USS Ronin

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Akira-icon.gif       "When you go home, tell them of us and say:
For your tomorrow, we gave our today."
Epitaph; WW2 Allied War Memorial; Kohima, India

The Akira Class USS Ronin

The USS Ronin is an Akira Class vessel under the command of Captain Idril Mar. Initially launched from Starbase 118 in 2375, the Ronin was the direct replacement for the USS Obertha and was commanded by Captain Skyfire. His departure from Starfleet a year later led to Captain Alder taking command of the Ronin until she also left in October 2377.

Following Captain Alder's unexpected departure, the vessel's first officer Mike James took command of the vessel in 2378 and acted as CO until the ship's decommissioning in January 2380. The vessel was taken out of mothballs and sent to the remote Ithassa Region to aid in the Gorn conflict of 2383. Following repairs, she was reassigned to the command of then-Commander Idril Mar in December 2383 and has remained in the region.

Ops-icon.gif StarBase 118 Ops Amity-icon.gif Amity Outpost Denali Station.png Denali Station
Luna-icon.gif USS Artemis-A Galaxy-icon3.gif USS Astraeus Akira-icon2.gif USS Chin'toka
Galaxy-icon1.gif USS Constitution-B Sovereign-icon2.gif USS Gorkon Khitomer Small Icon.png USS Khitomer
Stargazer-icon1.gif USS Octavia E Butler Akira-icon1.gif USS Ronin Excelsior-icon1.gif Starfleet Vessel Register
Complete Listing
StarBase 118 Fleet