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*'''Name:''' Ace.
*'''Name:''' Ace.
*'''Joined Starbase 118:''' February 2021
*'''Joined Starbase 118:''' February 2021
*'''Gender:''' Gender-fluid / Genderqueer / Nonbinary (they/them)
*'''Gender:''' Gender-fluid. (Preferably They/she. But people do use he/him around here because of my character. Which is fine.)
*'''Age:''' 26
*'''Age:''' 29
*'''Occupation:''' Night shift support staff in a group home for adults with mental and/or physical disabilities.
*'''Occupation:''' I work in a group home for people with disabilities.
*'''Location:''' America
*'''Location:''' America
*'''OOC Rank:''' Ensign
*'''OOC Rank:''' Lt. Commander
*'''Hobbies/interests:''' Writing, reading (especially books on the craft of writing and storytelling as a skill lately. But I love any genre as long as the story is fun, or the topic keeps me intrigued), Roleplaying, Star Trek, TTRPGs, Cats, Animals.
*'''Hobbies/interests:''' Writing, reading (I love Urban fantasy, psychological thrillers, sci-fi, and books that sit in a genre I don't know the exact term for but are somewhere between a mystery and an abstract, borderline magical realism? I'll read anything so long as the story is fun, or the topic intrigues me, though. I also love a good fanfiction. Or a bad one. Sometimes they're good for a laugh.) I also like roleplaying/simming, Star Trek, TTRPGs, Cats, and most other animals.
*'''Favorite Trek series/movie:''' I have three answers, each is my favorite for different reasons. Overall it's DS9. All of the characters have such fantastic chemistry, and I really love what it added to the Trek verse. I just love it. For the sake of general fondness, it's Enterprise because it connects me more to my dad, who loved Enterprise a lot and had so many good things to say about it, who passed at the end of 2020. Plus it's just a really entertaining series to watch. I can't say I disagree with his praises despite the flaws it had at times. But recently I started Lower Decks and it slaps a lot harder than I expected it to, its animation style is pleasant to look at, the character dynamics are hysterical and sweet, it allows for a lot more visual creativity than you can get from a live-action series, and it's always good to playfully rib your faves now and then. Keeps the flaws in perspective and does well in highlighting the good things. It made itself one of my favorites very quickly.
*'''Favorite Trek series/movie:''' DS9, Enterprise, and Prodigy is my recent fave. It's beautifully animated, it has excellent storytelling, and good emotional beats, and considering it's meant for kids, an excellent amount of previous trek references for older trekkies to enjoy. Runner up: Lower Decks. Was above Prodigy until I watched Prodigy and ended up with heart eyes about it. And it's a close runner-up. Because Lower Decks is hysterical and very adult, and picks fun at trek while also really highlighting the good things about Trek at the same time.
*'''[[Writer ID]]:''' J239802D12
*'''[[Writer ID]]:''' J239802D12

===How I came to SB118===
===How I came to SB118===

Over the years since the age of about 16, I've been RPing/simming in various circles. Most of them were independent roleplay circles where the rules were slightly different for each person and many things were very one-on-one as opposed to a whole team the way 118 does. I haven't always played in the Star Trek circles. But I used to talk a lot about Star Trek with my dad. TNG and Enterprise were especially his favorites. And I gained a strong love of Enterprise through him. And then he passed away at the end of 2020. Though people in my household also had an interest in Star Trek it felt different. And I wanted something where I could feel similarly interested in it. Comfort during a really hard time. So near the beginning of 2021, I looked into Star Trek RP circles, and SB118 was the one that stood out the most. It had amazing wiki pages to read, I read what was going on in the google group stories. And decided I wanted to try and be part of it.  
I started roleplaying through various mediums and fandoms around the age of 15. But my exposure to the Star Trek fandom was extremely limited for the majority of my roleplay experiences. Because until I gave the 2009 JJ Abrams Star Trek a chance around age 13, I was stubborn about really disliking it as an attempt to say I was different than the other people in my house who already really liked it. And even when I could admit it was alright, I still wasn't into it yet. But friends did eventually start writing in the fandom where I could see it over the years, and that's when I decided to give it some chances. It still took a number of years to get anywhere near attached, and up until 2020 to binge a good number of the series one after the other.  

I will admit that for the first bit of it, I was still in a huge grieving stage, and I deal with a lot of mental health problems like ADHD, Anxiety, C-PTSD, depersonalization issues, and insane amounts of self-doubt and impostor syndrome. So I struggled to keep up with it, and I needed to take a short 3ish month LOA from I think July or August to November to really figure out if I could handle all of it. But I came back in mid-November 2021 and have been doing my best to keep up and do better since. I owe a lot of that to Nicholas (Captain Oddas Aria), and my mentor Patrick (XO Commander Kalia Qinn) for having so much faith in me even if I haven't had nearly so much faith in myself. I think I'd be struggling similarly to how I was in the summer without their continued support. I hope I do right by them as well as the crew and myself moving forward, and I can only hope that as I continue forward, that I can be that support to others who are struggling similarly. Seeing how gracefully they've handled my issues and me, has made me consider that I want to reach a point of being able to mentor and support others as a supporting officer the best that I can.
Even as it was becoming a special interest, I still wasn't writing in the fandom, though. I wasn't quite ready to shift out of the fandom community that I'd been part of for many years at that point. I had friends and attachments to it all. Even though it had long since started to go from something that made me happy, to something that I almost dreaded. But I was enjoying Star Trek in my own time, and enjoying the many conversations with my dad about it about which ones we liked and why. It was nice to be able to comfortably talk about it.
Then at the end of 2020, my dad died very suddenly. I was grieving. Understandably unhappy. And I knew pretty quickly that I could not stay in the community I was in if it made me unhappy to be there when I was already sad enough. But I also really didn't want to give up writing or roleplaying. Despite the community issues, it was still a comfort to me. So I looked into Star Trek writing groups as a comfort for the grief and the community. There were a few others I was considering, but 118 stood out as well-established, welcoming, and possibly the least confusing setup of the ones I was looking into. I also love a wiki deep dive. So I gave it a try, and here I am!     


*'''Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel?:''' My first, and current ship is The USS Juneau under Captain Oddas Aria. I came in at the end of a mission called Visitors in the Night, where the Juneau was investigating a black hole circling Quasar with a pair of long-dead vessels. Honestly coming in at the end of a mission was a little disorienting. The Captain and my Mentor were extremely accommodating as I moved forward, and even when I had to leave for a short amount of time. So the start of it all was disorienting and (having come from writing communities that put a lot more into one-on-one interactions) a bit overwhelming. But I think as things have moved forward, I'm learning how to find my flow and better work with more people. I hope to continue improving that skill as I go.
*'''Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel?:''' My first ship was The USS Juneau under Captain Oddas Aria. (The crew officially transferred over to Denali Station in May of 2022) But I came in at the end of a mission called Visitors in the Night. I'll admit, I started out on a rough note. I was in the very beginning stages of grief, among other things. Grief isn't very conducive to keeping up the way I wanted. So I ended up taking an LOA for a few months to make sure I was focusing on my mental health and getting better. I came very close to not coming back. I didn't want to cycle through the motions. I was ready to just let it go. Then the Captain emailed me around the end of the timeframe I said I needed the LOA, which I didn't expect. It forced me to re-examine what I wanted, and what I felt capable of contributing now that I'd had some time away and more therapy. I didn't immediately return. Life was a little too busy for about another month. But once it eased up, I gave it one more round of thought, emailed the captain, and said I was ready. I'm really glad I did.
*'''What have been your greatest challenges in this group?:''' The overwhelm of coming from communities with one-on-one focus, only having done collaborative interactions with family and friends through TTRPGs and not new people as often before this point and my own mental health issues that have caused me a lot of grief. I'm working on those things.
*'''What have been your greatest challenges in this group?:''' My depression and impostor syndrome. Allowing comparison to be the thief of joy for me. The feeling like I don't add up in comparison, especially on the Ronin crew which is full of people who are maybe more talented than I am. It's a very real issue that I struggle with all the time. I'm trying, but some days it is difficult to be able to acknowledge people actually like me.
*'''What have been your greatest achievements in this group?:''' Two things, the personal thing that I find an achievement is the ability to ask for help or thoughts more often than when I started. I struggled with that, but I'm finding that sometimes it's okay to need a little bit of extra help. The second thing would be the more IC thing. On the mission I came back right at the start of, I was put in an away team where all the original members either took an LOA for personal reasons, or they had really bad technical internet connection issues, right at the start that forced them away from the group until they could get that sorted out. Which put me in a situation where I was the only original team member present on the away team. My Mentor and Captain were very quick about answering questions I had, and they also were quick in making sure I had people to interact with. Having that situation come up so soon after returning from an LOA forced me to either A.) get anxious again and give up, or B.) Find some level of confidence and do what I could to keep it interesting with the rest of them. Somehow I managed to choose the latter. Through a situation that was otherwise an anxious one for me, I think I've found some confidence in my ability to write and to add to this group and feel like I belong here. That's a huge accomplishment to me right now. There is a gratitude that's so hard to express toward my Mentor and Captain Oddas for really making sure I didn't have to handle all of that on my own. I know that's part of their responsibilities as the command staff, but they really made me feel secure in a plot scenario that could have just ended with a retcon of some sort, or even just a pull-back on that team, and I have endless respect and love for both of them for allowing me to find some confidence and be part of something I really enjoyed instead. Even if they don't realize that's what they did for me just yet. I hope to find the nerve to express it to them at some point.
*'''What have been your greatest achievements in this group?:''' Dekas' Assimilation Arc. There were elements of Borg things during "The Silent Monster" mission on the Juneau. The majority of the members of the team I was part of had taken sudden LOAs right at the start, and I wanted to try something interesting that I had an idea for. The Captain gave me the go-ahead to allow Dekas to get assimilated at the end of it. And it has led to very interesting character development and a boost in confidence about what I bring to the table. I'm also proud of how far I've come. Even if I do sometimes struggle to really see it objectively most days.
*'''What do you ultimately hope to accomplish?:''' I'm not sure that I'm cut out for being the commander of a ship yet. I don't have the storytelling capacity to run a mission with the grace that Juneau's Command Staff does with all the little things that might happen with other members like LOAs or time away. So I think for now I'd like to have my character be eligible for Chief Engineer on the ship as a first step. It's gonna take some work, I know, but I'd like to be able to earn that as an option. But as a personal step, I'd like to do all that I can to be an excellent supporting member on the Juneau and any ship I might be on in the future. I want to be able to help new players feel as secure and appreciated as I've felt with the command staff of the Juneau, and I want to help people find those moments where they can have their character or their writing style really shine and be awesome. I think I'd feel really good if I could just manage to do that much.
*'''What do you ultimately hope to accomplish?:''' I want to have fun again. I burned out and it made me feel a lot like I was really just starting over completely. I feel a lot like I can't do as much as I used to do, and sometimes I feel a little useless because of it. But I want to have fun again. And long term I'd like to eventually be someone's first officer when I'm ready. Because on my better days, I'm absolutely certain I could make someone a damn fine first officer one day. And I think that stands true enough.
*'''Where do you see this group in five years?:''' I'm not sure yet, but I do hope that as a whole it really keeps up the efforts it puts into making its members feel valued. I think that's something that really makes this group feel so special to me. Because in independent communities, the value is often placed after you've proved yourself somehow. And the means to 'prove yourself' is different for every person. But this group I've never felt like I was anything less than valued. Even when I feel like I don't deserve it, I've never felt like the people here thought the same toward me as I do toward myself. I've always been appreciated and I think that's really important in a group.
*'''How do you think this group has contributed to Star Trek's Legacy? How has the group contributed to the internet community?:''' I think as far as how it has contributed to the legacy of Star Trek, given its distinct push on the idea of 'infinite diversity, in infinite combinations' it has done very well. The way it seems to me is that people do the best they can to involve people of racial diversity, spiritual diversity, gender and sexuality diversity, mental and physical disability diversity as well as they can. And it looks like the group continues to try and be something that anyone from any of those labels can find approachable and available to them. Which is very good. I think all of those things really do add a good thing to the legacy of what Star Trek is supposed to represent as a whole, as well as being a fun time and a place to make friends. I'm not sure how it's contributed to the internet community as I'm not fully entrenched in the Star Trek writing community elsewhere, but it seems to me that it's one of the best ones out there. It wouldn't have lasted over 25 years otherwise!

===Player Characters===
===Player Characters===
* [[Nieda Zivon]]
* [[Om-Zora]]
=== Cadet Training Character===
* [[/Vanya|Vanya]]

* [[USS Juneau]]
* [[USS Ronin]] (Current Posting)
* [[Denali Station]] (Previous Posting)
* [[USS Juneau]] (Previous Ship)
===OOC activites===
* Member of the Ronin Staff
* Member of the Training Team (But on a bit of a Hiatus)
* Potentially more to come... eventually.

* N/A
''(It should go without saying that this is for people in the group to reach me only. But if you need me, this is the email to reach me at)''

===OOC activites===
* N/A

[[Category:User Pages]]
[[Category:User Pages]]

Latest revision as of 17:53, 6 March 2025


  • Name: Ace.
  • Joined Starbase 118: February 2021
  • Gender: Gender-fluid. (Preferably They/she. But people do use he/him around here because of my character. Which is fine.)
  • Age: 29
  • Occupation: I work in a group home for people with disabilities.
  • Location: America
  • OOC Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Hobbies/interests: Writing, reading (I love Urban fantasy, psychological thrillers, sci-fi, and books that sit in a genre I don't know the exact term for but are somewhere between a mystery and an abstract, borderline magical realism? I'll read anything so long as the story is fun, or the topic intrigues me, though. I also love a good fanfiction. Or a bad one. Sometimes they're good for a laugh.) I also like roleplaying/simming, Star Trek, TTRPGs, Cats, and most other animals.
  • Favorite Trek series/movie: DS9, Enterprise, and Prodigy is my recent fave. It's beautifully animated, it has excellent storytelling, and good emotional beats, and considering it's meant for kids, an excellent amount of previous trek references for older trekkies to enjoy. Runner up: Lower Decks. Was above Prodigy until I watched Prodigy and ended up with heart eyes about it. And it's a close runner-up. Because Lower Decks is hysterical and very adult, and picks fun at trek while also really highlighting the good things about Trek at the same time.
  • Writer ID: J239802D12

How I came to SB118

I started roleplaying through various mediums and fandoms around the age of 15. But my exposure to the Star Trek fandom was extremely limited for the majority of my roleplay experiences. Because until I gave the 2009 JJ Abrams Star Trek a chance around age 13, I was stubborn about really disliking it as an attempt to say I was different than the other people in my house who already really liked it. And even when I could admit it was alright, I still wasn't into it yet. But friends did eventually start writing in the fandom where I could see it over the years, and that's when I decided to give it some chances. It still took a number of years to get anywhere near attached, and up until 2020 to binge a good number of the series one after the other.

Even as it was becoming a special interest, I still wasn't writing in the fandom, though. I wasn't quite ready to shift out of the fandom community that I'd been part of for many years at that point. I had friends and attachments to it all. Even though it had long since started to go from something that made me happy, to something that I almost dreaded. But I was enjoying Star Trek in my own time, and enjoying the many conversations with my dad about it about which ones we liked and why. It was nice to be able to comfortably talk about it.

Then at the end of 2020, my dad died very suddenly. I was grieving. Understandably unhappy. And I knew pretty quickly that I could not stay in the community I was in if it made me unhappy to be there when I was already sad enough. But I also really didn't want to give up writing or roleplaying. Despite the community issues, it was still a comfort to me. So I looked into Star Trek writing groups as a comfort for the grief and the community. There were a few others I was considering, but 118 stood out as well-established, welcoming, and possibly the least confusing setup of the ones I was looking into. I also love a wiki deep dive. So I gave it a try, and here I am!


  • Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel?: My first ship was The USS Juneau under Captain Oddas Aria. (The crew officially transferred over to Denali Station in May of 2022) But I came in at the end of a mission called Visitors in the Night. I'll admit, I started out on a rough note. I was in the very beginning stages of grief, among other things. Grief isn't very conducive to keeping up the way I wanted. So I ended up taking an LOA for a few months to make sure I was focusing on my mental health and getting better. I came very close to not coming back. I didn't want to cycle through the motions. I was ready to just let it go. Then the Captain emailed me around the end of the timeframe I said I needed the LOA, which I didn't expect. It forced me to re-examine what I wanted, and what I felt capable of contributing now that I'd had some time away and more therapy. I didn't immediately return. Life was a little too busy for about another month. But once it eased up, I gave it one more round of thought, emailed the captain, and said I was ready. I'm really glad I did.
  • What have been your greatest challenges in this group?: My depression and impostor syndrome. Allowing comparison to be the thief of joy for me. The feeling like I don't add up in comparison, especially on the Ronin crew which is full of people who are maybe more talented than I am. It's a very real issue that I struggle with all the time. I'm trying, but some days it is difficult to be able to acknowledge people actually like me.
  • What have been your greatest achievements in this group?: Dekas' Assimilation Arc. There were elements of Borg things during "The Silent Monster" mission on the Juneau. The majority of the members of the team I was part of had taken sudden LOAs right at the start, and I wanted to try something interesting that I had an idea for. The Captain gave me the go-ahead to allow Dekas to get assimilated at the end of it. And it has led to very interesting character development and a boost in confidence about what I bring to the table. I'm also proud of how far I've come. Even if I do sometimes struggle to really see it objectively most days.
  • What do you ultimately hope to accomplish?: I want to have fun again. I burned out and it made me feel a lot like I was really just starting over completely. I feel a lot like I can't do as much as I used to do, and sometimes I feel a little useless because of it. But I want to have fun again. And long term I'd like to eventually be someone's first officer when I'm ready. Because on my better days, I'm absolutely certain I could make someone a damn fine first officer one day. And I think that stands true enough.

Player Characters


Cadet Training Character


OOC activites

  • Member of the Ronin Staff
  • Member of the Training Team (But on a bit of a Hiatus)
  • Potentially more to come... eventually.


(It should go without saying that this is for people in the group to reach me only. But if you need me, this is the email to reach me at)
