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If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. The Chin'toka crew is around 125 officers, and crewman in total. So adding a PNPC is big deal even if they wont be seen every mission. It is important that you and the CO have a chance to discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PCs on the ship. Therefore, all PNPCs, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.
If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. The Chin'toka crew is around 125 officers, and crewman in total. So adding a PNPC is big deal even if they wont be seen every mission. It is important that you and the CO have a chance to discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PCs on the ship. Therefore, all PNPCs, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.

{| border="0" cellspacing="0" style="max-width:800px"
|style="background:#343434;width:800px" colspan="5" align=center|<font color=white>'''USS Chin'toka NPC Roster'''</font>
|SHIP = USS Chin'toka
{| style="width:100%" align=center
|style="background:maroon" align=center|[[Chin'toka NPCs/Command Division|<font color="white">Command Division</font>]]
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant Commander|Zaaia Leix|Red|STYLE=PIC|Relief Helmsman/Flight Leader|Zaaia Leix.png|15|10|1.3|SPECIES=Centauran/Human|SEX=Female|PC=Nysira Starlyn|USERNAME=Trekkie0587}}
|style="background:darkgoldenrod" align=center|[[Chin'toka NPCs/Operations Division|<font color="white">Operations Division</font>]]
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant|Mesda Chatva|Red|STYLE=PIC|Relief Helmsman|MesdaRedEnsCorrBkgd.png||||SPECIES=Dokkaran|SEX=Female|PC=Nysira Starlyn|USERNAME=Trekkie0587}}
|style="background:#0F4D92" align=center|[[Chin'toka NPCs/Sciences Division|<font color="white">Sciences Division</font>]]
|{{PNPC|Ensign|Jelanna Zarax|Red|Fighter/Small Craft Pilot|Jelanna Zarax new.png|7|2|1.1|SPECIES=Orion|SEX=Female|PC=Serala|USERNAME=Serala|STYLE=PIC|}}
|style="background:#0F4D92" align=center|[[Chin'toka NPCs/Medical Division|<font color="white">Medical Division</font>]]
|{{Dept|Red|Diplomatic Officers}}
|style="background:#606060" align=center|[[Chin'toka NPCs/Civilian Contingent|<font color="white">Civilian Contingent</font>]]
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant|Melvin Martinson|Red|STYLE=PIC|Federation Trade Negotiator, Reserve Officer|Lt_Melvin_Hollis_Martinson.png|9|23|1.6|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|PC=Aine Sherlock|USERNAME=Aine Sherlock|}}
|style="background:#C24641; border:1px solid maroon" align=center|<small>Command Officers<br>Administrative Officers<br>Helm & Shuttle Ops</small>
|{{No Link NPC|Lieutenant JG|Rertak|Gold|Senior Library Technician|SPECIES=Benzite|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC}}
|style="background:goldenrod; border:1px solid darkgoldenrod" align=center|<small>Operations & Engineering<br>Security & Tactical</small>
|{{No Link NPC|Ensign|Neeta Rajendra|Gold|Operations Specialist (Water & Energy)|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC}}
|style="background:#1467c3; border:1px solid #0F4D92" align=center|<small>General Sciences<br>Specialised Sciences</small>
|{{No Link NPC|Petty Officer Second Class|Trurel Vego|Gold|Transporter Operator|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Non-Binary|STYLE=PIC}}
|style="background:#1467c3; border:1px solid #0F4D92" align=center|<small>Medicine & Surgery<br>Nursing & Allied Health<br>Counselling & Psychiatry</small>
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman Second Class|Lance Kyle|Gold|Logistics Assistant|SPECIES=Gideon|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC}}
|style="background:#B6B6B4; border:1px solid #606060" align=center|<small>Civilian Staff</small>
|{{PNPC|Senior Chief Petty Officer|Ravesa|Gold|Engineering Technician|RavesaChiefPOGoldEngBkgd.png|SPECIES=Rekarian|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC|PC=Nysira Starlyn|USERNAME=Trekkie0587}}
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman First Class|Tarva Naprim|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Bajoran|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC|}}
|style="background:#343434;width:800px" colspan="5"|<small><font color=#C0C0C0>{{Chin'tokaNPCs-intro}}</font></small>
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman Second Class|Novek|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Vulcan|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman Third Class|Yelchin|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman Third Class|McGregor|Gold|Engineer|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{Dept|Gold|Security & Tactical}}
<!-- |{{PNPC|Senior Chief Petty Officer|Telli|Gold|Security Crewman|Telli.png|SPECIES=Pelian|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC|PC=Daniel McGillian|USERNAME=Daniel McGillian}} -->
|{{No Link NPC|Petty Officer Second Class|T`Vek|Gold|Security/Tactical|SPECIES=Vulcan|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{No Link NPC|Petty Officer Second Class|MacKenzie "Kenzi" Connors|Gold|Security/Tactical|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{PNPC|Lieutenant Commander|Jordain (Bates) Ilsam|Blue|Xenobiologist|||||SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female|PC=Nysira Starlyn|USERNAME=Trekkie0587|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link NPC|Lieutenant|Zurav La'Ren|Blue|Biochemist|SPECIES=Cygnian|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link NPC|Lieutenant|Saques Myril|Blue|Physicist|SPECIES=Kerelian|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link NPC|Lieutenant|Darris Kalvannis|Blue|Head Lab Technician|SPECIES=Alvanian|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link NPC|Lieutenant JG|Dosei Zett|Blue|Geologist|SPECIES=Atrean|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link NPC|Ensign|Eilen Draal|Blue|Anthropologist|SPECIES=Betazoid|SEX=Male|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman First Class|C'haga|Blue|Science Officer|SPECIES=Caitian|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{No Link NPC|Crewman Second Class|Pics|Blue|Science Officer|SPECIES=Bolian|SEX=Female|STYLE=PIC|}}
|{{NPC|None|Emergency Medical Hologram, Mark III|Blue|EMH|Emh3.jpg|STYLE=PIC|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Female}}
|{{No Link NPC|Ensign|Brian Stenner|Blue|Nurse|STYLE=PIC|SPECIES=Human|SEX=Male}}
|{{No Link NPC|None|Emergency Counseling Hologram|Blue|ECH|STYLE=PIC|SPECIES=Hologram|SEX=Female}}
|{{PNPC|None|Maha Tani|Gray|STYLE=PIC|Reporter|Maha_Tani.jpg||||Grey|Civilian|SPECIES=Orion|SEX=Female|PC=Is’Kah|USERNAME=IsKah|}}
|{{Dept|Gray|Family Members}}
|{{PNPC|None|Jorin|Gray|Serala's Husband|||||SPECIES=Romulan|SEX=Male|PC=Nysira Starlyn|USERNAME=Trekkie0587|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link PNPC|None|T'Saara|Gray|Serala's Daughter|||||SPECIES=Vulcan/Romulan/Human|SEX=Female|PC=Serala|USERNAME=Serala|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link PNPC|None|Terron|Gray|Serala's Son|||||SPECIES=Romulan/Human|SEX=Male|PC=Serala|USERNAME=Serala|STYLE=PIC}}
|{{No Link PNPC|None|Vaebn|Gray|Serala's Son|||||SPECIES=Romulan/Human|SEX=Male|PC=Serala|USERNAME=Serala|STYLE=PIC}}

[[Category:USS Chin'toka|*]]
[[Category:USS Chin'toka|*]]
[[Category:Chin'toka NPCs]]
[[Category:Chin'toka NPCs]]


Latest revision as of 03:44, 16 January 2025

PC's First

One of the most important things on healthy and active ships is to build rich, fulfilling relationships between our PC characters. Those relationships might develop into friendship, romance, tension, or animosity - the important thing is that they develop. Writing for PNPCs can be a lot of fun, however, always keep in mind that they are meant only to be supporting characters to our PC's.

Got An Idea For A PNPC

If you have a PNPC you would like to see added to list, you should email the CO to discuss your idea. The Chin'toka crew is around 125 officers, and crewman in total. So adding a PNPC is big deal even if they wont be seen every mission. It is important that you and the CO have a chance to discuss your PNPC's background, purpose, role on the ship and how they might influence the experiences of our main PCs on the ship. Therefore, all PNPCs, whether specific or shared, must get the green light from the CO before being added to the list and simmed on the ship.

USS Chin'toka NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
PICstyle-ltcmdr red.png
Lieutenant Commander
Zaaia Leix.png
Zaaia Leix Centauran/Human Female Relief Helmsman/Flight Leader Nysira Starlyn
PICstyle-lt red.png
Mesda Chatva Dokkaran Female Relief Helmsman Nysira Starlyn
PICstyle-ens red.png
Jelanna Zarax new.png
Jelanna Zarax Orion Female Fighter/Small Craft Pilot Serala
Diplomatic Officers
PICstyle-lt red.png
Lt Melvin Hollis Martinson.png
Melvin Martinson Human Male Federation Trade Negotiator, Reserve Officer Aine Sherlock
PICstyle-ltjg gold.png
Lieutenant JG
Rertak Benzite Male Senior Library Technician General NPC
PICstyle-ens gold.png
Neeta Rajendra Human Female Operations Specialist (Water & Energy) General NPC
PICstyle-po2 gold.png
Petty Officer Second Class
Trurel Vego Bajoran Non-Binary Transporter Operator General NPC
PICstyle-crew2 gold.png
Crewman Second Class
Lance Kyle Gideon Male Logistics Assistant General NPC
PICstyle-scpo gold.png
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Ravesa Rekarian Female Engineering Technician Nysira Starlyn
PICstyle-crew1 gold.png
Crewman First Class
Tarva Naprim Bajoran Female Engineer General NPC
PICstyle-crew2 gold.png
Crewman Second Class
Novek Vulcan Male Engineer General NPC
PICstyle-crew3 gold.png
Crewman Third Class
Yelchin Human Male Engineer General NPC
PICstyle-crew3 gold.png
Crewman Third Class
McGregor Human Male Engineer General NPC
Security & Tactical
PICstyle-po2 gold.png
Petty Officer Second Class
T`Vek Vulcan Female Security/Tactical General NPC
PICstyle-po2 gold.png
Petty Officer Second Class
MacKenzie "Kenzi" Connors Human Female Security/Tactical General NPC
PICstyle-ltcmdr blue.png
Lieutenant Commander
Jordain (Bates) Ilsam Human Female Xenobiologist Nysira Starlyn
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Zurav La'Ren Cygnian Female Biochemist General NPC
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Saques Myril Kerelian Male Physicist General NPC
PICstyle-lt blue.png
Darris Kalvannis Alvanian Male Head Lab Technician General NPC
PICstyle-ltjg blue.png
Lieutenant JG
Dosei Zett Atrean Male Geologist General NPC
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Eilen Draal Betazoid Male Anthropologist General NPC
PICstyle-crew1 blue.png
Crewman First Class
C'haga Caitian Female Science Officer General NPC
PICstyle-crew2 blue.png
Crewman Second Class
Pics Bolian Female Science Officer General NPC
PICstyle-blank blue.png
Emergency Medical Hologram, Mark III Human Female EMH General NPC
PICstyle-ens blue.png
Brian Stenner Human Male Nurse General NPC
PICstyle-blank blue.png
Emergency Counseling Hologram Hologram Female ECH General NPC
PICstyle-blank silver.png
Maha Tani.jpg
Maha Tani Orion Female Reporter Is’Kah
Family Members
PICstyle-blank silver.png
Jorin Romulan Male Serala's Husband Nysira Starlyn
PICstyle-blank silver.png
T'Saara Vulcan/Romulan/Human Female Serala's Daughter Serala
PICstyle-blank silver.png
Terron Romulan/Human Male Serala's Son Serala
PICstyle-blank silver.png
Vaebn Romulan/Human Male Serala's Son Serala