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<h2 style="margin:0; background:#800000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">RELATIONSHIPS</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#800000; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">RELATIONSHIPS</h2>

===Dueld taJoot===
===[[Dueld taJoot|Dueld taJoot]]===

*Aboard the Vigilant Kael developed a strong friendship with Dueld.  Originally Dueld was under his command in Engineering, but later moved onto Operations.  Often during their year on the Vigilant did they collaborate and work together.  Dueld is a dependable friend and has no problem telling Kael what is what, while also knowing when Kael needs to hear something.  Kael was sorry to leave the Vigilant and his friend.
*Aboard the Vigilant Kael developed a strong friendship with Dueld.  Originally Dueld was under his command in Engineering, but later moved onto Operations.  Often during their year on the Vigilant did they collaborate and work together.  Dueld is a dependable friend and has no problem telling Kael what is what, while also knowing when Kael needs to hear something.  Kael was sorry to leave the Vigilant and his friend.

===Greir Reinard===
===Greir Reinard===

Revision as of 04:29, 20 April 2014

USS Gorkon
Kael Thomas.png
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Kael Thomas
Position Mission Specialist
Rank Lt. Commander
Species Human
Gender Male
DOB 235611.19
Age 45
Birthplace Earth

Academy Transcript

Awards & Service Ribbons
Awards DutyPost VoyagerMedallionAward 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons diplomacyribbon 2014.jpg
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Innovationribbon 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons Prometheus Incident 2014.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg
Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
Halloween Avatar Contest Runner Up
Badge 1.png
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Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
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Varaan WIP.jpg
John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook.png
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Ren Rennyn.png
Rendal Rennyn
Shayne, Randal.png
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas.png
Kael Thomas

Lieutenant Commander Kael Mason Thomas is currently assigned as First Officer aboard the USS Darwin-A.



  • Lieutenant Commander Thomas, is currently serving aboard the USS Darwin-A. Kael has been a Starfleet officer for over 10 years and as an Engineer for most of that. Kael recently served on the USS Vigilant which thoroughly enjoyed and allowed him to develop as an officer and as a person. Being given the chance to split from the Vigilant with a few other officers to serve as Commander Reinard’s First Officer is a great honour for Kael.
  • Spends very little time Idle. When not performing his duties as First Officer he is often in the Holodeck or in the ships Gym seeking to keep himself physically active. Kael will often find companionships through a common interest in sports or physical hobbies.
  • Quarters: Located on Deck 6 Kael tends to keep them pretty minimal. With a photo of his family. Kael intends on changing that in the future.
  • Habits: Has a habit of expecting perfection. He expects that if you say you can do something you can.
  • Presence: Kael gets on well with people, when he shares a common goal, or interest. Kael often finds it difficult to initiate conversations, but is working hard to change that. Kael is open to the new challenges and being a First Officer will present him with this.
  • Temperament: To the point. Kael doesn't really beat around the bush. While he understands tact, if a job has to be done, and it involves speaking the truth he's got no problem doing it. Kael tends to be an introvert while not on duty. He's approachable and friendly despite generally preferring his own company. Kael strives to do the right thing by everyone and has a strong sense of social justice.
  • Physical Limitations: He cannot put his leg behind his head.
Kael on shoreleave


  • Height: 6‘1
  • Weight: 208 lb
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Tanned Caucasian
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Loose fitting shirt or polo and Jeans.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes:
    • Shoreleave
    • Daily Structure
    • Non-Replicated Food
    • The Piano. Something Kael usually Kept private and something he never really has time for today. Kael finds playing the Piano a great relaxer.
    • He has always enjoyed sports, and has always found doing his job much easier if he is in peak physical condition. During times off in missions, Kael will find himself quite often in the gym, or playing hologames.
  • Dislikes: Talking about problems. Kael never had any belief that you needed to talk to a counsellor to sort out what life has dealt you. Kael felt learning to deal with your problems you own way and with the support of close friends was far more beneficial. This has changed somewhat over the years but not dramatically. Kael still tends to find talking on an official level unnecessary and awkward.
  • Favorite Room: Engineering/Gymnasium/Music Room
Kael off duty.

Ambitions & Goals

  • Ambitions and Goals: Kael would ultimately like to Captain his own vessel. He acknowledges he has a lot to learn but he’s not afraid of a challenge.
  • Achievements in Life: Becoming Chief Engineer on the Ursa Major, a sovereign class vessel was a major milestone for Kael, his recent posting as First Officer aboard the USS Darwin-A has really topped everything.
  • Disappointments in Life: Not having much of a personal life. Poor relation

Hobbies & Pastimes

  • White Water Rafting - Something he likes to do on Earth, or in the Holodeck where possible. Always, upping the difficulty ever so slightly each time.
  • Keeping physically and mentally fit
  • Keeping up to date with Starfleet Engineering Journals. Kael is in fact looking to post his own journal in the near future. He is currently working on a theory to negate the effects that Subspace Damage has on the warp drive.

Kael at the Gym.


  • Mother: Jolaina Thomas, Administration Officer for Romulan Affairs
  • Father: Reynold Thomas, former Personal Assistant to Chief Operations Earth
  • Siblings: Anthony Thomas, Chief Tactical Officer USS FAIRFAX
Kael and Anthony at the Academy, 2380

Personal History

Kael Mason Thomas was born on the 19th November 2356 in a small country house just outside San Francisco. 2 Minutes later his twin brother Anthony was born. It was a close fitting house only just accommodating his family. His mother and father both working in Starfleet administration chose to lead a home life that was a little less like their work. Their home having as much traditional equipment as they could afford to have Kael and his brother learnt early on, the value in hard work. Their family home was situated on some farmland and it was regular duty for Kael to work milking cows, moving their few cattle, feeding the various other animals and fixing anything that broke down.

Kael’s parents both worked in Starfleet Administration in varying roles. While not officers, you could probably say that Kael grew up with a moderate knowledge of what it was like to work in Starfleet. Kael and his younger brother Anthony both spent a lot of time running around their parents feet while at work, silently pushing buttons when buttons weren’t meant to be pushed.

Kael spent almost all his youth with his younger brother. Kael and Anthony grew such an impenetrable relationship that many simply thought they were best friends. They were both very competitive, always trying to outdo each other, often putting each other in danger. I don’t think neither Kael nor Anthony had any real choices with what they wanted to do with their lives. Their parents always had more time for their work then they had for them. Their parents often work well into the night or leaving to visit Romulus or some other planet. Having been raised with Starfleet parents they were pretty much enrolled into the academy at birth. Kael and Anthony were both very physical boys and both very frequently found the boredom of sitting in class very difficult.

Kael graduated with Distinctions from the academy and despite such an achievement his parents were still too busy working to attend their sons Graduation ceremony. It was that night that Kael had a tremendous fight with his parents basically telling them as far as he was concerned he didn’t need parents. It was just another nail in the coffin for Kael in regard to his parents considering their career is more important than their family.

Kael and Anthony received assignments to different vessels not long after graduation. Kael was given an assignment as an engineering officer aboard the USS Victory and Anthony was sent off to the USS IRISH a nova class vessel. Both have been in regular contact, Kael even taking some time off active duty to spend with his brother. Anthony still speaks to his parents where years have passed and Kael has barely spoken a word to them.

Kael's older and only brother Anthony is currently serving on the USS FAIRFAX. Serving as Chief Tactical Officer. Anthony is more like a best mate to Kael then brothers. They are very close, and often communicate with each other.

Since the onset of Kael’s father Dementia, he finds it hard to get back home. Some bridges were mended with Kael’s mother after the accident but they are not close. Kael supports his mother in any way to look after his father but knows he would be incapable of looking after him like she does.


Kael entered Starfleet’s advanced engineering division after graduating from the Academy in 238010.12. Kael while there chose his sub majoring thesis as Bio-Neural Gelpacks. This was the leading factor to his Post on the USS Victory. His lecturers were either fond of Kael, or frustrated by his constant need to question why something was. Kael had a difficult time working with rules and boundaries that seemed poorly justified. Regardless, Kael graduated well, in the top third of his class, and losing out to his brother.

The USS Victory was Kael's first posting and was posted aboard on 238010.15 as an Engineering Officer. While on the ship he worked in many departments, for a time was Acting CEO and during the remainder of his time there he was a security officer.

When Victory’s first officer, was given command of her own ship, Kael and several of his other crew members were transferred to the USS Aurora, a Nova class science vessel. Kael’s immediate posting was that of Chief Operations officer. During his time on the Aurora, Kael received the Voyager Medallion award. A great award as it honours him with excellence in starship operations.

It was during this time that Captain Parker, his CO fell dangerously ill, and despite the best efforts of the crew, and Starbase doctors, passed away. It was a difficult time for Kael and the rest of the Aurora crew.

With their CO no longer in command, Starfleet brought in one of the most experienced men in the fleet. Vice Admiral Hollis, long serving officer and respected amongst the fleet. He took over command of the crew, and their new ship; USS Ursa Major a Sovereign class vessel, one of the most advanced in the fleet.

Kael spent several months aboard the Ursa Major, before taking some time off, to be with his family. Kael’s father was poisoned while on an Academic away mission. He failed to receive proper treatment in time, and has since developed a serious case of dementia. Doctors on Earth were unable to repair the damage to his brain and as such, his Mother has been forced to care for him, while trying to hold down a job.

He was then reassigned back to the Ursa Major, mid mission, to only then be reassigned again to the USS Tiger.

After serving a short time on the tiger, Kael was once again re-assigned to the USS Ronin. A family emergency brought Kael away from the Starfleet career he held so dear to be with them. Kael then returned to the USS Mercury. He served there for several months, and even managed to get kidnapped during an away mission. His time there earned him a promotion back up the ladder to Lieutenant JG.

Transferring to the USS Vigilant for it's maiden voyage, Kael was offered the role of Chief Engineer. After 12 months on the Vigilant Kael forged some strong friendships and cemented himself as a valuable member of the crew. On the day of his Promotion to Lieutenant Commander, Captain Diego Herrera handed him his transfer papers to the USS Darwin-A as first officer to Commander Greir Reinard. Kael was a little taken back and shocked at first, but he took it as a challenge and just another stage in his career.


Dueld taJoot

  • Aboard the Vigilant Kael developed a strong friendship with Dueld. Originally Dueld was under his command in Engineering, but later moved onto Operations. Often during their year on the Vigilant did they collaborate and work together. Dueld is a dependable friend and has no problem telling Kael what is what, while also knowing when Kael needs to hear something. Kael was sorry to leave the Vigilant and his friend.

Greir Reinard

  • Since becoming the First Officer on the Vigilant Kael had started to learn to trust the former Counsellor. Under the arrangement on the Vigilant, Kael was sure they would have become friends. Since being asked to be his First Officer on the Darwin Kael was sure at the very least a solid professional relationship would be built.


For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

Award History
Awards DutyPost VoyagerMedallionAward 2011.jpg Voyager Medallion Award 2382
Awards ServiceRibbons POW 2011.jpg Prisoner of War Ribbon 238912.10
KlingonInvasion.jpg Klingon Invasion Ribbon 238912.10
Awards ServiceRibbons JointMeritoriousUnit 2011.jpg Joint Meritorious Unit Award 238912.10
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg 5 Year Service Ribbon 2389
Awards ServiceRibbons TemporalFlow 2011.jpg Defense of Temporal Flow Ribbon 2390
Awards ServiceRibbons FirstContact 2011.jpg First Contact Ribbon 2390
Awards ServiceRibbons Explorers 2011.jpg Explorer's Ribbon 2390
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Good Conduct Ribbon 2390,2391
Gateway.jpg Gateway Ribbon 2390
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg Silver Star Ribbon 2390
Awards ServiceRibbons LifesavingBasic 2011.jpg Lifesaving Ribbon 239102.17
Awards ServiceRibbons PurpleHeart 2011.jpg Purple Heart 239102.17

Primary Cast
Support Cast
Deck by Deck
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Varaan WIP.jpg
John Valdivia
Merrick R'Ven
Graeme Cook.png
Graeme Cook
Isabel Pond
Jora Kalis
Didrik Stennes
Ren Rennyn.png
Rendal Rennyn
Shayne, Randal.png
Randal Shayne
Nicu Icavoc
Kurt Logan
Emery Rhyn
Kael Thomas.png
Kael Thomas