Avandar Auxiliary Craft
USS Avandar | ||
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The USS Avandar has six types of auxiliary craft. It has five Type-11 Shuttlecraft for Long-Range scientific exploration ; two Type-18 shuttlepods for Short-Range transport; one Danube-class Runabout for combat situations; 1 Argo Class shuttle and the Borealis, a waverider atmospheric shuttlecraft designed for atmospheric planetary away missions.
The USS Avandar carries nine shuttlecraft in its shuttlebay plus six Workbees, as well as the Waverider. In addition to the shuttlecrafts, in emergency situations the crew has access to 92 Escape pod placed at strategic locations around the vessel.
Short Range
The USS Avandar carries two Type 18 shuttlepods. They are fast and maneuverable, but definitely not built for comfort.
The Type 18 possesses limited amenities, and though furnished for two pilots, can be crewed by a single person if necessary.
Long Range
The USS Avandar carries five Type XI Shuttle, one Danube-class Runabout, 1 Argo Class shuttle, along with the Waverider.
The Type XI shuttlecraft is an advanced piece of technology, containing bioneural circuitry as a standard, as well as a compact powerplant that still provides excellent cruising and maximum speeds. The cockpit is an individual compartment, separate from the rest of the shuttle, which a break from Starfleet's standard shuttle design.
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The Ova Class' Waverider, named the USS Borealis, has a specific docking port on the ventral side of the USS Avandar's saucer, in a recessed hatchway just aft of the ventral sensor array. The Waverider is a large secondary craft, with the capability for long-range travel and the protection, armament, and sensor capabilities superior to that of a standard auxiliary shuttle. Facilities include two sleeping bunks and a standard runabout-type passenger cabin. A replicator and flight couches provide for the needs of the passengers and a two-person transporter allows for beaming of personnel or cargo when needed.
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The Danube-class was first commissioned by Starfleet in 2368 for use as a light multipurpose craft in situations that demanded a vessel more capable than a standard shuttlecraft, but lower profile than a full-sized starship. With this flexibility, a runabout could be utilized as a long-range personnel and cargo transport, an agile mobile defense platform, or a high-speed reconnaissance vehicle.
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