Memory Book/Jalana Rajel (Jess)
I am Jess, sometimes going by Jay or J as well. I'm 45 years young and live in Germany with my partner of 23 years. I'm non-binary and go by they/them pronouns, something I have discovered while I was a member of this group and I have experienced nothing but acceptance and support among the amazing membership. I have been roleplaying since my Uncle brought a copy of "The Dark Eye" (German: Das Schwarze Auge, lit. "The Black Eye") home while he lived with us and we all sat together playing our first tabletop RPG when I was eight. SB118 had been my first RP in English though, back when I was not sure if my English is good enough. Turned out that I did just fine.
Main Character:
- Jalana Rajel - CO - USS Constitution-B
- Akeelah D'Sena - Security Officer USS Constitution-B
- Chandni Kailashnath Sanjushree Kapoor - OPS Officer - USS Constitution-B
- Kapoor Twins - Chandni's children
- Sherana - Botanist/Part time Security Detail - USS Constitution-B
- Georgio - Emergency Holographic Hair Stylist USS Constitution-B
- T'Aven - Marine Pilot USS Constitution-B
- Ozameen Malyz - Teenager - Cadet in Medical Program USS Constitution-B
- Siance Thyar - Cadet in Counseling Program USS Constitution-B
- Zylandra Sh'Prelleon - Vet USS Constitution-B
- Queen - Spouse of Lazarus Davis on the USS Constitution-B
- S'Rrrrell - Engineer USS Constitution-B
Other - Not active
- Ahmose Hebeny - Science Officer - Starbase 104
- Morowa Danjuma - Engineering Officer Starbase 104
- Ezirah - Intel Officer Starbase 104
- Roha, daughter of Ru'Gar - Klingon Warrior aunt of Sherana
- Mark O'Donnel - Teacher USS Constitution-B
Real Life information
Other than what I stated above, there isn't so much to tell. I'm not good with the whole talking about myself so let's see what I can think of. I have ADHD, which brings some unique struggles with it especially as CO, so I'm working on finding ways to balance things. Next to RPing in SB 118 I do more roleplay, play video games, create 3D meshes and textures, work on graphics, write my own books and stories - more or less when I remember it, enjoy Kdrama, Sci fi and random TV shows. I'm pretty introvert so I am not much for parties or other social things, unless they are online because that allows me to do things at my own time. I have too many hobbies to count, some for a day, some for months, very few for longer. When I write, be it my own fiction or RP, I really enjoy injecting humor, proving those wrong who think Germans don't have humor. But who knows, maybe that's my Dutch and Croatian side and the German genes are just reigning it in. ;)
How you came to UFOP: SB118
I used to join various German email and forum RPs. For all together 23 years I was part of a German fleet that was very much like Starbase 118. In that former German RP I met my partner so it has a special place in my heart. Back then I wanted to challenge myself and write in an English group. It took me a while to be brave enough to apply because I was convinced my English was rubbish. Spoiler alert: It was not. In June 2012 I googled for different groups and I don't remember what drew me to Sb118. Maybe it was the size of database, all the information, the presence on the website or just the general vibe, but I applied and passed the Academy much to my surprise (remember, I thought I was too bad with my English skills). And the rest is - as they say - history. Now everyone here is stuck with me, mwahaha.
- Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel?
My first ship was the USS Apollo under Andrus Jaxx. It was quite a start. I arrived in the middle of the mission as a medical officer. Just when I came in through the doors the senior officers left for an away mission and the Chief Medical officers basically said "Have fun, kbye." leaving me in charge of an overrun Sick Bay full of injuries without any information as to what happened. It was exciting to jump into the trenches like that.
- What have been your greatest challenges in this group?
I have several conditions. ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD... just balancing it all without falling off the horse has been a challenge sometimes. But generally writing in the group has kept me sane and helped me through many issues. It's doing the same right now. A great distraction in difficult times with amazing people who write brilliant stories.
- What have been your greatest achievements in this group?
Staying. That may sound funny but with my ADHD I am getting bored of things very easily. Most things I do have a "new toy phase" and then I'm bored and stop. I have been with SB 118 for 12 years and am not bored one bit. That's my achievement.
- What do you hope to ultimately accomplish?
Make sure that my crew enjoys being on my ship. It's easy as that. Not some rank or position or anything. I just want everyone to enjoy themselves.
- Where do you see this group in five years?
Active, fun loving, crazy, creative bunch of writers. I don't think we're going anywhere.