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  image = [[Image:Lwaxana troi.jpg]]|
|image = [[Image:Lwaxana troi.jpg|Image of Lwaxanna Troi, a Betazoid female]]
  fedstatus = Member|
|fedstatus = Member
  4letter = BTZD|
|4letter = BTZD
  origin = [[ma:Betazed|Betazed]]|
|origin = [[Betazed]]
  encountered = [[ma:TNG|TNG]]: ''[[ma:The Haven|The Haven]]''|
|encountered = [[ma:TNG|TNG]]: ''[[ma:The Haven|The Haven]]''
  techlevel = N+|
|T/E rating = T4/E4
|techlevel = N+
A culture of great beauty and an ancient history, telepathic talents, and nearly identical to humans, '''[[ma:Betazoid|Betazoids]]''' are a member of the [[ma:United Federation of Planets|UFP]] and are common in [[ma:Starfleet|Starfleet]].  
A culture of great beauty and an ancient history, telepathic talents, and nearly identical to humans, '''[[ma:Betazoid|Betazoids]]''' are a member of the [[ma:United Federation of Planets|UFP]] and are common in [[ma:Starfleet|Starfleet]].  

Betazoids are usually tall, 1.65-2.13 meters, with a slim-line appearance, weighing between 52-100 kilograms, dependent on height. Both males and females are humanoid mammals. Males of the species tend to be less hairy than humans, and women are generally considered of same strength. In addition, their REM sleep frequency is different than for most humanoids.

Their brain contains a paracortex, or telepathic lobe, which is highly capable of recovery from injury, and includes the "metaconsciousness," or a trauma filter; psilosynine is the neurotransmitter involved in telepathy.
The order of government line on Betazoid consists of Peace Keepers, which are like peaceful cops, and higher government officials. Peace Keepers are trained in telepathic battle, and they are kept under careful control and consideration. Higher Government Officials are much like a Republic system, and little is known further.
Betazoids share many physical features with their [[Terran]] allies, the key difference being their black irises. They generally have a slim-line appearance, weighing between 52 - 100 kilograms, dependent on height. Both males and females are humanoid mammals. Males of the species tend to be less hairy than Terrans, and women are generally considered of same strength.

Similiar to humans, although child-birth is generally considered more intense and longer. Gestation period is 10 months, and the reproductive structures of male and female Betazoids are similar to humans. Females also go through a period entitled "The Phase", in which their sex drive quadruples. Betazoids are also fertile for the majority of their lives, sometimes having children in their 50s, 60s, and some even 70s. Please see Biology for further explanation.
Their brain contains a paracortex, or telepathic lobe, which is highly capable of recovery from injury, and includes the "metaconsciousness," or a trauma filter; psilosynine is the neurotransmitter involved in telepathy. In addition, their REM sleep frequency is different than for most humanoids.  

===Bodily Functions and Design===
Betazoids are very flexible, and they can control many body functions. Their body functions (heart, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine) are very similar to humans, with the exception of their skeletal system being close to that of a cat.
Betazoids are very flexible, and they can control many body functions. Their body functions (heart, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine) are very similar to humans, with the exception of their skeletal system being close to that of a cat.

Most Betazoids have telepathic capabilities, which is not inborn but almost always comes on with adolescence. Telepathic power follows a bell curve average throughout the population, with most being of medium power, while few have weak or strong powers. There are also cases of over-empathic abilities, and those who suffer from such extremes must be counseled and trained to avoid insanity, but are almost always affected throughout their life.
Similiar to humans, although child-birth is generally considered more intense and longer. Gestation period is 10 months, and the reproductive structures of male and female Betazoids are similar to humans. During mid-life (usually between the ages of 35-60), female Betazoids go through a period called "The Phase", in which their sex drive quadruples and has been known to inhibit their telepathic abilities. Betazoids are also fertile for the majority of their lives, sometimes having children in their 50s, 60s, and some even 70s.

Most Betazoids receive formal training for their powers based on strength.  
Betazoids display many various personalities, and they are just as varied as humans are. Most tend to run on the introverted side, yet probably 40% of them are extroverts. They appear quiet because of their telepathic nature, and most like to ponder, meditate, and study. Most seek personal understanding and hold enlightenment the highest goal. They also display total honesty, almost a phenomenon. It is encouraged strongly even in young age, but it persists often throughout their last days. It can be viewed sometimes as brutal and impolite honesty, but they mean no harm when they speak the blind truth.

Betazoids are actually uncomfortable around those, like the Ferengi and Breen, whose minds they cannot read. Similarly, the minds of animals can be a bit frightening to them, and they tend to prefer smaller animals.  
Avid believers of meditation, Betazoids often use a focal point to focus their energy. The benefits of this can be extreme immunity from pain or even death, and it allows for more bodily control.

==Societal Practices==
Betazoids love large crowds, and most banquets and socials held have large crowds. This is especially common among the noble classes and Houses. Regular Betazoids tend to prefer intelligent talk, and most don't engage in heavy joking and humour. They enjoy enlightening conversations also, and they often come out as quiet when really they are just talking through telepathy. Food served at banquets and feasts are supposedly very sundry and varied, allowing for many choices and preferences.  
===Gender Acceptance Roles===
In Betazed, the Gender roles are on a 40/60 system. Males are considered less worthy and less intelligent than a woman, although usually most of the females are tolerant and considerably equal-minded. Females always inherit family wealth, and they are often the head of households and families. But males can also hold those positions, and sometimes even government positions. The masculinity/femininity roles are not present in Betazoid culture, as males and females can vary in both intensity, competitiveness, and strength powers.  

===Aristocratic/Noble Classes===
They are often are capable of loving more then one person at the same time in a very deep way, a trait sometimes attributed to the empathic lobe of their brains. The females of the Betazoid population treasure the males as more 'playmates' when it comes to sex, but many of them also hold it to be a sacred event of bonding. Most don't hold sex as the primary reason for having children. Instead, they look deeper into the bonding and intense telepathic experience.
The social organisation of Betazed is a class-system, although there are no major gaps between 'poor' and 'wealthy'. The Noble Classes are a small chunk of the Betazoid population in which are believed to descend from the very first ancestral Betazoids. The Noble Classes are then further divided into Houses, which are based on the gifts and values of the individuals.  

====''Houses of Betazed''====
Betazoids are actually uncomfortable around those, like the Ferengi and Breen, whose minds they cannot read. Similarly, the minds of animals can be a bit frightening to them, and they tend to prefer smaller animals.  
The Houses of Betazed is the top most social class of Betazed  society. All of the individuals in this class are considered to be actual descendants of ancestral Betazoids. The Houses of Betazoids are numbered, and they can also be classified in the qualities that the Houses are supposed to hold. There are a total of about 13 separate houses, based on ancestor and qualities.  
# First House of Betazed: House of Honesty/Truth
# Second House of Betazed: Unknown House
# Third House of Betazed: House of Health
# Fourth House of Betazed: House of Natural Art
# Fifth House of Betazed: House of Nobility
# Sixth House of Betazed: Unknown House
# Seventh House of Betazed: House of Courage
# Eighth House of Betazed: Unknown House
# Ninth House of Betazed: Unknown House
# Tenth House of Betazed: House of Perseverance
# Eleventh House of Betazed: Unknown House
# Twelfth House of Betazed: House of Balance
# Thirteenth House of Betazed: House of Peace and Protection

===Telepathic Worth===
Telepathic worth is considered by the amount of power and telepathic strength a Betazoid has. A lot of Betazoids have stronger empathic powers, and the actual powers are treated with respect and dignity. The Noble Classes tend to have stronger powers, posing a strong argument for the idea of their direct ancestry.  
Most Betazoids have telepathic capabilities, which is not inborn but almost always comes on with adolescence. Telepathic power follows a bell curve average throughout the population, with most being of medium power, while few have weak or strong powers. There are also cases of over-empathic abilities, and those who suffer from such extremes must be counseled and trained to avoid insanity, but are almost always affected throughout their life. Most Betazoids receive formal training for their powers based on strength.

===The Peace Keepers===
=== Telepathy in Betazoid Hybrids ===
The order of government line on Betazoid consists of Peace Keepers, which are like peaceful cops, and higher government officials. Peace Keepers are trained in telepathic battle, and they are kept under careful control and consideration. Higher Government Officials are much like a Republic system, and little is known further.
Interspecies reproduction involving Betazoids often affect the psionic abilities of the offspring – most commonly the children of such a union develop empathic abilities as their primary psionic talent, while their telepathic abilities, though existing, are rather below average for Betazoids. Usually the telepathy of those of partial Betazoid heritage, without extensive training, is limited to communication with other empaths or telepaths and full telepathic contact with emotionally very close persons (for example, an imzadi).<ref>[ "Betazoid - Telepathic abilities"]. Memory Alpha. Retrieved 2021-12-19.</ref>

==Methods and Social Psychology==
Betazoid hybrids generally have a lower telepathy rating on the [[T/E Rating]] system than T4 - for example, Human/Betazoid hybrids have a T2 rating.
===Child-Rearing Practices===
Child-rearing on Betazoid is understanding and usually gentle but stern. Children are often predestined, although most have the privilege to defy their given fates, including their given pre-arranged marriages. Most receive some sort of pre-destined idea of what they are supposed to do with their lives. At the young ages, Betazoid children often bond with friends closely, making youthful relationships last a lifetime. Parents are supposed to be open towards their children, always encouraging total honesty. They must also establish rules that are enforced with reason, not just because I said so. Older children develop telepathic skills, and they receive training under strong encouragement of parents and peers alike. When the children come of age, a special occasion of age-marking takes place in which a parent 'passes on' their own telepathic energies, and bonding takes place and is finished.  

===Training and Traditional Education===
Betazoids start school early, and the earliest schooling is set up in a nurturing setting with many adults and positive influences. Strong artistic and mental skills are established at this time, and all younger Betazoids are subject to preliminary trances and methods of relaxation. At middle school, the earlier developers of telepathy are often sent to alternate schools to help them deal with their powers and often stronger influences. The norm of society, although, is taught at this time about their own minds and learn more complex functions. At later schooling, prior to the high school equivalent, they develop the first telepathic skills. They learn more and more, and eventually, they master most of their skills. The skills vary, of course, and the parents at this time become more open to their children and often share strong bonding experiences with their kin.
{{Betazoid Religions}}
Widely accepted Betazoid beliefs include gods, spirits, and heaven. Major Betazoid religious beliefs and religions include the following:
*The [[Four Deities]], recognized by the largest religions on Betazed and commonly used as an exclamation in everyday language ("By the Four Deities").
*The Cult of [[Karawati]]
*[[Khrysarians]], a secret society of Betazoid mystics who practice the teachings of [[Khrysaros]]

Many Betazoids are polytheist, meaning that they believe in more then one god. Betazoid religions assign myths and spirits/gods to certain forces of nature and themselves. They also believe that Nobles and House members are more privileged to the gods.
The first courtship practices are practised at a very young age when the parents of Betazoid children promise their children to each other and then go through with genetic bonding. Genetic Bonding is an old-style practice, and ancient Betazoids used to think that the two subjects actually 'bond' with physical genes, and telepathic energies emitted in childhood, though undetected. After the children reach an older age, many do not go through with their pre-destined marriages. This is accepted as natural, and most parents don't mind it too much. Although, some will go as far as disowning their children for it, which is sad and unfortunate. Later adult courtship often takes place at weddings and banquets, some conducted in total nakedness. Later on the their lives, at the Earth equivalent of about 40 years, the women go through "The Phase"- a phase in which their sexual urges quadruples. Some interesting courting methods are partner trances, and scenic watching and viewing.
===Social Practices, Banquets, and Feasts===
Betazoids love large crowds, and most banquets and socials held have large crowds. This is especially common among the noble classes and Houses. Regular Betazoids tend to prefer intelligent talk, and most don't engage in heavy joking and humour. They enjoy enlightening conversations also, and they often come out as quiet when really they are just talking through telepathy. Food served at banquets and feasts are supposedly very sundry and varied, allowing for many choices and preferences.
===Various Personalities/Total Honesty===
Betazoids display many various personalities, and they are just as varied as humans are. Most tend to run on the introverted side, yet probably 40% of them are extroverts. They appear quiet because of their telepathic nature, and most like to ponder, meditate, and study. Most seek personal understanding and hold enlightenment the highest goal. They also display total honesty, almost a phenomenon. It is encouraged strongly even in young age, but it persists often throughout their last days. It can be viewed sometimes as brutal and unpolite honesty, but they mean no harm when they speak the blind truth.

==Religion & Mytholoy==
* Great Fire: Mentioned in Imzadi I, Great Fire is supposedly a god that reigned before the dawn of the world, Betazed. Some fan-fiction and myths have led to him being a cruel god peaked on destroying life, and yet others determine that he was sacred and kind. This entity in mythology is still being discovered and studied.  
* Great Fire: Mentioned in Imzadi I, Great Fire is supposedly a god that reigned before the dawn of the world, Betazed. Some fanfiction and myths have led to him being a cruel god peaked on destroying life, and yet others determine that he was sacred and kind. This entity in mythology is still being discovered and studied.  
* Jalara Guardians: According to Betazoid mythology, the Jalara Guardians were 'nympth-like' in character, and they guard the Jalara Jungle. They were believed to have planted their nests on the jungle floor, causing the mortal quicksand pits present today.  
* Jalara Guardians: According to Betazoid mythology, the Jalara Guardians were 'nympth-like' in character, and they guard the Jalara Jungle. They were believed to have planted their nests on the jungle floor, causing the mortal quicksand pits present today.  
* Mendissia Historians: According to some fanfiction, there are mentions of 'Mendissian Historians', and according the Roddenberry, it was an original plan of Betazoid culture that never fell through. However, it is good to note them as the historians that separated the firsts Noble houses from the rest of the regular populations after a great war that separated families and friends.  
* Mendissia Historians: According to some fanfiction, there are mentions of 'Mendissian Historians', and according the Roddenberry, it was an original plan of Betazoid culture that never fell through. However, it is good to note them as the historians that separated the firsts Noble houses from the rest of the regular populations after a great war that separated families and friends.  
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* Fates: Much like Roman and Greek Fates, these are supposed to be special forces that lead a Betazoid to a certain noble truth or fate in their lives.
* Fates: Much like Roman and Greek Fates, these are supposed to be special forces that lead a Betazoid to a certain noble truth or fate in their lives.

===Widely Accepted Religion===
A good deal of evidence suggests that most Betazoids are polytheist, meaning that they believe in more then one God. This was evident in the Fifth House, and so logic suggests that that is how it is mostly everywhere. Widely accepted beliefs are in gods, spirits, and heaven. The religions are much like Native-American religions, assigning myths and spirits/gods to certain forces of nature and themselves. They also believe that Nobles and House members are more 'privileged to the gods.  
{{Houses of Betazed}}
:''See also: [[Houses of Betazed]]''
The social organisation of Betazed is a class-system, although there are no major gaps between 'poor' and 'wealthy'. The Noble Classes are a small chunk of the Betazoid population in which are believed to descend from the very first ancestral Betazoids. The Noble Classes are then further divided into Houses, which are based on the gifts and values of the individuals.  

In Betazed, the gender roles are on a 40/60 system. Males are considered less worthy and less intelligent than a woman, although usually most of the females are tolerant and considerably equal-minded. Females always inherit family wealth, and they are often the head of households and families. But males can also hold those positions, and sometimes even government positions. The masculinity/femininity roles are not present in Betazoid culture, as males and females can vary in both intensity, competitiveness, and strength powers.  
Traditions of Betazoid are incredible and interesting, and they are all described below.  

===Telepathic Worth===
Conducted in the nude as a celebration of strong love and bonding, both telepathic and physical. Most believe that it is okay to keep more then one actual love though, and the wedding celebration is a complex system of gifts and replies. The tying of knots is also associated with this tradition.  
Telepathic worth is considered by the amount of power and telepathic strength a Betazoid has. A lot of Betazoids have stronger empathic powers, and the actual powers are treated with respect and dignity.

====''Genetic Bonding''====
This involves younger Betazoids offered to one another as a predestiny of marriage or love. The parents arrange this, and it is a telepathic bonding that is supposed to last for a lifetime. Children, although, are not required to totally devout themselves or even carry through with it.
:''See also: [[Betazoid/Language|Betazoid Language]]
:''See also: [[Betazoid Martial Arts]]

===Museums and Natural Beauty===
Betazoids meditate a lot, and they often use a focal point to focus their energy. The benefits of this can be extreme immunity from pain or even death, and it allows for more bodily control.  
Betazoids treasure art and especially natural beauty, and they love to portray nature and their inner feelings through music, natural abstract, and massive museums with art. Betazoids also encourage artistry, and their museums are set up so that a constant stream of new age music plays in the background. Although, they call it 'soul' music. The paintings are hung on a flat wall bent slightly downward so that you can view it easily, and every portrait or so has a comfortable contoured bench for meditation. Certain pictures are separated by certain themes.  

===Types of Betazoid Art===
Usually, when a Betazoid gives an elaborate gift to someone that is very special to them, they will place it into a special box and give it to them in that. The box usually has a face on it that can show emotion, and it can sometimes be very elaborate and expensive.  
Types of Betazoid art include natural beauty art, abstract natural beauty, empathic abstract, and plain abstract. Natural abstract is a mixture of natural tones that make out a discernible picture intermixed with a theme. Empathic abstract is art that displays very abstractly emotions and strong empathic fields. Plain abstract is just a free-for-all abstract painting discerning anything from life to trees. Sculptures are also there, and many of them are also abstract.  

===Painting of Ancestors===
As the generations of a Noble Household process farther and farther, each daughter is painted at the age of 40 in a painting a little larger then the last predecessor. This shows how the past becomes less and less memorable, yet will always be there. Some of the ancient paintings are extremely large, some taking up entire rooms and even houses themselves.  
As the generations of a Noble Household process farther and farther, each daughter is painted at the age of 40 in a painting a little larger then the last predecessor. This shows how the past becomes less and less memorable, yet will always be there. Some of the ancient paintings are extremely large, some taking up entire rooms and even houses themselves.  

===Preservation of Body===
The traditional music of Betazoid is very calm and soothing, and very surreal. Much of it is similar to a light mix of today's New Age. Betazoids thrive on inner thoughts and meditation, and usually that art can be soothing, calming, and very pleasing. They also express themselves through this kind of art/music, and it allows for creativity and originality in their culture.
Only recently in the past 600 years or so have Betazoids taken the practice of preserving deceased loved ones in special chemicals that help the body last for generations. This is most common in the Houses, as few lower level citizens have the room to hold such sacred items.  
There is a generational divide forming in the Betazoid arts, however.  Younger Betazoids have begun rebelling against the traditional abstract arts and have embraced a more popular style which is shaped by narrative arcs.  Live theatrical and operatic performances such as ''Darkening Dreams'' have become extremely popular in recent decades, frustrating the older Betazoid critics.
Betazoid food is varied greatly, and there are many different sources. They have breads, vegetation, berry and fruit-like sweets, and various meats. Betazoids tend to be more herbivorous then carnivorous, as large animals can be intimidating to kill.
* Breads: This category is much like Earth food, containing breads and wheat. Betazoids have a special spaghetti-like dish called Raixen (Roddenberry, 2000).
* Vegetation: This category includes leafy morsels and sometimes even flowers. An example is Oskoid, a favourite dish of many Betazoids, and is a delicacy. (''Menage a Troi'')
**Uvrali is a type of silky flower that can be used to make garments such as gloves.<ref>[ "Story Souvenirs"], [[Miaxdiso Avoi]], {{USS|Gorkon}}, SD 240006.10</ref>
* Berry and Fruit-Like Sweets: Uttaberries and swix are berry-like items found in jungles and some in fields. Uttaberries are red, and swix are purplish. Swix can cause an allergic reaction in some Betazoids. (Roddenberry, 2000).
** Veacot is a plum-like fruit that can be eaten fresh but is often served as a refreshing drink with ice.<ref>[ "Fresh Peculiarities"], [[Miaxdiso Avoi]], {{USS|Gorkon}}, SD 240006.01</ref>
* Various Meats: Meats included in the diet of Betazoids can sometimes range from small aves meat to large swine-like meat. There are a few carnivorous predators that have supposedly superb tasting meat, but can only be obtained in jungles. (Imzadi I, Chandra's Wedding Scene)
* Spices: Spices are used both in food and drinks.
** Diahali is a Betazed spirit infused with warmed herbs and spices and often downed as a shot.<ref>[ "Bedecked and Embellished"], [[Miaxdiso Avoi]], {{USS|Gorkon}}, SD 240111.11</ref>
* Food Consumption and Relevance: Food consumption is usually conducted in groups, and Betazoids usually never eat alone. If it is a richer family, the Betazoid family will have many banquets and social gatherings, sometimes inviting an excess of hundreds of guests. The sharing of a meal is considered sacred, and is marked with the constant ringing of a background Betazoid Chime, and marks great friendship with well-being.
* [[Jalara Fire]]: A Betazoid, alcoholic beverage made from the luciferase from an insect indigenous to the Jalaran Jungles. It is similar to fireflies found on earth, however their luciferase glows in iridescent pink and purple tones. The drink is somewhat thick, like olive oil, and causes a gentle warming sensation on the lips, mouth, and throat. Finally, the drink will cause the lips and mouth to emit a soft purple/pink glow.
A uniquely Betazoid form of literature is the psychodrama, which incorporates romantic, thriller, and epic elements, but at the center of which is the main characters' telepathic bond.  Some particularly notable psychodrama authors and titles include:
* Levralet Izun: ''Embers Within Ashes'' (2395)<ref>[ SIM: JP Ens Yogan Yalu & Ens Mirkl Zanti — Join me for a chat, Part 1]</ref> and its sequel, ''Thoughtless Winter'' (2396)<ref>[ SIM: Ens Yogan Yalu — Thoughtless winter]</ref>
* Beidol Tro: ''The Zest of Life'' (2384)<ref>[ SIM: LtJG Yogan Yalu — Slogan Yalu]</ref>, ''The Belonging Season'' (2387)<ref>[ SIM: Lt Yogan Yalu — Back to work]</ref>, and ''Once Upon an Us'' (2389)
* Eicrun Massu: ''My Kingdom of Thirst'' (2390)<ref>[ SIM: LtJG Yogan Yalu — Separately together]</ref>
* Idel Roidek: ''Built for Sin'' (2376)<ref>[ SIM: LtJG Yogan Yalu — Built for sin]</ref>
* Ha Unonis: ''Ever a Never After'' (2394)<ref>[ SIM: Lt Yogan Yalu — Rabitat for Romulanity]</ref>
* Iko Rezu:  ''Dearest, You Said'' (2381)<ref>[ Lt. Commander Yogan Yalu — Pie pie pie pie pie pie pie]</ref> and ''Dangerous Nettles'' (2383)<ref>[ Lt. Commander Yogan Yalu — Pie pie pie pie pie pie pie]</ref>
Gifts given to someone special may be placed into a box capable of showing emotion (often with a face). Such practices are sometimes considered elaborate and incredibly expensive.
===Child-Rearing Practices===
Child-rearing on Betazoid is understanding and usually gentle but stern. Children are often predestined, although most have the privilege to defy their given fates, including their given pre-arranged marriages. Most receive some sort of pre-destined idea of what they are supposed to do with their lives. At the young ages, Betazoid children often bond with friends closely, making youthful relationships last a lifetime. Parents are supposed to be open towards their children, always encouraging total honesty. They must also establish rules that are enforced with reason, not just because I said so. Older children develop telepathic skills, and they receive training under strong encouragement of parents and peers alike. When the children come of age, a special occasion of age-marking takes place in which a parent 'passes on' their own telepathic energies, and bonding takes place and is finished.
===Training and Traditional Education===
Betazoids start school early, and the earliest schooling is set up in a nurturing setting with many adults and positive influences. Strong artistic and mental skills are established at this time, and all younger Betazoids are subject to preliminary trances and methods of relaxation. At middle school, the earlier developers of telepathy are often sent to alternate schools to help them deal with their powers and often stronger influences. The norm of society, although, is taught at this time about their own minds and learn more complex functions. At later schooling, prior to the high school equivalent, they develop the first telepathic skills. They learn more and more, and eventually, they master most of their skills. The skills vary, of course, and the parents at this time become more open to their children and often share strong bonding experiences with their kin.
The first courtship practices are practised at a very young age when the parents of Betazoid children promise their children to each other and then go through with genetic bonding. Genetic Bonding is an old-style practice, and ancient Betazoids used to think that the two subjects actually 'bond' with physical genes, and telepathic energies emitted in childhood, though undetected. After the children reach an older age, many do not go through with their pre-destined marriages. This is accepted as natural, and most parents don't mind it too much. Although, some will go as far as disowning their children for it, which is sad and unfortunate. Most believe that it acceptable to keep more than one actual love however, and the wedding celebration is a complex system of gifts and replies.
Later adult courtship often takes place at weddings and banquets, some conducted in total nakedness. The tying of knots is also associated with this tradition.
Some interesting courting methods are partner trances, and scenic watching and viewing.

===The Visitation===
These are a series of remembrances that take place after the death of a family member and friend. Those that are closest to the dead person gather at a series of meetings, one held at six weeks after the death, another after the sixth month, and another for every three years afterwards. During the ceremony, the participants remember the deceased and share strong telepathic fields with each other.  
The Visitation are a series of remembrances that take place after the death of a family member and friend. Those that are closest to the dead person gather at a series of meetings, one held at six weeks after the death, another after the sixth month, and another for every three years afterwards. During the ceremony, the participants remember the deceased and share strong telepathic fields with each other.  

===Attitudes About Sex and Marriage===
Only recently in the past 600 years or so have Betazoids taken the practice of preserving deceased loved ones in special chemicals that help the body last for generations. This is most common in the Houses, as few lower level citizens have the room to hold such sacred items.  
Betazoids often are capable of loving more then one person at the same time in a very deep way, a trait sometimes attributed to the empathic lobe of their brains. The females of the Betazoid population treasure the males as more 'playmates' when it comes to sex, but many of them also hold it to be a sacred event of bonding. Most don't hold sex as the primary reason for having children. Instead, they look deeper into the bonding and intense telepathic experience.

===Tools and Instruments Used During Traditions and Practices===
===Tools and Instruments Used During Traditions and Practices===
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* Wedding Hair Band: A cloth of pure white material that is worn, and is only worn, by the bride at the wedding. In the end, the bride tosses it behind her and someone catches it. Whoever catches it, supposedly, their true love is at the wedding present already with them.
* Wedding Hair Band: A cloth of pure white material that is worn, and is only worn, by the bride at the wedding. In the end, the bride tosses it behind her and someone catches it. Whoever catches it, supposedly, their true love is at the wedding present already with them.

===Art and Music===
===On Starships===
====''Museums and Natural Beauty''====
* In Good Faith: On Betazoid ships, "In good faith" is as common as "Engage" or "Make it so" is on Federation vessels. For a Betazoid Commanding Officer the expression has a three-fold meaning. The first is that the Captain and her officers all have the best interests of the collective crew at heart. Second, while they are prepared for the worst, they have nothing but good intentions in mind. Lastly, they are departing with the blessings of the Gods.<ref>[!searchin/sb118-embassy/in$20good$20faith/sb118-embassy/G-zMMfv1wxE/uIt1OyPaBQAJ "In Good Faith"], LtCmdr. [[Brayden Jorey]], [[Duronis II Embassy]], SD 239305.11</ref>
Betazoids treasure art and especially natural beauty, and they love to portray nature and their inner feelings through music, natural abstract, and massive museums with art. Betazoids also encourage artistry, and their museums are set up so that a constant stream of new age music plays in the background. Although, they call it 'soul' music. The paintings are hung on a flat wall bent slightly downward so that you can view it easily, and every portrait or so has a comfortable contoured bench for meditation. Certain pictures are separated by certain themes.  
==Judicial System==

====''Types of Betazoid Art''====
The Betazoid judicial system comprises of two judicial powers: the Betazoid Government Council, and the Reconciliation Forums of Betazed.
Types of Betazoid art include natural beauty art, abstract natural beauty, empathic abstract, and plain abstract. Natural abstract is a mixture of natural tones that make out a discernible picture intermixed with a theme. Empathic abstract is art that displays very abstractly emotions and strong empathic fields. Plain abstract is just a free-for-all abstract painting discerning anything from life to trees. Sculptures are also there, and many of them are also abstract.  

====''Music of Betazoid''====
===Government Council===
The traditional music of Betazoid is very calm and soothing, and very surreal. Much of it is similar to a light mix of today's New Age. Betazoids thrive on inner thoughts and meditation, and usually that art can be soothing, calming, and very pleasing. They also express themselves through this kind of art/music, and it allows for creativity and originality in their culture.
:''Main article: [[Betazoid Government Council]]
The Betazoid Government Council (BGC) hears disputes between the [[Houses of Betazed]].

===Reconciliation Forum===
Betazoid food is varied greatly, and there are many different sources. They have breads, vegetation, berry and fruit-like sweets, and various meats. Betazoids tend to be more herbivorous then carnivorous, as large animals can be intimidating to kill.  
:''Main article: [[Reconciliation Forums of Betazed]]
A Betazoid Reconciliation Forum hears disputes between its citizens, and on occasion, between citizens and one or more of the Betazoid noble houses.  Unlike an adversarial system, compromise and reunion of parties is the ultimate focus.

* Breads: This category is much like Earth food, containing breads and wheat. Betazoids have a special spaghetti-like dish called Raixen (Roddenberry, 2000).
* Vegetation: This category includes leafy morsels and sometimes even flowers. An example is Oskoid, a favourite dish of many Betazoids, and is a delicacy. (''Menage a Troi'')
* Berry and Fruit-Like Sweets: Uttaberries and swix are berry-like items found in jungles and some in fields. Uttaberries are red, and swix are purplish. Swix can cause an allergic reaction in some Betazoids. (Roddenberry, 2000).
* Various Meats: Meats included in the diet of Betazoids can sometimes range from small aves meat to large swine-like meat. There are a few carnivorous predators that have supposedly superb tasting meat, but can only be obtained in jungles. (Imzadi I, Chandra's Wedding Scene)
* Food Consumption and Relevance: Food consumption is usually conducted in groups, and Betazoids usually never eat alone. If it is a richer family, the Betazoid family will have many banquets and social gatherings, sometimes inviting an excess of hundreds of guests. The sharing of a meal is considered sacred, and is marked with the constant ringing of a background Betazoid Chime, and marks great friendship with well-being.

* [ Imzadi], by Peter David
* [ Imzadi], by Peter David
* Compiled by Daydan Taboo
* Compiled by Daydan Taboo
* Image from [ Memory Alpha]
* Image from [[ma:Image:Lwaxana troi.jpg|Memory Alpha]]
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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Image of Lwaxanna Troi, a Betazoid female
Four Letter Code BTZD
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Betazed
Encountered TNG: The Haven
T/E Rating T4/E4
Current Tech Level N+
List of Named Betazoids

Full ILI GalleryPermitted Species Gallery

A culture of great beauty and an ancient history, telepathic talents, and nearly identical to humans, Betazoids are a member of the UFP and are common in Starfleet.



The order of government line on Betazoid consists of Peace Keepers, which are like peaceful cops, and higher government officials. Peace Keepers are trained in telepathic battle, and they are kept under careful control and consideration. Higher Government Officials are much like a Republic system, and little is known further.


Betazoids share many physical features with their Terran allies, the key difference being their black irises. They generally have a slim-line appearance, weighing between 52 - 100 kilograms, dependent on height. Both males and females are humanoid mammals. Males of the species tend to be less hairy than Terrans, and women are generally considered of same strength.


Their brain contains a paracortex, or telepathic lobe, which is highly capable of recovery from injury, and includes the "metaconsciousness," or a trauma filter; psilosynine is the neurotransmitter involved in telepathy. In addition, their REM sleep frequency is different than for most humanoids.

Betazoids are very flexible, and they can control many body functions. Their body functions (heart, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine) are very similar to humans, with the exception of their skeletal system being close to that of a cat.


Similiar to humans, although child-birth is generally considered more intense and longer. Gestation period is 10 months, and the reproductive structures of male and female Betazoids are similar to humans. During mid-life (usually between the ages of 35-60), female Betazoids go through a period called "The Phase", in which their sex drive quadruples and has been known to inhibit their telepathic abilities. Betazoids are also fertile for the majority of their lives, sometimes having children in their 50s, 60s, and some even 70s.


Betazoids display many various personalities, and they are just as varied as humans are. Most tend to run on the introverted side, yet probably 40% of them are extroverts. They appear quiet because of their telepathic nature, and most like to ponder, meditate, and study. Most seek personal understanding and hold enlightenment the highest goal. They also display total honesty, almost a phenomenon. It is encouraged strongly even in young age, but it persists often throughout their last days. It can be viewed sometimes as brutal and impolite honesty, but they mean no harm when they speak the blind truth.

Avid believers of meditation, Betazoids often use a focal point to focus their energy. The benefits of this can be extreme immunity from pain or even death, and it allows for more bodily control.

Betazoids love large crowds, and most banquets and socials held have large crowds. This is especially common among the noble classes and Houses. Regular Betazoids tend to prefer intelligent talk, and most don't engage in heavy joking and humour. They enjoy enlightening conversations also, and they often come out as quiet when really they are just talking through telepathy. Food served at banquets and feasts are supposedly very sundry and varied, allowing for many choices and preferences.

They are often are capable of loving more then one person at the same time in a very deep way, a trait sometimes attributed to the empathic lobe of their brains. The females of the Betazoid population treasure the males as more 'playmates' when it comes to sex, but many of them also hold it to be a sacred event of bonding. Most don't hold sex as the primary reason for having children. Instead, they look deeper into the bonding and intense telepathic experience.

Betazoids are actually uncomfortable around those, like the Ferengi and Breen, whose minds they cannot read. Similarly, the minds of animals can be a bit frightening to them, and they tend to prefer smaller animals.


Most Betazoids have telepathic capabilities, which is not inborn but almost always comes on with adolescence. Telepathic power follows a bell curve average throughout the population, with most being of medium power, while few have weak or strong powers. There are also cases of over-empathic abilities, and those who suffer from such extremes must be counseled and trained to avoid insanity, but are almost always affected throughout their life. Most Betazoids receive formal training for their powers based on strength.

Telepathy in Betazoid Hybrids

Interspecies reproduction involving Betazoids often affect the psionic abilities of the offspring – most commonly the children of such a union develop empathic abilities as their primary psionic talent, while their telepathic abilities, though existing, are rather below average for Betazoids. Usually the telepathy of those of partial Betazoid heritage, without extensive training, is limited to communication with other empaths or telepaths and full telepathic contact with emotionally very close persons (for example, an imzadi).[1]

Betazoid hybrids generally have a lower telepathy rating on the T/E Rating system than T4 - for example, Human/Betazoid hybrids have a T2 rating.


Betazoid Religions

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Widely accepted Betazoid beliefs include gods, spirits, and heaven. Major Betazoid religious beliefs and religions include the following:

  • The Four Deities, recognized by the largest religions on Betazed and commonly used as an exclamation in everyday language ("By the Four Deities").
  • The Cult of Karawati
  • Khrysarians, a secret society of Betazoid mystics who practice the teachings of Khrysaros

Many Betazoids are polytheist, meaning that they believe in more then one god. Betazoid religions assign myths and spirits/gods to certain forces of nature and themselves. They also believe that Nobles and House members are more privileged to the gods.


  • Great Fire: Mentioned in Imzadi I, Great Fire is supposedly a god that reigned before the dawn of the world, Betazed. Some fan-fiction and myths have led to him being a cruel god peaked on destroying life, and yet others determine that he was sacred and kind. This entity in mythology is still being discovered and studied.
  • Jalara Guardians: According to Betazoid mythology, the Jalara Guardians were 'nympth-like' in character, and they guard the Jalara Jungle. They were believed to have planted their nests on the jungle floor, causing the mortal quicksand pits present today.
  • Mendissia Historians: According to some fanfiction, there are mentions of 'Mendissian Historians', and according the Roddenberry, it was an original plan of Betazoid culture that never fell through. However, it is good to note them as the historians that separated the firsts Noble houses from the rest of the regular populations after a great war that separated families and friends.
  • Angels and Spirits: Betazoids do infact believe in forces such as spirits of ancestors, and even some guardian angels. They are entities that protect the dead, and that hold up the ancestral spirits in the heavens.
  • Marital Forces: These are spirits and fate-like gods that protect true love, and Imzadi no less. They are supposed to guard and give every born Betazoid a 'soul-mate', and also they are supposed to provide fertility and flourishment to married couples.
  • Fates: Much like Roman and Greek Fates, these are supposed to be special forces that lead a Betazoid to a certain noble truth or fate in their lives.


Houses of Betazed
First House of Betazed
Second House of Betazed
Third House of Betazed
Fourth House of Betazed
Fifth House of Betazed
Sixth House of Betazed
Seventh House of Betazed
Eighth House of Betazed
Ninth House of Betazed
Tenth House of Betazed
Eleventh House of Betazed
Twelfth House of Betazed
Thirteenth House of Betazed
Fourteenth House of Betazed
Fifteenth House of Betazed
Sixteenth House of Betazed
Seventeenth House of Betazed
Eighteenth House of Betazed
Nineteenth House of Betazed
Twentieth House of Betazed

Betazed house drama
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See also: Houses of Betazed

The social organisation of Betazed is a class-system, although there are no major gaps between 'poor' and 'wealthy'. The Noble Classes are a small chunk of the Betazoid population in which are believed to descend from the very first ancestral Betazoids. The Noble Classes are then further divided into Houses, which are based on the gifts and values of the individuals.

In Betazed, the gender roles are on a 40/60 system. Males are considered less worthy and less intelligent than a woman, although usually most of the females are tolerant and considerably equal-minded. Females always inherit family wealth, and they are often the head of households and families. But males can also hold those positions, and sometimes even government positions. The masculinity/femininity roles are not present in Betazoid culture, as males and females can vary in both intensity, competitiveness, and strength powers.

Telepathic Worth

Telepathic worth is considered by the amount of power and telepathic strength a Betazoid has. A lot of Betazoids have stronger empathic powers, and the actual powers are treated with respect and dignity.


See also: Betazoid Language
See also: Betazoid Martial Arts

Museums and Natural Beauty

Betazoids treasure art and especially natural beauty, and they love to portray nature and their inner feelings through music, natural abstract, and massive museums with art. Betazoids also encourage artistry, and their museums are set up so that a constant stream of new age music plays in the background. Although, they call it 'soul' music. The paintings are hung on a flat wall bent slightly downward so that you can view it easily, and every portrait or so has a comfortable contoured bench for meditation. Certain pictures are separated by certain themes.

Types of Betazoid Art

Types of Betazoid art include natural beauty art, abstract natural beauty, empathic abstract, and plain abstract. Natural abstract is a mixture of natural tones that make out a discernible picture intermixed with a theme. Empathic abstract is art that displays very abstractly emotions and strong empathic fields. Plain abstract is just a free-for-all abstract painting discerning anything from life to trees. Sculptures are also there, and many of them are also abstract.

As the generations of a Noble Household process farther and farther, each daughter is painted at the age of 40 in a painting a little larger then the last predecessor. This shows how the past becomes less and less memorable, yet will always be there. Some of the ancient paintings are extremely large, some taking up entire rooms and even houses themselves.

The traditional music of Betazoid is very calm and soothing, and very surreal. Much of it is similar to a light mix of today's New Age. Betazoids thrive on inner thoughts and meditation, and usually that art can be soothing, calming, and very pleasing. They also express themselves through this kind of art/music, and it allows for creativity and originality in their culture.

There is a generational divide forming in the Betazoid arts, however. Younger Betazoids have begun rebelling against the traditional abstract arts and have embraced a more popular style which is shaped by narrative arcs. Live theatrical and operatic performances such as Darkening Dreams have become extremely popular in recent decades, frustrating the older Betazoid critics.


Betazoid food is varied greatly, and there are many different sources. They have breads, vegetation, berry and fruit-like sweets, and various meats. Betazoids tend to be more herbivorous then carnivorous, as large animals can be intimidating to kill.

  • Breads: This category is much like Earth food, containing breads and wheat. Betazoids have a special spaghetti-like dish called Raixen (Roddenberry, 2000).
  • Vegetation: This category includes leafy morsels and sometimes even flowers. An example is Oskoid, a favourite dish of many Betazoids, and is a delicacy. (Menage a Troi)
    • Uvrali is a type of silky flower that can be used to make garments such as gloves.[2]
  • Berry and Fruit-Like Sweets: Uttaberries and swix are berry-like items found in jungles and some in fields. Uttaberries are red, and swix are purplish. Swix can cause an allergic reaction in some Betazoids. (Roddenberry, 2000).
    • Veacot is a plum-like fruit that can be eaten fresh but is often served as a refreshing drink with ice.[3]
  • Various Meats: Meats included in the diet of Betazoids can sometimes range from small aves meat to large swine-like meat. There are a few carnivorous predators that have supposedly superb tasting meat, but can only be obtained in jungles. (Imzadi I, Chandra's Wedding Scene)
  • Spices: Spices are used both in food and drinks.
    • Diahali is a Betazed spirit infused with warmed herbs and spices and often downed as a shot.[4]
  • Food Consumption and Relevance: Food consumption is usually conducted in groups, and Betazoids usually never eat alone. If it is a richer family, the Betazoid family will have many banquets and social gatherings, sometimes inviting an excess of hundreds of guests. The sharing of a meal is considered sacred, and is marked with the constant ringing of a background Betazoid Chime, and marks great friendship with well-being.
  • Jalara Fire: A Betazoid, alcoholic beverage made from the luciferase from an insect indigenous to the Jalaran Jungles. It is similar to fireflies found on earth, however their luciferase glows in iridescent pink and purple tones. The drink is somewhat thick, like olive oil, and causes a gentle warming sensation on the lips, mouth, and throat. Finally, the drink will cause the lips and mouth to emit a soft purple/pink glow.


A uniquely Betazoid form of literature is the psychodrama, which incorporates romantic, thriller, and epic elements, but at the center of which is the main characters' telepathic bond. Some particularly notable psychodrama authors and titles include:

  • Levralet Izun: Embers Within Ashes (2395)[5] and its sequel, Thoughtless Winter (2396)[6]
  • Beidol Tro: The Zest of Life (2384)[7], The Belonging Season (2387)[8], and Once Upon an Us (2389)
  • Eicrun Massu: My Kingdom of Thirst (2390)[9]
  • Idel Roidek: Built for Sin (2376)[10]
  • Ha Unonis: Ever a Never After (2394)[11]
  • Iko Rezu: Dearest, You Said (2381)[12] and Dangerous Nettles (2383)[13]


Gifts given to someone special may be placed into a box capable of showing emotion (often with a face). Such practices are sometimes considered elaborate and incredibly expensive.

Child-Rearing Practices

Child-rearing on Betazoid is understanding and usually gentle but stern. Children are often predestined, although most have the privilege to defy their given fates, including their given pre-arranged marriages. Most receive some sort of pre-destined idea of what they are supposed to do with their lives. At the young ages, Betazoid children often bond with friends closely, making youthful relationships last a lifetime. Parents are supposed to be open towards their children, always encouraging total honesty. They must also establish rules that are enforced with reason, not just because I said so. Older children develop telepathic skills, and they receive training under strong encouragement of parents and peers alike. When the children come of age, a special occasion of age-marking takes place in which a parent 'passes on' their own telepathic energies, and bonding takes place and is finished.

Training and Traditional Education

Betazoids start school early, and the earliest schooling is set up in a nurturing setting with many adults and positive influences. Strong artistic and mental skills are established at this time, and all younger Betazoids are subject to preliminary trances and methods of relaxation. At middle school, the earlier developers of telepathy are often sent to alternate schools to help them deal with their powers and often stronger influences. The norm of society, although, is taught at this time about their own minds and learn more complex functions. At later schooling, prior to the high school equivalent, they develop the first telepathic skills. They learn more and more, and eventually, they master most of their skills. The skills vary, of course, and the parents at this time become more open to their children and often share strong bonding experiences with their kin.


The first courtship practices are practised at a very young age when the parents of Betazoid children promise their children to each other and then go through with genetic bonding. Genetic Bonding is an old-style practice, and ancient Betazoids used to think that the two subjects actually 'bond' with physical genes, and telepathic energies emitted in childhood, though undetected. After the children reach an older age, many do not go through with their pre-destined marriages. This is accepted as natural, and most parents don't mind it too much. Although, some will go as far as disowning their children for it, which is sad and unfortunate. Most believe that it acceptable to keep more than one actual love however, and the wedding celebration is a complex system of gifts and replies.

Later adult courtship often takes place at weddings and banquets, some conducted in total nakedness. The tying of knots is also associated with this tradition.

Some interesting courting methods are partner trances, and scenic watching and viewing.


The Visitation are a series of remembrances that take place after the death of a family member and friend. Those that are closest to the dead person gather at a series of meetings, one held at six weeks after the death, another after the sixth month, and another for every three years afterwards. During the ceremony, the participants remember the deceased and share strong telepathic fields with each other.

Only recently in the past 600 years or so have Betazoids taken the practice of preserving deceased loved ones in special chemicals that help the body last for generations. This is most common in the Houses, as few lower level citizens have the room to hold such sacred items.

Tools and Instruments Used During Traditions and Practices

  • Bonding Gift: This is a term used to describe a small Jewelry-like box used for storage and gift-giving. The box is often very elaborate with a carved face that can change emotional expression. It can also have a natural scene on the cover, and the box is used mainly for giving of gifts. This is especially associated with Genetic Bonding.
  • Chameleon Rose: This is a very beautiful flower that looks much like a rose, and it changes colour according to the holder's emotion. Red denotes anger, purple denotes peace, and pink denotes serenity and love. Yellow shows enlightenment and telepathic energy, and blue is often thought to signify bonding and extreme love. It's origin is in jungles and underbrush.
  • Betazoid Chime: This small crystalline object is sometimes shaped like diamond or a triangle, and it is chimed against a small glass-like chalice or bowl filled with water during meals. It is supposed to mean thanking the gods for the meal and good fortune.
  • Wedding Hair Band: A cloth of pure white material that is worn, and is only worn, by the bride at the wedding. In the end, the bride tosses it behind her and someone catches it. Whoever catches it, supposedly, their true love is at the wedding present already with them.

On Starships

  • In Good Faith: On Betazoid ships, "In good faith" is as common as "Engage" or "Make it so" is on Federation vessels. For a Betazoid Commanding Officer the expression has a three-fold meaning. The first is that the Captain and her officers all have the best interests of the collective crew at heart. Second, while they are prepared for the worst, they have nothing but good intentions in mind. Lastly, they are departing with the blessings of the Gods.[14]

Judicial System

The Betazoid judicial system comprises of two judicial powers: the Betazoid Government Council, and the Reconciliation Forums of Betazed.

Government Council

Main article: Betazoid Government Council

The Betazoid Government Council (BGC) hears disputes between the Houses of Betazed.

Reconciliation Forum

Main article: Reconciliation Forums of Betazed

A Betazoid Reconciliation Forum hears disputes between its citizens, and on occasion, between citizens and one or more of the Betazoid noble houses. Unlike an adversarial system, compromise and reunion of parties is the ultimate focus.
