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Revision as of 16:39, 2 January 2016

Hall of Honor-Sidebar.png

Sisko Tactical Cross
Awards DutyPost SiskoTacticalCrossAward 2011.jpg
(direct image file)
Type: duty post award
Award Level: fleet

Most Recent Recipient
Vitor Silveira (2014)

The Sisko Tactical Cross is a duty post award and is awarded to those tactical officers who have shown cunning and bravery in battle. Master strategists, and experts in targeting and shield power distribution, these officers have done the impossible to save their ship and the lives of its crew.


Fleet: duty post awardsspecial awardsstaff awards
Ship: general awards Individual: length of service awards

Prantares Ribbon Natasha Yar Pin Voyager Medallion Sisko Tactical Cross Phoenix Award Cochrane Award
Awards DutyPost PrantaresRibbonAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost NatashaYarPinAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost VoyagerMedallionAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost SiskoTacticalCrossAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost PhoenixAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost CochraneAward 2011.jpg
Medical Security Operations Tactical Engineering Science
Pilot's Sextant Order of the Valiant Heart Semper Fidelis Award Black Cross Lwaxana Troi Medallion Shaxs Star
Awards DutyPost PilotsSextantAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost ValiantHeartAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost MarineAward 2011.jpg
Awards DutyPost BlackCross.jpg
Awards DutyPost Lwaxana Troi MedallionAward 2013.jpg
Shaxs Star.png
Helm Counseling Marines Intelligence Non-Traditional Security/Tactical
Prestigious Service Medallion
Prestigious Service Medallion.png

See also: commemorative coinsbadgesstaff officer ranks

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