SIM:Unconventional Methods

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Unconventional Methods

((Diplomatic Tower, Conference Room))

::Brek had been listening to a lecture given by the Ambassador from Japori II, for 45 minutes now, and his resolution to remain polite to the point of being distant was gradually vanishing. Yet, it had started on a positive note, with Ambassador Volundr talking of joint ventures and stressing the need to create a forum of cooperation between species.::

::However the audience had become more and more restless as Volundr spoke of developing a gambling culture. He saw this as a major tourist attraction. People would then travel to his planet and flood the sector with their money.::

::As a Ferengi, Brek should have rejoiced, he was after all, partial to casinos. But he also knew of their dark side. They were like black holes, sucking life all around them and churning out only one thing: misery.::

::A waitress passed by, holding a tray with a single glass of red wine on it, and Brek made to grab it. Having to listen to this rubbish speech was making him feel terribly thirsty. But to his surprise the waitress prevented him from taking the glass.::

Waitress: I am supposed to bring this drink to Ambassador Volundr, Cmdr. It's offered by a group of sympathizers, with their respectful compliments.

::Imagining a cartel of greedy execs, perhaps even Ferengi, Brek held his position and finally managed to snatch the glass.::

Brek: Never mind that. You can just as well fetch another drink for the good Ambassador. It will only take you three minutes, while if you start arguing with a Ferengi, you'll spend the rest of the day on it. Not that I would mind the company, of course.

Waitress: But I was specifically asked to...

::Brek completely ignored the plea and took a few leisurely steps away from her. It was not his role to listen to the recriminations of the lower staff, and more importantly, he needed that drink, dammit!::

::He was about to take a tiny sip, careful as a wine steward would, and not caring if it made him look pompous, when a voice behind interrupted him. Turning round, Brek discovered a very old and towering Klingon. He had white hair and an odd look of wisdom about him. It all clashed with everything he had come to expect from this violent species.::

Man: I wouldn't do that, if I were you, Cmdr Brek.

::Brek remained exactly as he was, defying this sudden intrusion. What was wrong with people today?!::

Man: I am Councillor Ruktah, with the Klingon Embassy. The drink you are so eager to consume contains a medicine that induces nausea and vomiting. I measured it specifically for a Japori constitution, and I have no idea to what level it will disagree with your intestines.

::Brek lowered the glass, contemplating the red liquid with regret.::

Brek: This is an unconventional method of action for a Klingon... almost Romulan-like.

Ruktah: Then it should not displease you, Cmdr, as you seem to have a great interest for the Romulan cause.

Brek: You will find that my actions only follow the directives I've received from the Federation.

Ruktah: That may be so. ::He pondered the matter for a few seconds, then went on.:: May I?

::He went for the glass of wine, and with his free hand, he summoned the waitress. Brek allowed him to proceed. He cleaned the glass with a paper towel and moments later the waitress had resumed her task, carrying a tray with a single glass on it.::

Brek: You want to poison Volundr?

Ruktah: You don't suppose we are going to let him ramble on, do you? He is scheduled for two more lectures this week. Do not worry, the medicine we are giving him is natural and will not inconvenience him more than a few days.

Brek: I'm not convinced by your methods, Councillor. Besides, I was going to intervene after Volundr's speech, despite the fact that he is only a messenger who talks for his government.

Ruktah: It would not have been discreet enough, and would have exposed you as an adversary of Japori II's ideology. People like you, Cmdr, are more useful in the background. Making and breaking contracts. I find that you do this very well.

::Had he been talking to anyone else, Brek would have taken those words as a compliment, here though, they sounded more like a menace.::

Brek: I just happen to have an aversion for measures that can disrupt peace within the Trinity Sector.

Ruktah: ::Nodding his head.:: Japori II's problem should interest you greatly then, Cmdr. A curious mind like yours might also want to take a peek at the Astrolabe situation. This is an independent freighter that has just arrived at this Starbase. There is something definitely odd about its circumstances.

::With those cryptic words the Councillor went away, leaving Brek thirsty and very much flummoxed.::


Lt Cmdr Brek

Chief Diplomatic Officer

SB118/USS Victory

also simming as Klingon Councillor Ruktah, SB118