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Captain '''Leo Handley-Page''' is a [[Terran]]/[[Byzallian]] hybrid, and is currently on a research sabbatical. He previously commanded [[StarBase 118 Ops]] and served on the {{USS|Vigilant}}, {{USS|Tiger|A}}, {{USS|Independence|A}}, and {{USS|Garuda}}.
! style="background:maroon" align="center" |<font color=#ffffff> '''USS Vigilant'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
! style="background:maroon" align="center" |<font color=#ffffff> '''Major Leo Handley-Page'''
| style="font-size: 90%" |
"''Adventurer, Professional Daydreamer and Rural Spaceman''" <br>

|'''Current Rank:'''
|First Officer
<center>[[USS Vigilant]]</center>
Major '''Leo Handley-Page''' is the Second Officer serving on the [[USS Vigilant]].
*'''Character's name:''' [http://www.starbase118.net/lcars/profdet.php?pid=1351 Leo Handley-Page]
*'''Alias(es):''' Graven Beaufytor'''
*'''Species:''' [[Terran|Terran/]][[Byzatium|Byzallian]]
*'''Gender:''' Male
*'''Age:''' 34
*'''Date of Birth:'''  235504.01
* '''Height''': 6’1"
* '''Build''': Toned
* '''Hair Color''': Dark Brown
* '''Eye Color''': Blue outer iris, with golden hazel star around pupils.
* '''Skin Tone''': Fair
* '''Birthmarks, Scars''': None
* '''Poses''': Confident, arms folded.
* '''Style''': Smart casual, jeans or black tops / trousers.
* '''Voice''': Calm and confident.
* '''Handedness''': Right
* '''Mannerisms''': Uses arcane English phrases and tends to make light of grim situations. Often wears massive magnifying spectacles when examining circuitry.
* '''Temperament''': Equable, unflappable, but potential to talk at length on subjects that interest him.
* '''Habits''': Fascinated by gadgets, widgets and technology.
* '''Hobbies''': Running, Parrises squares, orbital skydiving, tinkering with his growing collection of machines and contraptions, investigating mysteries.
* '''Likes''': Solid State Surge (music), history, swords/weapons, gadgets and antique military uniforms
* '''Dislikes''': Poetry, bubble juice, birthday parties, losing, people in authority who don't seem to warrant it.
* '''Shore Leave Destination''': Risa
* '''Favourite Room''': Engineering store room, holodeck
* '''Holodeck Programs''': Knights of the Round Table
* '''Food''': Rokeg blood pie, Byzallian roast, Yigrish cream pie
* '''Drink''': Acamarian brandy, English ale; Cup of tea and biscuits
* '''Languages''': English (Federation Standard), Byzallian, Klingon
* '''Religion/Spiritual Devotion''': Science & Technology
* '''Music''': Muse [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgum6OT_VH8 ''Starlight'']
* '''Goals''': To be an Admiral.
* '''Skills''': Mechanical and alien engineering, intermediate piloting, advanced armed and unarmed combat, survival, witty banter.[[Image:roast.jpg‎|right|190px|thumb|Byzallian roast]]
* '''Quarters''': Dark and sparsely decorated, but filled with dismantled machines, devices and weapons.
* '''Best SIM Quotations''':
'''''"I'm the part of the Castle not normally shown to paying visitors."'''''<br>
'''''"When the lights all grow dim, the dark shadows creep!"'''''<br>
'''''"I am the Puppet Master, and you WILL dance to my tune!"'''''<br>
'''''"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power!'''''"<br>
**'''Biological Father:''' Mons Vor
**'''Adoptive Father:''' Victor Handley-Page
**'''Mother:''' Thera Datchet-Page
*'''Siblings:''' Unknown, possibly one on [[Earth]], one on [[Byzatium]].
*'''Spouse:''' None; last girlfriend - Lucinda Mountbatten de Havilland
==Relationships / Friendships==
There have been several, but nothing permanent. His first sweetheart Sarra was taken from him by the evil LeNoir. Aboard the [[USS Independence-A]], his on/off relationship with Lucinda Mountbatten-DeHavilland was tempestuous at best. On the [[USS Tiger]] he became interested in Doctor [[Velana]], but this ended when they both transferred to different ships. He is now good friends with fellow [[Byzallian]] [[Scania, Calderan|Scania Calderan]] but their relationship is strictly platonic.<br>
Onboard the Vigilant, Leo has become interested in both [[Naran Ola|Naran Ola]] and [[Gwinnett, Brooks|Brooks Gwinnett]], but nothing serious or long-term has yet developed.
==Character History==
Leo Handley-Page is the product of a brief extra-marital encounter between a [[Terran]] woman, Thera Datchet and a gifted [[Byzatium|Byzallian]] technocrat, Mons Vor. For the first five years of his life, Leo was raised in happiness and comfort, as his mother's husband Victor never questioned his legitimacy. 
But when his biological father found out about his existence, Leo was kidnapped and taken to his father's compound on Byzatium where he was renamed simply as Beaufytor. His father truly believed that the boy would forget his mother, but Leo never did. Once he was old enough, he began his training in everything from intergalactic politics to sword-fighting.  It was his father's hope that one day Leo would take over his empire, and then the Byzallian government, which would have given him the power to conquer the quadrant.
When Leo was eighteen, his Father demanded that he join him in an assassination attempt against the Premier of Byzatium. Shocked by the treachery planned, Leo not only disobeyed his Father, but informed the authorities of his plot. The coup was foiled and Mons Vor was forced to flee the planet, vowing revenge, something that continues to weigh on his son's mind almost eighteen years later.
Foiled in his original plot, Mons Vor devised a new scheme, a galactic-wide conspiracy built upon this warped technology – all to serve Mons Vor’s ultimate objective – his own technological empire, the Mechanicus Imperialis, with him as the Supreme Master of Engineers!
For the rest of his life, his Excellency Mons Vor was the curse and Puppet Master of the Quadrant. No worse enemy of freedom has ever appeared in the trappings of polite civilisation. Insatiable appetite for power, cold calculating ruthlessness and monumental greed for riches all presented themselves armed with fire, phaser and sword. The veneer of culture and good manners, of brilliant ceremonies and elaborate etiquette, only added a heightening effect to the villainy of his life's story. Better the barbarian conquerors of antiquity, primordial figures of the abyss, than this quiet, machiavellian creature, strutting amid the bows and scrapes of servitors and assassins to the torment of his age. Cruel and duplicitous, excelling in his lust for power, this Master of Engineers disturbed and harried the Galaxy with the lights of perverted science through decades of arrogant pomp, ably assisted by his dark agents.
Meanwhile, Leo also fled Byzatium and applied to Starfleet Academy in 2373. At the Academy, Leo excelled in his science, engineering and tactical classes, and upon graduation, became a gifted young science Ensign in Star Fleet. He was poised to be promoted to full Lieutenant aboard the USS Nautilus, but during a routine mission, a mistake occurred whilst the ship was manoeuvring that resulted in a shuttlecraft getting crushed, its pilot dying as well as the Nautilus sustaining severe damage. This event was only referred to as the 'Docking Incident' in the ship’s log. Leo and a more senior officer, his friend Commander Nathaniel Cyrus, were the only crew on duty. Cyrus was at fault for the tragedy, but being close friends, Leo agreed to take the blame for his friend who's career promised so much more than Leo's at that point. Cyrus promised to restore Leo to his role as soon as he was in a position to do so. Sadly, Cyrus (later to rise to the rank of Commodore before being forced to retire due to further scandals) never spoke to Leo again after the court martial and left him to fend for himself. Leo was demoted to Crewman and sent to work on the freighter SS Graven.
As the most highly qualified member of the crew on the Graven, Leo soon began to get the measure of the nominal senior officers aboard. The SS Graven frequented many of the less savoury parts of the galaxy, and was involved in many exciting and dangerous adventures. On the Graven, Leo befriended a number of the other crew, each with their own reasons for being shunned from their own Worlds. First was Sarra, daughter of a rich Terran businessman with aristocratic pretentions. When her father disapproved of her career choice of smuggling ancient artefacts, she abandoned her home and ventured forth for a life of riches and adventure amongst the stars. The other was Karinus LeNoir, a disgraced former [[Pythron]] intelligence officer, who had been given a dishonourable discharge for excessive violence during interrogations. He had escaped his jailers and become a freelance assassin and gangster.
[[File:Lucindadh.jpg|left|140px]] After several years, the Graven was on a routine delivery when it passed by an unstable worm-hole. Suddenly out of the vortex emerged a small ship, closely pursued by a massive vessel. The Graven had to take evasive actions to avoid getting crashed into. The small vessel was struck by torpedo and phaser fire from the giant, and began to explode.[[File:LeNoir.jpg|right|140px]] Just before it exploded, its crew beamed aboard the Graven. To the shock of Leo and his comrades, the evacuees were all [[ma:Borg|Borg]] drones! A sudden fire-fight erupted as the Graven crew fought to save themselves from being assimilated. Whilst Leo protected his girlfriend Sarra and tried to contact anyone for help, LeNoir went on the offensive against the Borgs. The gun battle raged, but being only a freighter with a relatively small crew, the Graven crew were beginning to fail. Several members of the crew had already succumbed to the Borg, and were turning on their former comrades. Just as all seemed lost, a group of aliens materialised from the larger ship. These aliens resembled tall slim grey bipeds, not unlike the classic alien vision from early 21st century Earth’s popular culture. These aliens rapidly overpowered the Borg drones, in some cases physically tearing them limb from limb. Leo and his friends, bruised and bloodied, welcomed their saviours. The Grey Aliens looked at the motley crew through flashing blue eyes. LeNoir went forward and reached up a hand, seemingly hypnotised by what he saw. Then the whole scene went bright white.
The crew of the Graven awoke, according to their log, about three days later. The ship was adrift and the aliens had gone. The Graven had, however, been massively upgraded with a whole variety of technology none of the Graven’s crew had ever encountered. Leo, who had a natural interest and flare for gadgetry, was fascinated and looked into what all the new equipment could do. With many of their officers now dead or assimilated, LeNoir was the ranking crewmember left, and took command. He seemed even more distant than before, but the others thought nothing much of it, just grateful to be alive. The Graven continued on its original mission, but it soon became apparent that LeNoir was hiding something from his crewmates. After some forceful persuasion, he showed them the treasure trove in the Graven’s reserve hull. The Borg drones were still there, but dissected and experimented upon. The aliens had given LeNoir the ability to understand and control these Borg drones, and replicate their technology and adapt it to his own needs. It was also clear to Leo that LeNoir was becoming mentally unbalanced, or at the very least an aspiring tyrant. Before they could stop him, LeNoir turned on them and killed Sarra, and left Leo for dead.
After a time of recovering, Leo made his way back to civilisation, and eventually Star Fleet. Back on front-line duties aboard the [[USS Independence-A]]. Leo still enjoyed getting his hands dirty building, dismantling and fixing a wide variety of machinery and technological devices. He also often acted as an avuncular figure to some of the younger crew around him in engineering, especially the promising Crewman [[Rawden, Rick|Rick Rawden]], being a much more approachable figure than Chief Engineer [[Darius Clack]]. Although Leo respected Clack's great abilities as an engineer, the two men did not get on well and they tried to keep their conversations to the minimum. Leo was also keenly aware that there was much more to Darius Clack than initially met the eye. Leo’s main objective was however for a quiet life.
Leo joined the Independence crew as they went on their mission to Bilire VI, and managed to get a place on the away team. There he was able to observe the biological warfare agent (the Wrath Plague) developed by the Romulan spies that was unleashed on the Romulan refugees and Star Fleet alike. Leo’s own technological skills allowed him to develop bug blockers that prevented himself getting infected.
An unexpected event on Bilire VI was a violent riot that broke out. Romulan rioters stormed the engineering camp and the hospital, and Leo only just managed to escape with his life – but not without being forced to kill several rioters in self-defence. Leo was beamed aboard the Independence and interred in the Brig, where he was cross-examined by Captain [[Riley, Sidney|Sidney Riley]] and Chief Engineer [[Darius Clack]]. His somewhat confrontational approach to his commanding officers scuppered any chance of clemency for his actions on Bilire VI, and he was confined to the brig pending transfer to DeepSpace17 and a [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SB118-Independence/message/19993 Court Martial].
Leo was rightly acquitted as he was acting in self-defence and returned to Star Fleet under the assumed name of Graven Beaufytor. He was assigned as a security officer to the [[USS Tiger-A]] and made it to the rank of Lieutenant. However, during the USS Tiger’s [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-tiger/message/4223 Hologate] mission, Leo/Graven accidentally caused [[Wulfantine, Eyas|Eyas Wulfantine's]] genetic transformation by giving him an unauthorized hypospray. For this, Leo was demoted from Lieutenant back to Lieutenant JG. Soon after, he [http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-tiger/message/4822 left the Tiger] and spent a leave of absence with his friend [[Scania, Calderan|Scania Calderan]] having adventures across the galaxy, before returning to Starbase118 to resume his career for a third and [http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-mercury/message/2568 final time.]
==Return To Star Fleet==
Leo was called back to duty aboard the [[USS Vigilant]] as First Officer. He felt honoured to be given such a role, and was as unexpected as it was welcomed. Leo made his way to his new ship, under the command of Captain [[Herrera, Diego|Diego Herrera]], where  it was to patrol a section of Beta-quadrant Federation territory which had been all but annexed due to the closing of Klingon borders. The USS Vigilant, assigned to the Zeta Gelis region and the planet Zakdorn, had access to the scores of colonies, homeworlds and starbases that found themselves under siege. Leo revelled in his forthcoming challenges.
Leo led an away team on Zakdorn where the crew uncovered a plot by the Klingons to turn the Zakdorns over to their side. After some epic speeches by Captain Herrera and other members of the Senior Crew, the Zakdorns sided with the Federation.
==Career History==
*'''Ensign to Lieutenant:'''  USS Nautilus
*'''Crewman:'''  SS Graven
*'''Ensign:'''  Deep Space 17 / USS Independence-A: Mission to Bilire VI
*'''LtJG:'''  USS Independence-A: Mirror Universe
*'''Lt:'''  USS Tiger: Hologate
*'''LtCmdr:'''  USS Vigilant
*'''Current Rank:''' Lieutenant Commander
*'''Current Assignment:''' ''[[USS Vigilant]]''
*'''Duty Post:''' First Officer
<font color=#ffffff>'''[[List of Awards|<font color=#ffffff>Awards</font>]] & [[Service Ribbons|<font color=#ffffff>Service Ribbons</font>]]'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:60px;" |<font color=#000000>'''Year'''</font>
! style="background:#B8B8B8; width:120px;" |<font color=#000000>'''Insignia'''</font>
! style="background:#E6E6E6; width:180px;" |<font color=#000000>'''Award'''</font>
! style="background:#B8B8B8; width:350px;" |<font color=#000000>'''Awarded For'''</font>
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" rowspan="5"|2389-2390
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[File:Awards ServiceRibbons battleforbajor 2011.jpg|120px]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Bajoran Campaign Ribbon
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |<span style="font-size:85%">''Awarded to a person who participated in the defense of Bajor during the conflict in which it became a member of the United Federation of Planets, colloquially known as the [[Battle for Bajor]].''</span>
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[File:Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg|120px]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Joint Meritorious Unit Award
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |<span style="font-size:85%">''Awarded to a person who participates in a joint action with an allied or neutral force toward a common goal.''</span>
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |[[File:KlingonInvasion.jpg|120px]]
! style="background:#E6E6E6;" |Klingon Invasion Ribbon
! style="background:#B8B8B8;" |<span style="font-size:85%">''Awarded to a person that has taken part in the [[Klingon Invasion of 2389]].''</span>
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Latest revision as of 18:00, 16 January 2016

Captain Leo Handley-Page is a Terran/Byzallian hybrid, and is currently on a research sabbatical. He previously commanded StarBase 118 Ops and served on the USS Vigilant, USS Tiger-A, USS Independence-A, and USS Garuda.