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<div style="color:grey;font-size:8pt; padding-bottom:-10px;">Starbase 118 Ops Senior Staff: [[Template:Sb118crew|[edit]]]</div>
|SHIP = StarBase 118 Ops
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border:thin grey solid; padding-right:5px; font-size:8pt;"
|ROSTER PAGE = StarBase 118 Ops Crew
|NPC PAGE = StarBase 118 Ops NPC Personnel
|HISTORY PAGE = SB118Ops_Crew_History}}
<!--|{{Logotile|Starbase 118 Ops}}-->
| rowspan="5" width="40px"| [[Image:icons_command.png|40px]]
|{{Tile Officer|Gogigobo Fairhug|Red|Commanding Officer}}
| '''CO:'''  [[Nicholotti, Kali|Kali Nicholotti]]
|{{Tile Officer|Shar'Wyn Foster|Red|First Officer}}
| rowspan="5" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_comms.png|40px]]
|{{Tile Officer|Madison Marsh|Red|Mission Specialist}}
| '''2O:''' [[Walker, Benjamin J.|Ben Walker]]
|{{Tile Officer|Saschenka Kreshkova|Red|Helm Officer|NICKNAME=Sasch Kreshkova}}
| rowspan="5" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_comms.png|40px]]
|{{Tile Officer|Korras|Gold|Chief of Ops}}
| '''HCO:''' [[Raiden, Marcus| Marcus Raiden]]
|{{Tile Officer|Haukea-Willow|Gold|Chief of Security}}
| rowspan="5" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_engineering.png|40px]]
|{{Tile Officer|Samuel Woolheater|Gold|Security Officer}}
| '''CEO:''' [[Breeman, Kevin|Kevin Breeman]]
| rowspan="5" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_security.png|40px]]
| '''CoS:''' [[Orman, Katy|Katy Orman]]
<!-- | rowspan="3" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_tactical.png|40px]]
| '''Tac:''' [[Kolix|Kolix]] -->
| rowspan="5" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_medical.png|40px]]
| '''CMO:''' [[MacLaren, Johanna Diedre|Johanna MacLaren]]
| rowspan="5" width="40px"| [[Image:Counsicon.jpg|40px]]
| '''CDO:''' [[Brek]]
| rowspan="5" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_science.png|40px]]
| '''SCI:''' [[Nevarass, Alahndra Lelwin|Alahndra Nevarass]]
| rowspan="5" width="40px"| [[Image:Marineicon.jpg|40px]]
| ''' MC:''' [[Dubeau, Joseph|Joseph Dubeau]]
<!-- | rowspan="3" width="40px" | [[Image:icons_other.png|40px]]
    | '''DC:''' [[Brek]] -->
| '''FO:''' [[Matthews, Alexander |Alexander Matthews]]
| '''SOO:'''
| '''CTO:''' [[Silveira, Vitor|Vitor Silveira]]
| '''ACE:''' [[Livingston, Benjamin|Ben Livingston]]
| '''SO:''' [[Vincent, Jeremy|Jeremy Vincent]]
| '''MO:''' [[Skyfire, Chythar|Chythar Skyfire]]
|{{Tile Officer|Corey Wethern|Teal|CMO}}
|{{Tile Officer|Ryden Kel|Teal|Medical Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Karen Stendhal|Teal|Counsellor}}
|{{Tile Officer|Vitor Tito|Blue|Science Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Solaris McLaren|Black|Director of Intel}}
|{{Tile Officer|Evan Ross|Black|Intel Officer}}
|{{Logotile|Starbase 118 Ops}}

<!--LOA List:
|{{Tile Officer|Rustyy Hael|Gold|Chief Engineer}}
|{{Tile Officer|T'Reyna|Gold|Security Officer}}
|{{Tile Officer|Theo Whittaker|Gold|Capt. of Engineering}}


'''Key to Abbreviations''':
* '''''[[ma:Command division|Command Division (Red)]]'''''
** CO = Commanding Officer
** XO = Executive Officer (First Officer)
** 2O = Second Officer
** DC = Diplomatic Corps
** MSp = Mission Specialists
** SOO = Strategic Operations Officer
** CHC = Chief of Helm and Communications
** DC = Diplomatic Corps
** AMB = Ambassador
* '''''[[ma:Operations division|Operations Division (Gold)]]'''''
** CoO = Chief of Operations
** HCO = Helm, Communications, & Operations Officer
** FOp = Flight Operations
** CE = Chief Engineer
** ACE = Assistant Chief Engineer
** EO = Engineering Officer
** CTO = Chief Tactical Officer
** ACTO = Asisstant Chief Tactical Officer
** TO = Tactical Officer
** CoS = Chief of Security
** CoS/T = Chief of Security and Tactical
** ACoS = Assistant Chief of Security
** Sec = Security Officer
* '''''[[ma:Sciences division|Sciences Division (Blue)]]'''''
** CMO = Chief Medical Officer
** ACMO = Assistant Chief Medical Officer
** MO = Medical Officer
** MRS = Medical Research Specialist
** CSO = Chief Science Officer
** Sci = Science Officer
** CC = Chief Counselor
** Coun = Counselor
* Civ = Civilian
* LOA = Leave of Absence
* '''''[[Marines|Marines (Green)]]'''''
** MC = Marine Commander
** MO = Marine Officer
** MTO = Marine Tactical Officer

==How To Use This Template==
Check [[Template:Crew]] for full instructions.

[[Category:StarBase 118 Ops Crew]]</noinclude>
{{ID subpages note}}
[[Category:StarBase 118 Ops]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 22:23, 2 March 2025

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
Edit This Nav

How To Use This Template

Check Template:Crew for full instructions.

This page incorporates information from character ID subpages. More information about how to use them is available here.