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{{Link FNS Tile|Hostile intelligence discovered within Genesis Cloud|GenesisCloud.jpg}}
{{FNS Tile|The holodoc is in: more medical holograms providing patient care in underserved areas|Doctorsoffice.jpg}}
{{FNS Tile|The holodoc is in: more medical holograms providing patient care in underserved areas|Doctorsoffice.jpg}}
{{Link FNS Tile|Largest protomatter cloud discovered|GenesisCloud.jpg}}
{{Link FNS Tile|Largest protomatter cloud discovered|GenesisCloud.jpg}}

Revision as of 06:55, 9 March 2015

Federation News Service
FNS-purple.png SCIENCE & TECH

Hostile intelligence discovered within Genesis Cloud
The holodoc is in: more medical holograms providing patient care in underserved areas
Largest protomatter cloud discovered
A holodeck for the home? Smaller holosuite models debut at trade show
Missing starship found 92-years later
Read more Science & Tech headlines

Wanda's Tea Cup.jpg
New research shows possible link between Irumodic Syndrome and excessive Earl Grey tea consumption
Calling all starship buffs: new Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards technical database revealed
Federation tasks Starfleet Corps of Engineers with investigating SS Atlantic accident
Starfleet Sciences announces new exploration endeavour in a region of space called the Tempest Sector
Malo Lupo virus provides effective vaccination against Rathosian Pathogen; side effects deemed acceptable to alternative of extinction
Commercial slipstream technology makes debut aboard luxury transports
Starconn Intergalactic to debut next generation of isolinear subprocessors at TechExpo '91
Science Brief: 10 facts you need to know about the Onias Sector plague

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SD 240203.14 • Sol Sector Edition