Bolian Food and Drink

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Bolian food and drink is widely found across the Federation. However the most popular forms of Bolian cuisine for non-Bolians are their vegetable dishes.


To off-worlders, Bolian food can sometimes be unpalatable due to the tendency to use aged meat in their recipes. This is due to a lack of interesting spices that grow naturally on Bolarus IX, and so the Bolians rely on this practice for flavour. Their body chemistry is easily able to handle meat that would be considered to be off by other species.

Vegetable dishes are appreciated more by non-Bolians, and Bolian tomato soup is a favourite Federation-wide. On the home world, the Arvaditum vegetable is used for the soup. In the Bolian language the soup is called Arvadathi.[1]

Over 300 kinds of seaweed are cultivated on the home world and many of these are for consumption. It's a staple that is served at almost every meal, even if just as a side. There are numerous preparations and styles that are regionally favored.

Bolians also appreciate fusion cuisine and Bolian Falafel is a popular dish among the well-traveled Bolians.


Bolian drinks are often served in Federation bars, including Bolian tonic water, and Bolian sunset martini. A cold refreshing beverage that's gaining in popularity off-world is Anzushala, a salty, carbonated drink somewhat similar to seltzer.[2]

There are also fermented fruit wines that come from the mid-south latitudes on Bolarus IX, and fermented fish oils are a popular hard alcoholic drink. Bolians are also known to drink ferlic acid, which other Federation races use as an industrial lubricant.


  1. "In the Soup", Ensign Zenno, USS Arrow
  2. "Memory Lane", Ensign Zenno, USS Arrow