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* '''Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs''': Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs originally served as the Marine contingent's armorer, working in the armory to keep the weapons in check. Gibbs originally served as a sniper during the Dominion War. Gibbs now serves as Ta'lis' spotter when in the field, getting him back to what he was meant to be doing.
* '''Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs''': Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs originally served as the Marine contingent's armorer, working in the armory to keep the weapons in check onboard the Starbase. Before serving on Starbase 118, Gibbs served as a sniper during the Dominion War. Gibbs now serves as Ta'lis' spotter when in the field, getting him back to what he was meant to be doing.

==Romulan Terms and Translations==
==Romulan Terms and Translations==

Revision as of 19:37, 25 January 2014

Starbase 118 Ops


Major Ta'lis Merek


  • Full Name: Ta'lis Merek
  • Date of Birth: 236211.29
  • Age: 28
  • Place of Birth: Ra'tleihfi, ch'Rihan (Romulus)
  • Telepathic status: N/A


  • Height: 5' 9"
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Birthmarks, Scars: N/A
  • Build: Tall, Slender
  • Carriage: Moves smoothly and quietly, even when off duty
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Chooses to wear clothing from her native world when off duty, consisting of mostly Romulan robes. Occasionally can be found wearing clothing of more Terran origin, but not often. She still keeps her Rihannsu uniform as well and sometimes still dons it to remember the better times.
  • Shoes: Tasteful high heels when off duty
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous


  • Quarters: Ta'lis' quarters are located on Deck 777, apartment 221B. She keeps her quarters fairly sparse, but does display a few mementos from ch'Rihan as well as pictures of her and her family. Included in her mementos is her disruptor pistol that was her sidearm in the Rihannsu Star Navy. She also has several pictures of various ch'Rihan vistas to remind her of home.
  • Office: Ta'lis maintains an office on Deck 460 where she conducts most of her work for the 'Eagle Eyes'. The office is kept sparse, just like her quarters.
  • Favorite Room: Ta'lis spends a great deal of time in the Holodeck when off duty, revisiting places she knew as a child on ch'Rihan
  • Habits: Ta'lis always begins he day with a Raktajino or a Romulan herbal tea. She has a taste for Romulan ale as well and still manages to get it, even with it being illegal in the Federation.
  • Temperament: Ta'lis' temperament is generally calm, and it normal takes a fair amount to get her angry.


  • Spouse: N/A
  • Children: N/A
  • Parents
    • Father: Hatham Merek (Presumed Dead)
    • Mother: Nalah Merek
  • Siblings: N/A

Personal History

Ta'lis was born in 2362 in the Romulan capital city of Ra'tleihfi on ch'Rihan. Her childhood was a normal one for a Romulan child and she didn't get into too much trouble. She entered the Romulan Military Academy at the age of 17 and studied hard. Though she did not graduate anywhere near the top of her class she was given a posting on the I.R.W. Aethra, a Valdore-type warbird, as one of the ships Tactical officers. On board the ship she kept to herself, in efforts to keep out of the Tal'Shiar's all seeing presence. She was promoted to Lieutenant aboard the Aethra in 2386.

In 2387, when the Hobus star exploded into a supernova, the Aethra was in a position to assist in the evacuation of ch'Rihan. Even though she was an officer aboard the ship, she was unable to ensure that both of her parents were able to be saved, only able to save her mother from the planets surface before the Aethra was forced to retreat from the supernova. Ta'lis was heart broken with the loss of her home, much as all Romulans were. In Mid-2387, never having been that happy with how the Romulan Empire was in relation to the other 'galactic superpowers', and seeing the path that it was slowly winding down in the aftermath of the supernova, Ta'lis defected from the Romulan Empire, and along with her mother, sought refuge in the Federation. Even being a low level Romulan military officer, Starfleet Intelligence took great interest in and and she underwent a lengthy debriefing process with them.

When she had suitably proved that she didn't know anymore than what Starfleet themselves did about Romulan capabilities, she sought entrance into Starfleet Academy in the hopes of again serving aboard a starship. Having gone through much of the same basic courses when she had entered the Romulan Military Academy she was able to test out of most of her courses. During her time at the Academy, Ta'lis enlisted in the Starfleet Marines. Her previous experience as a tactical officer helped her making it through many of the basic courses, and she was found to have an aptitude for long range shooting, and trained as a scout sniper. When her Starfleet Intelligence handler found that she had enlisted in the marines she was approached and tapped to be trained as a counter intelligence operative, in addition to her scout sniper training. Ta'lis was at first resistant to the offer, but took on the training as well.

She graduated from the Academy in 2390 and was assigned to Starbase 118, as part of the 292nd 'Eagle Eye', attached to the Counter Intelligence Corps Department, as a scout sniper as she finished up her counter intelligence training. In early 2391, Ta'lis received a promotion to 1st Lieutenant.

Professional History

Active Duty History

Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Uhlan.png Uhlan 228306.04 - 238404.12 I.R.W. Aethra Tactical Officer
SubLt.png Sub-lieutenant 238404.12 - 238706.17
238706.23 - 238808.20 Record sealed by Starfleet Intelligence
DS9style-cadet4 black.png Cadet 4th Class 238808.25 - 239011.11 Starfleet Academy
File:Starfleet Academy logo.png
DS9style-2lt green.png 2nd Lieutenant 239011.12 - 239101.23 Starbase 118
Marine Officer
DS9 1stLt.png 1st Lieutenant 239101.24 - Present


Through out her service in both the Romulan Navy and her time at Starfleet Academy, Ta'lis has picked up many qualifications.

  • Tactical Officer: Ta'lis was originally a tactical officer aboard the Romulan warbird Aethra. She served in that position for 4 years and as such is well versed in many tactical systems and space warfare tactics.
  • Marine Scout Sniper: Ta'lis first MOS after joining the Starfleet Marine Corps was as a Scout Sniper . She serves as a Scout Sniper and graduated from her class in the top 10%. She is qualified on both energy and conventional sniper rifle systems. She is also qualified to server as a spotter for another sniper should the need arise.
  • Marine Intelligence Officer: Ta'lis received some basic intelligence training during her time at the Romulan Military Academy, as all other Romulan officers do. Upon defecting and joining the Starfleet Marine Corps, Starfleet Intelligence approached her through her handler and requested that she take on extra training within the Marine Corps to serve in a secondary MOS as a Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence Officer to act as a liaison with the Marine Corps. She accepted this offer and was assigned to the Counter Intel Detachment on Starbase 118. As a scout sniper she is suited for long surveillance missions. Though she has intelligence training, and liaises with Starfleet Intelligence operatives, she does not work for Starfleet Intelligence, and instead answers to the Starfleet Marine Corps.


  • Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs: Gunnery Sergeant Gibbs originally served as the Marine contingent's armorer, working in the armory to keep the weapons in check onboard the Starbase. Before serving on Starbase 118, Gibbs served as a sniper during the Dominion War. Gibbs now serves as Ta'lis' spotter when in the field, getting him back to what he was meant to be doing.

Romulan Terms and Translations

  • ch'Rihan: Romulus
  • Rihannsu: Romulan
  • Ra'tleihfi: Romulan capital city on ch'Rihan
  • I.R.W.: Romulan ship prefix, stands for Imperial Romulan Warbird
  • Uhlan: Romulan Navy Rank, equivalent to Ensign/2nd Lieutenant.
  • Sub-Lieutenant: Romulan Navy Rank, equivalent to Lientenant J.G/1st Lieutenant.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Gogigobo Fairhug Commander.png
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
Wyn Foster.jpg
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
LT Madison Marsh.png
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Sasch Trek.png
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Ensign Haukea Willow.png
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern Ensign.png
Corey Wethern
Ryden Kel.png
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Vitor Tito LT Science.png
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
Starbase 118 Ops-logo.png
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