: 0
    • Weapon Range/Accuracy: 60
    • Shields: 70
    • Hull/Armor: 50
    • Speed: 1075
    • Combat Agility: 19,000
    • Total Strength: 127

StarFleet FA-120 Fast Attack Space Superiority Fighter (FALCHION)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
  • RATINGS: 171(2). See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Medium short range warp fighter.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1 copilot, can carry Up to 4 additional marines or passengers.
  • POWER PLANT: Two 20k millicochrane warp engines, seventeen DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters & two 10k impulse engines positioned to the far left and right of the Aft section, for optimum turning velocity.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 11m; beam 4m; height 3.5m.
  • MASS: 7m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Warp 9.6 for 36 hours.
    • Two forward facing type XIV phaser cannons;
    • One type VIII phaser emitter (stern) for a total phaser output 2,800 Terra-watts;
    • One bow-mounted Micro-Quantum torpedo launcher.
  • SHIELDS: Type 10 generators capable of deflecting 2.27 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Standard shuttle sensor package.
  • SPACE FRAME: Utilizing cutting edge technology in space-frame design the FA-120 is capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding a massive 41g without compromising the enhanced Structural Integrity Field. A Single Duranium-Tritanium Hull with a standard level SIF and 2cm of ablative armor.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: First of its line, a heavy warp capable fighter fit for extended tactical objectives and operations. Heavy service just before the end of the Dominion War, filling in for the many capital ships lost.
    • Beam Weapons: 56
    • Torpedoes: 50
    • Weapon Range/Accuracy: 60
    • Shields: 84
    • Hull/Armor: 350
    • Speed: 1000
    • Combat Agility: 19,000
    • Total Strength: 171

StarFleet FS-90 Short Range Space Superiority Fighter Shuttle (RAM)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Halsey Fighter Base, Sector 006.
  • RATINGS: 81(1). See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Short range non-warp heavy fighter-shuttle.
  • INSERVICE DATE: 2374. Successor to SG-50 series.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, can carry one other in jump seat, such as BN or RIO (radio intercept officer) for special operations.
  • POWER PLANT: thirty DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters and one 8k impulse engine.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 7m; beam 5m; height 3m.
  • MASS: 4.2m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Full impulse for 64 hours.
    • Two forward facing type X phaser cannons;
    • One type VII phaser emitter (bow) for a total phaser output 2,200 Terra-watts;
    • Two bow-mounted Micro-photon torpedo launchers.
  • SHIELDS: Type 7 generators capable of deflecting 1.6 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Minimal, short range, tactical only.
  • SPACE FRAME: Capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding 35g without compromising the enhanced Structural Integrity Field. A Duraniam single hull with a standard SIF and 3cm high-density armor.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: The Ram was the first heavy short range fighter to parallel and replace the more expensive PEREGRINE fighter (see hereafter). Developed principally for base defense of Romulan Neutral Zone and bases along the Cardassian DMZ.
    • Beam Weapons: 44
    • Torpedoes: 10
    • Range/Accuracy: 60
    • Shields: 60
    • Hull/Armor: 310
    • Speed: 0.52
    • Combat Agility: 19,000
    • Total Strength: 81

StarFleet FS-90L Variant: Long Range Space Superiority Fighter Shuttle (LONGBOW)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Halsey Fighter Base, Sector 006.
  • RATINGS: 108(2). See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Long range warp-capable heavy fighter-shuttle.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 (pilot), can carry one other in jump seat, such as BN or RIO (radio intercept officer) for special operations.
  • POWER PLANT: Two 18k millichocrane warp engines. Twenty-five DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters and one 8k impulse engine.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 7m; beam 5m; height 3m.
  • MASS: 4.2m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Warp 8 for 24 hours. Full impulse for 64 hours.
    • Two forward facing type IX phaser cannons;
    • One type VI phaser emitter (bow) for a total phaser output of 2,000 terra-watts;
    • Two bow-mounted Micro-photon torpedo launchers.
  • SHIELDS: Type 6 generators capable of deflecting 1.45 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Minimal, short range, tactical only.
  • SPACE FRAME: Capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding 35g without compromising the enhanced Structural Integrity Field. A Duraniam single hull with a standard SIF and 2cm high-density armor.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: The Longbow was a stopgap until the FA-120, then on the design board, could be put into production. The Longbow is a lighter, modified version of the Ram, and is really a compromise. It is neither as tough as the impulse Ram nor as fast or long ranging as the FA-120. But it is smaller, and a better fit for smaller capital ships than the FA-120.
    • Beam Weapons: 40
    • Torpedoes: 10
    • Range/Accuracy: 60
    • Shields: 54
    • Hull/Armor: 210
    • Speed: 536
    • Combat Agility: 19,000
    • Total Strength: 108

StarFleet SG-50 Short Range Space Superiority Fighter (RAPTOR)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Newport Fleet Yards, Sector 003.
  • RATINGS: 72(1)1. See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Short range non-warp medium fighter.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot.
  • POWER PLANT: thirty DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters and one 9k impulse engine.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 5m; beam 3m; height 2.5m.
  • MASS: 3.6m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Full impulse for 60 hours.
    • Two forward facing type IX phaser cannons;
    • Two type VI phaser emitters (bow and stern) for a total phaser output of 2,100 terra-watts;
    • Two bow-mounted Micro-photon torpedo launchers;
    • Additional hard points allow for two "Javelin" M/AMR impulse missiles or SG munitions;
    • Hard points also allow for short range warp engines, "buddy store" fuel tanks, special mission pods or other devices.
  • SHIELDS: Type 6 generators capable of deflecting 1.45 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Minimal, short range, tactical only.
  • SPACE FRAME: Capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding 45g without compromising the enhanced Structural Integrity Field. A Duraniam single hull with a standard SIF and 2cm high-density armor.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: Developed once it became clear that the Federation needed extra help with the Klingons, Borg and Cardassians, the Raptor is actually a pilot's fighter. While small (and thus an excellent fit for small capital ships or ships with hangar and crew space issues), the hard points make this fighter versatile. With M/AMR missiles, it becomes as lethal a space superiority fighter as one could want. With SG (space to ground) weapons, it becomes an assault ship. With warp pods, it's capable of making short warp jumps and then jettisoning the pods for atmospheric work.

:Also, while the oldest of the modern tactical craft, the Raptor is also, pilots swear, the best "feeling" ship. To a pilot, that matters, and makes a difference in how instinctively he flies his bird. As well, she is capable of spreading a reverse swept wing configuration which makes her lethal in atmosphere, as well as more responsive than the more recent and heavier ships which depend on maneuvering jets. :This is, as you might have guessed, Rachel's favorite fighter.

    • Beam Weapons: 42
    • Torpedoes: 10
    • Range/Accuracy: 60
    • Shields: 54
    • Hull/Armor: 210
    • Speed: 0.52
    • Combat Agility: 19,000
    • Total Strength: 72

StarFleet S-25 Long Range Medium Fighter (PEREGRINE)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Tranquility "Eagle" Shipyards, Luna
  • RATING: 53(1)2. See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Long range warp capable medium fleet defense fighter.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot or 1 pilot and TSO in variant (see below)
  • POWER PLANT: One 19k millichocrane warp engine. Fifteen DeFl 9000 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters and two 7k impulse engines.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 12m; beam 11m; height; 4m.
  • MASS: 20m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Warp 5 for 10 days.
    • 3 Type IV Phaser emitter (total phaser output of 1200 terra-watts);
    • 2 Standard mini photon torpedo launchers;
    • Wing hardpoints allow for additional warp afterburners, impulse afterburners, missile launchers, pulse cannon gattling weapons, jammer pods or additional photon or quantum torpedoes.
  • SHIELDS: Type 6 generators capable of deflecting 1.45 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Standard sensor package plus fleet target discriminator and identification software.
  • SPACE FRAME: Light Duranium/Tritanium single hull plus low level structural integrity field.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: The Peregrine is a medium fleet defense fighter. They are not quick like the later SG-50 nor suited to heavy attack, but these early fighters are excellent fleet defense vehicles, capable of engaging small threats or incoming ordinance at a distance.

: The Peregrine saw considerable service in the Dominion war, and suffered heavy losses. Nevertheless, these ships continue to fulfill a vital role, and while they are no longer being built, the ones in service are lovingly maintained.

    • Beam Weapons: 24
    • Torpedoes: 20
    • Range/Accuracy: 15
    • Shields: 25
    • Hull/Armor: 3.12
    • Speed: 112
    • Combat Agility: 18780
    • Total Strength: 53

StarFleet A-25 Variant: Long Range Medium Fighter-Bomber (RAVEN)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Tranquility "Eagle" Shipyards, Luna
  • RATINGS: 54(1)3. See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Long range warp capable medium fighter-bomber.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot and 1 TSO.
  • POWER PLANT: One 19k millichocrane warp engine. Twenty DeFl 9000 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters. One 10k impulse engine.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 14m; beam 13.6m; height; 4.5.
  • MASS: 27m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: warp 5 for 10 days.
    • 1 Type IV Phaser emitter (total phaser output of 400 terra-watts);
    • 2 Standard mini photon torpedo launchers;
    • Wing hardpoints and bomb-bay allow for missile launchers, SG weapons, heavy ordinance.
  • SHIELDS: Type 6 generators capable of deflecting 1.45 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Standard sensor package plus planetary and anti-vessel targeting system for heavy ordinance delivery.
  • SPACE FRAME: Light Duranium/Tritanium single hull plus low level structural integrity field.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: The Raven was an adaptation of the Peregrine for heavy bombardment. No others are being made, as they have been superseded by the FA series. Those in service are in service with constituent Federation members' home defense services
    • Beam Weapons: 8
    • Torpedoes: 20
    • Range/Accuracy: 15
    • Shields: 54
    • Hull/Armor: 3.12
    • Speed: 112
    • Combat Agility: 18780
    • Total Strength: 54

StarFleet Deployable Infantry DS-79 Assault Transport (RAIDER)

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Fort Hood Production Facility, NEW HOUSTON, Sector 021.
  • RATINGS: 50(1). See below for DITL summary.
  • TYPE: Heavy Assault Transport.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1 BN, 1 deployment officer, 1 copilot. Can carry up to 50 DI or a combination of troopers and vehicles or supplies.
  • POWER PLANT: Two 15k millichocrane warp engines. Thirty DeFl 5000 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters. Two 6k impulse engines.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 60m; beam 50m; height 15m.
  • MASS: 250m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Warp 6 for 7 days.
    • 2 Type V Phaser emitters for a total phaser output of 1000 terra-watts;
    • 2 Standard mini-photon torpedo tubes.
  • SHIELDS: Type 4 generators capable of deflecting 1.1 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
  • SENSORS: Outdated standard shuttle package circa 2355.
  • SPACE FRAME: Standard Duranium single hull, Standard level Structural Integrity Field.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: Developed for the Starfleet Deployable Infantry as a heavy assault lander, this craft is now essentially too dated to be of any tactical use except in rear echelon situations, as a trainer, as a transport or as a vessel of last resort. Dated methods of space frame and systems integration mean the craft reached their useful up-gradable design life by 2360, shortly after the Cardassian Wars.

:This design is included herein for several reasons, however. :The first is that is was the first true modern 24th century tactical craft designed by Starfleet, and is thus the general progenitor of the models that followed. Second, the simmer is likely to encounter some of these craft in service still, on rear echelon worlds, since the over-all fleet shortages of the 2370's meant many of these craft were pressed back into service. :Lastly, several of the few surviving Raiders from the Dominion War were sold into private service, rather than scrapped. It is possible to encounter pirates, merchants and freebooters using these vessels.

    • Beam Weapons: 20
    • Torpedoes: 20
    • Range/Accuracy: 15
    • Shields: 40
    • Hull/Armor: 10
    • Speed: 205
    • Combat Agility: 15000
    • Total Strength: 60

United States/Taiwanese Bergmen-Hsang Conglomerate IE-5 Indo-Exo Atmospheric Attack Plane (AVENGER)

(This craft is provided just for fun, in case some intrepid simmers take a trip back to pre-holocaust Terra or happen to find one lying around in some Ferengi's collection of exotic aviation vehicles from Terra. Remember there were variants to this type, but this is the template for them).

  • PRODUCTION BASE: Bergman-Hsang Production Facility, Indonesia, Terra.
  • TYPE: High Atmosphere Fighter and ASAT (anti-satellite) Vehicle.
  • ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1 BN, 1 ASAT officer.
  • POWER PLANT: Two afterburning hydrogen-cell rockets; ion-thrusters for high atmosphere maneuvering.
  • DIMENSIONS: Length 11m; beam 9m; height 3m.
  • MASS: 25m tons.
  • PERFORMANCE: Mach 5.
    • 2 Depleted uranium gattling rail guns;
    • Eight EM-seeking ASAT missiles;
    • Eight Phoenix-10 anti-vehicle missiles;
    • Hardpoints allowed for heavy ordinance, rocket thrusters, mission pods.
  • SHIELDS: None. Depleted plutonium armor. Anti-EM tracking jammers. Chaff dispensers.
  • SENSORS: Light-R "over horizon" EM based radar, 1000km.
  • SPACE FRAME: Anti-radiation tiling, reinforced titanium-polycarbonate frame for near-space.
  • HISTORY/NOTES: A versatile, lethal anti-satellite fighter-bomber, the IE-5 was copied with many variations by other nations in a mad scramble to stop the ASAT warfare which threatened global peace just before the holocaust (see appropriate footnote). The Avenger was capable of following satellites even as the newest ones defended themselves and attempted to flee ASAT satellites or vehicles. The Avenger was capable of orbits, and several even managed to make it to the moonbase when "the balloon went up" to start WWIII. The Avenger was like a rock in low atmosphere, where the air was thick, and maneuvered, as pilots were then wont to say, "like a dead cat in mud." However, once the Avenger reached the thin air, its skin would reshape and allow "quintisonic" velocities and elegant maneuvering. Only other Avengers or the knockoffs were really capable of facing this fighter on equal ground, since it was able to outfly SA-100's (surface to air missiles) and other surface-based defense measures.


  • Note 1: These base numbers can change radically as the Raptor's hard-points can be fitted with warp-engines and/or additional munitions/weapons.
  • Note 2: These base numbers can change radically as the Peregrine's hard-points can be fitted with improved warp-engines and/or additional munitions/weapons.
  • Note 3: These base numbers can change radically as the Raven's hard-points can be fitted with improved warp-engines and/or additional munitions/weapons.
Black-and-white ship illustrations by Tim Davies unless otherwise noted. Used with permission. All other images are copyright to their respective owners.
REV SD 239205.28